#arpnetworks 2014-07-09,Wed

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***toddf has joined #arpnetworks
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pyvpxup_the_irons: hola :) [00:37]
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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Wed Jul 09 07:10:30 2014
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mnathani has joined #arpnetworks
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Hienup_the_irons: ping :) [08:20]
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brycecbrycec pongs [09:12]
pyvpxpyvpx dings [09:14]
.... (idle for 16mn)
Hienpokes brycec [09:30]
brycecbrycec flies into a rage, "I am NOT the Pillsbury Doughboy" [09:30]
HienHien xD [09:31]
brycecHien: Do you have a question specifically for up_the_irons? Or is it maybe something the knowledgeable people and bots of #arpnetworks could help with? [09:32]
Hienbrycec: Thank you. But I email'd up_the_irons
Hien pokes BryceBot
I wouldn't do that if I were you
HienWhy ? 0_o
Just about new order, no urgent question or something xD
brycecI meant the poking of BryceBot. BryceBot is mean. [09:37]
Hien hugs BryceBot
...... (idle for 27mn)
mnathani@weather yyz [10:05]
BryceBotToronto-Pearson International, Ontario: Mostly Cloudy ☁ 68°F (20°C), Humidity: 56%, Wind: From the West at 15 MPH Gusting to 22 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=43.67722321,-79.63055420 or re-request this with: @weather -v yyz [10:05]
staticsafenice day today [10:06]
mnathaniyesterday was a lot of rain followed by sunshine [10:06]
dangel_@weather CAZ096 [10:19]
BryceBotError, No cities match your search query [10:19]
up_the_irons@weather 90012 [10:22]
BryceBotLos Angeles, CA: Partly Cloudy ☁ 76°F (24°C), Humidity: 71%, Wind: From the WNW at 1.0 MPH Gusting to 10.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=34.059711,-118.256401 or re-request this with: @weather -v 90012 [10:22]
up_the_irons@weather 91344 [10:22]
BryceBotGranada Hills, CA: Clear 82°F (27°C), Humidity: 51%, Wind: From the SSE at 2.9 MPH Gusting to 4.9 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=34.287365,-118.484680 or re-request this with: @weather -v 91344 [10:22]
up_the_irons6°F cooler at the office [10:22]
brycecup_the_irons: closer to the water too [10:23]
dangel_brycec: Feature request... noaa stations. :) [10:23]
***dangel_ is now known as dav [10:23]
brycecdav: Take it up with wunderground.com [10:24]
davbrycec: Copy that. [10:24]
brycec@weather San Joaquin Valley, CA [10:25]
BryceBotMultiple locations matched your query: San Diego International-Lindbergh, CA (zmw:92140.5.99999), San, ML (zmw:00000.1.61277), [10:25]
brycecApparently wunderground hates the Sierra Nevada Mountains [10:25]
davdav chuckles. [10:25]
brycec@weather Hanford, CA [10:26]
BryceBotHanford, CA: Clear 82°F (28°C), Humidity: 50%, Wind: From the West at 2.7 MPH Gusting to 3.7 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=36.355957,-119.656898 or re-request this with: @weather -v Hanford, CA [10:26]
brycecClose enough
(Actually wunderground redirects to Lakeshore, CA for the lat/lon of CAZ096
@weather 37.29833,-119.10333
BryceBotLakeshore, CA: Clear 77°F (25°C), Humidity: 17%, Wind: From the East at 5 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=37.62405777,-118.83875275 or re-request this with: @weather -v 37.29833,-119.10333 [10:28]
davOh! Coordinates work. Sweet. [10:28]
brycecI love that http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?zoneid=CAZ096 says it's -18C there [10:28]
davBusted sensor I guess? [10:29]
brycec(coordinates need to be comma-separated, no spaces)
(again, that's just how wunderground works)
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tooth_ is now known as tooth [11:33]
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jpalmerwow, I haven't seen that in forever. someone joined a channel and instantly start begging for ops.
"Can I have ops, plz?"
up_the_irons: I can haz ops?!?! I need it to hang out in this channel! it's sooper important!!!11!11oneeleven
brycecup_the_irons: CAN I OPS HAZ???????
Not that #arpnetworks needs more ops really
But I'm sure I would make a good op :p
staticsafestaticsafe bans brycec from the internets [12:27]
brycecbawwwww :( [12:27]
jpalmerhaha not just a k or g-line, an internet-line! [12:28]
brycecbrycec instantly begins losing weight, now that he's not sitting 50% of the work day [12:29]
mnathaniup_the_irons: hey, if everyone else gets ops, I would like ops too [12:29]
jpalmer+o for all. now we just need an eggdrop bot network! [12:30]
brycec#arpnetworks could do something like #devious does, +V users that are smart, well established, good community members etc (and +o for admins)
It's used as a means of saying "these people know what they're talking about, they aren't just random people spouting bad advice"
jpalmerI don't know that it'd be necessary here. I really was just making fun of the fact that I hadn't seen that behavior in several years.. [12:34]
brycecHeh yeah #arpnetworks seems to work just fine. Since it's pretty quiet in here, there's very little need for the "endorsement" of +V [12:38]
mnathanihalfops would work for me : % [12:42]
meingtslaif only they existed on freenode [12:51]
brycec^ [13:01]
...... (idle for 27mn)
acf_anybody else notice SIP brute forcing getting particularly bad? [13:28]
m0undsis that like ops for hobbits? [13:28]
acf_it just crashed asterisk [13:29]
m0undsno idea, i don't run any sip boxes connected to the internet without firewall rules or nat in front of them [13:29]
acf_probably wise

^ mostly SIP traffic
notice the outbound is significantly above the inbound in that last part
maybe a SIP amplification attack of some sort?
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acf_ has joined #arpnetworks [13:58]
acf_up_the_irons: are you around?
m0unds: do you happen to have ARP metal?
up_the_ironsacf_: don't ask to ask, just ASK ;) [14:03]
acf_can you sign a new ipmi vpn cert for me please? :/
I forgot the passphrase
up_the_ironsyeah, send the csr to support@ [14:04]
acf_thanks [14:04]
m0undsacf_: nope [14:13]
..... (idle for 22mn)
acf_up_the_irons: okay, I've sent it [14:35]
brycecI've seen nasty SIP brute forcing too, at the firewall :P [14:43]
acf_how do you firewall your sip? [14:43]
brycecSorry that it's chewing up so much of your bandwidth acf_
acf_: One of two approaches. 1) Only open ports for specific hosts, 2) Fail2Ban
acf_hm. I guess it's option 2 for me [14:44]
m0undsfail2booooooooooo [14:44]
brycecacf_: why not #1? [14:44]
acf_SIP clients on dynamic addresses
unless there is some other way to restrict based on host?
brycec*how* dynamic? I have clients whose IPs only change once a blue moon. Others I have the client update a dyndns host and pf refreshes from that hourly. [14:45]
acf_Comcast dynamic IP
also cellular network
that's what I'm most worried about
brycecComcast - once a month at most
Cellular... blech
acf_: you could run SIP on a non-standard port too
acf_I was thinking about that [14:46]
m0undsvpn :D [14:46]
brycecVPN is a perfect solution, if you have perfect users. [14:46]
acf_VPN would be great, except for mobile devices [14:47]
brycec[mobile devices do VPN...] [14:47]
acf_have you had any experience with VPN on mobile devices?
I haven't...
brycecYes [14:47]
acf_but it seems like it could be bad [14:48]
brycecOpenVPN, l2tp, and ipsec [14:48]
m0undsit's fine
i've used l2tp and ipsec
brycecoh and pptp [14:48]
acf_I'll have to try that [14:48]
brycecm0unds: PPTP still easiest for $users to setup and configure [14:48]
acf_and comments on device support? [14:48]
brycecFor a simple voice VPN, I wasn't too worried [14:48]
acf_Android, Symbian, iOS, etc... [14:48]
brycecI can say for certain that Android and iOS do PPTP and L2TP+IPsec natively.
Android has good OpenVPN client support
(last I checked, iOS had to be jailbroken for opencpn)
acf_apparently Symbian supports PPTP also
I might try that
brycecPPTP isn't the most secure, but it's simplest (username+password) and "good enough" for a simple voice vpn
Plus with VPN, you don't have to deal with NAT issues
acf_have you any experience with voip handoff between wifi and 3g?
ie, you go in range of wifi, phone connects, drops call
brycecIf it's in a VPN, you're just waiting for the VPN tunnel to reesatablish
but if that's quick, the call stays up and nobody notices.
m0undsi typically just dump sip calls to my phone# directly
if i don't answer my ext
acf_how about outbound calls? the cid gets all messed up... [14:52]
m0undsi just block my outbound cid
and dial from my phone
acf_ah [14:53]
m0undsif the call recipient went through the trouble to block anonymous calls, they can wait til i get to the office
brycecm0unds++ on all points
In theory you can setup a DISA, call the PBX and then route back out
Or just *67
acf_I've been looking for a way to do that cleanly for a long time
ie, click on a contact, it dials the PBX, etc...
brycecThere are craploads of click2call
Many of them work well, even
acf_not for Symbian users :/ [15:05]
m0undsa buddy of mine did that to allow him to dial in to his PBX to have outbound calls routed via his toll-free
whoa, symbian?
brycecacf_: if the Symbian user is just a cellphone, then what does it matter?
ie you click the link on your computer, the PBX calls your phone (the Symbian or whatever) and when you pickup and confirm, then the PBX bridges that to an outbound call to $wherever
A phone call is a phone call, regardless of the receiving device.
acf_ah yes
I was hoping for some tighter integration
so that you can initiate the call using the built in ui and it just works
brycecacf_: i seem to recall that Blackberry (because that's what I used at the time) had a means to program a prefix so you could dial through the office phone system
To do just that
No idea if Android etc can do that nowadays
acf_yeah. any idea what that's called? my google searches have yeilded nothing... [15:08]
brycecIn theory though, you can just prefix the destination with 1800mypbx{pauses}$disaextension{pause}
prefix dialing i think
acf_ok cool [15:09]
brycecor "dial via office"
obviously that's the blackberry specific stuff :p[
acf_yeah [15:10]
brycecbut you could google for $platform dial via office
looks like Android uses a Cisco app for it
Symbian seems to be left with click2call/"reverse callback"
acf_that's what I was afraid of
I wonder if GSM/UMTS has any out-of-band signalling capabilities at call setup
you could change the software stack to dial a fixed number, and signal the actual number to dial
brycecBesides the messaging layer that SMS is built atop? [15:13]
acf_I guess that could work [15:13]
brycecI don't know if it supports that function specifically though
Maybe that's what this "fixed dialing numbers" stuff is about
on second though, FDN wouldn't solve the problem
acf_I'm kind of surprised that the telecoms don't have services that allow easy integration into PBXes [15:15]
brycecIt's not the telecoms prerogative [15:15]
acf_it seems like it would be a useful service for companies that use cell phones [15:15]
brycecit's Android/WinMo/Symbian
And companies that use cellphones also use Cisco (with their own Android app), or Blackberries (builtin)
staticsafewho uses Symbian anymore [15:16]
acf_Europe [15:16]
brycec(Lync might even have an 'app' hook to do it) [15:16]
staticsafereally now [15:16]
brycecEurope is a myth [15:16]
acf_well, yeah
people are moving away from it
m0unds4.4% global market share as of 2012 according to wookiepedia [15:17]
acf_that's not too bad
4 out of every 100 cell phones are Symbian
up_the_irons: still around?
brycecacf_: BTW the SIP brute forcing should be somewhat limited already http://support.arpnetworks.com/kb/main/is-there-a-firewall-filter-rate-limit-or-similar-device-applied-to-my-traffic
Unless ^ doesn't apply to Metal customers
acf_I think I had that removed a while ago
so I could run OpenVPN instances on non-standard ports
brycecbtw acf_ I can't resolve your unixcube.org [15:22]
acf_I know
bad things happened
m0undsuh oh [15:22]
staticsafeo_o [15:22]
brycecso I can't even see that graph you linked :p [15:22]
acf_I'm waiting for up_the_irons to sign me a VPN cert so I can get a console [15:23]
brycecthat's weird... ns[0123].unixcube.org should have entries in the DNS root to be proper "nameservers" [15:23]
acf_they don't?
brycecdon't seem to
I'm only cursorily investigating
acf_brycec: you wouldn't happen to have arp metal would you? [15:25]
staticsafebrycec: you mean glue? [15:25]
brycecsorry acf_ [15:25]
acf_aww [15:25]
m0undsthey should just call them horse records [15:25]
brycecacf_: scratch that, the records are there, but dig was being stupid [15:25]
acf_ah, that's good [15:26]
brycecstaticsafe: I meant A records for the nameserver entries [15:26]
acf_is there a way to do a broadcast ipv6 ping? [15:37]
staticsafeping6 ff02::1%$interfacename
(not broadcast as that is not really a thing in IPv6)
that is the All nodes on the local network segment address
multicast all the things!
so my ARP metal box lost network
m0undsthere's a moron who used to work here who couldn't grasp the word "multicast"
he always used to refer to it as "multitask"
drove me nuts
staticsafeo_o [15:40]
acf_that's great
sending multitask packets
m0undsthat's what happens when you bolt people with no networking experience (VCR + DVR + analog video) into an updated position where it's important to know it [15:41]
acf_I have a VPS on the same logical network
shouldn't I be able to ssh into it via its IPv6 link local address?
staticsafe"what do you mean by converged network?!"
"voice, video and internets on the same network?!"
brycecYes, acf_ [15:42]
acf_or is there some case where the interface could lose its link local address [15:43]
staticsafeno [15:43]
brycecIf it's down or unconfigured... [15:43]
staticsafewell that [15:43]
acf_so here's what happened:
IPv4 things broke
I ran /etc/init.d/networking restart in Debian
^ bad idea
IPv6 things broke
brycecacf_: and you don't have IPMI console up yet? [15:44]
I used to
if I had an IPMI console, I could just reconfigure the interfaces
m0undsstaticsafe: he thought that i assigned ip addresses for devices purely based on the port on the switch that they're connected to [15:45]
brycecacf_: I assume console.cust.arpnetworks.com doesn't tie in to any physical serial port or whatnot? [15:45]
m0undslike..with analog video, there's an electrical signal chain you have to follow or you won't get video on the far end. he htought that's how an ip network functions, haha [15:46]
staticsafeheh [15:46]
brycecWhen you put it that way, it's not illogical, just wrong. [15:46]
m0undsright [15:46]
acf_brycec: unfortunately it doesn't appear so [15:46]
m0undsbut he'd argue it as truth
and would actively refuse or reject explanation to the contrary :)
also, i think i'm giving him too much credit w/the signal thing. he didn't really understand how that worked either, just that if he put a camera on a cable, and plugged the cable in, it would show up
this is why he's no longer here..that and he was offered an enormous $250 sign on bonus to work for a company that repairs automatic card shufflers
brycecWow a whole $250? [15:49]
gave up ~$3800/yr in benefits, 10hrs/period of PTO and 4 day set schedule for $250
brycecm0unds: is he doing the repairs? or he's doing IT for them? [15:53]
so it's better for him
brycecSounds like it [15:53]
m0undsi do X because Y is broken
also, i rarely see him which is great for my mental health
............... (idle for 1h11mn)
http://i.imgur.com/KAD0QvN.png this graph is depressing
although, the one day where there was no real spike was the 4th of july
that's Comcast right?
m0undsyep [17:07]
acf_I think he was willing to try and reroute some Verizon routes
don't think it's happened yet though
up_the_irons that is
m0undshttp://i.imgur.com/nQdjKIp.png [17:09]
acf_what's that? [17:09]
m0undscut over to a different box running the same services [17:09]
acf_ah [17:09]
m0undsi was kind of hoping that whatever party is causing congestion would lay off at some point [17:11]
acf_nope [17:11]
m0undsi haven't been able to figure out what common svcs traverse ntt via comcast [17:11]
acf_not too many from the looks of it [17:12]
m0undsnetflix doesn't, hulu doesn't, amazon vod doesn't, xbox live/video doesn't, psn doesn't [17:12]
acf_bigger providers likely have monitoring systems in place for all of the major ISPs
and reroute traffic accordingly
m0undswell, the ones i mentioned have peering arrangements w/comcast [17:12]
acf_that's why Amazon has such great connectivity I think
not Amazon
(I think)
oh maybe they do
they don't with Verizon though
m0undsthe ELB addresses i've seen w/VOD do for sure
and just checking an east coast AZ EC2 instance, it's comcast -> amazon directly
acf_yeah I see that here too
Amazon appears to have direct peering with HE too
it was a bit congested last time I checked my smokeping
I was surprised
m0undsdoes it seem like they use ntt to reach vz? [17:15]
acf_I can't check atm [17:15]
m0undsah [17:16]
acf_but a while ago it seems they used NTT for the forward path (from me)
I can't remember the reverse path, but I think it was via Telia or something
m0undsNTT is their #2 v4 peer according to bgp.he.net (amzn) [17:17]
acf_what AS are you looking at? [17:18]
m0unds16509 [17:18]
acf_I see
Telia is #4
Level3 is #8
m0undsyea, -z flag on mtr is handy
mtr -z4 somev4host.domain.tld
acf_ah, didn't think to try that [17:19]
................... (idle for 1h30mn)
brycecm0unds: what does the -z flag do? And what version of mtr?
mtr 0.82 (Debian Wheezy) only has -hvrwctglspniu46
-z does ASN lookups
acf_but it doesn't work with the GTK GUI [18:51]
m0undsi'm on .85 [18:51]
acf_same here [18:51]
m0undsdoesn't bother me, i just use mtr in a temrinal
temrinal? really?
acf_for some reason it defaults to GTK for me unless I specify --curses [18:52]
brycec: ^
anyone know about what time up_the irons gets back?
brycecAh m0unds has a newer mtr
I was hoping someone would port that from traceroute
Nice to see that it has been
I think I looked for that option in the man page a while ago and didn't see it
so I had to revert to traceroute if I needed AS lookups
brycecdamn not in wheezy-backports
m0unds: Out of curiosity, what OS is that on? Or did you compile from source?
acf_I use Debian jessie
it's stable enough for me :D
m0undsbrycec: netbsd 6.1.4
same v on freebsd 10
so installed via pkgin or from ports respectively
.85 on 14.04 LTS too (just looked)
thank you
m0undssho 'nuff [18:59]
acf_so basically everything has mtr 0.85 except debian stable [19:00]
brycecWhich is typical
I'm surprised at the lack of a backport for it though
what version of nginx is debian stable on?
acf_Source Package: nginx (1.2.1-2.2+wheezy2) [19:01]
m0undsoh, that's not too bad
better than i figured
acf_for jessie: Package: nginx (1.6.0-1) [19:01]
brycec^ and wheezy-backports [19:02]
m0undsnginx version: nginx/1.5.12 netbsd, and 1.6.0 for freebsd [19:02]
brycecWhen is jessie going to be released as stable, anyone know?
brycec asked Google and simply got https://www.debian.org/releases/testing/
acf_I guess they don't define a date
I think at some point they freeze everything, so that only bugs can be patched (no package version upgrades)
m0undsdates are for suckers maaaaaaaaaan [19:04]
acf_and when everything passes QA, they release it
if I set my distribution to "testing" in /etc/apt/sources.list
every time they do a release, sid goes into testing
and I end up upgrading to it :/
brycecFreeze is Nov 5 https://release.debian.org/jessie/freeze_policy.html
m0undsso..soon? haha [19:05]
brycecm0unds: they're aiming for January [19:05]
m0undsm0unds doesn't know much about debian [19:05]
brycecor maybe Feb?
I'm not too clear on their release policy either
But I do know that it won't be this year
m0undsi don't think i've ever actually used debian debian
wait, i have
i have raspbian on my raspi, hahaha
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m0undsnice, heavy isolated thunderstorm [19:10]
up_the_ironsraspbian rocks
so easy, so small
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m0undsyeah, works pretty well [19:12]
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m0undsno shuttles running to get to the parking lot (.33 mi from the building) and it's pouring outside
so i'm wearing a plastic bag
it's stylish and practical
up_the_ironsas you're typing in an irc channel
....... (idle for 30mn)
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mercutiometa-p /window scroll_previous_highlight
brycecm0unds: Why no shuttles? Seems odd. [20:14]
.... (idle for 15mn)
has freenode been acting up lately
i'm getting messages in other channels in bursts every few seconds and a ton of latency
m0undsconcert tonight. EMPLOYEES BE DAMNED. [20:30]
staticsafehazardous: i have not noticed anything [20:31]
brycecAh, sucks m0unds
hazardous: I'm never surprised to hear Freenode having problems
m0undsit was alright, head and shoes got soaked, rest of me was fine
stupid ringo starr
..................... (idle for 1h40mn)
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............. (idle for 1h3mn)
mercutiohazardous: it may be teh server you're connected to.
there hasn't been lots of splits

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