#arpnetworks 2014-01-24,Fri

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up_the_ironshttps://twitter.com/arpnetworks/status/426730720862560256 [07:00]
staticsafehttp://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/01/modems-warez-and-ansi-art-remembering-bbs-life-at-2400bps/ [08:02]
hazardoushttps://twitter.com/officialjaden/status/329768040235413504 [11:00]
bryceceg http://xkcd.com/1321/ [11:02]
BryceBotCold http://xkcd.com/1321/ (2014-01-24) 'You see the same pattern all over. Take Detroit--' 'Hold on. Why do you know all these statistics offhand?' 'Oh, um, no idea. I definitely spend my evenings hanging out with friends, and not curating a REALLY NEAT database of temperature statistics. Because, pshh, who would want to do that, right? Also, snowfall records.' [11:02]
hazardoushttp://ws.spotify.com/search/1/track.json?q=mad+world [11:09]
brycecAnyways, BryceBot supports most everything on http://noembed.com/providers with a few of my own override noembed [11:10]
lol, it's pretty easy actually. https://github.com/leedo/noembed/pull/24 [11:11]
toddfsee https://github.com/toddfries/Finance-CoinBase/blob/master/cb for some fun perl code that should be readable ;-) [12:05]
see https://github.com/toddfries/api-description/blob/master/services/twitter.json for that [12:22]
brycecw00t! Newegg info is working once again! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131981 Sorry it was non-working for awhile. [13:22]
mnathanihttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131982 [16:42]
http://www.workopolis.com/jobsearch/job/14847946?uc=E8 [22:29]

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