#arpnetworks 2014-12-09,Tue

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up_the_ironsmercutio: news.arpnetworks.com is rockin' ;) [00:30]
mercutioyeh i checked it out again before [00:30]
up_the_ironsmercutio: nice uptime, what does that server do?
i still have you beat though
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [00:31]
up_the_irons$ ssh kvr06 uptime
23:16:57 up 1777 days, 21:10, 1 user, load average: 1.71, 1.76, 1.95
mercutioup_the_irons: routing. [00:31]
up_the_ironsah [00:31]
mercutioso yeh no real reason to stay current
i reckon news could have a nicer colour scheme
the grey on white is a bit ick to read
i actually thought that scheme was good
mercutioit may depend on monitor [00:33]
up_the_ironshmm.. it doesn't look grey on white to me [00:33]
mercutiohangon i'll try on the other monitor
it looks diff on the other monitor
easier to read, but it still is not enough contrast diff really
up_the_ironsguess i need to work on that [00:35]
mercutiocould add some blue to it
blue for urls seems pretty common
i'm not sure why some of the items are sort of greyed out

that's what it looks like to me
i dunno if it looks diff in diff browers.
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up_the_ironsmercutio: i believe the greyed out ones are the ones you've already clicked on [00:57]
yeah looks to be that way
i'd prefer it if background colour changed instead
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hive-mind has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [04:15]
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dj_goku has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [06:32]
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mercutiohmm ubuntu is doing something with docker called snappy ubuntu core
with hosting by azure
mike-burnsWhat a fun time for them. [13:13]
mercutioseems to be a strong surge in interest of docker type solutions recently [13:14]
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mercutiohow nice not to run bind [15:09]
staticsafeim dependent on BIND's DNSSEC maintenance abilities
(also, I like the config format)
mercutioyou saw about the new vulnerability? [15:26]
staticsafeyes [15:27]
mercutiocool [15:27]
staticsafeservers are already patched [15:27]
mercutiobind 9 was meant to fix security i thought
actually the X security stuff is pretty bad
staticsafeyou can't completely fix security in a code base as big as BIND
(and as old)
mercutioremove features!
bind9 is rewite i tahink
at least lots of refactoring
staticsafemercutio: yeah
BIND 9 is 14 years old at this point
plettISC tried starting over with BIND10, that didn't go well [15:30]
staticsafeyea, they abandoned the project [15:30]
mercutiooh is it 10 they were doing that with
i used bind4 for a while
staticsafe10 is a complete rewrite as well [15:32]
plettOh yeah, I remember 4. 8 was a massive improvement [15:32]
staticsafeanyways I'm relatively new to the world of hosting DNS, so BIND's notoriety is just a bunch of old tales to me :P [15:33]
plettDespite 8 still being awful :) [15:33]
staticsafethough I could technically use other software like NSD for my slaves (the DNSSEC functionality only needs to be on the master) but I like consistency [15:39]
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mnathanido folks in here think systemd is evil (like some other fine folks over at the NANOG mailing lists) [18:38]
jbergstroemmnathani: not sure what's most troll -- bringing it up or replying :) [18:43]
mnathaniI guess I am trying to determine if the argument has merit [18:44]
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jbergstroemmnathani: irc is not the place for that [18:59]
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mercutioi slightly like systemd mnathani
but it's like one of those dirty pleasures, like liking object orientation.
complexity rises, but it can simplify things.
jbergstroem: i think it's anything goes in here for the most part. there's heaps of off topic conversation, and it makes people look friendly when they say stuff for anyone random coming in.
rather than it's just a barren wasteland.
jbergstroemmercutio: didn't really mean anything with it other than some slight sarcasm. having a objective discussion on irc is not something you come by often :) [19:23]
mercutiohe asked a subjective question though.
objective discussions don't really work in computer science and any derivitive of such.
objectively computers are just lots of transistors.
the assumed context on here would be for servers, and .. systemd means some upset, as software packages have to include yet another method to do stuff. it's not that difficult to setup for packages themself, ... but the systemd architecture as a whole is usually what's criticised.
it's that it's starting to include more and more extensions, and create another operating system metaphore of kinds for running containers at the last on it's own.
the idea of containers seems to be quite popular at the moment.
and some things like having an inbuilt dhcp server - if you want to have hundreds and hundreds of servers and can minimise external dependencies, latency etc, it opens up the possibility of starting vm's on demand to run specific programs.
but because it includes such functionality, people get upset that there is micro implementations of various things that can be replaced with other things, because the scope shouldn't include it because sysvinit didn't include anything like that.
BryceBotget on up
BryceBot dances :D-<
BryceBot dances :D|-<
BryceBot dances :D/-<
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mercutiohmm systemd just added pppoe support [19:58]
jbergstroemamong other things
mercutio: in preparation for not depending on pppd for next release
acf_> 19:58 < mercutio> hmm systemd just added pppoe support
well crap
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DaCa has joined #arpnetworks [22:22]

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