#arpnetworks 2015-01-27,Tue

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mercutiowoot! CVE-2015-0235
oh that' snot something that brycebot works with, gethostbyname vulnerability in linux
***brycec is now known as THE_BANANA_KING [12:40]
mercutiohi bryce [12:45]
THE_BANANA_KINGhey mercutio
I'm happy to say there are exactly 0 calls to gethostbyname in BryceBot
PHP on the other hand probably has a few, but I made it a policy to never open random/arbitrary URLs in BryceBot. Plus IRC line lengths limit what you can do
mercutioi meant something that brycebot would parse the header of, and explain what it is :)
but it's good to see you're not looking up random names too.
a lot of software does though.
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mnathanihttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/47b95648f1f419919ee5 [14:13]
BryceBotGist: "https://gist.github.com/47b95648f1f419919ee5" [14:13]
mnathanitraceroute to ARP using my new Fibe / VDSL connection
is it me or is there just a lot of RFC1918 going on there
THE_BANANA_KINGNot especially a lot, no. [14:15]
mnathanifirst hop is my Mikrotik Router [14:15]
THE_BANANA_KINGAt least not in my experience with ISPs (as a customer) [14:15]
mnathanirest is the ISP [14:16]
THE_BANANA_KINGWhere "rest" is just 3 more rfc1918 hops
And then you reach Bell's core network
.... (idle for 16mn)
plettmnathani: Does your Mikrotik have a public IP on its external interface, or are you on a hellish CGNAT service? [14:32]
mnathanipublic ip on pppoe interface, yes
and they dont limit the number of pppoe sessions
I know I am using 2 public Ips right now - one for their modem / access point, another on the Mikrotik
mercutiomnathani: what was your old route like?
i hate it when i see even one rfc1918 hop on an isp
but it isn't really an issue normally
mercutiomnathani: they may complain if you use 100 :)
mnathani: and how can it be a fibre / vdsl connection. is it ftth or fttb?
or fttb
god fttx :)
fttb didn't even meant what i thought it did. i meant fibre to the block
fttn is what i was thinknig of it seems.
BryceBotFiber to the x :: Fiber to the x (FTTX) is a generic term for any broadband network architecture using optical fiber to provide all or part of the local loop used for last mile telecommunications. The term is a generalization for several configurations of fiber deployment, ranging from FTTN (fiber to the neighborhood) to FTTD (fiber to the desktop). Definitions The telecommunications industry differentiates between several distinct... [14:51]
mercutioand now it seems it's probably fttc
but shifting to fttn/fttp
actually with that huge ping it probably is vdsl.
mnathaniold route was hurricane electric
less hops
less latency
mercutiowell it looks like hop 2 is really high latency.
unless it's far away.
mnathaniI am guessing its the DSLAM [14:54]
mercutiosuggesting vdsl interleaving.
yeah it's probably 8 msec upstream 8 msec downstream at a guess.
mnathanithey had to bond 2 lines though [14:54]
mercutiobut it may be a combination..
it maybe 8/1 then
what speed are you at?
mnathaniadvertised: 25/10
actual : 26/1.5
mercutioyeah you should be able to get that with a single line normally :) [14:55]
m0unds1ouch on the upstream [14:55]
mercutioso you're probably far away. [14:55]
m0unds1is it noisy or something? [14:55]
mercutiothat's adsl speeds. [14:55]
mnathanithe guy says its upto 10 not 10 guaranteed [14:55]
m0unds1yeah, sounds like it's stepping down the upstream [14:55]
mnathanioh and tv is on the same network [14:56]
mercutiovdsl hardly ever steps down downstream
even at 13 megabit sync you should get more than 800kbit up
which is why i thought adsl.
mnathaniso if you record multiple channels simultaneously, it will slow down the internet [14:56]
mercutioi wonder if the bonding is screwed.
maybe it doesn't bond upstream properly?
have you tried iperf in udp mode?
or with parallel connections
mnathaniI think I am 1.4 km away from the DSLAM
haven't tried the iperf yet
mercutiotehy really just need a closer dslam.
vdsl is so much less intrusive than fibre.
THE_BANANA_KINGpfft the only thing /they/ need is more money. what /mnathani/ needs on the other hand... [14:58]
mercutiomeaning higher uptake, quicker installs.
i mean i'd love 100 megabit upload
but it seems general aims are more ilke 100 megabit down 20 up now?
docsis and vdsl are kind of pushing speeds up surprisingly on terrible lines.
and i don't think vdsl has had a bump recently, so it's likely to jump upa gain
oh are you geting terrible weather mnathani ?
mnathani@weathe yyz
@weather yyz
BryceBotToronto-Pearson International, Ontario: Mostly Cloudy ☁ 19°F (-7°C), Humidity: 42%, Wind: From the NNW at 16 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=43.67722321,-79.63055420 or re-request this with: @weather -v yyz [15:03]
mercutioeek [15:03]
mnathanikinda cold [15:04]
mercutiodo you have to go out in weather like that? [15:04]
THE_BANANA_KINGbreezy and cold [15:04]
mnathaniwe do
have to go out that is
mercutiothe magic of internet
it's so weird how people can have such different weather
it looks kind of warm on that web site, until i realise it's farenheit not celsius
mnathani@weather -v yyz [15:06]
BryceBotToronto-Pearson International, Ontario: Mostly Cloudy ☁ 19°F (-7°C), Humidity: 42%, Wind: From the NNW at 16 MPH, Pressure: 30.15inHg (1021mb) and rising, Dewpoint: 0°F (-18°C), Feels like 5°F (-15°C), Visibility: 15Mi (24km), UV index: 0, Sunrise 07:40, Sunset: 17:22, Lunar phase: First quarter
Tuesday: Clear 19°F/7°F (-7°C/-14°C) | Wednesday: Clear 30°F/17°F (-1°C/-8°C) | Thursday: Snow 31°F/9°F (-1°C/-13°C) | Friday: Partly Cloudy 9°F/-1°F (-13°C/-18°C)
The average high for this date is 27°F (-2°C), and the record of 51°F (10°C) was set in 2002. The average low is 13°F (-10°C), and the record of -9°F (-22°C) was set in 2005
mercutioi was trying to find the forecast [15:06]
mnathaniatleast its not -22°C [15:06]
mercutioso is that a high -7 c?
it's been quite a few years since i've experienced 3c let alone -7c
and i can't evne imagine -22c.
mnathanioh and -7 feels like -14 with the wind [15:08]
mercutiooh you can click on gear icon and change to C
mnathanikeeping things real [15:08]
mercutioweird it just changed to -9c
and feels like -15c
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ant@weather scn [15:10]
BryceBotThere is 1 weather alert in effect for your area! There is a Snow/Ice Es muss mit Glätte durch überfrierende Nässe, in
höheren Lagen auch durch einzelne Schneeschauer gerechnet werden.&nbsp.
Saarbrucken, Germany: Mostly Cloudy ☁ 34°F (1°C), Humidity: 100%, Wind: From the West at 7 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=49.21282959,7.10769987 or re-request this with: @weather -v scn
antpretty warm [15:10]
mercutioToronto is under another extreme cold weather alert, the seventh one of the year so far covering 10 days in January. [15:10]
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m0unds1it's stupid warm here for some reason [15:16]
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mercutioit's 29c in this room
feels too hot to me
m0unds1it was almost 18C here today [15:17]
mercutiothat sounds cold to me heh [15:17]
m0unds1it's winter here [15:17]
mercutiothere's a low of 19c here today
we get 18c in winter here
m0unds1our typical high in january is -1C [15:18]
now that's a striking contrast
m0unds1lows ~-12C [15:18]
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m0unds1this is weather like we'd typically see in maybe late march/early april [15:18]
mercutiothat seems to be a reoccuring pattern around the world
atypical weather is the norm :)
m0unds1yeah [15:19]
mercutioit's kind of disconcerting. [15:19]
***THE_BANANA_KING is now known as brycec [15:19]
m0unds1we had snow last week. that was nice. [15:19]
mercutioi love snow [15:19]
brycecMe too [15:19]
m0unds1my wife borked one of her wheels hitting an icy patch and smacking a curb
going like 5mph
mercutioi hate melted snow that just goes all muddy/wet [15:19]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:19]
brycecI moved here, in part, for the snow. It has snowed maybe 4 or 5 times this whole winter :( [15:19]
mercutio4 or 5 times sounds ok?
winter isn't over yet?
brycecLast year it was snowing at least once a week. [15:20]
m0unds1brycec: where are you again? [15:20]
brycecCanadian border [15:20]
m0unds1oh, WA, right? [15:20]
yeah, inland
m0unds1gotcha [15:20]
brycec@weather -v [15:20]
BryceBotbrycec: Fetching weather for your previous query (zmw:00000.1.10866)
Snow/Ice Schauerartig verstärkter Schneefall, 5 bis 10 cm
Neuschnee, Glätte.&nbsp in effect from 2015-01-27 20:51:00 GMT until 2015-01-289:00:00 GMT: Snow/Ice Schauerartig verstärkter Schneefall, 5 bis 10 cm Neuschnee, Glätte.&nbsp)...
Munich, Germany: Snow ❄ 31°F (0°C), Humidity: 90%, Wind: Calm, Pressure: 30.12inHg (1020mb) and falling, Dewpoint: 29°F (-2°C), Feels like 32°F (0°C), Sunrise 07:46, Sunset: 17:05, Lunar phase: First quarter
Wednesday: Partly Cloudy 35°F/28°F (2°C/-2°C) | Thursday: Snow 38°F/30°F (3°C/-1°C) | Friday: Overcast 33°F/22°F (1°C/-6°C) | Saturday: Mostly Cloudy 37°F/21°F (3°C/-6°C)
The average high for this date is 35°F (1°C), and the record of 59°F (15°C) was set in 2002. The average low is 22°F (-5°C), and the record of -4°F (-20°C) was set in 2005
@weather -v 99019
m0unds1hahahah [15:21]
BryceBotLiberty Lake, WA: Partly Cloudy ☁ 42°F (5°C), Humidity: 85%, Wind: From the SE at 2.0 MPH Gusting to 4.0 MPH, Pressure: 30.05inHg (1018mb) and holding, Dewpoint: 38°F (3°C), Feels like 42°F (6°C), Visibility: 10Mi (16km), UV index: 1, Sunrise 07:21, Sunset: 16:41, Lunar phase: First quarter
Tuesday: Overcast 45°F/36°F (7°C/2°C) | Wednesday: Overcast 43°F/35°F (6°C/2°C) | Thursday: Partly Cloudy 45°F/34°F (7°C/1°C) | Friday: Partly Cloudy 42°F/33°F (6°C/1°C)
The average high for this date is 38°F (3°C), and the record of 46°F (7°C) was set in 2003. The average low is 27°F (-3°C), and the record of 8°F (-13°C) was set in 1997
m0unds1putty mangled that
so many screwy unicode chars
brycecWhat doesn't putty mangle? :P [15:21]
m0unds1well, kitty i guess
i dunno. if i find something i'll tell you.
brycecit's way too damn warm here imo. Bring back my sub-0 temperatures. [15:22]
mercutiogives a nice excuse to light a fire? [15:23]
brycecI just like when it's cold [15:23]
mercutioi used to too [15:24]
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THE_BANANA_KING is now known as brycec
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mnathaniwhats the best dynamic dns service out there these days? Previously I have used no-ip
now that my IP is no longer sticky
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [19:40]
mnathaniBryceBot: no, thats what I said [19:40]
brycecI just hang off my own domain, either self-hosted DNS, or dns.he.net [19:40]
mnathaniwhat mechanisim do you use to update the dns automatically? [19:41]
brycecperiodic curl (which is what most ddns programs use anyways)
Also some routers can do it automatically (since they're the only device that can detect an IP change without making an external request, generally speaking - and if the app is making an external request, it might as well be the same request as to update the ip)
mnathaninot sure if my Mikrotik can do it [19:45]
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mercutiomnathani: you could do a lt2p/ipsec tunnel over it
and log when it connects from a new ip
that way you've also got a nice tunnel you can use if you want as well
actually i wonder if it automatically createws a new connection when ip chagnes
can't you just log routeros new ppp sessions?

looks like you should be able to
mnathani__jan/27 17:20:30 system,error,critical login failure for user admin from via ssh
ssh should never have been publicly available
mnathanilooks like traffic from Toronto on Bell to Toronto / Teksavvy traverses Chicago
and goes via he.net
BryceBotGist: "Toronto / Bell to Toronto /Teksavvy via Chicago" [21:39]
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brycecHas anyone else had issues not receiving responses from support@? This isn't a slight against up_the_irons, not at all. Rather, I sent an email from my company account 9 hours and never received the autoresponse, but I just sent an email from my personal account and immediately got an autoresponse.
(and yes, I did check my spam :p)
mercutioi think there's greylisting bryce.
dunno if you can check the mail queue
i kind of wish these things were more transparent
mnathani: that does look broken
although it doesn't look like latency is any worse than los angeles to los angeles going via san jose?
brycecYeah I have no hands on the exchange server :p But I'd assume 9 hours would be plenty for greylisting to have retried :/
brycec shrugs
Oh well
mercutiomaybe the exchange server doesn't retry.
hmm i think exchange can be a bit weird about dns too
oh there's only one dns entry
there's also ipv6 on email
it's not that exchange is trying ipv6 and failing or something stupid like that?
brycecI have no way of knowing [23:00]
not related
but funny none the less
wow the post below that is sacry
apparently gmail was(is?) blocking any emails coming in with ipv6 hostnames in the headers without reverse lookups
but yeah as as short term solution maybe email from somewhere else?
but you'd probably have to check the exchange end and have arp check their end to debug what's happening with mail
......... (idle for 42mn)
m0unds1mnathani: if you have a mikrotik device, they have their own svc built into the software on some routeros devices [23:46]
mercutiothat's kind of cool [23:46]
m0unds1it's "mynetname" or something
/ip/cloud in the cli
err, ip cloud print should show you if your device supports it
mnathanim0unds1: no cloud under my /ip section
RouterOS v6.5

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