#arpnetworks 2014-12-01,Mon

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up_the_ironshazardous: http://support.arpnetworks.com/kb/main/is-there-a-firewall-filter-rate-limit-or-similar-device-applied-to-my-traffic
mnathani: mkb : well, you can kinda already do this, by requesting it through a support ticket :)
i would like to automate it, for sure...
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staticsa1 is now known as staticsafe [13:45]
mercutiohmm 850 pro 128gb is on special for $90 USD at amazon now [13:50]
staticsafetoo bad I can't order one right now [13:51]
mercutioi got a 256GB 850 pro :)
which is $150.
i've ordered way too much stuff recently
i'm rearranging my whole storage system it seems.
staticsafebank is sending me a new card soon though
hopefully by friday
mercutiohah i nearly left my card at the supermarket yesterday
amazon actually remembers my card.
did your card get compromised?
staticsafefraudulent activity, yeah [13:52]
mercutiodamn. [13:52]
staticsafecan't do any transactions with it anymore [13:52]
mercutiothat happened to me before :(
i had two credit cards at the time, so i was sort of ok, but it was an annoyance.
weird thing is it was the one i don't use online much
staticsafeyeah only one card here [13:53]
mercutioi only have one now too [13:53]
staticsafeperhaps i should get a backup [13:53]
mercutiomy bank had this thing where they give you a free american express that gives you more rewards.
but they've stopped that now.
but it did mean i used american express where i could, and most online stuff lets you use it. :)
staticsafeamex isn't really a thing here
mostly MC and Visa
mercutiobut it was a mastercard or something that got compromised.
same here.
well kind of.
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [13:55]
mercutioquite a few places take american express, supermarkets and petrol stations.
i keep realising that i'm saying different words than people might understand :)
supermarket is grocery store, and petrol station is gas station? kind of obvious i suppose.
but most normal retailers either don't take it, or want to charge extra.
mike-burnsI'm surprised that something called a petrol station would take something called American Express. I would have thought the "American" would cancel out the "petrol". [14:00]
mercutioheh [14:00]
staticsafelol [14:00]
mercutioamazon keep sending me stuff via dhl
i complained that they took a while to ship my video card, and they sent it via dhl which costs more normally, and now my next two items have also been sent by dhl
dhl are usually hell expensive :)
staticsafeUPS for 2-day, Dynamex for same-day in my city [14:11]
mercutiodhl is 2 to 4 days, iparcel is 2 to 3 weeks.
although it can be a week. usps is about as slow as iparcel.
brycecmercutio: The majority of CC theft is physical (skimming), so it's no surprise that your compromised card was the "the one i don't use online much" [14:17]
i kind of assumed it was online stuff that does it
it was used somewhere far far away
and got flagged pretty quick
bryceconline is where skimmed cards get used :P [14:17]
mercutioit was like the other side of the world
netherlands or something
brycecIt's a matter of ease and the return - rigging a store's reader, breaking into stores' transactions (made headlines the past couple of years), a waiter skimming on the side... All easier, and yield more cards than breaking into PCI-compliant companies/websites
Not to mention the chance of detection - a company may notice a breach and immediately notify the CC companies, versus skimming a card here and there...
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m0undsgas pumps and ATMs are more and more common targets of skimming stuff [14:49]
brycecATMs don't usually see credit cards [14:50]
m0undsno, but they see debit cards
and amazon processes debit as pinless debit
so you don't need anything but card and expiry
and people can get cash advances from atms also
(lots of people do this, despite it being horrible)
brycecheh, the earlier conversation was about a CC being skimmed, so I stuck with terminals that see CC :p [14:52]
m0undsm0unds shrugs
happens with either
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [14:52]
brycecbrycec hugs [14:52]
m0undsgas pumps can be either [14:52]
m0unds...'tis the season? [14:52]
brycecfor rhymes [14:53]
mercutioi pay inside, i think i'd notice :) [14:53]
brycecProbably, not that those terminals are immune either [14:53]
mercutioi actually suspect airport parking [14:53]
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mercutiothey're pretty thin. [14:53]
m0undsmy wife had 4-5 cards get compromised within a year w/her old credit union [14:53]
mercutioouch. [14:54]
brycecouch [14:54]
mercutiohaha [14:54]
m0undsthey handle issuing new cards at the CU itself
mercutiooh bryce, would you be keen to test my console latency program? [14:54]
m0undsit's awesome - visa would call about fraudulent activity, then they'd call her and she'd say she didn't recognize it so they'd call the CU and kill the card to issue a new one
sometimes they'd call about something suspicious that wasn't at all suspicious (like..grocery shopping at the place we always shop at) and the CU would put a hold on her card and it'd take 2-3 days for it to release
mercutioi got a sms message with my card, and would have preferred a call i think.
sms that your card has been compromised looks dodgy :)
m0undshaha, chase does that [14:56]
brycecThat's one of many reasons I refuse to setup mobile access to my Wells Fargo accounts (they're really pimping it out) [15:07]
m0undsyea, they're obnoxious about asking at each login
i've been using capital one 360 for a while (used to be ING Direct)
brycecYep, that and billpay. To their credit, the humans aren't [too] pushy about it (well, they were about billpay), but when you add up every time it's pushed at you on ATM screens and online login... it's overboard. [15:11]
m0undsyeah [15:12]
brycecBut WF do have the best ATM experience I've ever had. Not only does the ATM remember my language choice, but they also have quick-access for my most frequent actions right there on the pin entry screen [15:12]
m0undsyeah, their deposit at atm stuff worked pretty good too
BryceBot<m0unds> well/well [15:13]
m0undss/well/well/well/well [15:13]
brycecPhenomenally well. It's always been right, even with handwritten cheques.
It's the simple improvements though, specifically the language selection. Every other bank/CU's ATM has asked me for language. It's stupid, it can safely be attached to my account (it's not like I'm suddenly going to change languages... and if I do, there's a button for that still)
m0undsright [15:17]
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up_the_ironsi got a couple of the 256gb 850 pro's at $149 too [17:09]
mercutiomakes sense :)
did anyone get an evo when they had the far cry promo and want to give me their promo code? :)
it seems the promo finished sunday night US time
up_the_ironsi had two promo's for Assassin's Creed Unity but forgot about 'em and they went out with the trash in the boxes :(
it was for PC, which i don't have, so i didn't really care, but i coulda given 'em to someone
mercutioi got really bored of earlier far cry games pretty quickly. [17:12]
up_the_ironsbrycec: love WFB ATMs [17:13]
mercutioso i don't really want to pay for it.. [17:13]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [17:13]
mercutiowell not more than like $10.
it looks like that game is on other platforms too.
m0undsfarcry 3 was great [17:16]
mercutiofor how long? [17:17]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [17:17]
m0undsi finished it [17:17]
mercutioi've played games like dota and starcraft for months [17:17]
m0undsand i hate both of those games, so i guess maybe our tastes are different [17:17]
mercutioi get bored of all these other games after a few days [17:17]
i like stuff with story and favor single player over MP most of the time
mercutioborderlands 2 is the game i've played the most of that kind of game [17:17]
m0undsi finished original farcry, couldn't get more than 90 mins into farcry 2 and finished farcry 3 - probably 20-25hrs total [17:18]
mercutioheh i've been playing saints row 4, and the story keeps annoying me.
but yeah i must admit i'm not really into the storylines.
m0undsi like that SR3 and 4 didn't take themselves seriously
can't finish a gta game, but i finished those and all the dlc stuff too, haha
mercutioi am amazed at how nice sr4 looks. [17:19]
m0undsyeah, they did a good job with it
i like the matrix-y effect on vehicles and stuff
mercutioi wanted to get games to test my new video card.
but all my ideas of "how things look" are so many years out. and things definitely look better than they used to.
brycecHeh... So I finally got a copy of Crysis (2? whatever, it was awhile back), maxed the graphics settings, and it played completely smoothly. I was so happy that my mid-range graphics card handled it like a pro. Then I thought about how long it had been since Crysis (2?) was /the/ game to stress a graphics card. [17:21]
mercutiocrysis 3 is now
i think i can get that for free
brycecbrycec asks Steam what he has [17:22]
mercutiomy video card is meant to come with 3 games? i have to choose them though. [17:22]
m0undscrysis 2 had a high res / dx11 roll-up pack
i need to start it over again, my save got corrupted on the last mission
mercutioi got sr4 in humble bundle. i'm cheap :) [17:22]
m0undsyeah, it's worth it too [17:22]
brycec"Crysis 2 Maximum Edition" [17:22]
m0undslots to do in that game [17:22]
brycecSR4 was a gift :p [17:22]
m0undsi bought it at release, haha [17:23]
brycecApparently Deep Silver have had major issues with the website, logins, etc [17:23]
m0undsyeah [17:23]
brycecWhich meant that I was unable to load my SR3 PC character on Xb360 :( [17:23]
m0undsoh, bummer
that's right, totally forgot about that - i had to rebuild my sr3 char
i bought "the long dark" last week, it has really cool art direction
I fucking love Steam's reviews, and the overview Steam incldues
m0undshttp://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/537381735127029830/99B116AA3D2C9CF73A5FA9FA8F3EADD2E9777DE6/ [17:25]
brycecthings like "User reviews:Overwhelmingly Positive (2,201 reviews)" [17:25]
m0undshttp://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/537381735127029830/99B116AA3D2C9CF73A5FA9FA8F3EADD2E9777DE6/ [17:25]
brycechttp://store.steampowered.com/app/305620/ for more, etc [17:25]
i loved that they integrated metacritic too
brycecOverall, they implemented reviews very well. It's not some hats feature [17:26]
m0undsyeah [17:27]
brycecIt's a very pretty game, and I want to want it... but it doesn't interest me beyond its appearance. #FWP [17:27]
i like survival games, especially zombie-free ones
the forest is pretty good, inspired by cannibal movies from the 70s
the long dark's sandbox is slower and has good sound and visuals. can't wait for them to implement the story as development progresses
brycecI am somewhat more tempted by it after reading some reviews. Offers a solid challenge, but easily pickedup/dropped as time permits, doesn't require /too/ much focus, etc
I like that there isn't (currently) a story, or multiplayer, or anything of the sort. It's just you, surviving.
i like that stuff that should be scarce is scarce and requires you to be careful with things
and that you need tools to open cans of food, or risk food poisoning smashing them open
brycecAnd no punching trees. [17:37]
m0undsright [17:37]
brycec(unless you want to smash up your fist) [17:37]
m0undsi had really good luck my first playthrough, found a hatchet and a knife and some basic tools and stuff
then got mauled to death by a wolf
voice acting for the two playable chars is done by the two people who did male and female shepard voices for mass effect
mercutioi love it when games have more atmospheric sound than movies
it's like woah..
i think it's because movies often try and smooth everything out
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up_the_ironsany of you guys using / coding in Meteor? i'm playing around with it now... my mind is being blown [18:10]

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