i think you guys killed BryceBot eh? @botstatus Bot Status: IRC Bandwidth: 152.44KB up, 1.19MB down. Uptime: 7 days, 5 hours, 41 minutes, and 7 seconds. Bot still alive :p well he musta just been tired then s/tired/potatoes well he musta just been potatoes then http://steamcommunity.com/id/staticsafe/screenshot/567772874584374543 hahahaha, i love double xp goddamn r/planetside likes to bitch a lot s/r.*de/the Internet/ goddamn the Internet likes to bitch a lot ftfy :P s/the Internet/brycec s/the Internet/brycec/ well fine That's what she said!! s/the\ Internet/brycec/ ............ (BryceBot doesn't modify anything it's said.) d'oh Because when you get a busy channel abusing that, it's utter chaos. Also because BryceBot has no visibility of what it says. It only logs (sees) received messages. so s/r.*de/brycec goddamn brycec likes to bitch a lot s/r.*de/brycec:D goddamn brycec:D likes to bitch a lot er :D I do, but I usually keep it to other channels :p staticsafe: yeah, it's nearly unbearable to look at most of the time I just got back from the Alabama vs WVU game I got back from the grocery store. Found $150 bucks, and like an idiot I turned it in to the floor manager. :( Man You're a good person You should feel better about that vs keeping the $150 yeah, could have been someone's grocery money or something lol I mean you never know someone's situation Could've been a single mother who was trying to look after the kid and in her haste, dropped the $150 phlux: Better still I should've left my contact info brycec: true and kept the money until someone called and told me exactly how much I'd found So now I'm a good person with no reward. coulda been the ransom payment for someone's terrible yappy dog My Dad is the type of person that would've gone back for his $150 and given you the $150 for turning it in It was a Walmart too, so $150 is a crapload to those people. The floor manager probably kept it :( WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "THOSE PEOPLE"? m0unds: The type of person that prefers chinese value you need to send your turd packets elsewhere, bub lol m0unds: This walmart is, probably unsurprisingly, in a ghetto part of town. "those people" is apt. In other news, used the chip in my credit card for the first time :D i've never been able to use my cc chip, the readers are always broken or not configured :/ I thought foodstamp cards required the chip they might, but i usually only use my cc at places that wouldn't accept foodstamps like barnes and noble or whatever haha Therefore your places would be effectively denying foodstamps and breaking federal law :p touche Surprisingly, I wasn't required to enter the card's pin was it all you ever dreamed it would be? (using the chip) No because I didn't enter my fucking-awesome pin bastards #FWP I have the coolest PIN assigned to me, but I can't share it. have you ever use contactless payments? that's another thing i've never been able to try because the readers are always broken or not configured s/use/used have you ever used contactless payments? that's another thing i've never been able to try becaused the readers are always broken Yeah I've used "paywave" quite a bit. becaused, i'm awesome That's what she said!! McD is a big taker of it twss Okay! twss! 'McD is a big taker of it' womp womp heh Magstripe, RFID, and now a smart chip. My card is tech'd out :D can't remember the last time i went to mcds I feel l33t, for living in the 'states anyways. i have one card w/rfid and one with rfid and smart chip stuff Nice but i only get to use the mag stripe waaaaah Who's the issuer? rfid is chase, rfid + chip is citi visa / mc interesting. Mine is a Wells Fargo Visa (all my other cards are stripe only) The chip transaction did seem to take longer to process, fwiw processor was like "WTF? HOW DO I HANDLE THIS? Oh. OK." Well there is more going on than in a swipe That's what she said!! BryceBot: no Oh, okay... I'm sorry. 'Well there is more going on than in a swipe' A swipe just dumps a bunch of text into a buffer, the end. Chip actually handshakes and whatnot right ready to gooooo home. Do you get Monday off? yea, i'm usually off mondays oh heh so none of that fancy holiday pay the office monkeys get for not being here thay day, haha booo I'm still not quite sure if my lady realized I had Monday off already when she asked me to take the day off and spend the whole anniversary with her. But I was happy to say "Okay, you got it." haha, that works this is probably an odd question but does using chip/rfid/whatever produce a different card number or something i got detained more than once doing a purchase like that and the last4/etc don't match my card's numbers no, why would it? `;->~ haha, one of my outfitmates said his time breakdown for valkyrie use is as follows: 80% repairing, 15% looking around and 5% shooting hazardous: Typically, it's the same number. Doesn't have to be _technically_ but generally it matches for exactly that case.