#arpnetworks 2014-05-04,Sun

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mike-burnsFastMail offers Jabber as part of their service, too. [00:09]
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dj_goku has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [10:18]
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jpalmerm0unds: 75 miles with the stock antenna is impressive. was that antenna indoors or outdoors at the time? [15:21]
brycecI'm impressed too. I get about 30mi range with my stock antenna, outside.
(I also have terrain to worry about)
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jpalmerbrycec: you set one up also?
that means there are 3 ADS-B recievers in this one channel alone. lol
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brycecheh, yeah for the fun of it [20:08]
jpalmerare you feeding fr24? or just using it solo? [20:08]
brycecjust solo, I don't have a good enough setup (enough coverage) to bother feeding them [20:11]
jpalmerI disagree. if you are seeing 1 plane.. that is enough to feed.
more is nicer, sure. but.. any little bit, helps coverage.
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brycecI suppose. Maybe when I have it setup more "permanently"
(Though they do already have some coverage here)
I just wish I could put up an antenna here
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mnathanibrycec: Is Kayako eSupport a ticketing system, or does it do more than that? [21:56]
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mnathani@google "Kayako eSupport" [23:23]
BryceBot3,410 total results returned for '"Kayako eSupport"', here's 3
Kayako.com - Help Desk Software | Customer Service Software (http://www.kayako.com/) Help Desk Software and Customer Service Software by Kayako. Improve customer satisfaction, increase sales. SaaS or On-Premise, from just $24 per month.

Kayako eSupport (functions.php) 3.70.02 - SQL Injection Vulnerability (http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/14404/) Jul 18, 2010 ... Kayako eSupport (functions.php) v3.70.02 SQL Injection Vulnerability.
Customer Support Software - Kayako Case (http://www.kayako.com/products/case/) The world's leading helpdesk software solution. Email, ticket support, self-service. Automate tedious tasks. A better customer experience. From $24.
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brycecmnathani: As you can see, it's mostly email/phone ticketing, with some knowledgebase thrown in. We used to use SupportSuite which no longer exists by that name, and includes website "live chat" stuff.
Though frankly I'm a bit happier with the $0 osTicket... but we've had eSupport setup for so long, it's just not really worth rocking the boat.
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