#arpnetworks 2014-10-13,Mon

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***novae has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [04:40]
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midhun_ has joined #arpnetworks [07:11]
midhun_Can someone explain me how does TCP manages timed events effectively? [07:12]
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mnathani@smokeping [12:42]
BryceBothttps://smokeping.cobryce.com/ [12:42]
brycecbtw the Time Warner connection was out for an hour earlier
(hence the giant gap)
mnathanibrycec: you dont measure latency to each kvr host do you? [12:43]
just from kvr07
I don't have IP's for each host
I guess I do come to think of it
but the value is questionable
externally it would help
from your slave nodes
brycecHow so? A connection to ARp is a connection to ARP [12:45]
mnathanicould pinpoint DDOS against specific hosts [12:45]
brycecMore like high load on a given host
a ddos would affect all of arp
at least all of a given transit
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mercutioit's better to test locally. [16:36]
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davantalusup_the_irons: http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/55274185.jpg [17:42]
up_the_ironsdavantalus: LOOOOOOOOL
mnathani: CaZe : there was a spike of traffic to kvr30 last night, yeah
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mercutioup_the_irons: is level3 inbound planned for this week now?
i noticed that outbound seemed to be going via level3 rather than any2ix right now.
up_the_ironsmercutio: there hasn't been a change to outgoing. i could possible plan level3 inbound this week... [18:25]
mercutioup_the_irons: curious. it was taking that path when any2ix had issues before, but not for long. but smokeping suggests it's been happening a couple of days or such.
oh it's not all any2ix
has any2ix traffic dropped in the last couple of days?
facebook still seems to go over any2ix
brycecfacebook goes over ntt for me (from kvr07) [18:28]
mercutiocurious [18:28]
brycecAlso, ipv6
mercutiowww.facebook.com is an alias for star.c10r.facebook.com.
star.c10r.facebook.com has address
oh i'm going over ipv4
up_the_ironswut.. shouldn't be any difference between anyone's routing ;) [18:29]
brycecup_the_irons: v4 vs v6 [18:29]
up_the_ironskvrXX all go thru same path
mercutio: i don't see a difference in any2 traffic the last couple days. but there does seem to have been a drop from like, a month ago
a looking glass would be nice :)
up_the_ironsset one up for me [18:30]
brycecOdd, v4 goes over coresite [18:30]
up_the_irons;) [18:30]
brycecboth v6 and v4 http://sprunge.us/OBbL [18:30]
mercutioup_the_irons: sure. [18:30]
up_the_ironsi'll give you the session peer [18:30]
mercutiowith bgp multihop? [18:31]
up_the_ironstell me if there is anything special i need to do on my end for the session (Cisco config) [18:31]
brycecYay ARP's own LG [18:31]
mercutiocan it mirror somehow
will look into mirroring
up_the_ironslet me see... how did i do this for zeit and brycec ... i think i put a VM under my own account and handed it off.. [18:32]
mercutioi dunno if there's some easy way to do that so can find out what the different providers thing for routes, rather than what you think for route.
but could get some idea just from having peers to all 3 of routers i suppose
apparently there's something called add-path
no idea if your router would support it though
or what looking glass would do with it
it's pretty cool anyway
brycecI looked into what it would take to setup an LG for ARP and this was the most solid http://www.ogris.de/howtos/openbsd-looking-glass.html
(in the past, I did this)
mercutioyeh that was my plan bryce. [18:40]
brycecSo that's my $.02 :D [18:41]
mercutiobut bird has bgp add-path support in beta
i wonder if something else supports it
brycec(I'm no expert on BGP so I wouldn't be a very good candidate at adminning it) [18:41]
mercutioi suppose can look into that later anyway.
basically add-path means if there are routes from level3 and ntt on the same router, they can both be forwarded along, so the route server in theory can show both paths and the as lengths.
err the looking glass can show.
brycecah [18:42]
mercutiobut a simple looking glass would still be way better than none
apparently bird has a beta looking glass and bgp add-path in beta.
not sure if the bird looking glass works with add-path though
..... (idle for 20mn)
it seems there aren't over 512k routes yet.

getting close though
up_the_ironswe are getting very close to 512k routes [19:06]
mercutioyeah, there was that incident a while back when it went over temporarily. [19:07]
up_the_ironss7.lax>sh ip cef sum
IPv4 CEF is enabled for distributed and running
VRF Default
506853 prefixes (506853/0 fwd/non-fwd)
Table id 0x0
Database epoch: 3 (506853 entries at this epoch)
506K for me :)
yes, we all blame verizon
mercutioi was looking at how much ram openbgpd uses.
and atm looking glass is probably fine on 512mb of ram, but i dunno how long that'd last.
taht's with 1.25 million routes.
well two full tables plus one partial.
i imagine there's some separte ram usage for used routes vs known routes et.c
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mnathani+1 for the ARP Looking Glass. Look forward to it. mercutio & up_the_irons [20:35]
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brycecIf the host were ram-starved, swapping wouldn't be the end of the world... An LG doesn't need stellar performance I imagine. [22:00]
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mercutiohmm openbsd 5.6 is out in a couple of weeks [23:47]

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