[07:41] *** john3213 has joined #arpnetworks [07:46] *** john3213 has left [08:01] *** staticsafe has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3) [08:02] *** Guest66235 has quit IRC (Quit: EntropyNet ZNC) [08:05] *** staticsafe has joined #arpnetworks [08:07] *** staticsafe-znc has joined #arpnetworks [08:08] *** staticsafe-znc is now known as Guest84965 [12:28] *** grepidemic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:30] *** grepidemic has joined #arpnetworks [12:39] *** grepidemic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:39] *** grepidemic has joined #arpnetworks [12:45] *** abthorpet has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [13:48] *** grepidemic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:50] *** grepidemic has joined #arpnetworks [14:08] *** tabthorpe has joined #arpnetworks [14:08] *** tabthorpe has quit IRC (Changing host) [14:08] *** tabthorpe has joined #arpnetworks [14:09] *** Volkard has joined #arpnetworks [14:10] new cat6a install we did: http://i.imgur.com/raKJu54.jpg [14:10] fancy [14:10] thanks [14:11] OCD > Cable sexiness [14:11] -> [14:11] hahaha [14:12] looks heavy [14:12] Posted to /r/cableporn yet? :p [14:12] It's coming out of the tray in the ceiling with a waterfall. [14:12] lol [14:12] theres r/cableporn? [14:12] joy [14:13] yeah, hahaha [14:13] omfg [14:13] porn indeed [14:42] man, that is nice [14:42] rats nest above the ceiling tile? :D [14:46] tussss [14:46] err, yussss [14:46] pretty where it counts [14:46] hahaha [15:21] i think our IS dept has been gifted with the world's worst network administrator [15:21] during the course of fixing an app/db server issue, he managed to create a switch loop that took out my dept's entire network environment [15:21] *** dj_goku has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [15:22] O_o [15:24] tbh, i'm not sure he knows he did it [15:24] (this is the third time in a year) [15:25] *** m0unds_ has joined #arpnetworks [15:53] that is impressive Volkard [15:53] Thank you [15:53] ocd :D [15:56] put to good use [15:57] m0unds: no STP on that switch? i kept STP going on a switch for a large office (6513, like 500 ports), b/c every now and then someone would loop it [16:00] yes stp is a good solution [16:00] up_the_irons: guessing not - this dude is horribly inept [16:00] haha [16:00] mac address limits are annoying [16:00] they hire contractors to do about 2/3 of his work for him [16:00] lol [16:00] m0unds: i don't think that's that untypical [16:01] i think having peer review is important in IT myself. [16:02] but contractors aren't going to do that [16:02] i finished working on the car last week [16:02] i used to hear how people doing IT support loved windows, because it meant they got lots of work [16:02] http://s15.postimg.org/p2pu0srej/engine.jpg [16:02] checkout the engine [16:03] http://s15.postimg.org/zbib6mfgb/engin.jpg [16:03] clean [16:03] and shiny [16:03] this dude couldn't handle adding a single static route for my systems to receive point of sale stuff - they were going to hire a contractor to come out and add the route [16:03] its an intercooled twin-turbocharged V8 GM LS6 architecture [16:03] i did it for them [16:03] m0unds: haha what [16:03] more fanciness [16:03] yeah, it's bad [16:03] i had a static route at home at one point for some reason [16:04] the block is Gen-IV aluminum case with 4.110 inch bores and the forged 4.00inch stroke crank puts displacement at 425 ci. the heads are CNC-ported Gen IV picked up from the Cadillac CTS VR racing program [16:04] and my normal adsl modem can add static ip routes from a web interface easily [16:04] Volkard: cool [16:04] the camshaft is hydraulic roller with factory lifters. we fabricated the headers and plumbing for the pair of turbos, also fabricated the dual-core intercooler that mounts at the bottom of the engine compartment, just behind the radiator [16:04] actually m0unds do you know how to add static route in windwos automatically? [16:04] cos i realised before i had no idea how to do that [16:05] and so if bringing up a vpn or such, i have to add route manually :/ [16:06] probably something like route add mask [16:06] then execute via script at boot [16:06] can't at boot [16:06] because the vpn isn't up at boot [16:06] ah [16:06] idk then [16:06] i know how to add manually [16:06] i know hos to do it on linux :/ [16:07] desktop shortcut, double-click to execute the script that adds the route when it's ready? lol [16:07] true i could do that [16:07] kinda kludgy [16:07] but meh [16:07] i know [16:07] it's just as kludgy to keep opening the shell [16:07] yeah, haha [16:07] but ahh.. it's just one of those weird things [16:07] i don't use vpn much [16:08] but i was surprised it was so hard :/ [16:08] and i'm sure i'm not the only one that doesn't want to default route over a vpn [16:47] *** Konata has joined #arpnetworks [17:07] http://www.techpolicydaily.com/communications/title-ii-communications-slow-lane/ wee [17:15] *** dj_goku has joined #arpnetworks [17:15] *** dj_goku has quit IRC (Changing host) [17:15] *** dj_goku has joined #arpnetworks [17:17] *** Konata has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving...) [17:22] *** Volkard has left "Gone"