brycec: my friend built this webapp using angularjs and after he finished he realised it wasn't getting indexed anywhere at all lol so the response was some phantomjs/selenium abomination that took 6seconds to load a plaintext html page to serve spiders by faking a browser and then copying the source SSI! php is pretty light for that kind of thing but by deafult will make pages not cachable that way it's good to have if-modified-since at least i reckon lol hazardous. Well lucky me this was just an internal tool, and I did it for the heck of it. If I really wanted "static" I'd look at octopress or whatever, or use another "template" system I wrote/forked that basically cats header+body+footer into a single output file. fwiw depending on the database (notably couchdb, I think), you could still get by in javascript land. couchdb is good stuff staticsafe: :o love the image m0unds: map revamps :O heh... saw "ps2" (and "station" in the url) and thought "wtf is Sony still mucking about with the PS2 for? And it was barely online anyways." lol brycec brycec: its weird when I tell friends "y'all need to play ps2 with me" yeah, i downloaded that patch (pretty big too, 1.7gb) this morning servers weren't back up before i headed in to the office though o i'm happy they finally put lattice on amerish; i got so sick of doing anything on amerish because of all the ghost capping yeh Improved roads throughout the map for easier travel i've been playing engineer, maxes love me right on i had a cluster of engineers repairing me as a max while we were getting air zerged by VS ended up going 32/2, mostly infantry kills - had to be revived a few times because i didn't realize i hadn't equipped flak armor so i got c4'd a few times VS here join ussssss i've been doing TR on connery mostly because of how overpopulated VS and NC both are - before work yesterday, during an alert, VS pop was 48% world pop, not just continent pop anyone experiencing network issues? never mind - DNS server issue ooh, new seabios uses irqwait instead of biosusleep for when nothing is booted (not sure why people leave their VMs hanging at the bios, but it happens) on my lab machine (precise), the cpu usage is like 0 when that happens (older bios'en would busy wait the cpu) :o yay up_the_irons: question - on the front page it says "For New Orders and Upgrades. While Supplies Last." I have a 768MB plan which is $20, if I upgrade to 1024, is it still $20? Just for asking, that price is now doubled! Mwuahaha heh staticsafe: email support@ and we can talk; generally requires upgrade to _next plan_ up ah make a new partition / slice and mount it, easy :) Growing encrypted partitions isn't so easy ;p but i'm saying just add a new partition up_the_irons: think you're gonna upgrade host os' sometime soon? m0unds: yeah it's actually what i'm working on now (all week) ah, cool - gonna do all nodes or just the older ones? getting new packages (deb's) created and puppet config i'll start with older ones the lucid nodes (>= kvr27) are running fine and still supported as LTS for a year gonna go w/precise on the ones you upgrade? the upgrade will be precise (12.04) cool yep i've got a kvm box at home running on precise and it's been super solid (obv not the same scale ;)) w > p, so way better. wheezy fo sheezy? But "jessie" is gonna be a huge step back :( wheezy sounds like it has trouble breathing and should probably be euthanized before it makes your VMs sick ^ for obvious reasons lol jessie's...girl? you wish... you were? jessie is next debian? Yes Also, a guy with a girl. hah #1 sounds better, but #2 is accurate. I'd go with #2 yea i agree #1 sounds better and yeah, #2 is more accurate neat. ipecac recordings will release a remastered version of one of my fav albums in april. Who the heck names their company ipecac (besides Ipecac) TIL ipecac is [generally] no longer produced. haha Ipecac Recordings :: Ipecac Recordings is an independent record label based in California. It was founded on April 1, 1999 by Greg Werckman (ex-label manager of Alternative Tentacles, ex-lead singer of Duh, ex-employee of Mercury Records) and Mike Patton (Faith No More, ex-Mr. Bungle, Fantômas, Tomahawk, Peeping Tom and Mondo Cane in Alameda, California. Originally the label was created for the sole purpose of releasing the first Fantômas... anybody else seeing v4 loss on ARP Networks links? any particular dest? i see 50% pkt loss @ nlayer in houston, tx hm Same, huuuuge losses starting at 80% and up to 98% towards the end of the mtr haha, it's bad enough that my trace won't actually finish it's just stopping @ the houston hop yeh v6 seems fine though At least ipv6 works, and that's all that really matters. not getting any alerts for either host from zabbix or nodeping <-> hm er rather staticsafe: To answer your question, yes others are seeing it;start=2014-02-20%2017:17;end=now;target=Internet.VoipMS.atlantavoipms (same hop through nlayer) seems like nlayer is fucking up indeed seems fine from elsewhere man, what a weird day. lots of DDOSIng. hard to tell what's failing yeh As does except from Time Warner yea, looked alright via comcast - but comcast's path is comcast's network all the way to nyc nlayer in LAX is notorious for being really shitty it's weird - via their lg, no packet loss the route's the same hm return route yea is the reverse route huh. i'm actually unable to complete a traceroute on their lg from EWR1>ferrovax o_o tried my arp vps as a target too, it times out haha