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*** | hive-mind has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | [07:24] |
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mkb | no she said they were running up until a month ago
not that I expect her to really know anything | [07:43] |
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*** | awyeah has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [07:58] |
m0unds_ | packet loss again | [07:58] |
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jpalmer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) KDE_Perry has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [07:59] |
m0unds_ | yeah, not just me i guess
haha | [08:00] |
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KDE_Perry has joined #arpnetworks mkb has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) awyeah has joined #arpnetworks | [08:01] |
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hive-mind has joined #arpnetworks | [08:19] | |
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mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks | [08:35] | |
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jpalmer has joined #arpnetworks | [09:56] | |
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RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks
RandalSchwartz has quit IRC (Changing host) RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks | [13:16] | |
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mercutio | that was lot pf people that left at once 5 hours ago
or so i wonder if they were all using ipv6 | [13:35] |
m0unds | i was getting awful packet loss on both v6 and v4
i wonder if it's that same annoying thing that was happening last week | [13:44] |
mercutio | well my graphs are fine :/
but my route goes over any2ix | [13:47] |
m0unds | mine is via level3 | [13:48] |
mercutio | i've been dreaming about making a ping thingy
the plot is starting to come together finding good hosts to monitor is the complex part nothing's sticking out as terrible on hte monitoring that's on arp's network i think my test hosts don't really test level3 well though | [13:48] |
m0unds | this packet loss stuff seems to start at approximately the same time each day it occurs | [13:52] |
mercutio | at like 6 hours ago? | [13:53] |
m0unds | yea, around there | [13:53] |
mercutio | i updated my smokeping with my newer targets list at least. | [13:53] |
m0unds | happens between 0830-0900 MDT | [13:53] |
mercutio | i'm never around then :) | [13:53] |
m0unds | yeah | [13:54] |
mercutio | do you have any mtr's or anything? | [13:54] |
m0unds | i can't MTR the arp box because of how severe the packet loss is | [13:54] |
mercutio | does it get unusable? | [13:54] |
m0unds | yep
i can't stay connected via ssh at all | [13:54] |
mercutio | can you setup a cron on the arp box to mtr out?
does packet loss start before it hits arps network? | [13:54] |
m0unds | no
aside from the naturally occurring deprioritization stuff | [13:55] |
mercutio | and it's lossy to arp's web site or other arp hosts at the same time as your vm? | [13:55] |
m0unds | haven't tested it | [13:55] |
mercutio | yeah i hate lboody deprioritisation :) | [13:55] |
m0unds | i guess i will next time this happens | [13:55] |
mercutio | what kvr are you on? | [13:56] |
m0unds | 03 | [13:56] |
mercutio | oh
yeah :) well i'm monitoring that host and i've only seen loss a couple of hours ago | [13:56] |
m0unds | my latency to the vm is jittery as all hell
+/- 12ms | [13:57] |
mercutio | even now? | [13:57] |
m0unds | yep | [13:57] |
mercutio | does it get unusable?i'm seeing 0.1 msec jitter or something
oops i must have pressed up arrow a bit yeh no jitter here well a mtr now could be useful. i usually use mtr -i=0.1 when i'm testing things :/ which shows up deprioritisation even more err mtr -i0.1 but shows jitter easier r1 drops packets with that frequency | [13:58] |
m0unds | ihttp://pastebin.com/F7SJ0GjA | [14:02] |
mercutio | wow
oh you traced to kvr03 :) | [14:03] |
m0unds | yeah
tracing to te vps now it's largely the same | [14:04] |
mercutio | that was with -i1 ?
it could be a comcast issue | [14:04] |
m0unds | negative
it's not | [14:05] |
mercutio | oh | [14:05] |
m0unds | no packet loss to any other destination i've tested | [14:05] |
mercutio | ther's jitter to | [14:06] |
m0unds | buddy in FL was using the voice server and started noticing packet loss and let me know | [14:06] |
mercutio | but i mean between arp/comcast. | [14:06] |
m0unds | yes, because this is a residential cable connection | [14:06] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [14:06] |
m0unds | BryceBot: no | [14:06] |
BryceBot | Oh, okay... I'm sorry. 'yes, because this is a residential cable connection' | [14:06] |
mercutio | but there' snot jitter to the hop prior of 689.86.182.122
but if is a bras, that could be deprioritisation | [14:06] |
m0unds | it's the headend
so yes | [14:07] |
mercutio | yeah
mind sharing your ip? :) | [14:07] |
m0unds | | [14:07] |
mercutio | it's worse to your ip
i'm still seeing no loss though and it's just as bad from another provider | [14:08] |
m0unds | my latency to a box w/another provider is 30.1ms +/- .2ms | [14:09] |
mercutio | oh but it's fine from new zealand
well 3 msec jitter or just under | [14:09] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [14:09] |
m0unds | BryceBot: no | [14:09] |
BryceBot | Oh, okay... I'm sorry. 'or just under' | [14:09] |
mercutio | can you try tracing to ?
that's my nz test server | [14:09] |
m0unds | i have less jitter to that destination than to arp | [14:10] |
mercutio | it's gtt->comcast for forward route | [14:10] |
m0unds | +/- 1.8ms | [14:10] |
mercutio | but i suspect it's forward path from youu that's the issue
yeah i know right i imagine it's not going comcast->level3 | [14:10] |
m0unds | but that doesn't explain why a bunch of other peoples' connections took a dump around 30 seconds after i started seeing packet loss | [14:11] |
mercutio | they may all be on comcast? | [14:11] |
m0unds | congestion could explain the jitter, but i couldn't care less about jitter
no, their sessions to freenode dumped | [14:11] |
mercutio | but yeah level3 may be having issues
oh hmm | [14:12] |
m0unds | on arp V6 IPs (i saw at least one with no rdns that was arp's prefix) | [14:12] |
mercutio | it's not even peak time though
true the mind boggles :) | [14:12] |
m0unds | that's why i'm wondering if someone's machine is doing something at that time
because it happens right around that time each time | [14:12] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [14:12] |
m0unds | BryceBot: no | [14:13] |
BryceBot | Oh, okay... I'm sorry. 'because it happens right around that time each time' | [14:13] |
mercutio | yeah | [14:13] |
m0unds | like maybe saturating the link to upload or download something | [14:13] |
mercutio | i don't think kvr03 is having issues
and i don't think it's likely you're all on kvr03 and i don't think r1 is having issues but s7 coudl be having issues it doesn't really explain ipv6 screwing up thouguh | [14:13] |
m0unds | nope | [14:14] |
mercutio | actually it does
ntt is on s7 if it's a general issue | [14:15] |
m0unds | so, having looked at the users w/out cloaks who dropped when i mentioned packet loss, they were all connected via some arp svc | [14:15] |
mercutio | yeah
incoming skips s7 for ipv4 from r1 and my r1 based routes have been fine but outgoing doesn't skip it | [14:15] |
m0unds | hey, milki jpalmer RandalSchwartz awyeah - are you guys connecting to IRC via an ARP VPS or dedi? if you're on a VPS, mind sharing which host? | [14:17] |
mercutio | but you wouldn't think someone would ddos at the asme time every day | [14:17] |
m0unds | right, that's why i'm thinking it's something saturating a link
or similar | [14:17] |
mercutio | and downloading at high speed over transit enough to saturate links isn't normal | [14:18] |
m0unds | offsite backup, something like that | [14:18] |
mercutio | yeah it could be that they're pushing backups onto arp | [14:18] |
m0unds | if they all happen to be on kvr03, that'd be great
haha | [14:18] |
mercutio | on a dedicated server
i really don't think kvr03 is at fault but i'm happy to be wrong oh hmm kvr03 still goes throuugh s1 i was wondering if hitting a host directly would bypass s1 | [14:18] |
m0unds | outbound route from the vm on kvr03 is via s7 | [14:20] |
mercutio | and that may happen on peering but not transit | [14:21] |
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mercutio | inbound route is via s7 too i think you'll find
it just responds with the link address to level3 probably but it'll be the same host it's only r1 that's assymetric because s1 doesn't have full route table | [14:21] |
m0unds | oh, were you meaning tracing the host kvr03.arpnetworks.com indicates s1? | [14:21] |
mercutio | well i was meaning kvr03 may have more direct path than your vm
but nah it's the same path ish | [14:22] |
m0unds | yeah, looks the same
it's pretty symmetrical. much better than before level3 was turned on | [14:22] |
mercutio | yeah level3 isn't bad | [14:23] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [14:23] |
m0unds | used to be inbound from nlayer/mzima/whatever and outbound via ntt | [14:23] |
mercutio | nlayer would have been fine probably | [14:23] |
m0unds | and it was unusable during "peak" time for me
yeah, it was NTT that sucked way way way oversubbed at comcast | [14:23] |
mercutio | nlayer's been having weird shit happen recently
nlayer/mzima/tinet/gtt i can't tell which is which haha | [14:23] |
m0unds | yeah, hahah | [14:24] |
mercutio | as4436 is having issues
which is that | [14:24] |
m0unds | mzimtinettttttt | [14:24] |
mercutio | it says nlayer :/ | [14:24] |
m0unds | yeah, some stuff still does | [14:24] |
mercutio | http://www.peeringdb.com/view.php?asn=4436
yeah so that's the legacy nlayer | [14:24] |
m0unds | the net formerly known as nlayer | [14:25] |
mercutio | what happened to mzima haha
i wonder how many routes comcast has 245 including ipv6 there's some non aggregated stuff in there too i imagine they have more asn's, that's just AS7922 it kind of sucks that comcast are huge and don't peer :/ | [14:25] |
m0unds | they started splitting up their network a bit more
based on market and stuff, tons of ASNs | [14:34] |
mercutio | ahh
probably a good thing | [14:34] |
m0unds | yeah | [14:35] |
mercutio | mkb isn't on comcast is he | [14:35] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [14:35] |
mercutio | as you said it doesn't seem like it's just a comcast issue
but prioritising making sure users connections well seems sensible freenode on the other hand.. dropping on freenode could be anything that said, i've been stable for a whil again | [14:35] |
does this packet loss happen at toher times than 7:30 to 8:00 MDT? | [14:44] | |
m0unds | it has before, yes
it happened a ton last week (i think it was last week) | [14:44] |
mercutio | but atm i mean
yeh i remember that | [14:44] |
m0unds | well, it hasn't happened since last week | [14:44] |
mercutio | ahh | [14:45] |
m0unds | today's the first day. the time when it occurred in the past started at 0830-0900 MDT and then would occur again throughout the day | [14:45] |
mercutio | that gave me loss though
this one didn't give me loss also kvr03's reoccuring issues in the past got dealt with the specific to kvr03 issues which was fixed about 10 days ago but there was the issue efecting everyone around then too and the effecting everyone was never determined the cause of i think | [14:45] |
m0unds | borrowing smokeping data from acf_ - http://kremvax.acfsys.net/smokeping.cgi?epoch_start=1426863600;hierarchy=;epoch_end=1426888048;target=Remote.arpnet-lsanca;displaymode=n;start=2015-03-20%2008%3A00;end=now;Generate%21=Generate%21
it's on there | [14:49] |
mercutio | ahh i see | [14:50] |
m0unds | 0750 PDT 0850 MDT | [14:50] |
mercutio | it's level3 outbound
to ec2 i wonder if it's level3 having issues | [14:50] |
m0unds | i think this is local though
microsecond ping time on that graph, avg is .688ms | [14:51] |
mercutio | oh
nah his smokeping is weird the top is to arpnetworks.com but the last 30 hours is to ec2.acfsys.net | [14:51] |
m0unds | yeah, from the local box
second is from ec2 | [14:52] |
mercutio | it's the second that's having issues thoguh | [14:52] |
m0unds | the graph i linked, top part, showed 30+% packet loss to arpnetworks.com from within the network
for a period of 10 mins | [14:52] |
mercutio | oh the link didn't work | [14:53] |
m0unds | oh | [14:53] |
mercutio | i dununo why | [14:53] |
m0unds | weird | [14:53] |
mercutio | it wa so long, and it didn't make sense why | [14:53] |
m0unds | ok, well set the time today (03/20/2015) and 0700 as the starting time
to now http://i.imgur.com/Z5WZ0y4.png as an alternative | [14:53] |
mercutio | oh that's better
mine was set to 08:00 | [14:54] |
m0unds | yeah | [14:54] |
mercutio | and it was ll grreen :/ | [14:54] |
m0unds | that weird little blip is there, even on arp>arp stuff | [14:54] |
mercutio | you're so right
http://la.meh.net.nz:24/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi?target=meh.arpmeh that's to arp vm from vm on arp dedicated hmm maybe it is kvr03 issue? i can't rmeember what host acf is on | [14:54] |
m0unds | http://i.imgur.com/jFD4Yic.png
wishing i still had my server at home so i could have additional data but i shut down everything here but an rpi haha a rpi* | [14:57] |
mercutio | acf ios on kvr27
looking at logs he may have more than one host thouugh | [14:59] |
m0unds | i saw something about kvr10 - i was on 27 before (had a project that ended) | [15:00] |
mercutio | oh
i saw discussion about 10 too but he said he had high latencies to 27 but that may have been you :) | [15:01] |
m0unds | yeah, we were trying to figure out the ntt weirdness
around then | [15:01] |
mercutio | i should just monitor them all :/ | [15:01] |
..... (idle for 22mn) | ||
brycec | Thanks for the reminder m0unds, I keep meaning to setup smokeping on my rpi
(but it still won't be today) | [15:23] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [15:23] |
mercutio | i need to set it up on my san jose vultr host
which seeems to be ntt | [15:29] |
m0unds | if i weren't running an awful java app on mine i would | [15:29] |
mercutio | so useful for testing transit from arp i suppose | [15:29] |
m0unds | i need to get another one | [15:29] |
mercutio | the network is pretty bad on vultr | [15:29] |
m0unds | is it? | [15:29] |
mercutio | well it depnds
http://sj.meh.net.nz:24/10m vs http://la.meh.net.nz:24/10m | [15:30] |
m0unds | they're both the same for me, 5MB/sec | [15:30] |
mercutio | maybe youu're closer | [15:30] |
m0unds | i likely am | [15:30] |
mercutio | vultr has random issues more often too
oh wow from uk sj is way faster than la ntt vs level3 | [15:30] |
m0unds | i've only used a couple hosts long term over the last several years
arp and linode for the last 2 or so | [15:31] |
mercutio | i only use vultr cos they're cheap
just for smokeping and bw tests haha and somewhre convenient to ssh to ok this is strange vultr is going ntt->level3 and getting better performance than arp going level3->level3 | [15:32] |
i wonder if something is up with level3
arp to vultr was fast. but sj vultr shouldn't be twice the speed of arp esp when they're both l3 to uk (that was doing a uk test) and vultr has the extra ntt to level3 hop | [15:40] | |
anyone want to try my curl download test? it downloads 7 10mb files | [15:49] | |
*** | YogeeBear has joined #arpnetworks | [15:50] |
mercutio | i probably should just stick it on site
http://weallsee.net/testspeed | [15:51] |
brycec | mercutio: http://sprunge.us/GdAh but 10MB is a pretty small test file for a good connection with 100mbps Internet. | [16:02] |
mercutio | brycec: it's good to be small | [16:02] |
brycec | (that's from my home cable connection) | [16:02] |
mercutio | large fikles you usually have in background
smaller ones you have in foreground and it gives you a good idea if connection is going wekll | [16:03] |
brycec | But for a speed test, a 10MB file on a connection that can carry 10MB/s is a poor sample size. | [16:03] |
mercutio | i usually time the whole script
but adding up the numbers it looks pretty good | [16:03] |
brycec | Ah | [16:03] |
mercutio | but la is slower than sj
why is la so slow | [16:03] |
brycec | (I'm also closer to SJ) | [16:04] |
mercutio | oh
but look how fast you get to new zealand the top one is new zealand | [16:04] |
brycec | ah
faster than .au, impressive and surprising | [16:04] |
mercutio | la.meh.net.nz is a nz ip advertised on an arp vm
i hope it's not going via nz nz is actually closer to the US than asutralia and syd is vultr :/ | [16:04] |
brycec | yeah but aren't most trans-pacific cables going to Sydney directly? | [16:05] |
mercutio | i thought it was more imrpessive that it's faste than los angeles
nope well they are but it's a longer cable i probably should use an arp ip but as a quick test, la.meh.net.nz ping looks fien? | [16:05] |
brycec | (currently running mtr's to see)
(Looks like I get to NZ via Cogent's SJ -> Plain.net.nz direct) (And Sydney via NTT LA / Equinix Sydney) http://sprunge.us/GNCS if you're curious la pings were slightly slower than san jose, and both went over NTT | [16:06] |
mercutio | well it matters more what my route to you is
it's 3.18 kernel on la vs 3.19 on the others it's gtt->comcast from nz and it's going direct via san jose and la is sending out via level3 to comcast. with way worse jitter i mean icmp deprioritisation and all that, but it's 0.3 msec jitter vs 2.1 msec jitter. the jitter on seattle level3 is showing 0.3 msec jitter though the jitter is on te-0-1-1-ten01.spokane.wa.seattle.comcast.net and te-0-1-0 they both hit that hop which alternates. | [16:13] |
brycec | (I should point out that Spokane, roughly wear I live, is a city 5 hours East of Seattle) | [16:18] |
mercutio | actually they both hit be-37-sur03.spokane.wa.seattle.comcast.net
and the jitter isn't there | [16:18] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [16:18] |
brycec | (So, presumably Seattle serves as our upstream, but it is aways away) | [16:18] |
mercutio | so probably it's forward path
ahh your mtrs only have one ping | [16:18] |
brycec | Yeah, for expediency | [16:20] |
mercutio | it's hard to know thouugh
yeah can you run that test again just to make sure it's not random that la is going slow? | [16:20] |
brycec | sure | [16:23] |
mercutio | i mean 30 megabit isn't /that/ slow | [16:23] |
brycec | do you want just la's mtr? | [16:24] |
mercutio | just la's mtr
and la's download speed actually just doing la a few times over for the 10mb test would be fine it gets over 40mb/sec from vultr so i doubt it's a general throughput issue which is making me wonder if level3 is being weird | [16:24] |
YogeeBear | DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 سمَـَّوÙÙˆÙØØ® Ì·Ì´ÌØ® Ì·Ì´ÌØ® Ì·Ì´ÌØ® امارتيخ Ì·Ì´ÌØ® | [16:25] |
*** | YogeeBear has left "DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 سمَـَّوÙÙˆÙØØ® Ì·Ì´ÌØ® Ì·Ì´ÌØ® Ì·Ì´ÌØ® امارتيخ Ì·Ì´ÌØ®" | [16:25] |
mercutio | if it's slightly problematic generally, it increases the chances that it's being more problematic other times | [16:26] |
brycec | mercutio: http://sprunge.us/LRJG
(and traffic on my own net is relatively quiet) | [16:26] |
mercutio | wow
it's all ove rthe place. i reckon there's packet loss can you try the same thing with garlic.plain.net.nz:24/10m ? i expect it'll be the same | [16:28] |
brycec | sure, one sec | [16:33] |
mnathani_ | anyone use policy based routing to redirect certain traffic out a different gateway? | [16:33] |
mercutio | i've done it before mnathani_ | [16:34] |
brycec | mercutio: http://sprunge.us/dMJd | [16:34] |
mercutio | using ip rule and multiple tables | [16:34] |
brycec | I redirect specific subnets and addresses over my work vpn, yeah | [16:34] |
mercutio | yeah same diff with garlic
it's xen, garlic is dom0 why does your router have such high pings? just seems a bit strange :) | [16:35] |
brycec | because I don't have direct ethernet to it | [16:37] |
mercutio | oh it's bridged? | [16:37] |
brycec | (ethernet-coax-ethernet) | [16:37] |
mercutio | ahh | [16:37] |
brycec | decanet specifically
pings to other hosts on this side of the bridge are .3ms | [16:37] |
mercutio | maybe we could try iperf udp test? | [16:38] |
hoggworm | sup with yogeebear trying to dccc the file "startkeylogger" | [16:38] |
brycec | hoggworm: #frenode is already aware | [16:38] |
mercutio | it's a pita if you can't easily forward udp | [16:38] |
brycec | hoggworm: https://nullroute.eu.org/~grawity/startkeylogger.html | [16:38] |
hoggworm | brycec: cheers | [16:38] |
brycec | np | [16:39] |
mercutio | that startkeylogger thing is old apparently
and it's been in other channels earlier | [16:39] |
hoggworm | oh
haven't seen it yet on ircnet/efnet/dalnet | [16:39] |
mercutio | apparnelty it's an old mirc thing | [16:40] |
brycec | I first got a random CTCP in Arabic from them :/ | [16:40] |
mnathani_ | brycec: so destination address based routing? | [16:40] |
brycec | mnathani_: just simple "route add..." stuff | [16:40] |
mercutio | i used it for source based routing | [16:40] |
mnathani_ | I am trying to route my chromecast over a vpn | [16:41] |
brycec | (and I use pf to limit sources) | [16:41] |
mercutio | yeah that's easy mnathani_ | [16:41] |
mnathani_ | without forcing all wireless traffic over the vpn
oh and I want to be able to stop routing over the vpn with a command | [16:41] |
mercutio | http://blog.scottlowe.org/2013/05/29/a-quick-introduction-to-linux-policy-routing/
does that help you? | [16:41] |
brycec | command: "Woman, unplug this cable" :p | [16:41] |
mnathani_ | ie: no config changes or dhcp lease changes on the chromecast | [16:42] |
mercutio | of course you'll want to set a static ip or permanent dhcp ip address on the chromecast | [16:42] |
mnathani_ | dhcp reservation is what I have now
I am attempting to do this using vlans / cisco layer 3 switch and Router if required | [16:45] |
mercutio | if you have a linux box
just set the chromecast to gateway to the linux box and look at that link i linked for policy routing basically youu can have two route tables ip rule add from lookup custom so you can have a table called custom | [16:46] |
mnathani_ | would a linux vm work, or will it work out better to have a physical box with multiple interfaces? | [16:47] |
mercutio | vm is fine
ip route add default via dev eth1 table custom then you do something like that | [16:47] |
mnathani_ | are these going to converto to iptable rules? | [16:48] |
mercutio | hmm i did a udp test to uk nad it was fine | [16:48] |
acf_ | network namespaces in Linux are also nifty | [16:49] |
mercutio | it's even got less jitter than vultr
so why is http going slow | [16:49] |
..... (idle for 22mn) | ||
this level3 thing just gets weirder
with multiple connections to the uk one of them goes way faster than the other so there's some load balancing going on so my udp test may have been fine because it was on the fine connection so bryces huge varying degrees of speed for the 10mb file may been due to alternating load balanced connections | [17:11] | |
mnathani_ | mercutio: how can I test the curl 10 meg files | [17:19] |
mercutio | mnathani_: http://weallsee.net/testspeed
it's a shell script with the urls and set -x so you know which host it's going to :) i'm seeing jitter to comcast now too from nz it was fine before, so comcast's load balancing is lame too :) it seems to be a general issue these days i think the core issue is that people are using aggregated 10 gigabit ethernet connections with people with high speed connections close by and that seems to be more of an issue regionally, as long distance connections are 40g+ it may even be aggregated gigabit in smaller locations. | [17:19] |
mnathani_ | http://pastebin.com/byQUYHGx
thats from my residential 60mbit connection in Toronto | [17:31] |
mercutio | wow you're so slow to japan
and nz i wonder why on teksavvy? | [17:32] |
m0unds | http://pastebin.com/fDh8A1iW | [17:34] |
mercutio | ok i find this more than a little disconcerting.
la is slower than it should be it seems is a reoccuring theme | [17:35] |
m0unds | haha | [17:35] |
mercutio | i do wonder why mnathani was so slow to japan and nz though | [17:36] |
m0unds | yea, i'm maxing out at 2.3MB/sec from that la test
could be horribly slow writes yea, hitting 5.4MB/sec on my desktop i forgot i was testing on my rpi :) | [17:38] |
mercutio | it doesn't write
it redirects to > /dev/null | [17:41] |
m0unds | well, an arm6 cpu is dog-ass slow
regardless | [17:41] |
mercutio | yeah | [17:41] |
brycec | mercutio: the Ethernet on the rpi is a USB connection to the host
so bus- and cpu-bound ;) | [17:41] |
m0unds | and that ^ | [17:41] |
mercutio | yeh they suck | [17:41] |
m0unds | it's fine for running crashplan
haha | [17:42] |
brycec | I wouldn't say they suck, they just have their place | [17:42] |
m0unds | yep
i have one that controls my fermenter and i have one running crashplan | [17:42] |
brycec | (Find me another $35 computer that is comparably spec'd and has a non-usb and non-seial Ethernet controller :P) | [17:43] |
mercutio | http://pastebin.com/4jcYkRjF
this is my vdsl connection | [17:43] |
brycec | I have one for OOB/serial access to my core network, and one for Kodi. A good gamut of uses. | [17:43] |
m0unds | rpi terminal server sounds good | [17:44] |
mnathani_ | I can send you an mtr | [17:44] |
brycec | m0unds: it's powered by the USB port on my wifi AP :P | [17:44] |
m0unds | i have some old-ass cisco 2516-rj
even better, hah oh, i have one that does aircraft transponder monitoring via sdr dongle forgot about that one | [17:44] |
brycec | fun | [17:45] |
m0unds | the dump1090 binary is a little crashy, but i just automate restarting it | [17:45] |
mnathani_ | mercutio: http://pastebin.com/nQR6qvNu | [17:47] |
mercutio | yeah it's any2ix both ways
does that mean you're any2ix to la.meh.net.nz too? maybe they're overloading their any2ix port | [17:48] |
mnathani_ | I redid the speed test http://pastebin.com/i8g3fz9x | [17:49] |
mercutio | i'm probably going to have to upgrade japan's bandwidth :) | [17:50] |
mnathani_ | you mean japan your host
as opposed to the country right | [17:50] |
mercutio | oh it's fine
yes it's vultr tokyo server 108.713 GB of 200 GB (54%) (Bandwidth preferences) it looks like it's fine because most of it's incoming | [17:50] |
mnathani_ | some hosts like liquidweb do free incoming | [17:52] |
mercutio | vultr doesn't :/
but they onyl charge you whichever is highest and outbound is way lower on 42.468gb it's a real pita increasing bandwidth on them your vps shuts down for ages etc cos you have to change plans | [17:52] |
mnathani_ | do other things change as well
like cpu cores and memory | [17:54] |
mercutio | you get some more memory and more disk | [17:55] |
mnathani_ | when you enter the next tier | [17:55] |
mercutio | yeah
but i don't use much disk /dev/vda1 15G 3.1G 11G 23% / | [17:55] |
mnathani_ | do you have a slave setup for smokeping | [18:01] |
mercutio | nope | [18:01] |
mnathani_ | or are they all individual | [18:01] |
mercutio | i just stick it on multiple hsots | [18:01] |
mnathani_ | I guess its easy enough to compare / correleate events with the web interface | [18:02] |
mercutio | yeah
i find it easier but i want multiple views etc so i can choose how it shows :) so i'm trying arp's test download and i'm finding it seems worse for performance it seems to speed up slower | [18:03] |
mnathani_ | do you have 100 meg test files? | [18:04] |
mercutio | nope
i can make one i have 200mb testfile.zip it's urandom not a zip file | [18:04] |
mnathani_ | on each host? | [18:04] |
mercutio | yeah that's everywhere
there's also 200k everywhere i'm smokepinging with 200k 200k actually identifies issues often but it has a huge latency bias with 10mb the latency doesn't matter nearly as much well at < 50 megabit at > 200 megabit it does they should all be on gigabit too i think i also have it on cloudflare http://weallsee.net/10m but i don't think they like you doing that cloudflare is served from that first ip with light use it's prob ok | [18:04] |
does someone else want to try hosting a 10mb file? | [18:20] | |
brycec | https://speedtest.cobryce.com/speedtest/random2500x2500.jpg ot
*it's 12MB but close enough there's also 3000 and 3500 oh and 4000x4000 is 40MB *30MB | [18:26] |
mercutio | hmm it's slightly quicker
3598 vs 3407 so yeah probably just the larger file size having a copy the same size woudl be better for testing comparitively i reckon | [18:27] |
brycec | (and I have smaller files - 1000 1500 2000 2500)
(oh and 350 500 750) | [18:28] |
mercutio | http://la.meh.net.nz/mini/speedetst/random2500x2500.jpg
i have that too :) but not everywhere | [18:29] |
brycec | good typo :p | [18:29] |
mercutio | oh shit
s/detst/dtest/ | [18:29] |
BryceBot | <mercutio> http://la.meh.net.nz/mini/speedtest/random2500x2500.jpg | [18:30] |
mercutio | oh yours is https
mine is faster for me now oh cool you can take the s off | [18:30] |
brycec | port 80 is there too
I didn't realize I linked to https | [18:31] |
mercutio | yeah i'm finding mine slightly quicker
but not by much i should check from uk weird i'm getting way faster speeds from the uk to mine than yours way faster than i was getting on 10mb before like 1.6 to 2mb/sec to yours, and 4.4 to 5.4 to mien | [18:31] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [18:33] |
brycec | brycec is also uploading to his VPS right now | [18:34] |
mercutio | shouldn't matter?
oh it's a vps? i thought it was dedicated from the mtr but of cousre.. arp makes all vps's look dedicated :) | [18:34] |
brycec | lol | [18:35] |
mercutio | are you on 100 megabit? | [18:35] |
brycec | Yes, I beleive so
*believe | [18:36] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [18:36] |
mercutio | still, uk and nz are about same distance away | [18:37] |
brycec | (there we go, flash speedtest fixed speedtest.cobryce.com) | [18:37] |
mercutio | and it waas tiny difference from nz and huge from uk
i bet mine's out of date yip bah it wants you to login now http://c.speedtest.net/mini/mini.zip | [18:37] |
brycec | what? | [18:38] |
mercutio | to download new mini.zip
my speedtest is out of date | [18:38] |
brycec | It didn't ask me, but I guess I'm already logged in | [18:38] |
mercutio | but chrome remembered my login
well it downloads that fast http://la.meh.net.nz:24/mini/ | [18:38] |
brycec | from home, I get just better than 6mbps from yours | [18:40] |
mercutio | weird now that was slower on mine than on yours for me
6 megabit? i'm even getting slower upload | [18:40] |
brycec | I find the mini test to be fairly unreliable, at least compared to what I get via other methods | [18:41] |
mercutio | yeah it's lame | [18:41] |
brycec | but it's a useful tool | [18:41] |
mercutio | i prefer my 10mb test.
but what i really want is something that can test a whole lot of normal web sites etc. but there's huge complexities in there the problem with speedtest is it just tests close local servers normally or you tell it to go to some server, adn you don't know which to go to it doesn't really help getting 100 megabit locally if there are no web sites hosted locally but how far do you go? i often find ovh web sites slow but i don't go to any of them regularly. it's more i find a web site not loading and i trace to it and it's ovh and then it's back again sometime and still going slow of course it's not necesasrily ovh's network but like mnathani getting slow speeds to japan and new zealand may not really bother him at all | [18:41] |
mnathani | I don't really need to reach nz or jp most of the time | [18:46] |
mercutio | mnathani: exactly
i don't even need to reach japan really but it's similar ping to california | [18:46] |
mnathani | Did you see my second speedtest | [18:46] |
mercutio | and it's another way to the US
so if there was some big outage between NZ and US I coudl bounce via there :) oh they went u~p i wonder why it was slow the first time. so now sydney and la the slowest i wonder what connection speed they have on any2ix 10 gigabit | [18:46] |
maybe i should try upgrading kernel on la | [19:02] | |
ok slightly newer kernel | [19:13] | |
.................................. (idle for 2h46mn) | ||
mnathani_ | mercutio: 10 mb it too small for the speed test
here are my results with the 200 meg test file: | [21:59] |
mercutio | mnathani_: why do you say taht? | [21:59] |
mnathani_ | http://pastebin.com/28uxqhES | [22:00] |
mercutio | hmm la is still slow :( | [22:00] |
mnathani_ | connection takes a few seconds to reach max speed - by then the file download is already complete | [22:00] |
mercutio | yeah but a lot of that's ramping up, the connection stability etc.
often for interactive stuff it's what matters it's interesting how close nz and au are for speed it does look like there's some issue there, but i can get fast to tehre slower than last time something's a little weird it pauses around 7mb/sec for ages but yeah for 200mb file in la from nz i get average speed of around 8 mb/seec, and current speed of aroudn 11.5mb/sec that is faster than any of your test resutls. | [22:01] |
mnathani_ | I have another VPS I can test on
in Toronto | [22:06] |
mercutio | oh yip | [22:06] |
mnathani_ | the tests from me were on residential connection | [22:06] |
mercutio | i get 17mb/sec to sydney | [22:06] |
mnathani_ | are you talking megabits or megabytse? | [22:07] |
mercutio | megabytes | [22:07] |
mnathani_ | lowercase means bits
:-) | [22:07] |
mercutio | nah Mb means megabits
MB means megabytes mb could be either :) it shows as M in curl fwiw the question remains why the slower speeds | [22:07] |
brycec | 17MB/s? Damn that's a nice fat pipe. | [22:12] |
mercutio | uk is consistently giving 5200k/sec within 100k/sec
brycec: it's gigabit that's testing from the top server on that list i mean it's gigabit ethernet, not gpon or anything | [22:12] |
brycec | heh
brycec is currently stressing his network and NAS pulling files @ 100+MB/s, wheee USB3 flash drive | [22:13] |
mercutio | i can only do around 4.2megabytes/sec from home
heh i can do faster than that at home over network :/ | [22:13] |
brycec | My home network is only GbE :p | [22:14] |
mercutio | yeah i ordered qdr infiniband cards | [22:14] |
brycec | (averaging 108MB/s currently - disk IO bound) | [22:14] |
mercutio | they're only $30 US each | [22:14] |
brycec | Nice. | [22:14] |
mercutio | it just means i have to get someone to resend them to me
i still don't know how much that'll cost | [22:14] |
brycec | heh | [22:15] |
mercutio | but ebay's global shipping program sucks
and the first seller wouldn't ship by usps and the second seller doesn't ship outside the US | [22:15] |
brycec | (Also IB wouldn't work well for me - can't very well run another cable across the apartment) | [22:16] |
mercutio | heh
i'm still trying to figure out how the hell i'm going to cable my room i want to get from one side of the room to the other runinng cables along the ceiling is guly ugly running on the carpet with a rug over could damage them atm i'm using ethernet and plugging and unplugging but i'm thinking that i'll have a few on this side | [22:16] |
brycec | I have a single cat6 strung over top the doorways from front to back of the apartment, it blends in more or less, but every time I see it is a reminder | [22:17] |
mercutio | heh
well i was noticing that fibre is thinner than copper but it's bright yellow well the stuff i have is | [22:17] |
brycec | (or orange, typically) | [22:18] |
mercutio | this is smf
http://pastebin.com/6JyuxBEX that's windows test to home on zfs bloody samba is a cpu hog | [22:18] |
brycec | Only a 100MB test file? Did that ever leave RAM? | [22:20] |
mercutio | yeah
it's windows it's disk cache sucks if it was ram it'd be 2000+ i have 32gb of ram it'd have to be huge to be bigger than ram and it does seem consistent | [22:20] |
brycec | lol | [22:21] |
mercutio | well mostly
i'm using ssd's with write cache err slc write cache and linux will buffer some writes but i care about network performance rather than disk performance for these tests :) mnathani_: can you test downloading bryce's image? there should be 5000x5000 i dunno what his cap is like heh the strange thing about mnathani getting slower speed is that it's a any2ix route and i'm getting fine any2ix performance and japan and nz should be using any2ix too and teksavvy only listened any2ix california rather than north/south | [22:21] |
mnathani_ | http://la.meh.net.nz/mini/speedtest/random2500x2500.jpg < that file?
or you mean from his box | [22:25] |
mercutio | yeh but s/2500/5000/g
but yeah from his box do both of them see if it's similar | [22:26] |
brycec | (it's an ARP VPS) | [22:26] |
mnathani_ | is the url handy | [22:26] |
brycec | speedtest.cobryce.com/speedtest/random2500x2500.jpg | [22:26] |
mercutio | oh there's 3500 but not 5000
oh you know what | [22:27] |
brycec | up to 4000 | [22:27] |
mnathani_ | are those actual images? | [22:28] |
mercutio | if there's a transparent proxy it'll hit with bryce's link but not mine
yeah they're just random pixels though | [22:28] |
brycec | mnathani_: they'll render, sure... but it's static/random | [22:28] |
mercutio | it's better than speedtest.net's upload test of zeros
but it's still dedupable well you can also hack it to cache too i was playing with it ;) but it won't give you a result if it goes faster than 1 gigabit i was just rewriting urls, it's the same mini.zip thingy for the real speed test servers too | [22:28] |
mnathani_ | I probably shouldnt test from 2 hosts simultaneously hitting brycec's vps | [22:33] |
mercutio | haha
yeah he'll have 100 megabit nothing has been extremely bad though, so it's diff from the packet loss issue | [22:35] |
brycec | (and a portion of that is constantly in use :p) | [22:36] |
mercutio | heh la.meh.net.nz has done like 1tb of data in the last 100 days
i thoguht that was quite a lot in+out combined oh i've lost it now because i updated the kernel | [22:36] |
mnathani_ | is that your dedicated box at ARP ? | [22:37] |
mercutio | it was more like 900gb i think
it's a vm on dedicated box | [22:37] |
mnathani_ | so gigabit pipe | [22:37] |
mercutio | yeh
but yeah there's a reason why i don't normally do 200mb tests ;) | [22:37] |
mnathani_ | atleast not automated ones
with smokeping | [22:39] |
mercutio | well with smokeping it's 200k | [22:39] |
brycec | brycec notices a few telltale spikes on today's ARP bandwidth graph ;) | [22:40] |
mercutio | and it's pretty flat except sometimes gets better/worse
but stays good/bad yeah i wonder if up_the_irons will see it on his graphs | [22:40] |
mnathani_ | my memory usage on windows desktop is at 88% and I cant seem to figure out whats using up 21 Gigs of Ram | [22:40] |
brycec | it's relattively minor on mine, so almost certainly unnoticed. | [22:40] |
mercutio | i think some people are doing huge amounts of bandwidth so maybe it'll fade into the background
mnathani_: haha | [22:40] |
mnathani_ | and I dont want to reboot | [22:41] |
mercutio | i'm not even doing anything on windoms and it's using 5.7gb
two chorme windows, task manager, crystal disk mark, steam, a command prompt, skype, and foobar2000 | [22:41] |
brycec | hm I do have an arp metal box... I should set something up on it. | [22:42] |
mercutio | chrome is runing a lot of processes for two windows | [22:42] |
mnathani_ | almost 90 chrome processes for me | [22:43] |
mercutio | skype is using 174.1mx of ram
mb how do you find out the number of chrome processes? | [22:43] |
mnathani_ | I counted
in the details | [22:43] |
mercutio | god
i don't want to do that :) | [22:43] |
mnathani_ | probably a better way
using grep | wc -l or something if you have cygwin | [22:43] |
mercutio | chrome://memory-redirect/
i don't have cygwin i have synergy i just use linux :) chrome is using 1.3gb of private virtual memry | [22:44] |
mnathani_ | c:>tasklist | grep chrome | wc -l
85 | [22:44] |
mercutio | and 700mb of private memory
sj ;,ddk oh sweet | [22:44] |
mnathani_ | when I installed git I chose the option to install unix tools in my path | [22:45] |
mercutio | % cat tl | grep -i chrome | wc -l
16 i cut and paste it :) i had tasklist actually i piped it to a file, then used notepad on it and cut and paste it cat tl | awk '{ print $5, $_}' | sort -n will show you what's using the most ram well "cat tl" can be tasklist for you | [22:46] |
mnathani_ | 'awk' is not recognized as an internal or external command | [22:48] |
mercutio | gawk?
mawk? nawk? | [22:48] |
mnathani_ | c:>tasklist | gawk '{ print $5, $_}' | sort -n
-nThe system cannot find the file specified. | [22:48] |
mercutio | haha shit
just cut and paste it to linux? or bsd same diff :) hell even a mac will work windows is so behind | [22:48] |
mnathani_ | there is probably a powershell equivalent | [22:49] |
mercutio | i wonder what sort does
you maybe to output to a file and use the sort command yeah sort doesn't take standard input and you can tell it how much memory to use | [22:49] |
mnathani_ | task manager has a listing with memory
but its not accurate | [22:50] |
mercutio | tasklist said 239,852 kb memory
and task manager said 171 mb i think it was for skype | [22:51] |
mnathani_ | lol
turns out it was VLC that had massive videos on pause | [22:51] |
mercutio | don't you wish for "top"?
was it prebuffering the whole file or something? | [22:51] |
mnathani_ | it had a portion in memory
video was 48 gigs | [22:52] |
mercutio | 23gb though? | [22:52] |
mnathani_ | I was doing some video rendering earlier as well
process might just have been hanging in the background or something I am running the curl speed tests on a Toronto VPS | [22:54] |
mercutio | will be interesting to see how it compares | [22:55] |
mnathani_ | not sure what the max speed of this vps is | [22:56] |
mercutio | you shall find out :) | [22:57] |
mnathani_ | wow | [22:57] |
mercutio | comparative is intersting anyway | [22:57] |
mnathani_ | 12.7 MB/s from LA | [22:57] |
mercutio | i got more than that before
from nz you'll hvae like 100 msec ping or something | [22:57] |
mnathani_ | you had gigabit though | [22:57] |
mercutio | so do you that menas
means | [22:57] |
mnathani_ | 100 megabits / sec = 12.5 megabytes per second | [22:58] |
mercutio | yaeh but 100 megabit physical ethernet never does 12.7mb/sec :)
it can sometimes do 11mb/sec | [22:59] |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [22:59] |
mnathani_ | http://pastebin.com/Bt9cXc6E | [23:00] |
mercutio | hmm
that's actually lokoing really good | [23:00] |
mnathani_ | UK is a bit low | [23:01] |
mercutio | tthe uk server doesn't haev good provider redundancy
it's just using level3 and some people don't have good connections to level3 | [23:01] |
mnathani_ | but thats expected going over the pond | [23:01] |
mercutio | not really
it's way closer than nz japan is going surprisingly well what speed do you get from that vps? | [23:01] |
mnathani_ | its a customer vps
I never really tested | [23:03] |
mercutio | oh that route is over any2ix too
it's any2ix/he.net | [23:03] |
mnathani_ | would you be surprised if route to jp from that vps woas out cogent | [23:04] |
mercutio | it's what japan uses to get to it that matters
wow the forward route is ntt->cogent too it's going via seattle what location is slc oh is that salt lake city? it's any2ix from nz too but via northern side hitting palo alto | [23:04] |
mnathani_ | http://pastebin.com/XavbkEi5 | [23:07] |
mercutio | yeah the reverse route is basically the same
can you try to the nz server again? i just upped the transmit window size | [23:08] |
mnathani_ | thats the one with the IP | [23:09] |
mercutio | yeah | [23:09] |
mnathani_ | instead of hostname? | [23:09] |
mercutio | it's emerald.meh.net.nz
if you want a name for it bad habit :) i know what it is :) | [23:09] |
mnathani_ | http://pastebin.com/HSw0G1bL | [23:11] |
mercutio | slightly better
actualyl about 50% better a bit less but damn when did he.net get good? :) | [23:12] |
mnathani_ | just tested downlaoding to myself from the toronto VPS : http://pastebin.com/9cYizZzR | [23:14] |
mercutio | nice
maybe you should bounce your connections via it haha cable can often have inconsistent speeds comcast, cox, verizon are all like that they all have sub par routing bulk/cheap but from the little i read about teksavvy it sonuded like they wanted to be better than other people so maybe they will peer more and more and upgrade their network etc. but why some any2ix fast and some slow is bizzare it doesn't seem like an arp issue but it's hard to know for suure | [23:14] |
mnathani_ | I consistently max my connection while using usenet | [23:19] |
mercutio | to a close server? | [23:19] |
mnathani_ | they use a pool and geo dns | [23:19] |
mercutio | joh yip
oh yip well any2ix is ages away from torronto :/ | [23:19] |
mnathani_ | haven't run a trace to them | [23:19] |
mercutio | but i can't for the life of me figure why it would be slower | [23:20] |
mnathani_ | http://pastebin.com/ddGVk8mY
thats one of the usenet servers not sure if they do anycasting too | [23:21] |
does appear to be an anycast address | [23:27] | |
mercutio | you suure? | [23:30] |
mnathani_ | pretty sure | [23:30] |
mercutio | that's going to east coast for me it seems | [23:30] |
mnathani_ | I got low ping from ARP
and Toronto and IL | [23:31] |
mercutio | weird i get high ping from nz
sj to la to dc connects to hwng in sj | [23:31] |
mnathani_ | how do I get mtr report to be 2 times as wide | [23:32] |
mercutio | lots of things are high ping here though
like ebay | [23:32] |
mnathani_ | so hostnames are visible | [23:32] |
mercutio | and amazon
amazon is around 230 msec i dunno why it's so high ebay lost hop it shows is phoenix at 150msec but it seems to load slow actually it's better than it used to be i thought sites like that were meant to be heavily optimised thogh :) | [23:32] |
mnathani_ | try doing a dns lookup | [23:35] |
mercutio | ok | [23:35] |
mnathani_ | see if you get a different ip | [23:35] |
mercutio | on what name? | [23:35] |
mnathani_ | news.newshosting.com | [23:35] |
mercutio | nope
same location news.newshosting.com is an alias for news.iad.newshosting.com. i assume that is location | [23:35] |
mnathani_ | and 2 ips? | [23:36] |
mercutio | yeah
.28 and .29 same ip you had | [23:36] |
mnathani_ | is there a way to use looking glass
to check as path and determine anycast or perhaps they just peer a lot | [23:36] |
mercutio | BGP.as_path: 9559 17746 4610 4826 12989 29798
it says dc from arp too and 60+ msec that's not low ping :) well it's low ping for east coast but it's still east coast | [23:37] |
mnathani_ | hmm .. so its not anycast
? | [23:39] |
mercutio | yeah
but it's nearish to you | [23:39] |
mnathani_ | I think they have different dns names for europe | [23:40] |
mercutio | yeah could do | [23:40] |
.... (idle for 17mn) | ||
brycec | So I recently started getting random hits for /data/v3/config.dat from some misconfigured Maxthon browser thinger. I got tired of firewalling the random IP's, and I have plenty of bandwidth to spare, so I pointed them at a 48GB (sparse) file instead. The last request gave up around 300MB MWUAhahaha | [23:57] |
mercutio | haha what
crazy wouldn't it be better to feed it out really slowly? | [23:58] |
brycec | vps3.cobryce.com:443 - [20/Mar/2015:23:32:31 -0700] "GET /data/v3/config.dat HTTP/1.1" 200 365837887 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Maxthon/ Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36"
mercutio: but that's harder It's supposed to be some "safe browsing" file from what I found Googling it. So I'm possibly overwhelming the hapless computers. :D | [23:58] |
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