#arpnetworks 2015-03-11,Wed

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***DaCa has joined #arpnetworks [00:32]
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novae has joined #arpnetworks [02:22]
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phluxGood ol' Seinfeld :)
Love my mornings
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mhoran+1! nsd is great. [05:58]
.......... (idle for 45mn)
grodyi just audited my home network and even though i have a few sshds open on a few random high ports (did a full 64k sweep of my blocks from outside) and none of them alone would grant entire access to the network, same with most other services i run
then i looked at my VPN
that grants access to EVERYTHING.. even the NAT networks
how i oversighted that beats me and i should be stoned, beaten and shot
........ (idle for 35mn)
***novae has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [07:18]
m0undsin that order? [07:32]
..... (idle for 24mn)
grodywith how im feeling about my epic fail, i really dont care :p
i've mitigated it now, but im sat here wondering, has my network been compromised
the VPN was in use by some 3rd parties
m0undslawdy lawd [08:07]
grodyi hate this process
everything seems fine, but it's a case of looking for something missing
rather than something present
logs are emailed regularly, they seem consistent local and remote, aide isn't spotting changes in critical files... but you can never be too sure
only another 8 hosts to rifle through
............ (idle for 57mn)
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mercutiom0unds: has your ssh been better? [11:26]
m0undsyea, hasn't dropped at all today
last 4 days, i would disco from most irc networks, ssh would drop, monitoring would go nuts, etc
availability for the last 4 days was less than 93%
i don't run anything critical on this vps though, just hobby & personal project stuff
wondered how long it'd take for them to get into the ad kiosk game
mercutiooh irc duh :) [11:38]
m0undsyea, i have my irc sessions in tmux, teamspeak, couple of webapps, nothing important at all
essentially the stuff i used to run at home but had no desire to have at home anymore (electricity bill sucks, cooling sucks, etc)
mercutioyeh there's mitigation of sorts on there now. [11:41]
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mnathani_does any one else have an issue where they open way too many tabs on chrome?
making it hard to even see the little icon showing you what site that tab represents
m0undsnah, i subconsciously start a new window and add tabs to that [13:30]
mercutioyes mnathani_
oh i open windows and tabs so i don't have that issue
i just find chrome starts getting really slow
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mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks [14:29]
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mnathani_running apache: whats the best way to redirect /smokeping to /smokeping/sm.cgi without creating a loop? [14:48]
brycecRedirect /smokeping/?$
(Apache supports regex, right?)
At least, I think Rewrite does, which should do the trick for you
mercutioi used alias i think
and just had it in directoryindex
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***medum has joined #arpnetworks [16:32]
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m0undsbrycec, staticsafe - you guys happened to notice elevated steam invite spam lately? [17:46]
staticsafenope [17:46]
m0undsugh. i've rejected 15 friend requests today, 9 yesterday
all profiles with steam level 2 or lower and no friends or game activity
brycecm0unds: I didn't used to get any, then I made my profile "public" for Christmas (so others can see my wishlist), and I started getting spamvites every other week or so.
Certainly nothing as bad as what you're seeing.
Though it's probably mostly to do with what groups you're in
m0undsi'm only in a couple groups, pruned most away. profile is private. [17:52]
mnathani_whats the max memory that can be tested using : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memtest86 [17:55]
BryceBotMemtest86 :: Memtest86 and Memtest86+ are open source memory test software programs designed to test and stress test an x86 architecture computer's random access memory (RAM) for errors. Each tries to verify that the RAM will accept and correctly retain arbitrary patterns of data written to it, and that there are no errors where different bits of memory interact, and there are no conflicts between memory addresses. Description... [17:55]
brycecMax memory modules is 64, so 64*whatever the largest memory module there is I suppose [17:56]
mnathani_I have 32 Gigs on this server I want to test
no idea how much an individual module is
brycec32GB is fine [17:58]
mnathani_is a module like a stick, or like a chip on the stick [17:58]
brycecI've done it
brycec32GB is "nothing" I thought you were talking hundreds of GB [17:59]
mnathani_the x86 portion threw me off, making me think 32 bit and 4 GB max support
but I think the x86 is more for intel architecture
the name is just "86" (no x)
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mnathanihttp://imgur.com/SVhaDZ8 [18:27]
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mercutiom0unds: do you get people wanting to trade all the time on steam ? [18:57]
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mnathani: that'll be 36gb
i thought you said 37
32GB is nothing :)
people don't normally go above 96gb with ddr3
because sticks bigger than 8gb are expensive, and filling more slots gives worse performance.
isn't opteron 2736 ddr2?
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [19:56]
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mnathani_mercutio: opteron 2376 you mean [20:15]
mercutiooh probably, i couldnt' cut and paste :)
memtest has a new fancy version with uefi
but it seems to default to non smp mode
it seems you musut have toggled smp on
you realise those things will use a lot of power right? [20:30]
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mnathanipower is included in my rent [21:04]
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mercutiooh :) [21:11]
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