#arpnetworks 2015-01-20,Tue

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mkbin the interests of minimalism the Linux people have been removing practically everything useful from their OSes
mercutio, maybe telnet protocol is dead but it's useful for seeing if a server accepts connections on port X
.......... (idle for 45mn)
mhorans/removing.*/moving everything useful from their OSes into systemd/ [06:06]
BryceBot<mkb> in the interests of minimalism the Linux people have been moving everything useful from their OSes into systemd [06:06]
...... (idle for 29mn)
mkbs/minimalism/dubious minimalism (at best)/ [06:35]
BryceBot<mkb> in the interests of dubious minimalism (at best) the Linux people have been removing practically everything useful from their OSes [06:35]
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brycecI would argue that it's less about minimalism and more of not encouraging bad practices. Even Windows/MSFT removed telnet from their "base" install. [08:00]
Did they also remove telnet, the client?
***lystra has left "Leaving" [08:15]
technoid_I still use telnet to test that services are answering [08:17]
brycecI use netcat, or nmap. [08:25]
technoid_I am old, change is hard [08:30]
m0undstelnet is part of the base system in centos 7
at least it was on mine
telnet.x86_64 1:0.17-59.el7 @base
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mnathanim0unds: yum install telnet installs it, but it was not installed by default [09:26]
mkbThey don't have nc on Fedora either. And nc doesn't send rn, which testing a lot of services require
Though now a lot of that might need openssl s_client and that leaves a lot to be desired too
***technoid_ has quit IRC (Quit: (null)) [09:34]
brycec"nc doesn't send" This statement is factually incorrect. [09:37]
mkbmy nc doens't send rn unless I type ^M at the end of each line [09:39]
brycecOhhh I misinterpreted what you said
thought my IRC client was just flaking out with the rn
mkbah. and there's one of them that requires the rn [09:41]
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m0undsmnathani: i figured it wasn't in yours, i was just noting it was installed by default in the base system on my install of centos 7 (@base)
which was installed from media with just the base system selected (all other stuff was added later by me using yum)
mnathanimine was a net install, I think I picked infrastructure server [16:12]
m0undsah, that could do it
i hadn't used centos in years so i figured i'd try out 7
mnathaniare you familiar with / do you use: nc (or netcat) utility [16:12]
m0undssorry, had to get coffee - i've only used it for basic stuff [16:18]
brycecnc is pretty easy/simple stuff. socat on the other hand... [16:19]
m0undsi used it mostly for debugging issues w/telemetry from recording gear at my old job
it was supposed to be sending certain strings of data on a port to a supervisor server, and we got a replacement LSI card w/different BIOS on it that formatted the output of a command differently than other stuff
oh, and for debugging serial over network crap too
brycecIt's fun stuff
I'm currently using socat to forward/bounce telnet connections
m0undsneat [16:26]
brycecGot so tired of port-scanners hitting port 23 that I now "forward" those connections to the ascii star wars
(telnet vps3.cobryce.com)
m0undsahahaha [16:27]
brycecsocat -lm -d -d -6 -U TCP-LISTEN:23,fork TCP:towel.blinkenlights.nl:23 [16:27]
m0undstoo funny [16:28]
brycecbrycec bows [16:28]
i thought this had colour
I guess it all depends if you've licked any stamps lately :P
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brycec"Please don't add support for OpenBSD. I prefer to use a more robust provider, arp networks." Please don't add support for OpenBSD. I prefer to use a more robust provider, arp networks.

(flubbed the copy/paste)
The Internet confuses me...
staticsafedat logic
mhoranWat. [19:35]
mercutiowhy are you reading do forums? [19:35]
brycecMaybe that was secretly up_the_irons
In my defense, mercutio, it was linked to me by another channel
mercutioi imagine he'd use some capitals for arp
"Openbsd for me too. It feels the safest environment for me as a home user. Totally given up Linux now.
such quality on there
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [19:36]
arch is pretty easy to install from iso
i wonder if this idea of shifting to templates is getting in the way
staticsafeain't nobody got time to manually install from an ISO
mercutioarch users do :/
well arch tends to be wehre people wnat to have options
a lot of people wanted them to keep arch around
and they're deprecating it
i wonder if arp supports arch
"Arch is my go-to. I'm upvoting this ticket and also the ticket to allow custom ISOs, to allow me to use Arch. Please?"
brycecIt certainly does insomuch as you can install your own ISO :p [19:41]
mercutioso they don't actually support iso on digitalocean [19:41]
staticsafenope [19:41]
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mkbmkb doesn't understand this digital ocean fad
all I ever hear about them is people trying to petition them for some other OS
I go find someone who will let me install whatever OS I want
that said, arp wasn't the first place i've had openbsd
but in the past i'd had to do iso install
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***technoid_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [21:17]
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novae has left [23:46]

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