#arpnetworks 2014-06-30,Mon

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plettI was tempted to make a joke about Gentoo always being a joke, but using an installer over a serial port is something which no distros seem to get right these days. I even have to rebuild FreeBSD ISOs with a modified loader.conf to support serial ports [01:31]
..... (idle for 23mn)
Guest91046huh. [01:54]
hazardousi can't sleep and it's 2 am
so now i'm writing bad code
........ (idle for 36mn)
Guest91046> Write failed: Broken pipe
really annoying
..... (idle for 22mn)
this better work this time or Im going to punch my self really hard until I give myself a concussion [02:53]
broken pipe
maybe you guys should be using better pipes
instead of pvc try some steel or something
it costs a little extra
but its worth it
........ (idle for 35mn)
I want to write my own frontend for hypervisor management
the same way I write my own everything else
pyvpx doesn't understand the roll your own/NIH mentality
Guest91046and I dont understand why people can't get something to work right given 5+ years
I dont get why people would rather pay for support contracts which may or may not even be worth while than understand how something works and be able to fix it themselves
I know first hand with support contracts, that it's competitive
you're paying other people to work on their software and the more you pay the more likely you are going to get anywhere. Why? because you can't possibly understand their code or even contribute to it for that matter without knowing it inside and out and you're better off making your own and implementing exactly what you need

pyvpx: you may not be able to understand how this works, but I do, very well. I understand it a hell of a lot better than I would understand a ruby on rails project, or a django project and I find its not infuriating at all like django and rails are to me
and I love this, its so straight to the point https://github.com/paigeadele/job_application_assistant/blob/master/JobFinder/ServiceManager.cs
no asp involved
Mono still lacks a native websocket server though
theres another framework out there that I found out about looking at some mono commits to the websocket code (merged from a another project)
need to check it out at some point but for now I need to finish getting this damn vm to boot
for some stupid reason, I couldn't get virtio drivers to work but I think I might have figured out why.
guess not.
yeah I mean this wouldn't be that big of an issue,
if I could have created another vm before wiping my old vm
and just moved the networks assigned to the old vm to the new vm
but thats not the case because I'm using someone else's stuff
and this story is getting old and tired
I want my own damn hypervisor, running my own damn software, so I can do whatever the fuck I want.
BryceBotGist: "https://gist.github.com/734e055bc87399eca86f" [04:00]
Guest91046do you see anything missing here ?
thats the only thing I can think of.
it's not detecting vda
I remember I had to deal with this last year
and I figured it out
I'm really liking kde, I setup the layman repo and built the live (9999) packages
had to fix a few things along the way but it was good execise
bf told me I was nuts
mercutiowow lots of text :) [04:25]
plettmercutio: That often happens with Gentoo [04:25]
mercutioi haven't used gentoo in like 10 yaers
back when mirrors often had issues
and it'd choose a random mirror
Guest91046mercutio: lately I've been getting prompted for mirrors, but i'm not sure if its because its getting ipv6 mirrors [04:27]
mercutioi prefer arch these days [04:27]
Guest91046does anyone here know if the way kvm is setup on arp requires mmio for virtio ? [04:28]
plettI'm sticking with Debian for my stuff, with the occasional BSD machine thrown in for good luck [04:28]
mercutiono i dea
does the default kernel not boot?
Guest91046it will boot,
it doesn't detect the disk
the livecd does
mercutioweird [04:30]
Guest91046but lsmod on the livecd does not reveal that the mmio module is in use [04:30]
mercutiotry editing grub to have root=/dev/vda1 or such? [04:30]
Guest91046so one would think no its not required?
mercutio: it doesn't detect at all, I can drop into a busybox shell from the kernel and peruse
mercutiooh weird [04:31]
Guest91046lemme try with mmio real quick though [04:31]
mercutiochroot into the gentoo jail and compile your own kernel? [04:31]
Guest91046yes I am
though not remotely
I'm compiling it and uploading it because it would be too dman slow to build it in the vm
mercutioahh [04:33]
Guest91046its just a tad annoying is all, I keep having to ssh into the console thing to S stop the vm and b boot it and then connect with the vnc client before it goes to the bootloader hit f12 boot the cd ifconfig chroot sshd passwd ....
I'm dieing to just get it right and be done with it
i like openbsd :)
Guest91046obsd is pretty cool
I just dont mess with it anymore
I used to
mercutiothat's what i like about it
you don't have to mess with it
Guest91046ran it on an sgi and some sun boxes [04:35]
mercutioit just works
god i tried it on a sparc
painfully slow
Guest91046friend of mine used to work ont he vax port
Im sure he could tell you about slow
mercutiothat was a sparc 1 i think :/
like 16mb of ram or something
mono frame buffer
Guest91046got it
it was just the mmio or something dumb
i don't actually know what that is, but cool
Guest91046memory mapped io
I dont understand exactly how it works
probably exactly how it sounds
fixed memory addresses devices in memory
sec lemme finish setting this thing up
it just peaced out
vncviewer: VNC server closed connection
erratic@laptop ~ $ vncviewer kvr22.arpnetworks.com:5981
vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused
mercutiomaybe you restarted your vm [04:54]
Guest91046no ... it was booting and something broke or somebody turned it off on me
it seems kinda touchy atm
also grsec is making really damn slow
I had turned it off earlier to see if it was causing issues, I had to disable one of the memory protection features that would halt it each time there was a panic / oops / segfault
not a very helpful feature
I just dropped into busy box though
..... (idle for 21mn)
could someobody tell me the console= parameters their grub config has
.............. (idle for 1h6mn)
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Guest40357finally got it
still want to add the grsec stuff back
at least I have a fall back now
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Guest40357library versions: PolarSSL 1.3.4, LZO 2.06
.... (idle for 18mn)
eeeeee! [07:35]
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mnathanioops: load average: 17.57, 8.48, 3.23 [21:42]
brycec17.57? please, wake me up when you break 100
Or 500 on your little old iBook G4. That poor thing...
mnathanithats on a single core VPS [21:46]
brycecI assumed as much. [21:47]
mnathaniback to more reasonable levels now: load average: 0.28, 3.48, 2.43
brycec: you ever use or try otrs?
Open-source Ticket Request System
brycecYep. It was years ago though.
German, perl, etc
mnathanithats the one [21:50]
brycecWow, I used it as late as March 2008. Thought I'd discontinued it before then. [21:53]
mnathanido you remember it being resource intensive? [21:53]
brycecWell, it's written in perl, so... Yes.
I dedicated a whole baremetal machine to it.
It was slow, and it (along with Apache) was a resource hog.
(I would assume that it's improved some in 6 years of active development)
(Apparently I was running 2.2.6 or thereabouts)
(And they're up to... 3.3)
mercutiowhy would it improve?
perl uses more memory on 64 bit than 32 bit
and afaik perl performance on the same hardware isn't significantl beter
brycecI figured the project could improve, optimise a bit perhaps.
(or switch to another language :p)
..... (idle for 22mn)
mercutioi wonder if perl is under much active development
i think there was going to be a completely different perl 6?
milkii havent heard much fanfare about it these days [22:47]
mnathanibrycec: do you know if zeit got the Erroneous Leap Second Introduced at 2014-06-30 23:59:59 UTC [22:57]
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Has anyone ever received a pdf invoice via email from ARPnetworks?
Just came across: You will receive a PDF invoice to the email address provided on the service order form as Administrative POC
but don't ever recall getting a PDF before

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