#arpnetworks 2014-08-17,Sun

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***phlux1 is now known as phlux [04:42]
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sga0 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:45]
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reardencode has joined #arpnetworks [10:11]
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acf_trying to speedtest against mirrors.arpnetworks.com...
wget -4O /dev/null http://mirrors.arpnetworks.com/ISO_Library/FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso

(the IPv4 version) gets up to 107MB/s
if I replace the 4 with a 6, it shows at most 10.4MB/s
up_the_irons: is Cisco hardware/software support the reason you have to use a software IPv6 router?
brycecacf_: The IPv6 router has only a 100mbps interface, the IPv4 router has GbE
(The IPv6 router is a poor little old OpenBSD 3.x box)
acf_ah. that makes sense
I wonder if up_the_irons will replace s7 with something that can do IPv6
brycecWell the bottleneck makes sense. I don't think having a bottleneck like that makes sense though *nudges up_the_irons :P*
afaik current plan is "if it aint broke" coupled with "v6 is (was) low priority for most"
acf_figured that had something to do with it :) [10:47]
brycecFun fact: the cacti graphs used for bandwidth billing are pulled from s1/s7 data.
I'll leave the implications up to you to realize ;)
(again, because v6 is low priority relatively speaking)
I should use [FBI]'s "off" stuff, damn
[FBI]: Ignore everything I just said.
acf_I think you're okay ;)
that explains why traffic over my IPv6 tunnel doesn't appear symmetric (in:out ratio) in the graphs
brycecheh - I talk knowing there's a public log of the channel, so I'm careful what I say, but I forget I can choose not to log certain things. [10:52]
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m0undss7 should support v6, but there's probably a reason it's not being used for that [11:18]
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up_the_ironsacf_: brycec I'll make IPv6 faster when more people use it ;) general rule is, you don't upgrade a link until you're using at least 10% of that capacity (and even that is low). so when IPv6 is at least 10 Mbps, it would warrant more than a 100 Mbps pipe.
acf_: the 4500 doesn't support IPv6 in hardware, so i had to go with a software router, back in the day, yes. s7 is a 6500, however, and *does* support IPv6 in hardware. One day i may actually make that transition.
acf_makes sense. thanks for the info
I guess that means I should do all of my big transfers over IPv6 :P
..... (idle for 22mn)
ipv6 traffic still only constitutes between 5.5-6% of my monthly use at home
and actually, it looks like it was ~8% this month
5.61% the month before, 6% the month before that
staticsafeso much video traffic over v6 for me
netflix and youtube
m0undsnetflix rarely ever uses a v6 path anymore, it's weird
for a while, 90% of my v6 traffic was netflix
staticsafestaticsafe logs into winbox
yep, now its youtube
and faceboooook
m0undsmine's facebook and xbox live content acquisition for the most part [12:16]
jpalmerI wonder if I can get btsync to work over ipv6, or specifically.. to only do ipv6 [12:19]
brycecup_the_irons: fwiw, 99% of my personal-to-VPS traffic is IPv6 :D [12:24]
In fact over the last 24 hours, 25% of my traffic has been IPv6 :)
m0undshaha [12:30]
BryceBot<brycec> In fact over the last 8 hours, 25% of my traffic has been IPv6 :) [12:30]
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mercutioup_the_irons: what's 95th percentile on ipv6 like atm? [13:21]
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SpaceDump has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:02]
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m0undsless than 10mbps, judging by what he said earlier [14:53]
brycecwhile(true) ; do curl -6 http://mirrors.arpnetworks.com/ISO_Library/FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso > /dev/null ; done
***SpaceDump has joined #arpnetworks [15:06]
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staticsafe: https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428237455244038961/killboard
staticsafe:o [15:25]
m0undsyeah, he was one-hit-killing everyone w/all that stuff
so obnoxious
i didn't realize how fun sticky grenades were til today
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***sga0 has joined #arpnetworks [15:52]
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m0undsas it turns out, any game you add to steam (even non-steam titles) will stream via home streaming [16:09]
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brycecSweet [16:46]
m0undsyeah, i added elite dangerous to steam earlier and noticed it had a "stream" thing on it when i loaded steam on my mbp [16:46]
brycecbrycec is having fun loading up SteamOS on a system without UEFI
i was thinking of building a steambox for my living room
brycecMy home office gets uncomfortable after awhile, and the AC is in the living room
So I wanna play in the living room
And thus was born today's project
m0undsbut it's not going so well? [16:48]
brycecThe distributed images are for UEFI
And I'm fighting Windows' dumbness
(ever tried to repartition a USB drive from scratch on win7?)
Plus seems I had some bad RAM in that box
m0undsdoh [16:53]
i couldn't finish gta 4 or 5, but i could play saints row 3 and 4 all day long
up_the_ironsbrycec: mercutio : yeah, but overall, it's still pretty low. like 5 Mbps at most
don't get me wrong, in the next year, this is probably going to go up a lot, i'm already seeing changes. and when that happens, i'll be migrating ipv6 over to s7.lax most likely.
mercutioup_the_irons: can the openbsd box not take a gigabit card?
100 megabit really isn't that bad as long as there are some buffers though.
brycecm0unds: when did gta5 come out on the pc?
In my defense, most of my time was spent figuring out that the box didn't do uefi and troubleshooting the ram (memtests clean when the system is cool, but after everything's warmed up...)
And now I'm troubleshooting syslinux, yay
***staticsafe has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
staticsafe has joined #arpnetworks
brycecbrycec forgot what a pita MBR booting can be [17:23]
woo, made it to the debian installer [17:36]
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up_the_ironsmercutio: the openbsd box is a vps [18:08]
brycecThat certainly explains the 100mbps limit [18:10]
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up_the_irons:) [18:56]
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JC_Dentonup_the_irons: certainly liking what i'm seeing so far :) [19:18]
up_the_ironsI aim to please
glad you like the services :)
m0undsbrycec: it didn't yet, i have it on xbox 360 but never finished it
gta iv on ps3, likewise never finished - rebought it on pc for like $6 to play w/pc owning friends
JC_DentonGTA IV is a blast
i need to get GTA V
the only one GTAs i really played the hell out of were III, San Andreas, and IV
i love San Andreas's story the best
...... (idle for 26mn)
brycecoh ok, the way I read your statement m0unds, it seemed like you were listing pc games
My PS3 died before I (well, my wife really) could finish GTAV
and I just haven't gotten around to fixing it (buying a new psu)
SteamOS is pretty slick, from a sysadmin standpoint, so much setup is automated.
I'm very impressed.
.... (idle for 18mn)
***milki^ has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [20:06]

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