#arpnetworks 2014-09-03,Wed

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up_the_ironsnoVNC is pretty cool; i've wanted to integrate it with the Portal for a while, but the backend setup would take some work [02:25]
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brycecIt's more than just "pretty cool" up_the_irons. It's fucking amazing.
After so many years of plugins/apps for remote console...
Definitely see how setting it up could be a pain
brycec wonders how exactly Proxmox tied it in
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KILLALLHUMANS01Anybody else seeing IPv6 issues with ARP?
(brycec here)
Haven't done any more troubleshooting than ping6 to google is fine, ping6 to ARP is bad (both from my office's HE tunnel)
And it's back to decent....
At least the 4th time this morning I saw packet loss and 350+ms ping times (normal is <90ms)
brycecAnswer is that I'm not completely alone, according to Smokeing. https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?target=ARP.ARPWebsite [09:58]
do you have the mtrs?
KILLALLHUMANS01Just started again, so yes I have mtr's now
starts at NTT
Sorry it's ugly http://sprunge.us/jVcC

ongoing mtr, not -r mode
brycec*Smokeping [10:00]
KILLALLHUMANS01And back to normal...
Hilighting up_the_irons because he may be interested to know
Oh back to shit again...
Oooh so much fun, 50% loss
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KILLALLHUMANS01Here's a better mtr for up_the_irons and others http://sprunge.us/KLRc [10:03]
brycecWheee fun [10:03]
KILLALLHUMANS01Looks like I might be seeing it over v4 too
(but my always-open ssh is v6, that's where I noticed it first)
Now I'm seeing rsync's that go over v4 to my VPS and to the ARP backup server have issues
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brycecHm, seems to have settled down for now... [10:27]
pcnyeah [10:28]
m0undsyea, saw a fair amt of packet loss from comcast -> arp for about 20 minutes or so
~80% loss
I was seeing it on TWC and Comcast (and I think another provider? too long ago)
up_the_ironsbrycec: lol ok ok noted that it is amazeballs
brycecYeah, figured. Packet loss is never amazeballs. [10:55]
up_the_ironshahaha [10:59]
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erraticup_the_irons: do you use some sort of debian preseed for creating ubuntu / debian vms?
I have a debian/ubuntu pxe install server preseed but I think it takes too long
even with apt-cacher
brycecerratic: The VMs are based on iamges.
He builds a VM from scratch, makes an image, and that's it. Just copied.
Each VM is not a fresh install.
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Okay okay, there is a downside to noVNC. Don't press Ctrl-W. [12:00]
staticsafelol [12:00]
brycecIt bites me every time I use join.me or similar, and I've learned. But haven't learned not to in noVNC yet. [12:01]
erraticyeah ok
thats what I thought
m0undsjust got around to trying out novnc, that's fancy [12:22]
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brycecAw man, I just bought stuff at Home Depot on Monday [13:43]
m0undshaha, yeah - i just bought new air filters and stuff a few weeks back
gonna need to request a new card from capitalone360 since we typically use a shared acct for house-related purchases
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up_the_ironsjeez [14:16]
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lol https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuzJWZhIMAAsvxy.png:large [14:38]
m0undshah [14:38]
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brycecLove the random mouse cursor [15:01]
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up_the_ironshah lol you're right [15:25]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:25]
up_the_ironsi'm not sure why BryceBot [15:30]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:30]
up_the_ironswut [15:30]
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brycecBryceBot: no [15:45]
BryceBotOh, okay... I'm sorry. 'i'm not sure why BryceBot' [15:45]
brycecAnd why wouldn't she say "you're right"? :P [15:46]
up_the_ironslol [15:47]
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