#arpnetworks 2014-01-19,Sun

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i have a weird question someone here probably knows
is there any sane (as in not $1000/11 users) alternative to jira that isn't bugzilla?
i'm looking mostyl to organise myself a bit and have actual request tracking for freelance worka nd stuff
brycecmercutio: perhaps, though it seemed the hiccup was >5mins. But that my just be my own perception of time [00:24]
milkibug tracking is hard [00:25]
brycecOn a related note, ipv6 traffic suddenly dectupled in latency
hazardous: I've used a number of bug tracking... Github and Bitbucket both have their own, I think Gitlab does too. Dedicated trackers, I've used Mantis and Trac.
Aha! v4 packet loss (seen from the inside and outside world) https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?target=ARP.ARPWebsite.ARPWebsite4

(And yes, my home Comcast has been down for 3 hours or so :( )
Based on the latency spikes across the board, I'm guessing ARP's getting hammered
hazardousbrycec: yeah, dedicated trackers, i don't need vcs integration or anything with source code
basically not really a bug tracker but more like an issue/request thing
brycechazardous: Ticket system? [00:35]
hazardousyeah, kinda
i was considering JIRA but
the pricing doesn't scale particularly well
brycecheh, well "issue tracker" is pretty broad [00:39]
toddfhazardous: I use mantis for that
I'm sure there's better
but it works
up_the_ironsbrycec : I'm actually not seeing out of the ordinary traffic [00:58]
brycecup_the_irons: Interesting. Well, you have the same data I have - three locations all show packet loss to arpnetworks.com (ipv4) Nothing significant, so nothing to panic about. [01:07]
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mercutioheh i'm smokepinig too i wonder if i see loss
i don't see loss but i se higher ping than normal
although it seems to have sttled a little
prob separate issue though
as destinations in general look fine
brycecbrycec wonders what it would take to include a traceroute from each host in smokeping [01:30]
mercutiojust curl it
cron it
damn im not thinking strraight
traceroute doesn't work very well though
i reckon mtr --report is better
as it's hard to see spikes otherwise or where or where packet lsos is happening
brycecThanks I'll consider it. Still a crapload of traceroutes to run [01:31]
mercutiojust do a few useful ones
i didn't relaly gleam that mch from it
hazardoustoddf: thx
toddf: basically a lot of the open source ones i've seen don't have ultra fine graned acls or something
like i need some clients to be readonly, all to only be able to see projects assigned to them, stuff like that
wtf, what happened to OTRS, it used to be f/oss [01:56]
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brycecAww OTRS, I remember that...
(Looks like it's still free, just the extra "modules" cost)
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up_the_ironsso is FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE actually out yet? the site says RC5, but the ISO it links to says RELEASE: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/ISO-IMAGES/10.0/FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso [21:43]
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CaZeIRC is like two ships meeting in the middle of the ocean.
BryceBotYouTube Comedy: "Numb3rs' description of IRC" by mircea2s (1m 41s), 1,107,466 views, 3,308 likes and 665 dislikes. Uploaded 2009-11-11T22:01:44.000Z. [22:52]
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mnathaniback on now: other than #Oracle on Freenode, what are other hotspots on IRC for Oracle folks [23:25]
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dneup_the_irons: no announcement yet, so not officially out [23:53]

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