#arpnetworks 2014-03-10,Mon

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***maxchikurow has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [00:05]
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wallshot1 has joined #arpnetworks
wallshot has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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sjackso has joined #arpnetworks [09:39]
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brycec is now known as lord_of_lteo
lord_of_lteo is now known as brycec
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SpeedBus has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [12:17]
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pjsguys, any host trouble today? [12:53]
gizmoguy[@arpnetworks:29] We are investigating an alert we received for host kvr21
pjsokie dokie [12:56]
***lteo has joined #arpnetworks
kroberto has joined #arpnetworks
pjsyea.. mine is on kvr21 :-/
well, this one in particular
lteoi just joined the channel. did something just break on kvr21? [13:01]
yeah something has gone wonky on kvr21
being worked on right now
lteothanks [13:02]
.... (idle for 18mn)
gizmoguy[@arpnetworks:30] CPU soft lockup on host kvr21; giving it a power cycle
BryceBot: @twitter @arpnetworks
@twitter @arpnetworks
BryceBotgizmoguy: Posted successfully :) https://twitter.com/BryceBot0101/status/443119129860403200 [13:21]
gizmoguyoh dear. what have I done
@twitter hello world. /cc @nzgizmoguy
BryceBotgizmoguy: Posted successfully :) https://twitter.com/BryceBot0101/status/443119323335249920 [13:22]
bryce does everythiung
gizmoguyBryceBot has 4,642 tweets
mercutioyeh some retweets etc
i'm looking through it now haha
brycechaha [13:23]
mercutiohazardous/#arpnetworks says: RT @justinbieber you're so hot i want to bake cookies on you
i don't remember that
so i assume twitter support was done ages ago
brycecBryceBot used to announce new messages in its stream, but some people didn't like that [13:23]
***kroberto has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [13:28]
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SpeedBus has joined #arpnetworks [13:50]
lteo has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
SpeedBus has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
SpeedBus has joined #arpnetworks [14:04]
up_the_ironshttp://i.imgur.com/K13chV7.jpg [14:09]
..... (idle for 20mn)
***SpeedBus has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [14:29]
toddfawesome [14:39]
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lteo has joined #arpnetworks [14:56]
lteokvr21 down again?
***SpeedBus has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:14]
SpeedBus has joined #arpnetworks [15:19]
.... (idle for 16mn)
up_the_ironslteo: negative, still up
it does appear your vps is shutdown though
i'll give it a start
.... (idle for 17mn)
toddfprobably a stupid question, but .. does anyone have a non java method for hitting the ipmi console? I note it is vnc, but I get told the security type is not handled by my vnc clients ;-( [15:52]
toddfdoes it hit the gui console? or only serial? I just installed it thinking it was only serial [15:52]
up_the_ironstoddf: you can hit the serial-over-lan with conserver
toddf: for the actual vga console, i only know of the web gui or ipmiview (both java, unfortunately)
toddfup_the_irons: woah, now thats spiffy, is there a wiki entry somewhere? I suspect it has a couple of lines to setup my end
its vnc'ish wish some free vnc viewer would work
flipping to an amd64 system that has working java
up_the_ironseven though the vnc stuff listens on port 5900, it is proprietary vnc and i've never seen a viewer than can use it, you need the java stuff [16:02]
toddfI'll be sure to give a shout if/when I figure out a non java capable option ;-) [16:02]
mercutiosupermicro ipmi really sucks
ipmi should support serial console
toddfup_the_irons: so .. not to hit up you for details a 2nd time, but is there a wiki article on how to instrument my conserver.cf to talk to the ipmi serial console? [16:03]
up_the_ironstoddf: for conserver, here's a snippet: [16:03]
mercutioit's a bitch to setup, and i dunno if we're allowed to stick extra ip's on there? [16:03]
up_the_ironsconsole myserver {
master localhost;
type exec;
toddfoh heh danke! [16:03]
up_the_ironsexec /usr/local/bin/ipmitool -f /root/ipmi-passwd.txt -L USER -I lanplus -C 3 -H <myserver-ipmi-ip> -U sol1 sol activate;
idletimeout 2h;
mercutiooh ipmi is already setup? [16:03]
up_the_ironson every dedi, yes [16:04]
mercutiocool. [16:04]
toddfnow the only other thing I can ask for is if you were to put that on the ipmi wiki page for others to use ;-) [16:04]
mercutioipmi is a pita to setup :) [16:04]
up_the_ironstoddf: when you get it working, tell me your snippet and i'll make a kb article for it [16:04]
toddfmercutio: well, up_the_irons has set it up for arp metal so we can be mostly self service just like the kvm side of the house [16:04]
up_the_ironstoddf: mercutio : exactly [16:05]
the vnc is really slow
vnc is always slow though
toddfup_the_irons: when I get it working? so the bit you pasted above wont work or ?
mercutio: true, if I can install this over serial I will, but I believe I at least need vga console long enough to tell it to 'set tty com0' ;-)
up_the_ironstoddf: that's not an example taken from an arp metal server, but one of my kvm hosts. however, the idea is the same. [16:06]
mercutiotoddf: with the floppy for openbsd it's easy to change :) [16:06]
up_the_ironstoddf: you may have to adjust a few things, dunno [16:06]
mercutiomaybe can provide a floopy install image
with serial or something
i wonder how to make iso's...
toddfits possible to create an iso image with boot.conf pointing at serial just as easily [16:06]
mercutioactually... it may just work you know
if the bios outputs to serial, the bootloader should be using serial too.
ahh ok i know how to mount a floopy image, but not how to reate the cd image :)
but yeah it's probably not that hard
but yeah if the bios is using serial, i imagine the bootloader will still use bios.. and so it should work.
toddfopenbsd's bootloader tends to know serial from vga, and only does serial if boot.conf or 'boot> set tty com0' has instructed it to do so [16:08]
mercutiothat said i've hit issues with grub and serial console before
even if the bios does serial?
toddfbios may be able to force it to serial but then openbsd once the kernel loads switches to vga since it thinks its not serial [16:09]
but you can still type set tty com0
on the serial
toddfbleh, this java bits seems to want to give me an arch specific jar file (read: shared libs precompiled on specific platforms, aka openbsd need not apply)
right, if I can get that far *grin*
mercutioi gave up last time i tried using the ipmi
err java thing
and just used a windows host
staticsafeyeah supermicro ipmi is bleh [16:10]
mercutiofor some reason my java seems to be ok with hp java but not supermicro java [16:10]
toddf"no iKVM64 in java.library.path"
well, this is a fact I've run into way back 10yrs or more ago
some "java" files actually contain os specific libs and call out to the libs in an os specific fashion, if your os wasn't prebuilt, it won't work
mercutiohp at least have ssh
and then you can do vsp/textcons
actually i imagine a lot of people use supermicro with linux
toddfI once had to install linux to do java console for iDRAC6, but icedtea-web since took care of that requirement [16:11]
mercutioyou'd think there'd be enough demand for them to want to improve it
the supermicro ipmi tool thingy is pretty bad too
they've got something that can do serial console etc in windows
err and linux with java i think
toddfyes there are linux libs
see the viewer.jnlp ? it downloads specific bits per arch
mercutiobut you can do everythign with ipmitool
you can actually cnofigure ipmitool without using the web etc
if you have root on a server, well normally at least.
staticsafemercutio: i had to tshoot a friend's supermicro dedi recently (forgot his root password) [16:13]
mercutiobut it's not very user friendly [16:13]
staticsafethat was fun [16:13]
toddfeverything, including seeing gui or are you saying you can tell the bios to force serial console from ipmitool [16:13]
mercutiothe latter [16:13]
staticsafeso boot with finnix, chroot in, passwd failed to update password [16:13]
toddfhints or 'go rtfm' ? [16:13]
staticsafeturns out he was out of disk space [16:13]
mercutiowell you can setup permissions users etc
i think the bios always outputs to serial?
actually on that note
i wonder if it's first or second serial port
toddfoh if I can config the bios via serial console, the win [16:14]
mercutiook i'm going to try this ipmi thjing out
hah it segfaulted
Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session
i wonder if it's meant to be ipmi v2
i thought lanplus was 1.5
toddfI note up_the_irons example above uses -L USER yet my ipmitool uses -U USER, wonder what -U sol1 is equivalent in my tool [16:20]
mercutioi think user is USER
rather than your username?
and it's a privilege level thing
toddf learns
mercutiotaking it out and it does the same
Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session
i tried sensor too
which also didn't work
i love it how it segfaults when it has an issue thoug
toddfmine doesn't segfault ironically
just get the same issues
toddfipmitool 1.8.11 fwiw [16:23]
mercutioi have 1.8.13
ipmitool sensor works locally
toddfoh inside the os inside the machine or ? [16:27]
so there's definitely ipmi
i can't remember how to list users :)
user isn't sol1
it's ipmitool user list for listing users btw
and it says it can't set to admin
got it
i took out that -L USER before :)
so yeah s/sol1/your username/
i don't want to reboot to see if bios works
toddfhaha the java gui viewer doesn't work but the java serial console viewer does hahahahaa [16:29]
mercutioahh ok [16:29]
toddflet me see if that makes any headway [16:30]
mercutioif java serial console works ipmitool should work too
i imagine up_the_irons is using sol1 on his hosts
toddfthat totally worked heh
java didn't notice when ipmitool took over serial, just stopped refreshing
heh, looks like I could setup a tftp server on one of the other kvm systems on the customer vlan and end up with a tftpboot install, sweet
now that this is working, I have to go SIGFOOD, bah, thanks mercutio ;-)
my food just finished heating up
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lteo has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [20:15]
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jlgaddis has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [23:08]
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jlgaddis has joined #arpnetworks [23:54]

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