#arpnetworks 2014-10-30,Thu

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***LT has joined #arpnetworks [02:08]
LT has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:18]
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LT has joined #arpnetworks [03:49]
up_the_ironss1.lax has been added to the looking glass
mercutio: ^^
this makes it complete for ipv4
21 prefixes.
should it have more?
oh that's just customers of yours atm.
i thought there was ilke 100k routes on that router.
up_the_ironsjust downstream customers
100k routes went over to r1.lax when any2 was moved there
mercutioahh ok
so then it's just ipv6, and i have to finish up the documentation i did
i was going to do it last weekend, but i got distracted.
i used it the other day. i still can't get over how much faster it is than using he's looking glass.
.... (idle for 19mn)
***Guest8160 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [04:24]
.... (idle for 19mn)
so yeah, just ipv6 left
................ (idle for 1h15mn)
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jcv has joined #arpnetworks
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LT has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [10:27]
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jpalmer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [13:36]
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DaCa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [15:18]
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DaCa has joined #arpnetworks [17:14]
up_the_ironsugh.. can't get s3.lax to send any routes to our lg
oh there we go
pro-tip: put 'route-reflector' in the peer config *on the router sending routes*
staticsafeheh [17:23]
.... (idle for 17mn)
up_the_ironsugh crap the session keeps dying... maybe route-reflector isn't good [17:40]
....... (idle for 33mn)
***neish has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
mike-burns has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
neish has joined #arpnetworks
mike-burns has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o mike-burns
brycecAlright now, who's beating up the IPv6 router? In this 10 minute period, I saw "9.2% average loss" (and no ipv6 connections could connect) https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?start=2014-10-30+18%3A10&end=2014-10-30+18%3A20&epoch_start=1414714800&epoch_end=1414718573&target=Slaves.master&hierarchy=&displaymode=n&Generate%21=Generate%21
*who's been
........ (idle for 38mn)
mercutiobrycec: who do you think? [19:03]
brycecbrycec glares at up_the_irons [19:03]
mercutiobrycec: it's to do with looking glass. [19:03]
brycecIsn't that odd though, that an LG would affect connectivity? [19:04]
up_the_ironsbrycec: I rebooted s3.lax [19:04]
All that uptime...
mercutioon the positive side the looking glass is working with ipv6 now [19:05]
brycecOh, well, I can accept that then. [19:05]
mercutiowho is 69349
brycecHE [19:05]
up_the_ironsbrycec: actually i rebooted s3.lax 11 days ago as well
not sure if u caught that ;)
brycecDepends on the time of day :p [19:06]
mercutiobrycec watches smokeping all day :) [19:07]
up_the_ironsLOL [19:07]
mercutiowhen he's awake [19:07]
brycecheh... I happen to be ssh'd into my server, and then that froze. That's how come I noticed. [19:07]
up_the_ironsbut yeah, now the LG is officially "finished"

all 4 neighbors are sending routes
mercutionow it needs link from main web site? :) [19:11]
brycecI'm not sure that's really necessary [19:12]
mercutiowell it'd help it come in google
it's in google already
how'd it get there
brycecScrapes of the IRC logs I assume
Do we want that attention? Is it hardened against script kiddies and whatever else?
(my concern is specifically regarding DoS)
mercutiowell i dunno if it's hardened dos actually
we could have a maximum number of requests/sec
actually it's probably fine
apache won't let you do hundreds of connectiosn at once by default.
brycecAlso, why is this system still running OpenBSD 5.4?? [19:15]
mercutioopenbsd 5.6 isn't out yet [19:15]
brycecBut 5.5 is [19:15]
mercutioheh. [19:15]
brycec(And 5.6 in just a couple days :P) [19:15]
mercutioso 5.6 update is needed sometime anyway
5.4 had install image available already was basically the reason.
it's 5.4-stable if that makes you feel better.
brycecNot really, no [19:16]
mercutiowhat does 5.5 add?
maybe show version needs to be taken away to please bryce :)
brycec64bit time_t among other things [19:17]
mercutiothat's not relevant yet
it's a future proofing thing
brycecThough it's less about features and more about support, fixes, etc
The 5.4 to 5.5 upgrade is a bit of a pain in the ass though, so I understand not wanting to do it
brycec wanders off to hunt down supper
.... (idle for 16mn)
mercutiohmm openbsd 5.5 came out on the 30th of april
does this mean openbsd 5.6 will come out in the 31st of october?
.............. (idle for 1h5mn)
heh i just updated to the latest snapshot.
and it seems to have broken outbound http downloads
disabling pf fixed it
.............. (idle for 1h6mn)
ahh it was the altq stuff [21:46]

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