#arpnetworks 2014-05-08,Thu

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m0undshttp://beta.slashdot.org/story/01/10/09/1826205/the-america-online-protocol-revealed closest i can find to info [08:32]
brycechttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSCAR_protocol [08:35]
http://i.imgur.com/g88HbIY.png [09:48]
And here's an update latency chart http://i.imgur.com/oUwdysi.png [09:49]
RandalSchwartzI think this is the modem they gave us, which is indeed part of an ipv6 strategy: http://www.arrisi.com/products/product.asp?id=79
press release: http://ir.arrisi.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=87823&p=RssLanding&cat=news&id=1880159
thank you googles: http://www.jhnc.org/hanoi/sendmail-cf.html [11:35]
BryceBot6.5. ntpd access restrictions (http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/AccessRestrictions) Restrictions are used to control access to your ntpd and are, unfortunately, one of ... Users of NTP versions prior to 4.2.7p26 should either use noquery or disable ...
Network Time Protocol daemon - ArchWiki (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_Time_Protocol_daemon) Apr 2, 2014 ... The NTP Project provides a reference implementation of the ... ntpd (with ntpq or ntpdc), and noquery prevents dumping status data from ntpd ...
15.9. Understanding the ntpd Configuration File (https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7-Beta/html/System_Administrators_Guide/s1-Understanding_the_ntpd_Configuration_File.html) The nopeer option prevents a peer association being formed. The noquery option prevents ntpq and ntpdc queries, but not time queries, from being answered.
RandalSchwartzbut I've just now updated to the recommendation for https://www.team-cymru.org/ReadingRoom/Templates/secure-ntp-template.html [14:31]
brycecfwiw, this is mine - 95% Debian's default, with a few more servers added http://sprunge.us/RYZY [14:35]
up_the_ironsanyone used these? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA2W014B1465 [15:48]
m0undshttp://mydeviceinfo.comcast.net/ RandalSchwartz [17:03]

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