#arpnetworks 2014-05-29,Thu

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up_the_ironsmnathani: a very overly engineered version of REST [00:06]
...... (idle for 25mn)
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up_the_ironsdang... i think kvr10 is going to be on the chopping block next week. Hate to see this uptime go:
garry@kvr10:~$ uptime
00:16:55 up 1423 days, 21:20, 2 users, load average: 10.43, 10.38, 8.92
(and that load looks kinda high...)
***novae has joined #arpnetworks [00:33]
..... (idle for 23mn)
novae has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:56]
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z310 has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [03:10]
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root_AMG has joined #arpnetworks [05:24]
toddf has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [05:37]
toddf has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o toddf
m0undswow, kvr10's a busy box [05:51]
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pcnSomeone mining? [06:15]
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hazardousprimary school rule: if someone is mining, they have to bring enough for everyone on the node to excuse their behaviour [07:11]
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m0undswow, voip.ms connects calls a lot faster than vitelity [08:45]
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pyvpx has joined #arpnetworks [09:48]
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aboutGod has joined #arpnetworks
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aboutGod has left
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staticsafe:o [12:41]
up_the_irons:o [12:43]
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brycec:| [13:06]
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got to do some outside aerial stuff today :D
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CaZeAre you graceful? [15:00]
m0undsyes indeed i am, especially wearing a harness [15:00]
CaZehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By-A7AN4jEA [15:01]
BryceBotYouTube Entertainment: "Destiny Vinley - Aerial Silks Act - The Spark That Ignites" by maevyaerialarts (5m 45s), 227,707 views, 1,625 likes and 29 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-10-04T03:07:28.000Z. [15:01]
i do that with a fall harness on
hanging from one of these: http://www.rent1.net/CMSuploads/product_images/210_2_image1.jpg
CaZeThat girl's got a nice ass. [15:05]
brycecbrycec expected a girl hanging from the genie, was disappointed [15:08]
m0undsyou can always pretend [15:11]
brycecHuh... never thought of dudes do aerial... I assumed you were talking about RC flight or similar
Sorry for inadvertently being sexist
i'm hurt
brycecIt's just I've never ever seen a dude doing aerial
Same as I've never seen a dude give birth... So I'm going to continue to assume men don't do that :p
m0undswe added new wireless segments today
so i was doing radio alignment and whatnot
BryceBot<m0unds> we added new wireless sectors today [15:13]
brycecSo... aerial antennas? [15:13]
m0undspanel antennas on poles
ptmp 5.8ghz
brycecsweet [15:14]
m0undswe use them for temporary outdoor installs. this stuff is in a construction area where they're building a parking agarage [15:15]
brycecUbiquiti? (they're pretty damn popular) [15:16]
m0undsi wish
i love ubnt stuff
we use solectek because we have tons of leftovers from an old project
brycecHard to beat leftovers :D [15:17]
m0undswhenever my APs at home get around to dying, i'm gonna replace them with some unifi APs from ubnt [15:17]
brycecExcept when those leftovers are 100mbps unmanaged switches... Then it's really easy to beat that shit [15:17]
m0undsyeah. [15:17]
brycecm0unds: what do those run? $$wise [15:17]
m0unds~$220ish for the dual band [15:17]
brycecouch, hard to justify that... [15:18]
m0undsand i think like $129 for the 2.4ghz ones [15:18]
brycecOr I can get a b/a/n/ac for like $100...
m0undsi've had terrible luck with consumer wlan stuff burning out
oh, the 2.4GHz ones are $65 for b/g/n
brycecthat's pretty reasonable then [15:20]
m0undsLR ones are $85 [15:20]
brycecI've never had wifi burnout... [15:20]
m0undsa three pack of LR ones is $250
brycec(I also lean towards high-end consumer stuff, $100-150 range) [15:20]
m0undsyea, i do too
my current remaining AP is a linksys 3200 something or other running tomato
it's survived for 2 years
i have another one that goes with me when i travel for work
client bridge on the 2.4ghz radio, openvpn client on it so i can connect my notebook or whatever via 5ghz wlan or wired connection via hotel weefee
oof, the unifi pro AP-AC models are $289
brycecI wonder if I can find some cheap second-hand on ebay... [15:26]
m0undstheir little vyatta-fork powered routers are pretty cool too [15:26]
gizmoguythe edgerouters m0unds? [15:26]
they've been adding features like crazy
gizmoguyyeah I've been meaning to pickup an ERL to have a play [15:27]
brycecI don't think I could give up pfSense [15:27]
m0undsi'm not a big webui fan, but the gui on the erls is really nice (just like all the uis on ubnt stuff) [15:27]
ubiquiti started getting into ip video a little - they have their own nvr/vms thing, and their own branded cameras
they really need to make a 1.8-2mm bullet camera and i'd buy a few for my house
brycecm0unds: What's the benefit of that? (n00b asking)
Also, the dome is 1.96mm
m0undswider fov [15:45]
brycecAh, thank you [15:45]
m0undsw/the ~2mm lens, they state the dome has a 90 deg horiz fov
the 4mm on the bullet provides 47 deg
so it'd be alright if you had some height, but i want a camera at my front door and one in my garage
the mounting solution for the dome looks pretty snazzy
brycecHeh, the cameras and AP's use different PoE voltages [15:49]
m0undsyeah, and their new line of fanless switches have selectable poe output
brycecToo bad it's not auto-negotiable [15:49]
m0undsyeah, i wish they'd just use regular standards compliant poe [15:50]
brycecTIL there is some handshaking involved in PoE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_over_Ethernet [15:54]
BryceBotPower over Ethernet :: Power over Ethernet or PoE describes any of several standardized or ad-hoc systems which pass electrical power along with data on Ethernet cabling. This allows a single cable to provide both data connection and electrical power to devices such as wireless access points or IP cameras. Unlike standards such as Universal Serial Bus which also power devices over the data cables, PoE allows long cable lengths. Power may be... [15:54]
brycecThat's reassuring [15:54]
gizmoguyin 802.3af?
where you make sure the resistance between two pins is a certain value?
brycecYes [15:55]
gizmoguyyeah it's quite neat
I hate using passive PoE though
brycecI don't know much about PoE, sorta assumed it was always-present voltage on unused pairs [15:55]
gizmoguythere's active and passive PoE
passive PoE just applies the power always
brycec(and if you plugged a 24V device into 48V PoE, poof)
gizmoguyproper active 802.3af requires the resistance thing [15:56]
m0undsyeah, i hate poe injectors for that reason
(the poof factor)
gizmoguyuugh yes m0unds
I used a really really dodgy 8 port PoE project once upon a time
m0undsbecause it just dumps juice assuming the person plugging in a device isn't retarded [15:56]
gizmoguyyou plugged in the power brick into the PoE injector
and sparks went flying everywhere
on contact
that's awesome
i threw away our lab injectors (for bench configging cameras) because an old tech cooked several devices plugging stuff into it
ended up with a rackmounted hp 1910 series w/poe instead
brycecpassive --> active PoE, I gather [15:58]
m0undsyeah, passive being a 48v transformer with a pair of rj45 ports on it labeled in and out
i might still have one somewhere
axis bundles them w/their PTZs because they need poe+
brycec(I was just clarifying that the HP was active PoE) [16:01]
m0undsoh, yeah
brycecfancy [16:01]
m0undsyeah, it was cheaper than the replacement cost of the stuff the dude who got fired cooked w/poe injectors

there's one that i still have - the only place we use these is on wlan installs because i don't have the ability to use active poe
the radio rigs have a mounting plate that contains an altronix 120->24VAC transformer w/fused outputs - one two wire cable goes to the camera, the other goes to this poe injector, which powers the radio
so all we end up needing is a 120V circuit at the pole, and i can put a camera on it
standard outdoor stuff would be a locking cabinet w/120->48V transformer, which powers a PoE+ capable industrial switch/media converter (PSU & switch are both din-rail mount)
then we use UV-protected cat6 cables from the camera to the switch in the cabinet, then SM or MM fiber to an SFP switch in a closet
brycecbrycec subscribes to no-more-opendns [16:12]
gizmoguyare they trying to become relevant again after google took their entire `customer' base? [16:12]
brycecI used to be gung-ho for OpenDNS, but then things changed and it went a bit too commercial. [16:13]
m0undsumbrella is their bread and butter now [16:13]
***Gcoin has joined #arpnetworks [16:13]
it's a WaF?
brycecThey sell umbrellas now? [16:14]
m0undshttp://www.opendns.com/enterprise-security/ [16:14]
up_the_irons"CaZe | That girl's got a nice ass." [16:14]
***Gcoin has left "Gcoin is a Philanthropy based cryptocurrency developed by Freemasons, for the love of humanity. #Gcoin | http://www.reddit.com/r/gcoin" [16:14]
up_the_ironsyeah wtf i expected a girl too [16:14]
m0undshttp://www.opendns.com/enterprise-security/products/ [16:14]
gizmoguythanks for the info Gcoin? [16:14]
up_the_ironsGcoin, wtf [16:14]
gizmoguyis that IRC spam? [16:15]
brycecSeems like it [16:15]
up_the_ironsdefinitely smells of it [16:15]
brycecCould've been worse though... [16:15]
up_the_ironsquit msg spam [16:15]
m0undsoh, was confused (didn't see the koin msg)
join msg*
brycecm0unds has his own ad-block for IRC [16:15]
m0undssmart filters ftw [16:15]
CaZeI was talking about the girl in the video I pasted. [16:16]
m0undsi just suppress join/quit msgs unless the user has said something in the last 5 mins [16:16]
brycecneat [16:16]
m0undsyeah, weechat feature
i love it
staticsafebest feature [16:18]
CaZeMaybe I'll switch to it when I upgrade my snapshot next week, when kvr10 goes down. [16:19]
m0undsyeah, and i like adding people i'd ordinarily /ignore to filters w/regex matching [16:19]
staticsaferun your own resolvers! [16:20]
m0undsnuuuuu [16:21]
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BrycesBot is now known as brycec
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cool_boy has joined #arpnetworks [17:48]
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novae has joined #arpnetworks [18:35]
novae has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:46]
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cool_boy has left [19:01]
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dj_goku has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:25]
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novae has joined #arpnetworks [21:07]
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brycec@macgyver [23:22]
BryceBotAngus MacGyver says: I'm not perfect...yet. [23:22]
up_the_irons@macgyver [23:23]
BryceBotAngus MacGyver says: I'm not perfect...yet. [23:23]
we need more
BryceBotAngus MacGyver says: I'm not perfect...yet. [23:23]
brycecYou ever notice that all the music in the series is the same song?
up_the_irons: well I'm watching...
up_the_ironssame song?
never noticed
brycecheh. It's always the theme song, just different riffs and takes [23:25]
up_the_ironshah [23:26]

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