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*** | carvite has joined #arpnetworks | [02:30] | |
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novae has joined #arpnetworks | [06:14] | ||
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mike-bur1 is now known as mike-burns | [14:17] | ||
m0unds | muahaha https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10505330_328839703932995_6025424741070603040_n.jpg?oh=9d09f50d03715eae87d42ee02d30a29b&oe=5438BCED&__gda__=1413099569_d373faedd3d466f42a423996e6df554c
err ok, i guess that is a valid link. looked like a session link | [14:25] | |
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brycec | either way, it's way too long for my weechat, so I'm not going to take the time to click it :p | [15:24] | |
m0unds | hahaha, that's why brycebot should fire off tinyurls :P | [15:30] | |
brycec | Hm
Or I could just use a weechat plugin that does the same >.> <.< 100% less channel spam that way | [15:31] | |
m0unds | oh, is there one? | [15:32] | |
brycec | A couple I suspect | [15:32] | |
m0unds | never thought of looking for one | [15:32] | |
staticsafe | i know someone who wrote their own plugin for it | [15:32] | |
brycec | url_shorten.rb and shortenur.py both come up | [15:33] | |
staticsafe | man blowing up tanks and sunderers is mega satisfying | [15:33] | |
m0unds | i should see if i can find one that hooks into bitly | [15:33] | |
staticsafe | lasher ftw | [15:33] | |
m0unds | yeah, hahahaha | [15:33] | |
staticsafe | pew pew pew | [15:33] | |
brycec | m0unds: see shortenurl.py then | [15:33] | |
staticsafe | i found out that lasher is quite effective against maxes as well | [15:34] | |
m0unds | i pulled a lightning on my restarted acct. only have 11 certs in it | [15:34] | |
staticsafe | i tried that
got my ass wrecked | [15:34] | |
m0unds | just viper spamming like a mofo, bunch of maxes were set up w bursters and panicked trying to change kits as a liberator flew over and just leveled them
i usually die right away when i do it, but lucked out that time thanks brycec, i'll check it out | [15:35] | |
brycec | Actually m0unds, see url_shorten.rb
| [15:36] | |
m0unds | cool | [15:36] | |
brycec | oh but already has bitly
so... cool | [15:36] | |
m0unds | haha | [15:37] | |
brycec | including login+key | [15:37] | |
m0unds | neat
franka potente's char in the bridge is creeeeeepy | [15:37] | |
brycec | brycec picks http://weechat.org/scripts/source/urlserver.py.html/
built-in server for shortened urls | [15:40] | |
staticsafe | i love when i come up behind a bunch of enemy armor and start going to town and the enemy drivers are all going crazy rotating their turrets looking for me | [15:40] | |
m0unds | the snaaaaaaaaake
hahaha i put c4 on a sunderer and got teamkilled, so i said in prox "would someone please hit my c4 to kill this stupid thing?" | [15:40] | |
staticsafe | lol | [15:42] | |
m0unds | medic throws a revive grenade, i get up, catching the rocket intended for the c4 | [15:42] | |
staticsafe | hahahaha | [15:42] | |
m0unds | infil ended up shooting it like an action movie
i think i got like 1800xp for it | [15:43] | |
staticsafe | also s/lasher/lancer | [15:45] | |
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hazardous has joined #arpnetworks | [19:48] | ||
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mnathani | https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10505330_328839703932995_6025424741070603040_n.jpg?oh=9d09f50d03715eae87d42ee02d30a29b&oe=5438BCED&__gda__=1413099569_d373faedd3d466f42a423996e6df554c
hmm .. how do I get url_shorten.rb working? | [22:30] | |
.... (idle for 17mn) | |||
brycec | No clue :P
But I suspect that it won't shorten URLs you yourself has posted And thanks to your re-paste, I have confirmed my urlserver.py works. Nice weather, m0unds https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10505330_328839703932995_6025424741070603040_n.jpg?oh=9d09f50d03715eae87d42ee02d30a29b&oe=5438BCED&__gda__=1413099569_d373faedd3d466f42a423996e6df554c | [22:47] | |
mnathani | how complex was the urlserver.py install ? | [23:01] | |
*** | NiTeMaRe has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) | [23:03] | |
NiTeMaRe has joined #arpnetworks | [23:11] |
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