#arpnetworks 2014-09-21,Sun

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***fink has quit IRC (Quit: fink) [04:51]
...................................... (idle for 3h9mn)
awyeahyo [08:00]
m0undsword up [08:03]
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novae has joined #arpnetworks
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novae has joined #arpnetworks
.................................. (idle for 2h45mn)
brycecWoke up to find the office Internet connection down, or at least mostly down... back online now, but holy crap http://sprunge.us/RdWY
I didn't know I could have 700% packet loss
staticsafedat latency [12:13]
brycecI have full redundancy everywhere downstream of the cable modem. Alas, when shit breaks it's the cable modem [12:15]
staticsafe:p [12:15]
brycecMurphy's law, I know :p [12:15]
staticsafehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/mfe1ofrefwnuhkx/2014-09-19%2008.33.06.jpg?dl=0 got a new switch recently :3 [12:16]
BryceBotDropbox photo: "https://www.dropbox.com/s/mfe1ofrefwnuhkx/2014-09-19%2008.33.06.jpg?dl=0" [12:16]
brycecOh that's cute
"fuck blinking lights, let's put a graph on it"
staticsafeits a touchscreen too
still has blinkenlights too
brycecMSRP of $200, that's pretty reasonable [12:19]
upgrading the home network
m0undscool. how do you like the ccr? did mikrotik settle on a stable build for those things yet?
when i last checked them out, they were still shipping a beta version of routeros on them from the factory
brycecquickstart guide says v6 [12:26]
m0undsah. v6 is in rc status now
err, wait
their damned site sucks. 6.19 is stable, i guess
specifically, " Device is compatible with RouterOS v6 and newer, if your "
device comes preinstalled with an earlier version, please upgrade before using it
trying to look at the changelog for 6.19, but it's not displaying
there we go. jeez.
staticsafei like it so far, haven't tested the functionality fully yet
its running 6.19
6.19 has been super stable on my other mikrotik routerboard
m0undssweet [12:32]
staticsafeits also not CCR, those are more expensive :P [12:32]
m0undsthe mips stuff is more reliable anyway :)
they have some bad bottlenecks w/the multicore stuff on routeros
staticsafestaticsafe nods
looking forward to doing some VLAN related stuff with it
anti managed to crash my rb951 today by intoducing a loop (i was testing rstp on it)
turns out that rstp only works when i don't use the internal switch chip...
m0undsoof [12:48]
.... (idle for 16mn)
staticsafeo_o [13:04]
........... (idle for 53mn)
***m0unds has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3) [13:57]
........ (idle for 35mn)
SpeedBus has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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SpeedBus_ is now known as SpeedBus
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mhoran has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3)
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m0unds has joined #arpnetworks
tellnes has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net)

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..... (idle for 24mn)
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joepie91 has joined #arpnetworks
..... (idle for 22mn)
awyeahOof [16:18]
m0unds? [16:20]
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.......... (idle for 47mn)
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz waves [18:53]
brycecbrycec buzzes [18:53]
RandalSchwartzheh [18:53]
brycecLately I've had a few projects that would have benefited from using Wave. Alas... :( [18:54]
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***lystra has joined #arpnetworks [20:05]

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