#arpnetworks 2014-06-08,Sun

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brycecInteresting - mtr to t.co, 3 hops in NTT and it's only the last hop that's bad. 1.0ms, 1.0ms, 192ms. [00:00]
mnathaniicmp deprioritization maybe? [00:03]
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acf_I'm beginning to think that maybe NTT just sucks [00:22]
Level3's path is fine: http://paste.unixcube.org/k/b87f9d
just saying
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mercutioyeah it's strange isn't it [01:24]
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acf_>:( http://paste.unixcube.org/k/3cd15c
up_the_irons: could you please go yell at NTT for us?
m0undsi don't think it'll do any good - they're in the same position as tata
comcast is buying peering from them and running it really hot, so it gets congested as hell during high demand hours
same with telia
random baby spider just dropped out of thin air and climbed into my macbook keyboard under the right shift key
acf_lol I do that in openoffice documents all the time [09:29]
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m0undsgod, comcast escalation support has gotten bad
it used to be really, really good
they want to roll a truck for this ntt/comcast congestion issue in LA
the dude determined my modem is "at death's door" and needs to be replaced to fix a signal issue, but the signal levels reported by the modem on the customer-facing part of it are well within spec
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m0undsit's like their way of saying 'i don't understand what you just explained to me, so i'll fold it over into a context i can understand. your modem is bad." [13:51]
gizmoguytell them their modem that connects them to NTT is bad :)
then they'll understand
m0undshahaha [13:52]
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gizmoguywhy are we so lucky enough to have two m0unds [13:52]
m0undsone's via v4 at home, the other's via v6 on this box [13:53]
mercutiothey just don't understand mounds [13:54]
m0undsmercutio: no shit [13:54]
mercutiowell are yuo surprised
tier 1 helpdesks always suck
m0undswell, considering 2+ years of biz support would have been able to understand it and suddenly in the last month and a half, it's a room full of retards [13:55]
mercutiontt is a japanese transit provider primarily
so most people probably have no idea who they are
m0undsand they're a transit provider in the us for lots of stuff [13:55]
mercutioand it looks kind of like ntu
m0undsverizon is in a transit spat with them now, according to a friend of mine that works for an isp that competes w/vz [13:56]
mercutioverizon in transit spat with comcast? [13:56]
m0undsno, with ntt [13:56]
mercutioor with ntt?
welll we alraedy know ntt sucks to both comcast and verizon
m0undsyeah, but it's because it's due to both vz and comcast shitlisting traffic and dumping it on tata, ntt and telia [13:57]
staticsafepeering drama o/ [13:57]
mercutiopolitics [13:57]
m0undsyaaaaaaay [13:57]
mercutiom0unds: that's what at&t did with cogent [13:57]
m0undseveryone does that with cogent [13:57]
given equal paths, they'd push things otu to cogent
m0undscomcast did it with cogent leading up to netflix' paid interconnect agreement [13:58]
mercutiowhich means if you had any cogent in your mix, you'd get bad traffic from at&t
because the ports were way over congested
so are you meant to just drop cogent?
(well actually should you have cogent in the first place?)
cogent's not as bad as it used to be
at&t goes via ntt too hmm
and looks to have some congestino too
so are ntt just becoming another cogent?
just higher ping though at least
17 msec jitter
acf_> <m0unds> but it's because it's due to both vz and comcast shitlisting traffic and dumping it on tata, ntt and telia
what exactly do you think the relationship between NTT/Telia/TATA and Comcast is?
Comcast buys NTT transit, but not enough?
m0undsyeah, they do the same with other transit providers too
and then if you don't play ball w/them, your traffic gets shitlisted, e.g., it gets funneled through one of those providers
the worst offender is tata, but they're bad nearly everywhere
acf_by "play ball" I assume you mean "buy transit" [14:24]
m0undsyeah, arrange for an agreement to peer directly w/comcast [14:24]
acf_so they use the crappy links with Tier 1s to coerce Netflix, etc... into buying transit directly from them [14:24]
m0undsyeah, which netflix should just do as a cost of doing business anyway [14:24]
acf_super [14:24]
m0undsbecause it's nonsense that any one party should bear that whole burden [14:24]
acf_so it's really not NTT's fault [14:25]
m0undsthat's why paid peering agreements exist and have existed forever
not necessarily
no way to tell easily
this is all guessing
acf_hmm... you'd think NTT would care about the quality of their Comcast links quite a lot [14:26]
m0undsyeah, speculation, speculation, speculation
well, if comcast is a customer, ntt isn't in any place to say "buy more capacity from us"
acf_so how do you think buying transit from Comcast/Verizon/etc... compares to NTT pricing wise?
ie, why not just by transit from Comcast and get it over with
m0undsi have no idea, i deal with closed networks not internet-facing networks :) [14:28]
acf_got it
it's interesting that you say Comcast is an NTT customer
because you would think NTT would be the primary sender
m0undsthey likely are, but again, speculation [14:28]
acf_and the sender usually pays
of course
m0undsi haven't been able to find anything that prefers tata [14:30]
acf_I know I've seen it in the path to ARP in the past
so Level3
do they have peering congestion too?
m0undsnot as bad as it used to be - they used to be in the same boat as tata, ntt and cogent were w/comcast [14:32]
acf_what happened? [14:32]
m0undsdunno, just remember there was a really public series of blog posts and yelling back and forth in 2010 or so [14:32]
acf_I remember that between Level3 and Cogent
and Verizon and Cogent
m0undsthere was another one between level3 and comcast too
acf_interesting [14:36]
i haven't really seen a lick of headend or city-level comcast congestion in years
that's a farmiliar graph :[14:43] <m0unds> yeah, haha
m0undsi think it's a little disingenuous to say that suddenlink and sonic agreed to open connect purely because it benefits customers
they have significantly smaller networks and smaller subscriber counts
that's like saying $local_isp supports openconnect because it benefits consumers - i'd guess it'd probably also reduce the strain of their peers at the edge of their network
so i guess it's customer-centric in a way, but also protects their own business from having the reputation of being the "slow isp" haha
acf_yeah. it's at least nice to see someone writing about the peering congestion though
I haven't been able to find much direct acknowledgement of the issue anywhere
internap seems to have some nice blogs

broadband service providers, right behind airlines
m0undshaha, yeah [14:56]
was playing with netbsd earlier. hadn't used it in years. [15:01]
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mercutioi tried netbsd on winuae
painfully slow :/
...... (idle for 28mn)
acf_I would imagine so
I ran NetBSD on some NeXT hardware a while ago
just for fun
it took like 15 minutes to boot
and 2 to log in
and 30 seconds to ls
don't even try ssh
mercutiohaha [15:55]
............... (idle for 1h11mn)
is next 68k? [17:06]
mercutiomy amiga has 68030
it's so damn slow with some things
and so damn fast with others
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mnathani@google what is node.js [23:07]
BryceBot3,580,000 total results returned for 'what is node.js', here's 3
Node.js - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Node.js) Node.js is a software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the ...
What is Node.js? - O'Reilly Radar (http://radar.oreilly.com/2011/07/what-is-node.html) Jul 6, 2011 ... Node.js. It's the latest in a long line of “Are you cool enough to use me?” programming languages, APIs, and toolkits. In that sense, it lands ...
javascript - What is Node.js? - Stack Overflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1884724/what-is-node-js) I think the advantages are: Web development in a dynamic language (JavaScript) on a VM that is incredibly fast (V8). It is much faster than Ruby, ...

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