#arpnetworks 2014-03-30,Sun

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brycecup_the_irons: "Deal ends 03.28.2014" think you missed it, mate. [00:03]
up_the_ironsholy crap it is the 30th already?
man time flies..
they have that linked straight from their homepage.... they should take it off ;)
Well the homepage says "Monday - Friday only"
make sense that they don't reveal the next deal until Monday
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mercutiooh, it's april 1st soon :) [00:58]
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m0undsthis year is going too fast [06:39]
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phluxhaaaaard work work [08:25]
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [09:02]
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robonerd has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [15:58]
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mnathaniAre there any nlnog nodes in Turkey? I would be interested to see what a traceroute to looks like right now.
Turkey seems to be intercepting and changing DNS results aimed at Google Public DNS Servers
staticsafehttps://ring.nlnog.net/participants/ Turkcell Superonline
gizmoguyif I heard correctly there's a few RIPE atlas nodes there

oh yeah, and Turk Telekom have a public looking glass you can use to see the BGP intercepts - http://lg.turktelekom.com.tr/lg/
which I thought was oddly public of them
m0undshahaha [19:44]
mnathanihttps://twitter.com/Third_Position/status/450401786981908480/photo/1 [19:44]
BryceBotTWITTER: "#Turkey Hijacking #IP addresses for popular #Global #DNS providers" http://www.bgpmon.net/turkey-hijacking-ip-addresses-for-popular-global-dns-providers/ http://t.co/NmZpJhszZv (Sun Mar 30 22:38:48 +0000 2014, in reply to @Third_Position) [19:44]
m0undsi think i need whiskey. [19:50]
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easymac is now known as Guest27226

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