#arpnetworks 2015-01-08,Thu

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mnathaniI just love how I reinstalled my Windows 8 OS on my main desktop, but when I reconnect my tmux session, all my terminals, windows, weechat sessions are intact. Magical stuff [12:46]
..... (idle for 24mn)
mercutioyeah tmux is handy :)
i kind of wish putty could sync sessions, fonts, etc.
did you use ninite mnathani ? it's really good for windows installs.
basically you just select from a list of programs you want installed like putty etc and it downloads/installs them. it even downloads and installs at once.
brycecAll without user interaction [13:12]
mercutioyeah it's pretty amazing if you're into windows. [13:12]
brycecExtremely handy for bringing up new Windows installs. [13:13]
mercutioor just want to install useful programs on someone's computer
i like it how it doesn't include too much stuff.
.......... (idle for 47mn)
kusuriyathe other thing I love for bringing up windows installs honestly is chocolaty
I install windows, install that, and run a script to pull all of my apps from there
***RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks [14:13]
RandalSchwartzgonna try to see if I can VNC into the console... again.
if not, I'm hoping up_the_irons is around. :)
mercutiohaven't heard of chocolaty
everything seems to be about chocolate
was it a joke?
RandalSchwartzfor the dedi machines, I want "remote control" "redirect console"?
and then "launch console" which still seems like it does nothing. :)
ahh.. right. same problem as before. unsigned java, so I can't run it at all.
....... (idle for 32mn)
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: i'll be in a better position to watch the console around 4:30; i'm on a bad connection here right now [14:54]
mercutiorandal yeah for dedicated annoying java thingy
did you end up trying ipmi?
RandalSchwartzOK - let me know
ipmi doesn't provide the VNC-like interface I need, and serial console is not yet enabled.
acf_RandalSchwartz: are you trying to do it in the browser? [14:59]
RandalSchwartzyes [14:59]
acf_I had the same problem
I think supermicro has some jar file on their ftp
for Linux
RandalSchwartzOh wait... I had that somewhere. [15:00]
acf_you can run with java -jar ... and it will give you a UI [15:00]
RandalSchwartzok... I have the supermicro logged in
"Launch KVM Console" pops up a black screen, then immediately closes.
acf_I think the VNC broke for me though. it runs some libc-linked binary that wasn't compatible with my libc
^ that
that sucks
if you look at the debug output, that's what's happening
I think I ended up just finding a Windows box to use
RandalSchwartzand the text console requires rebooting and changing a very critical file
such that if I screw it up, I don't get booted.
apparently the SuperMicro remote console view thingy is actually just VNC
but with some funny authentication extension
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: for me, when i get a black screen that immediately closes, i just click the launch button again and it works
RandalSchwartz: i'll let you know when i'm back at the office
RandalSchwartznope - I've hit it five times in a row
no good
I wonder if I could trick chicken of the VNC to talk to it
mercutioi wish there was something like ipmi for graphical console.
so hp/dell/supermicro/etc dont' all have different interfaces/problems
although they all seem to have similar annoyances with wanting to use java tbh
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: i've tried tricking VNC to talk to it, but even though it runs on port 5900, it is some type of Supermicro proprietary VNC, which doesn't work with regular VNC in my experience [15:14]
RandalSchwartzugh [15:15]
acf_probably wouldn't be too difficult to reverse engineer [15:15]
RandalSchwartznot like VNC is a standard or anything [15:15]
acf_it's because they don't want to use password authentication [15:15]
mercutiohp has an emulated text console
you can just ssh in and type a command and it'll show you the screen in text
(as well as having seperate serial port for remote console)
the hp one is kind of laggy and annoying and not wonderful, but you use it so rarely that it doesn't really matter.
that is, it works.
i can't relaly see supermicro suddenly going open, but maybe people should pressure them to be "feature complete" with hp/dell
RandalSchwartzwell. the supermicro java has a serial console feature
but again, since I haven't enabled that in freebsd, I don't have it
mercutioso does openipmi
yeah enable it in freebsd, and you can just use ipmi console, using ipmitool.
have you got a windows box you can try from?
plettipmitool sol works great with supermicro ipmi cards, I use it all the time [15:25]
mercutioplett: oonce you set it up :) [15:26]
plettmercutio: On Debian, that's just a matter of telling the grub bootloader to use a serial port as it's console [15:26]
mercutioplett: it doesn't help if it's not setup though
afaik randal can't get into his box at all atm
acf_RandalSchwarts: use Debian? [15:28]
mercutioserial console in freebsd is easy too
plettSet up how? I don't recall having to set anything up in the ipmi card via the bios before hand [15:28]
mercutioin /boot/loader.conf [15:28]
acf_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200n8"
in /etc/default/grub
mercutiohe said he was using freebsd iirc [15:29]
acf_I see [15:29]
mercutiothat was off hp box but i'm sure it's the same [15:30]
acf_yea, I've used that before
unless it requires a certain baud rate or something
plettOn Debian with systemd (and probably other systemd machines too) you don't have to enable the getty on the serial port, it notices that grub is using serial as the console and does it for you
All hail systemd :)
acf_yesterday my systemd on Debian got into a tight loop and wouldn't do anything [15:32]
mercutiooh hmm, [15:32]
acf_http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2015-January/026811.html [15:33]
mercutiottyu0"/usr/libexec/getty std.57600"vt100on secure
think you need that in /etc/ttys
it doesn't like the tabs i think
dneand on recent freebsd there's "onifconsole" which I guess is a bit like what plett described except w/o the dbus crap :) [15:35]
plettdne: I didn't know that. How recent? I haven't seen it in 10.0 [15:36]
dne10.1 at least, and I think 9.3 [15:36]
plettThat probably means that I need to upgrade one of my 10.0 test machines to 10.1 to try it [15:37]
dneyup it's in the release notes for 10.1 & 9.3 [15:39]
RandalSchwartzI know it's a simple edit to /boot/loader.conf, but if I screw that up, the box doesn't boot at all, I presum.
so I have to have someone who can get to the console to diagnose and fix how it's broken.
mercutioi think you can set it at the bootloader too [15:43]
RandalSchwartzbut the bootloader doesn't see the serial port unless it's in that [15:43]
mercutioyeah it does [15:44]
RandalSchwartzand I can't get to the bootloader without vnc [15:44]
dnejust a getty on SOL may be better that nothing? [15:44]
mercutiothe supermicro bios outputs to serial port as well as screen [15:44]
RandalSchwartzoh, interesting
so if I reboot the machine, but watch the serial port, I should be ok
mercutioif the bios option is set at least.
RandalSchwartzok - how would I verify that? :) [15:45]
mercutioyou're booted right now right? [15:45]
RandalSchwartzyes, running now [15:45]
mercutiodo you know the motherboard model? [15:45]
RandalSchwartzNo [15:45]
mercutiolet's just check the manual
RandalSchwartzsomething in dmesg would tell me? [15:45]
mercutioyeah if you still got that [15:45]
RandalSchwartzyes [15:46]
mercutiodmidecode should tell you too [15:46]
RandalSchwartzcommand not found: dmidecode [15:46]
mercutiothere's a package
i checked it was on my freebsd box i checked the serial on :)
dmidecode-2.11 A tool for dumping DMI (SMBIOS) contents in human-readable
RandalSchwartzwhere is it in dmesg?
oh... I'd have to add that to my poudriere to install it
mercutioi don't have a boot dmesg [15:47]
RandalSchwartzI don't install from fbsd pkg [15:47]
mercutioit's in ports as sysutils/dmidecode if that's easier? [15:47]
RandalSchwartzACPI APIC Table: <SUPERM SMCI--MB> [15:48]
mercutioyeah acpi not good enough [15:48]
RandalSchwartzso that won't mirror to console [15:48]
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: i have the console open, so if you want to do your thing, i'll watch [15:49]
RandalSchwartzok... here we go [15:49]
up_the_ironsroger [15:50]
mercutioopen serial console as it boots [15:50]
RandalSchwartzwoo hoo. I have cache!
seems to be working fine
mercutioyou saw bios? [15:51]
RandalSchwartzno... just typed "zpool add zroot cache ad8" [15:51]
mercutiooh [15:51]
RandalSchwartzand "zpool info -v zroot" shows the cache in place [15:51]
up_the_ironssweet [15:51]
mercutioyou have ssd? [15:51]
120G of ssd
don't use 120gb for ssd cache on zfs
it takes up too much ram
RandalSchwartzand 864G of real disk, mirrored [15:52]
mercutiojust a word of warning :) [15:52]
RandalSchwartzwe got fat mem on that box too [15:52]
mercutiowell 120gb is too much for 32gb of ram really [15:53]
RandalSchwartztoo late. already added. :)
actually, I can remove it
mercutioalso it isn't persistent [15:53]
RandalSchwartzbut is there a way to just use a portion? [15:53]
mercutioyeah use a partition [15:53]
RandalSchwartzwhy woudln't more ssd be better? [15:53]
mercutioyou probably only have 60gb or less of hot data anyway
you can also add another cache device in addition to the first if you find it too small
RandalSchwartzheh.. given I have only 120GB of data on disk, I bet yes. [15:55]
yeah unfortunately zfs's memory consumption could do work some optimisation.
up_the_ironswe could add a 256GB SSD :)
even 2x 256GB SSD ;)
RandalSchwartzI wonder if I should try to remove it, just to see if I can
since up_the_irons is watching
mercutiowhat freebsd version? [15:55]
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: i still have the console open [15:55]
RandalSchwartz8.4 [15:55]
mercutioi think removing caches wasn't implemented at the start [15:56]
RandalSchwartzis there a way to look at cache stats? [15:56]
mercutioyeah look at arcstats
or zpool iostat -v
RandalSchwartzyeah, watching iostat.
oh... -v
heh ... cache 1.68G used
mercutioyou can do zpool iostat -v 1 [15:57]
RandalSchwartz118G free :) [15:57]
mercutioto see it every second [15:57]
RandalSchwartzyeah - doing that [15:57]
mercutiocache - - - - - -
sdg1 60.8G 19.2G 6 7 44.8K 88.3K
that's off a real machine
which i learnt about not having too big cache on
mercutio wonders how you can have a not real machine
but yeah you may be fine
RandalSchwartzvirtual machine [15:58]
mercutiotrue [15:58]
up_the_ironsghost in the machine [15:58]
mercutioso even with a 80gb cache it hasn't got up to 80gb utilisation yet.
i actualyl experimented with using flash drive as cache too, it actually worked quite well for metadata.
using the sandisk usb3 ones.
normally ssd isn't used for bulk storage.
you can adjust how fast it writes etc.
but by default it basically will only try and capture random data access
also depending on the ssd you're meant to short stroke them less or more
but as a general rule of thumb you should be short stroking them 5 to 30%
more towards 30% for cheap/old/worn/crap ssd's.
and more towards 5% for high end
RandalSchwartzI might be hallucinating, but it feels a bit faster already [16:04]
mercutioprobably hallucinating
it's actually quite hard to notice the difference. most issues come from writes.
given sufficient ram etc.
i suppose i'm a bit of a non believer. it helps a bit if you're tight on resources, but there seems to be more improvement with metadata than real data.
but slog generally helps more
and because it uses memory that would otherwise be used for caching to store lookups it can reduce performance.
RandalSchwartzslog? [16:08]
mercutiozil? [16:09]
RandalSchwartzahh... yeah... I recall that.
should I be using this ssd for that instead?
mercutioas well normally
grr i can't paste atm it seems
slog/zil is for writes
RandalSchwartzso if I set up two partitions, used one for zil, the other for l2arc? [16:10]
mercutiol2arc/cache is for reads
but if ssd fails you can lose more data
so some people say you should have two
err if ssd fails at the time of power loss
so slog is like bbwc
but with ssd
it puts synchronous writes there
which means you can really improve performance of synchronous writes.
but it's not used for async writes.
there are tools to measure.
generally speaking i'd say if you only have 120gb of data it's better to use 2x256gb ssd's
RandalSchwartzand the day we did that, we'd need 257gb :) [16:13]
mercutioenable lz4 compression
lz4 compression is also good
but yeah on e3/i7 type machines i'd generally say go for 32gb of memory before considering l2arc.
but if you're dual using it for other things it can still be good
RandalSchwartzOooh.. building ports... now using 8.17G of my cache! [16:18]
the question is is it data you will use again?
RandalSchwartzprobably not
hopefully, I'm not building gcc... again.
mercutioit's pretty hard to know
yeah but this stuff going into cache will be stuff that was in memory before that
RandalSchwartztrue [16:19]
mercutioso it may be helping you, but no more than having 8gb more ram so far :) [16:19]
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: do you still need me on the console? [16:19]
RandalSchwartzNo - thank you
but when I enable the serial console... I'll probably want you around in case that hoses.
... ARC: 17G Total, 3044M MFU, 12G MRU, 14M Anon, 615M Header, 1352M Other
mercutioi thought that's what you were going to do while he was around? [16:20]
RandalSchwartzno - I was adding the cache [16:20]
mercutiothe mfu part is cool. [16:20]
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: i can remain on it if you want to enable serial [16:20]
mercutioahh [16:20]
RandalSchwartzand didn't know if that would freeze the machine
No - I don't want to reboot maayan right now
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: or we can do it later, i'm working at a client's office until like midnight tonight, so i'll be around [16:21]
RandalSchwartzit'll have to be closer to off hours
we're still mostly west coast prime-time for neil's stuff
mercutiodo you have cacti randal?
you can measure load average pretty easily
RandalSchwartzzabbix [16:22]
mercutiothat's one of the best ways to see what performance impact there is
oh that can do that too right?
graphs and alerts
i would be curious to know what difference you find
RandalSchwartzbuild finished
dmidecode now available
mercutiocool [16:24]
RandalSchwartzwhat am I looking for? [16:24]
mercutioProduct Name [16:24]
RandalSchwartzSMBIOS 2.7 present.
Product Name: X9SCL/X9SCM
mercutiocool yeah that's better [16:24]
RandalSchwartzthere's lots of product names
which one?
mercutiothey'll be the same
for our purposes at least
RandalSchwartzoh, here's BIOS info [16:25]
mercutiogrr is it tmux or urxvt not letting me paste [16:25]
RandalSchwartzno product name there
serial services are supported
mercutioweird it doesn't work in putty too
i got the manual in front of me
***merc2 has joined #arpnetworks [16:27]
merc2http://www.supermicro.com/manuals/motherboard/C202_C204/MNL-1270.pdf [16:27]
mercutioit's actually not loading well :(
like 15k/sec
look at 4-12
merc2COM0/COM1/SOL Console Redirection
Use this feature to enable console redirection for COM0 and COM1 ports. The options
are Enabled and Disabled. The default for all ports are Disabled.
Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management / Windows Emergency
Management Services (EMS)
Use this feature to enable console redirection. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
The default is Disabled.
mercutioso yeah it's not enabled by default, so probably has to be set [16:32]
RandalSchwartzI would set that using the java app? [16:33]
in bios
unless it was done when the system was provisioned.
RandalSchwartzand where would that be in ipmiview [16:35]
mercutiodoes ipmiview let you access bios settings? [16:35]
RandalSchwartzI don't know
RandalSchwartz grins
actually - that jpmi thingy might have had something taht said bios
oops no... I mean the web-based thing
what is the "SOL" in "Launch SOL"
mercutioi think that's serial console
serial over lan
RandalSchwartzNothing says "BIOS" in the supermicro web interface [16:39]
up_the_ironsmercutio: yes, you can access bios over ipmiview. it's the actual console. [16:45]
mercutioup_the_irons: do you enable console redirection? [16:46]
up_the_ironsmercutio: yes [16:46]
mercutiocool well there's the answer randal
up_the_irons fixes the broken supermicro defaults :)
up_the_ironsmy job is to make life easier for you guys
so yes
i'm used to things being broken, cynical i suppsoe
up_the_ironshaha [16:47]
mercutioso yeah just setting freebsd up shoudl be fine, and you shoudl be able to see freebsd boot loeader
err loader
.... (idle for 17mn)
mnathanimercutio: +1 for ninite. Sucks that Adobe doesnt let them bundle flash anymore, they want people to get the malware / antivirus mcafee install bloatware
chocolatey is kind of like a package manager for windows, looks interesting - but ninite meets my needs at present
i hate flash anyway
........... (idle for 51mn)
mnathanichocolatey: There are 2457 packages [17:59]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [17:59]
mnathaniBryceBot: that's right! [17:59]
32 core, upto 448 GiB Ram and 6.5 TB of SSD storage
merc232core is the biggest vm?
i imagine there are cloud providers with sun servers.

that's 32core, with 256 threads
not that i'm going to buy one, but it seems surprising that no-one would be selling servers on sparc.
heh i found a fujitsu server you can buy that takes 64 cpus, (16 cores per cpu i think) 32tb of ram, 128 hard-disk/ssds, 128 pci-e slots.
and up to 56,290 watts of power
but you can also get a 64 core 4u box.
........... (idle for 52mn)
up_the_ironsmerc2: 56kW of power?! my GAWD
but damn, 64 CPUs... i guess that takes some juice
mercutioyeah 2 racks large too
but that's one of the reason masssive arm servers have been idealised.
with that kind of density it's still a bitch to cool.
i mean it has liquid cooling itself, but the heat has to go somewhere.
i suppose you stick it in the basement, and pipe it into the buildings heaters?
..... (idle for 22mn)
up_the_ironsmercutio: i imagine you would hook it into the existing AC chiller pipes [19:34]
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