kind of interesting Interesting indeed. s/under a rock/under a pile of potatoes u see, i live under a pile of potatoes... lol haw haw haw haw s/i live under/am u see, am a rock... \m/ \m/ server smash eh haha, i don't think we got enough people from our outfit to participate oh wow, hahah just saw that on reddit i saw the twitch notification from inicast streaming it so much crying holy shit That's what she said!! hahah Connery is mad indeed lol, DPSO (VS outfit) rescinded their invitation to give us a squad so we didn't participate That's what she said!! ah so bad, hahah i love it twss Okay! twss! 'i love it' ;) haha, forgotten knows all about "twss" :D me and BryceBot are aquianted no doubt It was odd introducing twss to a new audience haha If you hear bullshit about Connery losing because of ping/leadership/PPA/Vs weapons. Don't believe it. (self.Planetside) such drama yeah, that's what i was laughing at so good OP is a dummy i have him muted/ignored (ingame) :o i was thinking of rerolling my vs char on emerald since i hate vs on connery so much VS on emerald is great pew pew pew i miss playing vs, but i hate connery vs a lot, haha except when we superzerg rushed by AoD get* someone in the dramathread mentioned the state of zergs on connery and it's completely true how bad is it? like..3 full platoons of failure ghost capping a base and just rolling right along lattice ignore everything else, just keep on going that sounds terrible EXE used to be bad but they lost a ton of players once their good leadership left and joined ITI (my outfit) no fun in ghost capping bases :( not at all i refuse to do platoons, i'll only roll w/single squads or small squads and on that note, i gotta boogie out of work so i can beat the concert crowd leaving. bbl. o/ im excited about trolling with sed function with a new audience :D lol forgotten Not sure how much one can "troll" with it... s/troll/potatoes Not sure how much one can "potatoes" with it... s/not sure how much/Positive s/Not sure how much/Positive Positive one can "troll" with it... s/./potatoes mnathani mnathani mnathani mnathani mnathani huh? s/./potaatoes potaatoespotaatoespotaatoespotaatoes s/./tatoespo tatoespotatoespotatoespotatoespo beer: Dales Pale Ale wrong bot, forgotten lol ya whoopsies should put mcchunkie in here too :D I'd say "no" since its owner isn't here oh wait, he is but he's never active