#arpnetworks 2014-12-22,Mon

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***milki_ has joined #arpnetworks
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charlisez has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [06:38]
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [07:54]
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abthorpet has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [12:32]
hive-mind has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [12:43]
tabthorpe has joined #arpnetworks [12:50]
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RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks
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RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks
up_the_ironswoo, chill week
(if someone orders 15 servers, i will kick them)
staticsafeheh [14:55]
brycecBut you'll still go ahead with the order, right? :P [14:56]
no comment
.... (idle for 17mn)
mercutiodo you have 15 servers spare? :)
i imagine it's pretty hard to get more stuff now
brycecI figured up_the_irons meant VPS in which case, I'm sure there's room for at least 1 on most host machines. [15:17]
mercutiooh server makes me think dedicated :)
i think vps for vps :)
brycecMe too, if this weren't #arpnetworks ... [15:18]
mercutioi think dedicated server sales have been going up [15:18]
brycecI'm still waiting for up_the_irons to match AWS pricing, $7300/mo :D [15:19]
mercutiowell you still have to pay the hosting prices on top of that i think
mm 15 dedicated would be much more annoying than 15 vps's too
this is the time of year i like to get vps's generally :)
my arp vps was jan 2011
oh wow that's over 3 years ago now
brycec(My bad, the cheapest "dedicated" EC2 instance is only $1474/mo.) [15:37]
mercutiomay as well just buy dual cpu e5 with lots of ram
and do your own setup
is what comes to my mind :)
RandalSchwartzI think I've been here since nov 21 2009, based on the date of /media [15:42]
i was checking out arp's old web pages.
i much prefer the current layout :)
which is like it's been since mid 2011 it seems
......................... (idle for 2h4mn)
up_the_ironsbrycec: LOL
mercutio: wait until you see the new website. should launch in Jan
brycec: I'll gladly match AWS pricing, just submit an order and I'll do special pricing ;)
i did in fact mean 15 VMs
actually i wouldn't mind doing 15 dedi's
cuz the revenue is much higher (= exciting)
brycec"I like money." [17:48]
well played
brycec(one of my most often-used Idiocracy quotes) [17:49]
mercutiohmm i thought it said the irc channel on the front page
oh it does if you click vps
which nearly looks the same
brycecAnd ONLY that page, interesting [18:01]
mercutioheh [18:01]
up_the_ironsi don't think that has got us many visitors in here though [18:02]
mercutioi dunno where i found out about it [18:02]
brycecfrom a friend, in my case [18:02]
mercutioi think i came and went and came back again when there was some network issue and then stuck around. [18:03]
mkbI came in here after seeing it and commented that I liked to see the pound sign used for something other than a hashtag. [18:05]
m0undsi like lattes [18:06]
mercutioit shows as a pound?
it shows as a hash for me
mhoranup_the_irons: Any thoughts on that IPv6 throughput issue I reported? Still seeing that -- SCP showing ~20 min to download 100.bin vs < 1 minute over IPv4. [18:09]
......... (idle for 43mn)
m0undsi blame staticsafe for me being here [18:52]
staticsafeo_o [18:53]
mkbmercutio, those are called pound signs too [18:53]
m0undsstaticsafe: you told me about arp + irc ch [18:53]
mercutiomkb: oh i didn't realise that, i knew that uk keyboards used a pound key on shift-3, and quote on shift-2
when i've tried using uk layout, i'm always left wondering where @ is :)
maybe it's near where " is
mkbheh. no I'm in US. but apparently pound sign is a US thing and the pound sterling sign has been in the same spot as # in some encodings [18:56]
mercutiofor some weird reason i've been stuck in a wrong layout in the past
so can't just look at keyboard.
this just olooks weird :)
the weirdest bit is actually
mkboh yeah. wrong sized enter key [18:58]
mercutioi use dvorak often, i'm used to weird layouts :) [18:58]
mkbI've used Sun keyboards with ESC where ` is, BS where is, and and ` where BS is on the usual US qwerty layout [18:59]
mercutioi've used XT layout, that has a low escape key too
oh interesting is somewhere weird too
mkbhttps://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19683-01/806-6642/images/BR.unix.tif.gif [19:00]
mercutiomy xt layout memory is slightly different
i actually like the idea of having extra function keys on the left. haven't seen any good keyboards with them though
i want single keypress virtual desktop swapping, but need more keys for it.
hmm, i suppose i could get an extra numeric keypad.
mkbwe've got some mainframe keyboard at work with 36 F keys [19:02]
mercutioactually i should just remap numeric keypa.d [19:02]
mkbmodel m style too [19:02]
mercutiooh i've seen keyboards like that.
i've also seen ones with cut/copy/paste etc somewhere else
like more where ins/home/etc is
mkbcut/copy/paste actually work ootb in X.
the rest must require CDE
this looks fine
it is uk layout
mkbyeah [19:03]
mercutioi love having volume single key press
i have mute down/up on this keyboard, and a calculator button
calculator button is useless, i suppose i could remap it
mkbmodel m here, so nothing like that [19:04]
mercutioi'm using ducky zero

cherry mx red
probably why i typo so much, so light :)
i haven't used model m in ages.
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mus1cb0xtracerouting around... i came across "ae-3.r03.londen05.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net" can anyone spot the typo? :P [19:43]
acf_that's a CLLI
London, England
mus1cb0xCLLI? [19:45]
acf_lsanca == Los Angeles, California
Common Language Location Identifier
BryceBotCLLI code :: CLLI code (sometimes referred to as COMMON LANGUAGE Location Identifier Code and often pronounced as silly) is a Common Language Information Services identifier used within the North American telecommunications industry to specify the location and function of telecommunications equipment or of a relevant location such as an international border or a supporting equipment location, like a manhole or pole. Originally, they... [19:45]
mus1cb0xdid londen mean london, england, then?
that's the only thing i can think of
acf_yea. the first four characters are for the city, the second two are for the province/state [19:46]
thanks guys
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mercutioclli *is* silly
the airport codes seems to make the most sense to me
and if wanting to be more specific may as well just use full city name
i wonder what facebook uses
like "frc"
which is some city
some city near virginia iirc, so not freemont city or something
frc is forrest city [21:18]
mus1cb0xmus1cb0x prefers airport codes too [21:20]
acf_"but some cities don't have airports!" [21:20]
mus1cb0xi guess clli gives more info [21:20]
mercutiothey're not usually internet hubs either :) [21:20]
mus1cb0xyea that's true, but i go with "nearest city"
er, nearest airport
acf_clli is good for telecoms like Verizon who have presences they need to identify everywhere [21:20]
mus1cb0xgood point [21:20]
mercutiotrue [21:21]
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***milki_ is now known as milki [23:17]
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up_the_ironsmhoran: did you send in a support ticket about it? I didn't see it if you did [23:39]

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