#arpnetworks 2015-01-21,Wed

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***technoid_ has joined #arpnetworks [00:04]
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up_the_ironsOur new Flickr stream: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130053163@N03/
i also don't understand the comment, "Please don't add support for OpenBSD. I prefer to use a more robust provider, arp networks."
not like DO adding OpenBSD support would prevent anyone from choosing ARP
mercutioup_the_irons: there's a few weirdo's around that discussion. one of them posted on openbsd-misc.
they're obviously not customer-focused :/
those photos are nicely done.
although that one makes it look like the rack of servers is going to fall on you
up_the_ironsi swear they are bolted very firmly to the floor [15:47]
mercutioyeah i'm sure they are :)
it's just the angle
up_the_ironsdo all my repos 404 for you guys too? https://github.com/up_the_irons?tab=repositories [15:50]
mercutionah fine for me [15:51]
up_the_ironsweird [15:51]
mercutioprobably some load balancer
i find github really fast these days.
up_the_ironssomeone had told me it 404s for them
and it does for me also
mercutioso i imagine they must be doing something fancy at least
i tried a few
do files like that show?
or do you mean when git pulling?
git clone https://github.com/up_the_irons/arpnet-toolbox.git
that worked fine for me too
brycecup_the_irons: These photos look very nice :) I dare say too nice... they look like stock photos. Wonder if there's some way you could "ARP" them up a bit?
up_the_irons: I tried pulling up arpnet-toolbox and 404'd (even refreshing. I hit some .128 IP). From ARP, it loads fine connecting to some .130 IP.
(obviously some photos like https://www.flickr.com/photos/130053163@N03/16333156565/ do have little ARP stickers on them, but others don't)
mercutiobrycec: it's partially because he has got a good camera.
most data centre pictures seem to be taken with cellphones etc
brycecAnd because they're "artsy" [15:59]
mercutiowell who would want to take bland pictures with a good camera? [15:59]
brycecThought there were some duplicate uploads too, but further investigation revealed they were just very similar angles
And what's with these 2013 dates - let's get updated ones :)
mercutioi want to ssee older ones myself :/
i like to see evolution
For now mercutio you'll have to look at the old stuff https://www.flickr.com/photos/51184165@N00/ :p
(some far more interesting server pics in those too)
up_the_ironsbrycec: thanks. i had thought they might look stock. not sure what to do. they were taken by a professional photographer. way better than what i could do myself. [16:01]
mercutioup_the_irons: i think it's kind of getting expected these days to look good
as long as there aren't stupid annoying logos on the front page advertising hp and so on i'm happy

although including something like that oculd be nice
brycec(Nope, just a couple stupid logos pimping SuperMicro :P) [16:11]
acf_the websites with the stock smiling people are the worst [16:12]
m0undshahaha [16:12]
mercutioyeh i never seem to see supermicro logos around [16:12]
acf_this: http://creationaura.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/when-you-need-a-VPS-Hosting-and-things-to-consider-before-choosing-a-VPS-Hosting-1.jpg
please no
at least he's not weeping openly
acf_:P [16:14]
m0undsliquidweb used to have awful stock photos of their employees "doing things"
oh look, they still do
mercutiowhen i was chosing network hsots i was testing network performance first.
yeah that's a pretty bad picture
oh is this about arp's new web site?
atm it's a bit weird how you click on vps and it shows the #arpnetworks on freenode part, but the page is mostly the same as front page.
up_the_ironsmercutio: yeah the new website is totally different. it actually has a "front" page, different from vps page [16:30]
mercutiosweet. [16:30]
up_the_ironsour _real_ people doing work: https://www.flickr.com/photos/51184165@N00/8538575234/ [16:31]
mhoranCool! [16:31]
up_the_ironsthink i'm gonna need to copy some photos from my personal stream and add them to new ARP stream
why yes, i found a *10* Mbps fiber run
BOTH 10 Mbps fiber AND copper.
up_the_ironsyup [16:34]
mhoranThat's impressive. [16:34]
m0undsdinosaur photos [16:34]
mercutioi was testing fibre vs copper latency at gigabit
the difference seemed very minor
i seem to remember people saying that fibre has less latency.
up_the_ironsfor short runs, it probably doesn't matter
for runs where you _must_ use fiber, then obviously it would matter :)
mercutioheh i have 2 metre direct-attach cable too. but that's not long enough to get to my test host :(
it seems data centre stuff is tending towards sfp+
but it's much less convenient than cat6
up_the_ironsi won't use fiber for short runs unless i have to, there's simply no advantage [16:46]
mercutiothat's what direct-attach is meant to fix
i you have sfp+ switches
up_the_ironsi c [16:46]
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oh wrong channel
well hello anyway :)
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up_the_ironsmkb: it's never the wrong channel to say hello [18:07]
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brycec^++ [18:19]
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treshoemwhich datacenters do the kvr hosts live in? One Wilshire, Wilshire Annex or 600 W. 7th St. [18:46]
now they call it CoreSite
mercutioso windows 10 is going free. next you know windows may go open source :/ [19:03]
reardencodeyeah, I'm going to upgrade all of my windows computers to windows 10 right away... yup, all of 'em. [19:04]
mercutiodo you have any?
windows 10 isn't actually too bad as far as microsoft operating systems go
reardencode(all 0 of 'em :-P ) [19:05]
mercutioheh [19:05]
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mnathanihow do I get a pastebin to wrap code? [19:49]
mkbhas it still got those tiles? [19:53]
m0undsyou mean the ones you rarely ever have to see? [19:58]
mkbI haven't used it, but the people I know who have complain about the tiles a lot [20:00]
m0undsif you're a user who has to click icons and can't use a keyboard, then i suppose it could be offensive if you hate colors or something
if you can hit windows key then type the first two letters of whatever app you want, you won't have to see them
you can also pin commonly used stuff to the taskbar ala osx or win7 and won't have to see tiles ther eeither
mkbno this is someone who'd rather have cd, ls, etc. than Windows Explorer [20:02]
m0undsokay, then why use windows? [20:02]
mkbthat's what I ask him [20:02]
that's absurdly silly
oh well
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mercutiomkb: tiles are much less prmimnent
i kind of find it funny to see people trying to use cygwin on windows
brycec"trying to use" is there something I'm unaware of? last I tried a few weeks ago, it Just Worked(tm) [21:30]
mercutiowell it doesn't really give you a proper unix experience [21:31]
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m0undsdoes it provide a "unix enough" experience? that's all i ever needed from it [22:57]
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brycecI should say so. I found it akin to having an xterm (or whatever) [23:38]
mercutioi found a virtual machine worked a lot better, all the X stuff didn't work very well
and all the command line stuff was really really slow
it may be better now

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