#arpnetworks 2014-05-01,Thu

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up_the_ironsthere's no BIOS settings that I know of in seabios
you can't get rid of the F12 prompt on our systems, it is always there
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LobsterParty is now known as Lobsta
LobstaHey guys
Good morning.
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.... (idle for 15mn)
jpalmerup_the_irons: curious, how are you doing your OS updates on the kvr hosts? online/aptitude? or are you doing a CD based upgrade? [04:50]
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....................................................... (idle for 4h31mn)
mus1cb0xup_the_irons: the f12 prompt isn't an issue. what i'd like is the ability to, through the portal, to remove the isos from the virtual optical drives
.................................... (idle for 2h56mn)
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up_the_ironsmus1cb0x: right, that's what i gathered. that ability does not exist.
jpalmer: boot into systemrescuecd ISO, wipe root, /boot, and swap, deboostrap the version i want, then puppet to rebuild it all back up again
jpalmer: install CD based upgrade was a fail (tried it on a spare machine) b/c once it gets to the partition menu, it wants to scan all the LVM volumes (presumably to pre-populate the partition menu), and since customer VMs are on LVM volumes, that process takes WAAAAAY too long, like 15 minutes of waiting. Could not figure out for the life of me how to turn that off. [12:38]
staticsafeopenbsd 5.5 is out [12:38]
up_the_ironsbut anyway, it's fine b/c the systemrescuecd approach can be way more scripted. no menus to navigate.
staticsafe: oh? nice
crap, another template to make... just when i finish with one...
staticsafehttp://www.openbsd.org/55.html [12:39]
up_the_ironsbut good thing is i can try all virtio with 5.5 (just like I did with FreeBSD 10) and see if it works well
New viornd(4) driver for VirtIO random number devices
there's virtio even for rngs!
mus1cb0xhow can i find out which physical server a given VPS is on, so i can monitor @bsdvps for relevant service status messages? [12:55]
mnathanikvr host when you vnc [12:55]
mus1cb0xahh! [12:55]
mnathanifrom within a portal [12:55]
mus1cb0xty mnathani [12:55]
up_the_irons: Have you considered virtualizing that lone Windows Box you were looking for a hand on? That way all settings/ hostname/ips and services can stay the same while the physical hardware can be abstracted
up_the_ironsmnathani: have not thought about it; what i need more is just for someone else to take care of it. more work than time, so i need help. [13:05]
jpalmerup_the_irons: I was more asking because, I need to do the exact same upgrade. 9.04 to the latest LTS trying to figure out the best way to handle it. (server is 1005remote, in another state) [13:09]
up_the_ironsjpalmer: yeah, so, i tried a lot of different ways before i came up with the one above. i think it is the best way. [13:10]
mnathani@wa 39 inches to cm [13:13]
BryceBotconvert 39 inches to centimeters;99.06 cm (centimeters);9.906 dm (decimeters);990.6 mm (millimeters);0.9906 meters;3.25 feet;3' 3";~~ (1 to 1.4) × average human step length ( 69 to 97 cm );~~ (1 to 3) × elliptical stride length ( 12 to 22 in );~~ 4 × stair tread depth (~~ 11 in );~~ 0.58 × average human height (~~ 1.7 m );~~ 0.66 × average ground level of the Maldives above sea level (~~ 1.5 m );~~ 4.3 × inner radius of an NBA basketbal [13:13]
mnathani@wa 19 inches to cm [13:13]
BryceBotconvert 19 inches to centimeters;48.26 cm (centimeters);4.826 dm (decimeters);482.6 mm (millimeters);0.4826 meters;1.583 feet;1' 7";~~ (0.5 to 0.7) × average human step length ( 69 to 97 cm );~~ (0.9 to 1.5) × elliptical stride length ( 12 to 22 in );~~ stair tread depth (~~ 11 in );~~ 8.9 × typical credit card width ( 53.98 mm );~~ 3.7 × stair riser height ( 4 to 7 in );~~ (1 to 8) × bicycle tire radius ( 0.5 bicycle tire diameters );~~ [13:13]
mnathani@wa 38 inches to cm
@wa 30 inches to cm
BryceBotconvert 38 inches to centimeters;96.52 cm (centimeters);9.652 dm (decimeters);965.2 mm (millimeters);0.9652 meters;3.167 feet;3' 2";~~ (1 to 1.4) × average human step length ( 69 to 97 cm );~~ (1 to 3) × elliptical stride length ( 12 to 22 in );~~ 3 × stair tread depth (~~ 11 in );~~ 0.57 × average human height (~~ 1.7 m );~~ 0.64 × average ground level of the Maldives above sea level (~~ 1.5 m );~~ 4.2 × inner radius of an NBA basketba
convert 30 inches to centimeters;76.2 cm (centimeters);7.62 dm (decimeters);762 mm (millimeters);0.762 meters;2.5 feet;2' 6";~~ (0.8 to 1.1) × average human step length ( 69 to 97 cm );~~ (1 to 2) × elliptical stride length ( 12 to 22 in );~~ 3 × stair tread depth (~~ 11 in );~~ 0.51 × average ground level of the Maldives above sea level (~~ 1.5 m );~~ 5.9 × stair riser height ( 4 to 7 in );~~ 3.3 × inner radius of an NBA basketball rim
***mus1cb0x has left "WeeChat 0.4.2" [13:15]
up_the_irons@date 1556 days ago [13:17]
BryceBot4 years, 13 weeks, 4 days, 23 hours, 0 seconds ago. [Interpreted date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:16:39 -0800] [13:17]
jpalmerup_the_irons: yeah. not sure it's going to work for my needs. Are you able to retain the data. from the sounds of it, if you had things loaded, you'd lose them unless they were on a seperate lvm partition/disk
basically, I'm hoping to do an in-place upgrade somehow. cuz.. I inherited the machine a few weeks ago. and don't have a 100% solid grasp of everything it's doing. and there are some oddities.. like, they run a script to setup the firewall, rather than the standard init.d stuff, etc.
up_the_ironsjpalmer: so yeah, i put my data and OS in different partitions, so I can blow away the OS when it is time to upgrade [13:19]
jpalmerand netstat -plunt gives me a fricken laundry list. so, wipe/reinstall is S C A R Y [13:20]
up_the_ironsjpalmer: sounds to me like you're looking at a messy aptitude in-place upgrade [13:20]
jpalmerup_the_irons: yeah, I'm not too familiar with debian. but the EOLUpgrade page, shows 9.04 to the next "jump
being pretty.. risky.
err s/debian/ubuntu/
I guess I should use clonezilla.. take the machine down for a couple hours.. bring the image over and restore it to a local VM.. and do the upgrade path piece by piece. then, if something goes horribly wrong.. I still have a clonezilla backup. :/
it's 3 strikes. the machine is in another state, I'm not strong with ubuntu, and I don't know what all the machine is doing yet. It just doesn't seem like a recipe for success.
up_the_ironshaha indeed not [13:24]
brycecjpalmer: you might try a no-downtime approach by recreating the machine in a VM, and tar-over-ssh the data across
I did that with a remote OpenBSD host that I have almost-no hands on, and it worked like a charm
.... (idle for 15mn)
m0undsi recently did that w/data from a fedora core 3 (!!!!!) server -> centos box
i'd love to meet the person who thought FC3 was a good idea, haha
....... (idle for 33mn)
brycecThere's not much I would claim "was a good idea"... usually just "the best idea/we could do at the time" [14:17]
jpalmerbrycec: I like that better than lonezilla. danke. [14:24]
brycecNo problem.
It may not be as "clean", it's always been "close enough." Build the vm, boot to a rescuecd, recreate the partition table and filesystems, mount and unpack/receive the tar. Oh and don't forget to install the bootloader.
m0undsbrycec: server-oriented distro vs "bleeding edge" community distro
i think the first one is a pretty "good idea" for a server vs the one that was unsupported less than 8 mos after it was deployed, hahaha
esp considering it was still in active svc til 2 weeks ago, and hadn't been rebooted in like 5 years or something
brycechaha nice
I'm going to assume either someone was running it on their desktop and thus deployed same, or they wanted the latest version of Apache-or-whatevs
m0undsit has hand-compiled apache
not even installed from a repo
2.6.12-1.1381_FC3smp #1 SMP Fri Oct 21 04:03:26 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
brycec2.6.x at least... [14:34]
m0undsyeah, barely
brycecm0unds: CentOS 4 used 2.6.8, so it's well within 2.6.x
...and now I want to buy a Cobalt RaQ. Damnit, you got me thinking about old linuxes running web servers
m0unds# /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.0.55
brycecI just inherited this: Linux linux 2.6.13-15.7-default #1 Tue Nov 29 14:32:29 UTC 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux [14:35]
m0undsServer built: Nov 10 2005 12:43:45
^^ lol
brycecServer version: Apache/2.0.54
Server built: Dec 4 2007 15:57:29
m0undshahah [14:36]
staticsafeso old [14:36]
brycecwow... so your person built a newer Apache before my person did [14:36]
mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.15, for pc-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 5.0
brycecI'm trying to decide between virtualize this thing, or let it slowly rot
mysql Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.13, for suse-linux (i686) using readline 5.0
m0undsPHP 4.4.1 (cli) (built: Jan 9 2006 16:27:53) [14:37]
brycecyeah baby, mysql 4 [14:37]
m0undsbahaha [14:37]
brycecPHP 5.0.4 (cli) (built: Jul 30 2007 15:15:08)
aww m0unds wins PHP
m0undswhat else is there to check?
gcc version 3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)
brycecgcc version 4.0.2 20050901 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)
why the FUCK is this thing running GDM and X?
staticsafeo_o [14:39]
m0undsyou know what's funny?
root 30824 6.4 0.8 11048 9196 ? S 14:40 0:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -audit 0 -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7
this is also running gdm and x
2005-2007, the years of GDM and X on servers
brycecX -version
X Window System Version 6.8.2
Release Date: 9 February 2005
m0undsX Window System Version 6.8.2
Release Date: 9 February 2005
brycecX buddies o/ [14:41]
m0undsso terrbile
staticsafestaticsafe hugs his gentoo system [14:43]
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)
staticsafebut can it run minecraft?! [14:45]
m0undsit's possible [14:46]
brycecI have a Gentoo production server :D Fortunately, it's only used for a single internal process, and it doesn't get messed with.
(SMP PREEMPT Tue Nov 28 00:34:44 UTC 2006)
m0undsthe only linux box on my network at $primary_employer is ubuntu precise
brycecWe have precisely 1 non-*nix system at $primary_employer
Which I'm okay with :)
m0undshahaha [14:50]
brycec(Hint: It's a Windows XP VM) [14:50]
m0undsoof [14:50]
brycecmeh, it's not networked, I'm okay [14:50]
staticsafei would take a old linux box over Windows XP anyday [14:50]
m0undsi guess i could say we've got ~1300 linux devices, as all our cameras run debian or derivatives [14:51]
brycecIt's easier and cheaper to keep this system doing what it does, than to sort out licensing for all the tools on it.
Woo that's a few /24's
also damn that's a lot of video feed
i think we're recording ~7gbit/sec right now
something like that
all the axis and pelco cameras run debian, siqura/dynacolor cameras don't expose any part of the OS, so i know it runs linux but no idea what
brycecm0unds: and what retention? [14:52]
m0undsvariable - lowest retention period is 14 days, longest is 30 [14:53]
staticsafemulticast video stuff interests me [14:53]
m0undsyeah, it's fun [14:54]
brycec@wa 7gbps for 30 days [14:54]
m0undsi like it because it's not like anything i've done before [14:54]
BryceBot7 Gb/s (gigabits per second)×30 days;1.814×10^7 Gb (gigabits);1.814×10^16 bits;2.268 PB (petabytes);2.268×10^15 bytes;2.014 PiB (pebibytes);0.001967 EiB (exbibytes);~~ ( 0.025 ~~ 1/40 ) × estimated data content of the deep web (as of 2001) (~~ 91000 TB );~~ identifiable storage capacity of the human brain (~~ 2 PB );~~ approximate data content of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine (as of 2006) (~~ 2 PB );information;[information] [14:54]
brycecI would like multicast a lot more if I had more managed switches [14:54]
staticsafeim looking forward to some VoIP courses too [14:54]
brycecSo basically m0unds stores a human brain's worth of information every month [14:55]
m0undsyeah, with some overhead there for video streamed to operator consoles and ip monitors [14:55]
brycecI think it's a fun metric... much like libraries-of-congress [14:56]
m0undsnot too much though - just 12 operator clients, averaging ~30mbit/sec per client, then 14 monitor wall displays with around the same to each
yeah, it's a good metric
brycecm0unds: Ever get tour groups?
"Yeah kids, we store..."
m0undshahahaha, we've had some tribal officials tour our room before
i helped our VMS vendor do a demo for a property in southern nm that was looking at their stuff
that's the extent of 'tours' we've done
our entire headend (core network and all video servers) fit in 5 full height racks
....................................... (idle for 3h10mn)
huh. so, apparently, even when you're running VSS with a redundant sup in a separate chassis...ios still reserves the power for the redundant sup as if it's in the same chassis.
must be getting powered by laser radiation or something.
staticsafeo_o [18:14]
m0undssup2t in cha-1 and sup2t in cha-2 - show pow swit 1 or swit 2 shows the redundant sup from the other chassis, and associated power budget, lol [18:19]
juniper MX80 maximum power draw, fully loaded, is less than the amount of power my 6500 chassis' are reserving for phantom redundant sups [18:30]
..... (idle for 20mn)
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......... (idle for 40mn)
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Guest50879 is now known as pjs [19:41]
........ (idle for 38mn)
jpalmerok weechatters. on my mac, I have to hit esc+# to switch windows. this works up to window 10 (esc-0) in irssi, I could then do esx-q for window 11. this doesn't work in weechat. how do I get windows higher than 11! [20:19]
staticsafeAlt-J window number [20:20]
jpalmerok, THAT is gonna take some getting used to. not intuitive at all. lol
(and doesn't work on the mac)
staticsafeprobably changeable, I would ask in #weechat [20:25]
................. (idle for 1h20mn)
mnathanibrycec: I have been meaning to ask you what other software / tools / distributions you use that pass that test of: Someone else can find their way around <insert app name here> by checking out the documentation. Examples of such software you mentioned in the past : pfSense, FreeNAS [21:45]
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m0undsmnathani: openbsd and freebsd both have really solid docs [21:57]
mnathaniI guess I am looking for killer apps people use
m0unds: ^
brycecapps versus os :p [22:05]
m0undsto be fair, you said distributions :) [22:05]
brycecmnathani: umm, Gapps, Kayako eSupport, osTicket...
mnathani: oh, Elastix
m0undselastix is great [22:06]
brycecs/great/just okay/ [22:06]
BryceBot<m0unds> elastix is just okay [22:06]
wait, i got mixed up
brycecI would be, and when I have time, will be happier to run Debian with FreePBX [22:07]
m0undsfreepbx has good docs
it's kinda kludgy but has gotten better over the years
brycec(And if I didn't have that requirement of "someone else can find their way around" I'd be writing the dialplan by hand once again)
I find their docs lacking still
The few times I've bothered with docs...
m0undswhatever version of it i deployed at home is decent; lots better than it used to be
2.11 maybe?
can't remember - rarely interact with it once it's set up
brycec2.11 is latest [22:09]
m0undsgah, i got elastix mixed up with eucalyptus
both start with e, i guess that's enough to confuse me
brycec@google eucalyptus [22:10]
BryceBot2,000,000 total results returned for 'eucalyptus', here's 3
Eucalyptus (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus_(software)) Eucalyptus is a free and open-source computer software for building Amazon Web Services (AWS)-compatible private and hybrid cloud computing environments ...
Eucalyptus Systems · GitHub (https://github.com/eucalyptus) Santa Barbara, CA; http://www.eucalyptus.com/wiki. Filters.
Eucalyptus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus) Eucalyptus /ˌjuːkəˈlɪptəs/ L'Heritier 1789 is a diverse genus of flowering trees and shrubs (including a distinct group with a multiple-stem mallee growth ...
m0undshttps://eucalyptus.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EUCA/Eucalyptus+Home?src=contextnavchildmode [22:10]
brycec(BryceBot's google search is oriented towards tech :D) [22:11]
m0undsi noticed, haha
watching that 80s movie "cat's eye" or whatever
mnathaniwa 1mbps x 1 month
@wa 1mbps x 1 month
BryceBotSorry, I couldn't reach the backend API. [22:15]
mnathanihmm [22:15]
brycec@wa 1mbps x 1 month [22:15]
mnathani@google1mbps x 1 month
@google 1mbps x 1 month
BryceBotSearching for '1 mbps x 1 month' instead.
978,000 total results returned for '1 mbps x 1 month', here's 3
Google Fiber (https://fiber.google.com/) At up to 1,000 Mbps, Google Fiber is 100 times faster than today's basic broadband, ... Enjoy 1 terabyte of cloud storage for all of your favorite Google products.

Data rate units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rate_units) For example, when a 1 Mb/s connection is advertised, it usually means that the ... is 1 megabit/s (million bits per second), which is 0.125 MB/s (megabyte per .... MB /s, 4,000,000,000, 500,000,000, Computer data interfaces, PCI Express x1 v2.0.
Korean internet speed going insane. Now launching 300 mbps on ... (http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1vpag5/korean_internet_speed_going_insane_now_launching/) Jan 20, 2014 ... 1Mbps + 10GB for $70 a month. I use around 100GB a month, not with this plan but one very similar to it. The most expensive and fastest option ...
1 Mb/s (megabit per second)×1 month;2.628×10^6 Mb (megabits);2.628 Tb (terabits);2.628×10^12 bits;328.5 GB (gigabytes);0.3285 TB (terabytes);3.285×10^11 bytes;~~ 0.41 × planned AIT-6 native capacity ( 800 GB );~~ 0.82 × AIT-5 native capacity ( 400 GB );~~ 1.6 × AIT-4 native capacity ( 200 GB );information;[information];Time to transfer at 10BASE-T ethernet speed:, ->4380 minutes, ->3 days, ->(assuming 10BASE-T ethernet speed = 1
mnathani@wa 1mbps x 1 month [22:16]
BryceBot1 Mb/s (megabit per second)×1 month;2.628×10^6 Mb (megabits);2.628 Tb (terabits);2.628×10^12 bits;328.5 GB (gigabytes);0.3285 TB (terabytes);3.285×10^11 bytes;~~ 0.41 × planned AIT-6 native capacity ( 800 GB );~~ 0.82 × AIT-5 native capacity ( 400 GB );~~ 1.6 × AIT-4 native capacity ( 200 GB );information;[information];Time to transfer at 10BASE-T ethernet speed:, ->4380 minutes, ->3 days, ->(assuming 10BASE-T ethernet speed = 1 [22:16]
mnathanithere we go
whats with >>> 01:15:15 BryceBot | Sorry, I couldn't reach the backend API.
brycecmnathani: the connection timed out
(or otherwise failed)
Yep, timed out "Error while communicating with the backend: The connection timed out"
up_the_ironsm0unds: actually that happens even without a separate chassis. it simply reserves the power for a redundant sup, no matter what. kinda annoying.
m0unds: so the MX80 power draw is less than 350W ?
jpalmer: i do /b <num>
brycecI just lurk in a single channel :D j/k [22:28]
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..... (idle for 22mn)
mnathaniAnyone know if its possible to link or attach a business card image (scan) to a contact in either Outlook/Office365 or GoogleApps/Gmail [23:02]
brycecYou can in gmail for sure
Open the contact and click "Change Picture"
mnathaniI usually use that for the persons picture [23:03]
brycec(or "Add a picture" if there isn't one already)
Sorry thought that's what you were asking
mnathaniI guess I am looking for both, profile picture and business card [23:04]
brycecbrycec isn't reading well [23:04]

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