#arpnetworks 2015-03-13,Fri

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phluxGood morning nerds [03:14]
mercutioevening [03:28]
i can't find my pants
dnepants are overrated [03:35]
phluxI concur
That is why I took them off yesterday without second thought and forgot where I placed them
Fortunately, my wife has located them
Crisis avoided
mercutiodoes anyonw know if it's possible to get grub to output to both serial and normal console ? [03:44]
phluxI have no experience there [03:44]
.... (idle for 15mn)
plettmercutio: Yes. But not at the same time. You typically get a "press any key to activate" message on both consoles and whichever one hits a key first is used [03:59]
dnethis seems to imply that you could have both at the same time (terminal_output --append ...): https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/terminal_005foutput.html#terminal_005foutput
same for "terminal_input"
mercutioplett: lame
dne: hmm
will it take input from any? ist hat grub2?
dneyup I think so [04:02]
plettmercutio: I've never needed to control a boot from both physical console and serial console at the same time. I'm always either sat in front of one or the other, not both [04:03]
mercutioplett: i just thought it'd be a nice default [04:03]
plettIt is. I have puppet set it up on all our physical machines
The stuff that I have augeus do via puppet is this on a CentOS/RHEL box:
changes => [
"setm title/kernel/ console $console",
"rm splashimage",
"rm terminal",
"rm serial",
"ins serial after timeout",
"ins terminal after serial",
"set serial/unit 0",
"set serial/speed 9600",
"set serial/word 8",
"set terminal/timeout 5",
"clear terminal/serial",
"clear terminal/console",
Oops, that was longer than I thought it would be, sorry for spam
Under Debian-oids it is much easier, you can set an option in /etc/default/grub and it Just Works
mercutiohmm [04:08]
plettAnd if you still have to support RHEL/CentOS 5, the order in which you configure consoles in grub is critical. That's why that augeus config is so specific and long-winded [04:11]
mercutioi'm just doing work on arp templates for vm's, and thouught it'd be convenient if people could get a serial console at grub by default
but i don't want it to be more complicated for people who don't want to use serial console
pressing a key seems to be a little less transparent :(
.............. (idle for 1h7mn)
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mkb has joined #arpnetworks [06:34]
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novae has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [17:25]
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bells has joined #arpnetworks [22:11]
Is there a free mail client that I can get so I do not get errors(Cannot open URL) when I click on mail address on a website http://tinypic.com/r/2igfw47/8
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....... (idle for 30mn)
mnathani_how much difference in cpu power would I get going from say : Intel Xeon E5-2620 V2 to Intel Xeon E5-2690 V2 [22:52]
...... (idle for 29mn)
mercutioabout 40%?
i'm just throwing out random numbers.
if you hvae multithreaded workloads then it's probably more improvement with 2 cpus
for multithreaded workloads you can get some idea from passmark

way more difference then i guessed
it's close to twice as fast
it's 10 core instead of 6 core, and 50% faster clock rate.
10 cores seems like a strang enumber
haha you should see the price diff though
e5-2620v2 $382.81, e5-2690v2 $226.04+4.99 shipping
err 2226
>>> (382.01)/(2226.04+5)
17.12% of the cost

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