did anyone get a spike just now? yup oh cool openbsd removed apache Nice. why is google search wasting 2/3rd of my screen real estate. (I am running a 1920 by 1080 display) LLKCKfan is a bot or something just search for the name on $search_engine and you'll see tons of similar questions in random channels on a bunch of different irc networks i think that it's been in here before too and asked similar questions about blu-ray players lol m0unds yeah, they've haunted other channels of mine And promptly been banned hahaha MY BLU RAY PLAYER WON'T WORK AND MY ANDROID PHONE IS SLOW I WILL ASK THIS IN EVERY CHANNEL ON FREENODE Yeah, bot eg 07:38:16 ::: 13 - #devious: ban *!*@ [by kornbluth.freenode.net, 6743946 secs ago] @date 6743946 secs ago 11 weeks, 1 day, 19 minutes, 6 seconds ago. [Interpreted date: Thu, 26 Dec 2013 07:31:49 -0800] man I think I'm going to disable bold fonts in my terminals No matter how you cut it, on a 17" display and a 9px font, bold fonts look terrible. hahaha There we go. Terminus ain't a bad font :) Especially with the ll2 and td1 patches. btw I finally moved the ol' laptop over to Arch. Loving it nice I guess bold isn't too bad with DejaVu Sans Mono.. test test haha !wx kaeg whoops, wrong ch http://www.phluxbox.com/img/ahd1oh.png Not too bad, right? looks alright the s is a little goofy lol yeah it is bold consolas looks goofy almost like comic sans I know http://www.phluxbox.com/img/tae0ye.png that's terminus ah, okay think that looks better? eh, dunno - i like consolas without bolding haha I don't think I've ever used consolas isn't that a Windows font? http://i.imgur.com/9Jvc8Bb.png sure is terminus looks okay not bad i actually kinda like whatever the default typeface is on ubuntu desktop installs I can't use consolas the 'm' at sizes 9 and 10 are unreadable here It's like it's constantly in a bold state Looks nothing like your screenshot weird maybe because i'm using truetype or something lemme turn that off in my terminal I'm using freetype on linux You're using Windows? yeah if i use anti-aliasing in lieu of truetype, it looks bold I had no idea you were a Windows user. and spaced badly aye consolas is the best terminal font on windows err, cleartype ^ not truetype Well, I'm just going to live without bold fonts here until I find something usable. yeah, it's one of the modern typefaces along w/calibri and cambria that came with office 2010 http://www.phluxbox.com/img/xeeph9.png that looks good Thanks. I think I'm going to keep it this way. this rain is nice. too bad it's not gonna last.