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m0unds: https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/messaging/2014/000780.html kind of interesting
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mhoran: Interesting indeed.
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mnathani: s/under a rock/under a pile of potatoes
BryceBot: <up_the_irons> u see, i live under a pile of potatoes...
mnathani: lol
m0unds: haw haw haw haw
s/i live under/am
BryceBot: <up_the_irons> u see, am a rock...
m0unds: m/ m/
staticsafe: server smash eh
m0unds: haha, i don't think we got enough people from our outfit to participate
oh wow, hahah
just saw that on reddit
staticsafe: i saw the twitch notification from inicast streaming it
m0unds: so much crying
holy shit
BryceBot: That's what she said!!
m0unds: hahah
staticsafe: Connery is mad indeed
m0unds: lol, DPSO (VS outfit) rescinded their invitation to give us a squad
so we didn't participate
BryceBot: That's what she said!!
staticsafe: ah
m0unds: so bad, hahah
i love it
***: forgotte2 is now known as forgotten
forgotten: twss
BryceBot: Okay! twss! 'i love it'
forgotten: ;)
brycec: haha, forgotten knows all about "twss" :D
forgotten: me and BryceBot are aquianted no doubt
brycec: It was odd introducing twss to a new audience
m0unds: haha
staticsafe: If you hear bullshit about Connery losing because of ping/leadership/PPA/Vs weapons. Don't believe it. (self.Planetside)
such drama
m0unds: yeah, that's what i was laughing at
so good
OP is a dummy
i have him muted/ignored
staticsafe: :o
m0unds: i was thinking of rerolling my vs char on emerald since i hate vs on connery so much
staticsafe: VS on emerald is great
pew pew pew
m0unds: i miss playing vs, but i hate connery vs a lot, haha
staticsafe: except when we superzerg rushed by AoD
m0unds: someone in the dramathread mentioned the state of zergs on connery and it's completely true
staticsafe: how bad is it?
m0unds: like..3 full platoons of failure ghost capping a base
and just rolling right along lattice
ignore everything else, just keep on going
staticsafe: that sounds terrible
m0unds: EXE used to be bad but they lost a ton of players once their good leadership left and joined ITI (my outfit)
staticsafe: no fun in ghost capping bases :(
m0unds: not at all
i refuse to do platoons, i'll only roll w/single squads or small squads
and on that note, i gotta boogie out of work so i can beat the concert crowd leaving. bbl.
staticsafe: o/
forgotten: im excited about trolling with sed function with a new audience :D
brycec: lol forgotten
Not sure how much one can "troll" with it...
-: brycec adds potatoes to the abuse list
staticsafe: s/troll/potatoes
BryceBot: <brycec> Not sure how much one can "potatoes" with it...
forgotten: s/not sure how much/Positive
s/Not sure how much/Positive
BryceBot: <brycec> Positive one can "troll" with it...
mnathani: s/./potatoes
BryceBot: mnathani mnathani mnathani mnathani mnathani
mnathani: huh?
BryceBot: <mnathani> potaatoespotaatoespotaatoespotaatoes
mnathani: s/./tatoespo
BryceBot: <mnathani> tatoespotatoespotatoespotatoespo
forgotten: beer: Dales Pale Ale
brycec: wrong bot, forgotten
forgotten: lol ya whoopsies
should put mcchunkie in here too :D
brycec: I'd say "no" since its owner isn't here
oh wait, he is
but he's never active