#arpnetworks 2015-02-04,Wed

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bryceclol [00:00]
JC_Dentoni'm pretty sure it's not that 4U beast ;)
or what looks like 4U
mercutioit's a blade!
it's mounted vertically in that chassis
JC_Dentonthat size?
they seem too small
or am i too used to the monster Blade Center sized blades
up_the_ironsyup, 8 servers in 3U

they are indeed tiny
brycec*breathing intensifies* [00:17]
up_the_ironsLOL [00:17]
my how times have changed
brycecI love servers that have a USB port on-board, internally, so you can put the OS on it, or recovery, or whatever... [00:22]
...... (idle for 27mn)
mercutiothat's pretty common bryce
i don't like it myself
i didn't think of recovery, but it's a pita to change
some kind of more secure slot or something woudl be nice though
an sdcard slot?
that pushes in like laptops
actually having more than one could be good too
i like the idea of pxe boot recovery best.
makes it easier to udpate etc.
.... (idle for 18mn)
brycecmercutio: it didn't used to be common. :p
And presumably, it's not going to be changed often. Installed once when built, and it can be rewritten/changed later as-needed (if used for recovery/reinstall), or if it's used for OS install then it's simply there.
..... (idle for 20mn)
mercutiohp servers have for ages [01:32]
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mercutiook dl380 g5s have them
trying to find a year for that though
it seems g4 does too
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mnathani_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:52]
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mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks [12:37]
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mercutioso does anyone know how the git /etc thing is meant to work?
do you just do it like any other git repository, or is there a way to make it more secure?
brycecmercutio: you talking about git-annex?
mercutioi dunno what i'm talking about
i just thought i should try using git for /etc
brycecThen that's what you're talking abotu ;) [23:45]
mercutiobut i haven't looked into it before.
i found something called etckeeper so far
do you use /etc on git?
brycecMe? I do not.
I knew someone else that used git-annex
mercutiodoes git-annex auto-commit? [23:46]
brycecmercutio: No. See https://git-annex.branchable.com/walkthrough/ [23:47]
mercutiook nice long wlakthrough
i will have to check it out tomorrow i think
brycecheh, the core is in the first few examples, a quick skim is all that's needed [23:48]
mercutioahh [23:48]
brycecIf you want to store the files too (full on git, not just git-annex), then it's a simple "cd /etc/ ; git init" (etc etc etc) [23:49]
mercutioi'm mostly thinking about how to get it to automaically store stuff
and record changes
even if people don't commit every change
ie it's only updated from one place for one machine
jlgaddishttp://evilrouters.net/2011/02/18/using-etckeeper-with-git-on-ubuntu/ [23:50]
mercutiomaybe git isn't the cleanest way? [23:50]
jlgaddiswhat are you using it on?
the os, i mean?
brycecYou could put the commit in cron, or put some elaborate hook in your .profile... But I don't see any other "automatic" way [23:50]
mercutioubuntu [23:50]
brycecs/u/ew/ [23:50]
BryceBot<mercutio> ewbewntew [23:50]
jlgaddiswell, there ya go. see link. [23:50]
jlgaddis: are you using it?
jlgaddisyup [23:51]
mercutioahh this looks a little better
"Though I think we would all agree that it???s important, the unfortunate fact is that myself and other members of my ???team??? don???t necessarily document things as well as we always should. "
that's so prevalent.
brycecAs someone that's taking over the sysadmin role at a company with a surprisingly complex, and very interwoven with the product they sell, IT structure... Yeah, so true.
"How the fuck does that database replicate to that server? WHO KNOWS!"
jlgaddisonce it's installed and initialized, you don't have to touch it. you *can* commit changes manually after you make them if you want (and i'd recommend it) but if you forget, they'll be auto-committed via a nightly cron job.
and apt hooks into etckeeper also, to do pre- and post- "apt stuff" commits
brycec(There were some efforts to document the design aspects later on, but I still have to figure out all the little nuances and try and roll-out a duplicate environment) [23:56]

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