#arpnetworks 2014-04-09,Wed

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***acf_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:03]
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eryc_ is now known as eryc [04:38]
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SpaceDum1 is now known as SpaceDump [05:01]
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jcv has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [05:55]
jcv has joined #arpnetworks
radixo has joined #arpnetworks
radixoHello guys.. I wanna know what is the tecnology behind ARPNETWORKS to virtualize OpenBSD amd64 [06:07]
phluxSo far this morning I've managed to lose my IRC network's hub, crash a VPS hosted elsewhere, and in an attempt to get the dogs to stop barking, I pulled my blinds right off of the wall.
My blinds for that particular window are sitting crumpled on the floor
I've been awake for about 10 minutes
We just had a son, so I only got about 2 hours total last night
I'm about to crack here.
staticsaferadixo: it is KVM [06:18]
phluxi'm about to an hero [06:19]
...... (idle for 29mn)
radixostaticsafe: I have some problems with slowless trying to run OpenBSD 'amd64', using VirtualBOX, VMWare Player and XenServer.. do you know why? [06:48]
.......... (idle for 47mn)
phluxradixo: I fail to see how this is an ARPNetworks issue. [07:35]
.... (idle for 17mn)
brycec"slowless" so, a lack of slow? I fail to see the problem in that :^) [07:52]
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radixophlux: I think here is a place with contact with phlux, and not only to speak about issues.. [08:21]
phlux#english [08:22]
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brycecBased on that IP, I'd say English isn't their first language phlux :p [08:23]
phluxyeah i doubt it too
this channel is american damnit
and i'm proud of that
m0undsi thought it was chinese
brycecradixo: We try to stay "on topic," a support channel for customers of ARPNetworks.com [08:24]
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brycecYeah, you'd better run m0unds [08:24]
m0undshahaha [08:24]
brycecoh you're back [08:24]
m0undsyou jerk [08:24]
brycecAnd no, I don't know why you'd better run... It just seemed the right thing to say at the time. [08:24]
phluxit was [08:24]
brycecOh man, The Jerk... awesome movie. [08:24]
m0undsit was, assuming i wasn't here anymore
now i know how you really feel
radixobrycec: so the website says I can stablish contact with this channel. [08:25]
for support
with arpnetworks.com
not with openbsd
m0unds#yolo [08:26]
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brycecradixo: As for "slowness" there are LOTS of reasons why. But it's definitely not inherent to OpenBSD, or VirtualBox or VMware (how the heck do you run OpenBSD on Xen? haven't heard of that one). Many, many OpenBSD virtual machines have been spun up and shutdown, never had a "slowness" issue related to them. (Usually related to the backing store) [08:27]
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brycecAnyhow, if you haven't been kickbanned already, #openbsd is the place to idly talk about OpenBSD, ask questions, that sort of thing. [08:27]
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m0undsi think it works if you use xen hvm
same way you can get freebsd running in xen - such a kludge to get it working without it though
brycec"on the Mailing List there's only 1 success for OpenBSD" http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_FAQ_Compatibility [08:29]
m0undson the mailing list, sure, but i've gotten it running before and it ran like dogshit [08:30]
brycecGenerally, I avoid Xen as much as possible. Which is currently 99% (Stupid Chunkhost...) [08:30]
same w/freebsd
i tested xen in my home lab for like 2 weeks, then said screw it and set up kvm which just works
bryceclol, Xen on ARM... I can just imagine a very, very overburdened RaspberryPi smoking itself. http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_Common_Problems#Compatibility [08:31]
m0undshahahaha [08:31]
sjacksolinode is xen based, isn't it? There are legends of heavily bearded men who got freebsd to run on their systems, but (it seems) only legends. :) [08:31]
m0undsi got freebsd running at linode, but it was far from stable
and it needed coaxing to start if it shut down for whatever reason
brycecI played with Xen 6 or 7 years ago, before it was bought up by $somebody. Pain in the ass, and not worth it at the time. I had plenty of bare metal laying around anyways. [08:32]
sjacksom0unds: may your beard always propser [08:32]
m0undshaha, WHY THANK YOU
brycecSounds right
(not that it really matters :p)
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phluxwe've been good, but we won't last
hurry christmas
hurry fast
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radixo_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:41]
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mnathaniflickr and yahoo have vulnerable SSL [10:57]
brycec*still*? [10:58]
sjacksostill? [10:58]
brycechaha sjackso [10:58]
mnathanias per that scan
I think its customary to say Jinx brycec sjackso
sjacksoyou'd think the bot would do that automatically ;) [10:58]
brycecIt could... but the two messages weren't identical :p
(also, never considered that before.))
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radixothanks all of you guys.
for the answers.. I am trying to experiment obsd at cloud.. and I will try arpnetworks..
rhank you.
BryceBot<radixo> thank you. [11:03]
brycecMany, many happy customers here running OpenBSD. [11:04]
radixobrycec: can you tell me what type of applications they run? I will do image processing and webserver requests [11:06]
brycecI don't know them personally... many hang out in here [11:06]
thanks again..
see you!!
and phlux is sucks.. ;) lol
***radixo has left [11:09]
m0undsyou hear that, phlux? you is sucks. [11:09]
that's not cool
I don't like that fellow. -.-
And I'm not even the one who is sucks.
m0undsat least we weren't left with any huehuehuehuehuehuehuehues [11:10]
so let me ask you guys a question
brycecs/sk/ks/ [11:10]
BryceBot<phlux> so let me aks you guys a question [11:10]
phluxtwo individuals were discussing pedos in a "hosting support" channel
so enter this new guy
who says they shouldn't talk about that because it's a "hosting chan"
brycecI'm going to assume you mean pedometers... [11:11]
some guy said some other guy harassed little girls
brycec*LALALALALALA* [11:11]
phluxbut that's beside the point
so dude comes in saying that's off topic
and shouldn't be discussed in a hosting channel
meanwhile, same dude posts this apology about himself, talks about shooting up a grocery store, and how he is depressed because he was raped: http://pastebin.com/Apz63ptf
he's also not on topic right
i just want to be clear here
keep in mind i wasn't any of the three individuals
but i did call out the dude who sent his heartfelt apology about hating himself to an irc channel instead of a therapist
m0undshuh [11:15]
brycecI'm still waiting for a question... [11:15]
phlux13:12:39 phlux │ he's also not on topic right
how ridiculous is it for homefry to send that out to an irc channel full of strangers
m0undspretty ridiculous, sounds like he likes/wants/craves attention [11:16]
brycecYes, obviously off topic. Thought that was rhetorical :p [11:16]
phluxi really need to find a hosting company without mental patients
m0unds: exactly
brycecApproximately Internet ridiculous. [11:16]
phluxi need to just move all of my stuff to arp
but i'm lazy
brycecdoeeet [11:16]
phlux#centarra is full of aspergers kids who crave attention
i swear there's a new one ever yweek
every, even
and i don't think they've been diagnosed with anything
they just crave attention
no one brags about health conditions - especially to strangers who couldn't care less on irc
side note: that apology is pretty hilarious, isn't it?
brycecJust a bit circlejerk... Craves attention, is provided attention by others that crave attention, next week a new dipshit pops up.
*big circlejerk
phluxI think I'm going to discontinue service with them
and to do so, I'll file a support ticket
brycecThere are large parts of the Internet filled with that type of person. I avoid it. [11:19]
phlux"Why is the support channel full of admitted mental patients? For an example see mosh's apology letter here: http://paste.url" [11:20]
m0undslol [11:20]
phluxof course, staticsafe will probably snitch before I get the chance to do it
he uses them, too
and i forgot he was in here
staticsafepls don't involve me kthx [11:21]
phluxhe stalks me on freenode fyi
don't involve yourself by snitching kthx
bryceclol [11:22]
phluxif you snitch i will demand an apology at least twice the length of mosh's
if it doesn't show i will pay up_the_irons the ddos you 24/7 365
u = ded
staticsaferss2email is pretty cool [11:25]
phluxhaven't used it [11:25]
brycec uses it
phluxi use newsbeuter for arch rss
i assume it just takes rss feeds and e-mails them to you, aye?
brycecIt's my Google Reader replacement, way better too since it's just in my inbox rather than being yet another website to forget. [11:25]
staticsafephlux: yea [11:26]
brycecphlux: pretty much. Cron job checks RSS feeds, emails you new posts. [11:26]
phluxinteresting [11:26]
staticsafehttp://www.allthingsrss.com/rss2email/getting-started-with-rss2email/ [11:26]
phluxcan GMail dump the rss feeds into a folder other than my inbox? Probably with a filter if rss2email prefixes with a subject [11:26]
brycecphlux: yes, filtering. And there's a header IRIC
thanks for the info, brycec and staticsafe
staticsafeyea it adds multiple headers [11:27]
phluxstaticsafe: btw, i was joking about the snitching. [11:27]
staticsafei realized :P [11:27]
more people should take me less seriously, i think
brycecIn a way, phlux snitched on staticsafe - you're both unfaithful to ARP! [11:28]
staticsafe:( [11:28]
phluxoh man
you're right :(
i've actually talked to up_the_irons about it, too
i just haven't done it yet
can arp run linux, or just bsds?
staticsafeboth [11:28]
phluxnice [11:29]
brycecbtw phlux I took the easy approach, rss2email just sends to user+rss@mygappsdomain.com, and I filter on that specific address. [11:29]
phluxthe one I have is a FreeBSD VPS [11:29]
staticsafeanything that can run in KVM will probably work [11:29]
brycecEven Windows [11:29]
phluxbrycec: that /is/ easy [11:29]
brycecAnd it works :) [11:29]
staticsafewatching a lecture on multicast, shit is complicated ._. [11:29]
brycec'tis a bit, yeah.
Remember when programming, don't try and set the multicast ttl on a non-multicast socket :)
brycec made that goofup just yesterday
staticsafewhee IGMP [11:34]
sjacksostaticsafe: just out of curiosity, is it the coursera networking course? (I guess probably not since it didn't go into that much depth) [11:45]
m0undshttp://packetlife.net/library/cheat-sheets/ if anyone's interested [11:46]
staticsafesjackso: nope, this is CCNP switch material for my university's networking program [11:53]
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pcnmulticast: just say no
everywhere I've been that enabled it had to turn it down for anything ambitious
staticsafewhat about IPTV deployments? [12:53]
i'm in a 10gbit/sec multicast video env :)
our IS dept runs a comparatively tiny IPTV deployment that also uses multicast w/IP STBs
hell, even directv's whole home DVRs use multicast + decnet devices for getting video to ancillary receivers
err, deca
not decnet..like it's 1978 or something
staticsafeheh [12:58]
m0undsdeca/moca [12:58]
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is ARP IPv7 ready?
If not, I have to move on..
staticsafelol [13:03]
***qbit is now known as qluddite [13:04]
brycecIs there a final ipv7 yet, phlux? If not, then that's unfair to hold ARP to something that doesn't yet really exist.
And relevant http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/021811-vint-cerf-ipv7.html
***qluddite is now known as qbit [13:08]
.... (idle for 19mn)
patchouly has joined #arpnetworks [13:27]
patchoulyanyone? [13:27]
brycecsomeone? [13:28]
patchoulyyes, wanting to initiate a contract with ARP [13:31]
brycecpatchouly: Click the appropriate "Order" button http://arpnetworks.com/
Payment details shared over IRC is never, ever a good idea :D
***Guest30743 has joined #arpnetworks [13:36]
patchoulyyou are right, on the contrary wanted to have a test period of ten days, so to see if this really is an option, before being locked in at the mery of ARP whatever conditions. [13:38]
brycecYou should probably email them directly [13:40]
patchoulydone, thanks, was scanning for the experiences of others in relation to them. But yes i mailed them 'evenly' one on one. [13:41]
brycecIn my experience, very few hosts offer a "trial period." And in my limited scope, I haven't heard of ARP doing such a thing. (But I'm nobody, just hanging out in an IRC channel).
It's more likely that you can sign up, and if you cancel before the month, you'd be refunded a prorated amount.
But really, ARP is pretty inexpensive to try for a month.
up_the_ironswe don't do trials
since we pro-rate your first month, sign up a few days before the end of the month, and then cancel
since the cheapest plan is $10, pro-rated a few days is like $2, so if that doesn't work for anyone, please go elsewhere :)
***patchoul1 has joined #arpnetworks [13:53]
patchoul1hello world [13:54]
brycecup_the_irons ftw [13:55]
Guest30743ok, thnks for the advice, if they come up with something similar, and there are no hidden surprises in matters of service, i guess that should indeed do.
the offense in general to me is the intransparency in the commercial coding, intentionally to make money. This is a theoretical issue, not an ARP one mind.
brycec"intransparency in the commercial coding" what?
"intentionally to make money." you mean the purpose of a business isn't to turn a profit?
patchoul1discussing the systemics of intransparency allowed to confuse into incremental profit and exponential aggravation on the deplorable consumer. [14:02]
patchoulyin the end it is leveraging in who is at the top capital-wise, and for the involved whether they look down, or up to weight relative quality of comfort and happiness acordingly. [14:06]
brycecI disagree with completely your arguments only. There is no personal attack here. You refuse to accept the fact that your evidence is shallow, the result of annoying propaganda and prejudice. You reject anything involved with the fact that your evidence is shallow, the result of foolish propaganda and stupidity. [14:07]
patchoul1yes indeed, my brainwaves spun out into authistic overevaluation of lack of control. I will render the first part, as far as openbsd is concerned, if i find it wholesome and well behind the payment, that at least is a well documented, not errorprone partner for the while. [14:09]
brycecBut there is a flexible yet critical democracy, and your argument would disagree with completely it. Is this well-constructed? I think it is obvious that your statement is foolish and foolish. You argue strenuously for dangerous propaganda. I argue strenuously against that. [14:10]
patchoul1what is your native speak? you do not seem to be a native american english speaker. [14:12]
brycecCan there be any doubt? I try to posit clear, clear realism, and you obviously do not. [14:13]
patchoul1i mean language wise, are you French speaker, anything else?
German, sprichts du Deutch?
See i have offended y. though that was not my intention. No experience with chat rooms, irc, that sais it all, on my side. [14:21]
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m0undsbrycec: the you ok? [15:47]
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phluxis this real life
this dude types shit like that last line
"i have offended y." "that sais it all"
and then criticizes brycec's english?
where's ashton kutcher at
we're being punked
15:04:44 brycec │ Is there a final ipv7 yet, phlux? If not, then that's unfair to hold ARP <--I was joking about that btw :P
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phluxalso up_the_irons, will you ddos staticsafe plz [15:53]
m0undsIPEEZ ARE SRS [15:53]
phluxthis is the dawning of irc is super srs
irc is super srssssssssssssssssssss
up_the_ironsphlux is gonna lose it
phlux: you need more than 2 hours sleep :)
phluxI know :(
the good news? I might actually have time to finally make the jump exclusively to arp :P
up_the_ironssweet [15:57]
bryceclol 15:47:29 >> m0unds<< brycec: the you ok?
phlux, m0unds: I sic'd kookbot on him
BryceBotOne must consider compassion versus stupidity. You embrace shameful oppression. I disagree with completely that. But there is a honest justice, and your argument would object to it. [16:00]
brycecBecause... dude wasn't making a lick of sense
So I threw it back
And kook's English is still perfect English.
and lol 15:51:42 < phlux> we're being punked
And eventually I stopped wasting my time
.... (idle for 16mn)
m0undshahahah [16:18]
pjsup_the_irons any status update on the 2 new orders I put in yesterday for my clients? (sorry to pester, we're on a tight timeline.. these fuckers) [16:23]
brycec@google kookbot [16:23]
BryceBotSearching for 'kookbox' instead.
10,500 total results returned for 'kookbox', here's 3
Kookbox | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kookbox/111296942222776) Kookbox. 4970 likes · 77 talking about this. surfers for surfers....

Kookbox Surfboards (http://www.kookboxx.com/) ​KOOKBOX SURFBOARDS. ​NEW SITE COMING SOON. CONTACT · Home. Copyright @ KOOKBOX surfboards. All rights reserved.
Surfer Joel Tudor attacked in Kookbox lawsuit | San Diego Reader (http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2013/dec/09/ticker-surfer-joel-tudor-kookbox-lawsuit/) Dec 9, 2013 ... Tudor, or somebody working on his behalf, also broke into a San Diego Kookbox warehouse and filched about $12,000 in merchandise, ...
brycecdamnit Google... http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~klee/misc/kookbot.html [16:24]
..... (idle for 20mn)
m0undshah [16:44]
up_the_ironspjs: yeah i was just about to do them; they were in front of me last night and i literally fell asleep at the keyboard [16:44]
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pjsup_the_irons hah, cool. If possible (not sure if you can legally) include me on the account details email?
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brycecToo late now, pjs, but... you might want to reconsider exposing your email address in a publicly logged (and possibly crawled) IRC channel ;) [16:50]
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pjsbrycec, my email is all over the damn place.. too late to worry about that :) [17:09]
m0unds...biz markie singing benny and the jets [17:20]
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mnathaniup_the_irons: I believe git log on the backup service requires use of the 'less' binary within the chroot [18:50]
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phluxwell, this is interesting news..
nenolod has left atheme
i wonder if that means freenode will take on a different services package..
and i guess that means i'll have to be on the lookout for one soon
***KDE_Perr1 is now known as KDE_Perry [23:28]
KDE_Perrygeez how many of us from there are in here [23:28]

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