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*** | novae has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [03:42] | |
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks | [06:35] | ||
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Guest22018 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [09:14] | ||
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Guest6894 has joined #arpnetworks | [09:30] | ||
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Guest6894 | hey
does anyone have an example of what the /etc/networks/interfaces is supposed to look like for ipv6 | [09:46] | |
m0unds | Guest6894: for any particular os? | [09:47] | |
Guest6894 | the debian like os
that uses /etc/netowrks/interfaces lol what else uses that | [09:47] | |
m0unds | m0unds isn't a mindreader
m0unds also doesn't use debian | [09:48] | |
Guest6894 | ah
neither do I thats why Im asking | [09:48] | |
m0unds | https://duckduckgo.com/?q=static+ipv6+address+ubuntu | [09:49] | |
ant | Guest6894: http://pastie.org/9355262 - replace fe80:: by your actual network | [09:49] | |
Guest6894 | yes I know I can search for examples however
its not setting up the interface correctly | [09:49] | |
m0unds | ifdown ifname && ifup ifname
if the script isn't doing it right, that might help | [09:50] | |
Guest6894 | weird
thats exactly what I have ant | [09:50] | |
m0unds | e.g. ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 | [09:50] | |
staticsafe | Guest6894: one sec
lemme paste you one of my configs | [09:50] | |
ant | Guest6894: what does "ip addr sh eth0" show? | [09:51] | |
staticsafe | http://pastie.org/pastes/9355268/text?key=tkuojock4i0iujmettzg | [09:51] | |
Guest6894 | ant: its not what that shows its what route -A inet6 shows isn't correct
oh the gateway I see awesome thanks staticsafe | [09:51] | |
staticsafe | np | [09:53] | |
Guest6894 | also thanks ant | [09:53] | |
ant | np | [09:53] | |
Guest6894 | it was just the gateweay I was setting it to my 2607:f2f8:a2c4::1 instead of fe80::1
although I think I still need to add 2000::/3 | [09:54] | |
ant | isn't that what it's supposed to be? | [09:55] | |
Guest6894 | I guess I should probably understand what those addresses are
I'm not sure I really dont understand ipv6 yet thats why I've been setting this up lol basically I have my /48 setup, and my vpn clients connect and get ipv6 and that all works and its tested | [09:55] | |
ant | gotta go | [09:56] | |
m0unds | https://ipv6.he.net/certification/ is sort of helpful to get some fundamentals down
but it's not comprehensive by any stretch | [09:56] | |
ant | oh, for the /48 it's a bit different anyway | [09:57] | |
Guest6894 | now I'm bridging the tap0 on my vpn client for VM's and it works for windows and gentoo I just need to figure out this route stuff
m0unds: is it pretty quick | [09:57] | |
m0unds | Guest6894: maybe 30 mins
if that | [09:57] | |
Guest6894 | I need need straight to the point kinda stuff | [09:57] | |
m0unds | lots of silliness | [09:57] | |
Guest6894 | I'll check it out | [09:57] | |
m0unds | not super in depth, and you get a t-shirt out of it (assuming they're still sending those out) | [09:58] | |
Guest6894 | lol
nice | [09:58] | |
*** | Guest6894 is now known as erratic | [09:58] | |
m0unds | it's the ugliest shirt i own
hahaha | [09:58] | |
erratic | nice
do they sell girl sizes no wait that would be no fun I should ask for xxl and get mustard stains all over it lol | [09:58] | |
m0unds | it is white, so it's perfect for mustard stains | [09:59] | |
erratic | nice
well I know now I can fix this problem with post-up /sbin/route -A inet6 add 2000::/3 gw 2607:f2f8:a2c4::1 but I wonder if theres a better way. Ill check that site m0unds thank you I'm finding more and more that I could care less if the rest of the internet isn't on ipv6 its just nice being at least partially there and not behind nat pretty much everything I care about is ipv6 and alot of my friends have tunnels | [09:59] | |
m0unds | i used my arp vm for a tunnel ep for a while, just had to stop because of the comcast -> ntt congestion and packet loss
(no fault of arp at all) | [10:05] | |
erratic | comcast is stupid | [10:07] | |
m0unds | meh | [10:07] | |
erratic | this is well known | [10:07] | |
m0unds | just say $isps are stupid
because they're all congested to ntt haha | [10:07] | |
erratic | I haven't had any problems with tmobile
other than its a little slow its usable though who do you know that uses tmobile data though :) | [10:08] | |
m0unds | i don't actually know anyone who has tmobile period - their network in abq metro is horrendous | [10:09] | |
erratic | haha
its ok here seattle Im about to move to another country though so things should get interesting | [10:09] | |
brycec | FYI erratic when asking for ipv6 help in here, it's important to point out that you're using a /48 vs a /64 as they're configured differently. And while I'm at it, here's mine http://sprunge.us/hYCF
(indeed it is a very, very white shirt. not at all pretty. but very, very free.) | [10:15] | |
m0unds | yup
my wife stole it in fact, she's stolen most of the free shirts i've gotten over the years from vendors and stuff | [10:19] | |
brycec | lol | [10:19] | |
m0unds | the ones i get at casino gaming conferences are pretty hideous too
i had one that had a mashup of new slot graphics on it. looked like something you'd get at a state fair airbrushing booth | [10:20] | |
brycec | I assume your wife isn't a 12 year old latina girl?
Those are the only persons I've seen wearing those types of airbrushed shirts | [10:23] | |
m0unds | these ugly shirts are for sleeping only
haha closet full of jorge + melissa por vida t-shirts the ones w/the drama masks on them they pair well w/glamour shots | [10:23] | |
erratic | brycec: thank you :)
brycec: it will prob help once I understand ipv6 a bit better for sure though | [10:27] | |
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acanthus has joined #arpnetworks | [13:36] | ||
acanthus | Hey i was just wondering if anyone has gigabit on their vm
Like can you set the mtu higher Ivw never understood how that works Everything in between matters too doesnt it ? | [13:37] | |
gluffis_ | yes... | [13:38] | |
acanthus | How high can you set the mtu | [13:39] | |
gluffis_ | so trying to use jumboframes over the internet is quite useless | [13:39] | |
acanthus | Its like 6000 right ? | [13:39] | |
gluffis_ | depends on your NIC, but 9000 is usually the largest
low en realtek is at 4000 low end | [13:39] | |
acanthus | What about like virtio
acanthus checks
| [13:40] | |
gluffis_ | nfs likes jumboframes :) | [13:41] | |
acanthus | So does openvpn apparently
Though the tests i saw were kinda weird But ssl is more efficient with less frag That was openssl not sure about polarssl Which ive switched over to using Polar is cold man | [13:41] | |
m0unds | are you doing jumbo frames between two VMs on the same lan segment or something? | [13:47] | |
acanthus | Hahaha i showed my bf my boot up screen for my box with 16 cores he said it looked like Antarctica because of all the penguins
Derp Lol Nah nothing yet Id like to see what it can do | [13:48] | |
m0unds | if it's remote boxes, you'd likely run into path mtu in the neighborhood of like 1480
maybe lower | [13:48] | |
acanthus | Im really a self taught network engineer, my skills suck im trying to improve some by building networks | [13:49] | |
gluffis_ | i need to replace that realtek crap with an intel so I can run 9k mtu at home :) | [13:49] | |
acanthus | Yeah thats what i was afraid of
It sounds like everything into ntt sucks based on what people were saying here | [13:49] | |
m0unds | yep, seems most isps are running that peering really hot | [13:50] | |
acanthus | I dont have anything at home thats not e1000 thankfully | [13:50] | |
gluffis_ | :D
new machine... | [13:50] | |
acanthus | I took some pics of my dual 8 core opteron yest | [13:51] | |
gluffis_ | haven't gotten around to ordering a new card yet..
mostly bought car parts the last couple of months :D | [13:51] | |
acanthus | Id like some of those opteron 6378s or whatever they were, theyre piledriver/2.8 16 cores each and the proc is like 700
Want two Lol Cant really justify it | [13:52] | |
gluffis_ | i bought an i3 haswell... | [13:52] | |
acanthus | I have a couple of 6128s anf theyre a bit slow but still 16 cores
Well 2 8 core procs and i have 64 gigs of ram and i need to get another 64 because i cant put 2 on each proc for some reason The ranking is weird | [13:53] | |
staticsafe | i7 haswell master race | [13:54] | |
gluffis_ | ok | [13:54] | |
acanthus | It was hella cheap too | [13:54] | |
gluffis_ | i3, 16g ram and an ssd 250gb disk, works for me.. 500$ here | [13:55] | |
acanthus | Well overall i spent more like 5k on this box.
But im totally happy with it | [13:56] | |
gluffis_ | hehe
nowdays I hate computers | [13:56] | |
acanthus | Sec | [13:56] | |
gluffis_ | i dont want to spend any money on them :) | [13:57] | |
acanthus | Ill post pics in a bit i gotta get off at my bus stop
Bbl | [13:57] | |
https://plus.google.com/photos/107200340429471321757/albums/6032315817932777201 | [14:07] | ||
BryceBot | Google+: Paige Thompson (female) | [14:07] | |
acanthus | Ugh
Bryce :( | [14:07] | |
m0unds | hahaha | [14:09] | |
staticsafe | nice build | [14:09] | |
brycec | o.o | [14:09] | |
gluffis_ | haha, Google really tells what gender someone is :D
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17613704/Evon/20140418_135220.jpg this is what I spend money instead of computers :D | [14:10] | |
m0unds | fancy | [14:11] | |
gluffis_ | hehe not yet :D
more fun this is fancy, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17613704/P1800/IMG_1725.JPG | [14:12] | |
m0unds | yep, that's fancy | [14:13] | |
gluffis_ | 13000 metric miles :) would be something like 80k imperial | [14:14] | |
staticsafe | is that a mercedes? | [14:15] | |
gluffis_ | haha nope, a Volvo | [14:15] | |
staticsafe | ah | [14:16] | |
gluffis_ | from 1968 | [14:16] | |
acanthus | I feel bad
I just came to visit my mom and blew her off | [14:16] | |
gluffis_ | hehe | [14:17] | |
acanthus | I had something i wanted to look up and completely forgot
Staticsafe i had a friend that had a 450sl that was rebuilt and had a factory restored chasis because there was a recall on them Pretty expensive | [14:17] | |
gluffis_ | hehe | [14:19] | |
acanthus | He had a few diff mercedes all were vintage | [14:19] | |
staticsafe | :o | [14:19] | |
acanthus | I guess i should go hang out with family....bleh
Laters | [14:21] | |
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acanthus | Sigh | [15:25] | |
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erratic has joined #arpnetworks
erratic is now known as Guest5451 | [19:56] | ||
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mnathani | Anyone know how to : How to Turn Off Sleep with Lid Closed x61 Lenovo machine running Ubuntu | [20:11] | |
I found: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15520/how-can-i-tell-ubuntu-to-do-nothing-when-i-close-my-laptop-lid , trying it now | [20:19] | ||
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Guest5451 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [21:18] | ||
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acf_ | nice. Thinkpad X61s here
anyone notice a significant increase in SIP registration brute forcing recently? it seems to be eating up between 0.8 and 1.0 Mbps of bandwidth now | [21:59] | |
mercutio | acf wow
maybe you should use a different port i've seen moer than usual too but i don't think it's anything liek that much | [22:06] | |
acf_ | yeah it's pretty bad | [22:06] | |
mercutio | yeah some of them, even if you block their ip will keep trying again
once you're on some stupid list | [22:06] | |
acf_ | http://unixcube.org/who/acf/tmp/siptraffic.png
^ pretty much all of that is sip traffic | [22:08] | |
mercutio | wow
i used to grpah my dsl it was so boring looking :) i suppose i can again | [22:08] | |
acf_ | it's nice for catching things like this | [22:09] | |
mercutio | but there was shit all sustatined, it was just up and down and up and down
yeah i'd have to isntall cacti at home though | [22:09] | |
acf_ | yeah, maybe not worth it | [22:10] | |
mercutio | i wasu sing mrtg before
which is slightlky simpler but 95th percentile is cool well it just means i should stick more ram in my home server first | [22:10] | |
acf_ | the total bandwidth thing seems to be a bit broken | [22:10] | |
mercutio | i've got ram waiting to put in to jump from 8gb to 24gb
but i don't really like rebooting :) | [22:10] | |
acf_ | I know what you mean
22:10:54 up 401 days, 19:54, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.04, 0.05 up_the irons has better :) | [22:11] | |
mercutio | heh
my sip pabx is locked down for what ip's can reach it but that means i can't go in via cellphone network :( | [22:12] | |
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mnathani has joined #arpnetworks | [22:54] | |
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Guest34720 has joined #arpnetworks | [23:16] |
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