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m0unds_: hahahah
packet inter-leaky
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mafmaf: well, my irc client seems to have connected from arp
but can't ssh
pcn_: DNS is working again from my server. Yay
rgouveia: my machine is up
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rgouveia: hazardous: check your machine
hazardous: back up
pcn_: Try again
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up_the_irons: that was annoying
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up_the_irons: s1.lax went over its 128K route limit and CEF died
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up_the_irons: shutdown a few peers using out-of-band then re-enabled CEF
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hazardous: [channel suddenly doubles in size]
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up_the_irons: lol
that's one way to get people to join... ;)
hazardous: haha
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hazardous: up_the_irons do you actually sleep or is this normal response time at 6 am :p
mafmaf: seems i'm up
up_the_irons: hazardous: it's normal if something major breaks (like a core router), cuz pagerduty is set to scream like hell (and it does :)
hazardous: fun
you know, smileys in parentheses always weirds me out
like (:) is incomplete, (:)) is weird
up_the_irons: yeah me too
mafmaf: I hear ya (no really, i do :) )
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mafmaf: also, my vps is back online. thanks to the arp folks for their work
hope it stays stable
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mike-burns: What'd I miss?
staticsafe: @up_the_irons │ s1.lax went over its 128K route limit and CEF died
mike-burns: Cool, good to know.
Glad to be back, too.
up_the_irons: https://twitter.com/arpnetworks/status/426730720862560256
BryceBot: TWITTER: One LAX core router (s1.lax) hit its CEF limit and went into software routing; time to move peering to the 6500 (s7.lax) (Fri Jan 24 14:58:26 +0000 2014)
up_the_irons: <3 BryceBot
mike-burns: Oh right I forgot about Twitter. My only thought was "I gotta get on IRC!"
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mike-burns: That's my thought for most of the day, though.
ant: the mentioning of the twitter post reminded me to build a new version of bitlbee to fix twitter. so now i can finaly use twitter again after i nearly forgot that is wasn't working
m0unds_: ouch
i seem to recall some TAC-confirmed bug with CEF on certain switch chassis'
up_the_irons: in this case, it's actually a documented phenomenon. if you exhaust the hardware resources, then it likes to switch to software routing. go figure.
m0unds_: yeah
the one i'm thinking of causes it do the equiv of a core dump and totally die :)
friend of mine works for an ISP/MSP up in OR, had a 4500 hit that bug and dump a bunch of stuff offline - backup 4500 then totally died in the same exact way
just remembered it involving CEF is all :)
huh, funny. looks like there was a routing change to one vps at like 0230 MST
that one goes abq > denver > sjc > lax - other one still just goes abq > lax
up_the_irons: that sounds like a nasty bug
m0unds: yeah, didn't sound like much fun
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staticsafe: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/01/modems-warez-and-ansi-art-remembering-bbs-life-at-2400bps/
BryceBot: Ars Technica: "Modems, wArEz, and ANSI art: Remembering BBS life at 2400bps"
RandalSchwartz: 2400 was for the cool people... I started at 110 baud. :)
pcn_: You still got that acoustic coupler in the garage?
IIRC they were built out of whatever they made abrams tanks out of
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mnathani: up_the_irons: what model is the s1.lax ? (Cisco I a assume)
m0unds: up_the_irons: talked to my buddy - it was actually a similar thing- overflowing CEF table, switched to process switching mode, then died
must be exclusive to whatever ios rev they were on, but they swapped out that gear for new juniper stuff recently
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hazardous: is that only for specific usernames D:
BryceBot: TWITTER: How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real (Thu May 02 01:23:22 +0000 2013, retweeted 17062 times)
hazardous: oh, any
-: hazardous hugs BryceBot
brycec: lol
everybody's hugging the bot, oy
m0unds: it's a lovable mutt
brycec: Does more than just twitter URLs, you know :p Wikipedia, XKCD, Spotify, Amazon, Newegg... all sorts
eg http://xkcd.com/1321/
BryceBot: Cold http://xkcd.com/1321/ (2014-01-24) 'You see the same pattern all over. Take Detroit--' 'Hold on. Why do you know all these statistics offhand?' 'Oh, um, no idea. I definitely spend my evenings hanging out with friends, and not curating a REALLY NEAT database of temperature statistics. Because, pshh, who would want to do that, right? Also, snowfall records.'
brycec: it's definitely nice to not need bothering opening twitter
hazardous: how does it work brycec
do you define individual url regexes and scrape them
or do you use oEmbed or something
brycec: All of the above
Depends on the URL
Amazon hits noembed.com
xkcd hits a database of my own
Wikipedia, Newegg hit their own API
(Spotify is noembed too)
hazardous: fun
spotify has its own api btw
that returns a lot of interesting things
brycec: hazardous: which is what noembed uses :P
At least I assume it does
Actually come to think of it, they just scrape the page
hazardous: it looks like it just returns scraping the <title> element
brycec: which I'm okay with
hazardous: the actual spotify api returns things like
this song can be played in: US CA DE UK
length, a lot of other funky stuff
brycec: Requires oauth doesn't it?
(Which would be more overhead than it's worht)
hazardous: only the authetnicated add to playlist one does i think
yeah, metadata doesn't
brycec: ah cool, good to know
brycec: (ew xml)
hazardous: there's .xml .json .xsl and some other weird things and jsonp
brycec: xsl? Excel Spreadsheet?
hazardous: wait, who needs six digit decimal accuracy on track length?
brycec: oh wait that's xls
hazardous: xsl is some weird xml thing
brycec: yeah, xslt stuff
Anyways, BryceBot supports most everything on http://noembed.com/providers with a few of my own override noembed
hazardous: yeah, their spotify.pm just scrapes <title>
i kinda want to submit, but i have never used perl before
and it vaguely scares me
brycec: lol, it's pretty easy actually. https://github.com/leedo/noembed/pull/24
I just copied another module and changed the names and URLs
hazardous: "I have not tested this code as I do not have an environment to run noembed within." lol
brycec: I'm not about to setup perl-wsgi wor whatever
But it worked :)
hazardous: haha
yeah, i would probably end up doing like
perl xxx argv to test
and just making it dump to stdout or something
i actually tried to learn clojure basics last week
the hardest part was syntax, i guess
and operator arg arg
brycec: I embarked to learn Perl once, many many years ago
It's fairly readable as-is at least
toddf: see https://github.com/toddfries/Finance-CoinBase/blob/master/cb for some fun perl code that should be readable ;-)
mike-burns: Which part is readable?
brycec: the word "Github"
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toddf: mike-burns: RandalSchwartz can say 'readable or not' the rest of you wimps I wouldn't trust to judge my perl codez ;-)
RandalSchwartz: curious if you've played with SPORE before
brycec: the EA game?
mike-burns: I wrote Perl for five years! (True facts: I've met RandalSchwartz on multiple occasions.)
toddf: brycec: github.com/spore .. the multi language spec that lets you write a single .json file and after loading it .. you get a magic class that you can do function calls on that were described in the .json file
$ wc -l api-description/services/btc-e.json [12:19] <toddf> > Finance-btce/lib/Finance/btce.pm
65 api-description/services/btc-e.json
621 Finance-btce/lib/Finance/btce.pm
brycec: oh heh
toddf: 65 lines of json to do what I do (almost) in 621 lines of raw perl code
brycec: (In all caps, I thought it was the game)
mike-burns: SOAP but with JSON?
toddf: $randomsitesapi but with JSON
I have a json file I'm working on with one function call to reset my cablemodem. soon as I learn all about SPORE and html form submission
144 lines of json to describe all you'd ever want to do interacting with twitter for another example
see https://github.com/toddfries/api-description/blob/master/services/twitter.json for that
then in my app I could do: use Net::HTTP::Spore; my $api = Net::HTTP::Spore->new_from_spec("twitter.json"); $api->enable('Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::Format::JSON'); my $res = $api->retweeted_by_me({ format => 'json', count => 2 });
and handle the return bits in the $res var
up_the_irons: m0unds: yeah, i imagine if it was software switching that much traffic, it would eventually melt the RP ;)
mnathani: 4500 with SupIV
-: up_the_irons heads out
brycec: w00t! Newegg info is working once again! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131981 Sorry it was non-working for awhile.
BryceBot: ASUS Z87-A LGA 1150 Intel Z87 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard -- $139.99
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m0unds: up_the_irons: you know something's wrong when your switch chassis becomes a puddle
brycec: of cement ;)
(referring to the UK Metro's recent issues)
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up_the_irons: brycec: tnx for fixing newegg info :)
m0unds: yep
mnathani: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131982
BryceBot: ASUS Z87-C LGA 1150 Intel Z87 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard -- $129.49
hazardous: potentially a strange question, but does anyone know how well freebsd runs on low memory machines (like 256/512 or less)
do i have to stick to pkg_add -r or can i do a lot of ports stuff
m0unds: i'm using pkgng on a 768
it's alright except pkgs are still wonky on freebsd
but much more bearable than ports
mercutio: 256 could be quite different to 768
i imagine it's probably fine as long as you don't try using zfs
hazardous: i'm more or less brand new to bsd
i usually do debian or something
mercutio: i used to run openbsd on 64mb of ram
hazardous: i kinda wish linux could have bsd's see_other_uids thing be part of core
mercutio: hazardous: wasn't ther eplans to?
along with some much bigger frameowrk
i dunno how anyone is meant to keep up with linux
i'm not even using cgroups yet
m0unds: memory use isn't even remotely a problem on a 768; the box uses less than 300MB on a regular basis
but it's also not running a ton of stuff
it's sitting at 206MB right now
hazardous: what were you gonna do with it? just learning freebsd?
hazardous: more or less
m0unds: should be fine
hazardous: i actually have a bsd box in "prod" right now except i have no idea how to use it
m0unds: lol
hazardous: all i know is i managed to set up a jail with an application server
-: hazardous air quote prod
up_the_irons: i still have a Sparc laptop with OpenBSD 2.1. I think it has like 32MB of RAM. I used to use it for IRC; ran fvwm2 great! :)
m0unds: whoa, haha
mnathani: Sorry, no "anycast" jobs were found that match your criteria
mercutio: strong voip component
ahh they specialise in voip
you shooting for that job mnathani ?
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