#arpnetworks 2014-11-28,Fri

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mercutiohmm samsung 850 pros are down to $150 on amazon. [01:44]
.... (idle for 17mn)
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hive-mind has joined #arpnetworks [02:14]
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fink has joined #arpnetworks [03:39]
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tellnes has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
tellnes has joined #arpnetworks
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meingtsla has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
meingtsla has joined #arpnetworks
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meingtsla has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
meingtsla has joined #arpnetworks
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dj_goku has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [10:35]
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BryceBot has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
BryceBot has joined #arpnetworks
dj_goku has joined #arpnetworks
fink has quit IRC (Quit: fink)
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acf__ has joined #arpnetworks
acf_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
acf_ has joined #arpnetworks
acf__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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medum has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [16:42]
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eea1 has joined #arpnetworks [17:58]
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eea1 has left [18:28]
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sga0_ has joined #arpnetworks [22:26]
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dwarren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
jlgaddis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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mnathaniWhats a good place to get a license for Windows Xp to be run in a virtual machine? Client requires XP to run a legacy app. [23:04]
acf_ebay? :P
there are legit copies of XP on ebay
this one looks legit (and non-OEM): http://www.ebay.com/itm/Microsoft-Windows-Xp-Professional-Upgrade-With-Product-Key-Version-2002-/301415930404?pt=US_Operating_Systems_Software&hash=item462dca1a24

also this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Microsoft-Windows-Xp-Professional-SP2-/291308166109?pt=US_Operating_Systems_Software&hash=item43d351dbdd

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