#arpnetworks 2014-06-05,Thu

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up_the_ironshttps://www.resetthenet.org/ [00:22]
mercutiohttps://t.co/wD3MiiXOSM [00:24]
BryceBothttps://t.co/wD3MiiXOSM -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpbOEoRrHyU [00:24]
m0undshttp://ccsinjection.lepidum.co.jp/blog/2014-06-05/CCS-Injection-en/index.html [07:52]
BryceBot<http://youtu.be/fpbOEoRrHyU> YouTube Entertainment: "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): Net Neutrality" by LastWeekTonight (13m 18s), 2,075,997 views, 35,571 likes and 367 dislikes. Uploaded 2014-06-02T06:30:01.000Z. [09:33]
brycecSadly, I had to leave the auto-redirect off one domain because ifttt.com won't use https:// urls (for its wordpress plugin, anyways) [09:34]
m0unds: I figured it was pretty easy to read... http://brycesawesomeapp.com/robots.txt [10:40]
m0undshttp://alodrink.com/products/enliven/ [10:56]
http://www.aei.org/article/economics/innovation/the-real-slow-lane-threat-to-the-internet/ [13:54]
gizmoguyhttp://www.dia.govt.nz/censorship-dcefs [14:04]
BryceBotDNS-based Authentication of Named Entities :: DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) is a protocol to allow X.509 certificates, commonly used for Transport Layer Security (TLS), to be bound to DNS names using Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC). It is proposed in RFC 6698 as a way to authenticate TLS client and server entities without a certificate... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS-based%20Authentication%20of%20Named%20E [14:13]
sjacksom0unds: http://www.coolerguys.com has some unusual fan stuff, though it's probably mostly 12v [14:30]
acf_http://kremvax.acfsys.net/smokeping.cgi?target=Remote.verizon-lsanca [16:52]
http://paste.unixcube.org/k/bb55b1 [16:54]
staticsafem0unds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEx1WEOV2Zk [17:27]
brycecHere's a good example of the Level3 switch https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?displaymode=n;start=2014-05-29%2018:59;end=now;target=Internet.Foonetic.vervet4 [19:00]
https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?displaymode=n;start=2014-05-29%2019:01;end=now;target=Internet.Foonetic.staticfree4 [19:02]
BryceBotOCCAID :: The Open Contributors Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (OCCAID) is a non-profit consortium that operates one of the largest IPv6 research networks in the world. It maintains both resale and facilities-based networks spanning 15,000 miles, with a presence in over 52 cities across 6 countries. OCCAID facilitates collaboration between research communities and the... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCCAID [19:03]
m0undshttp://albuquerque.craigslist.org/clt/4494974647.html [19:27]

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