ant: LOL m0unds: pizza, yup ant: Gestern, ich abschließe sechs Unterricht grepidemic: corrupted ice cream, yum ant: velliecht, "ich vervollständige" ist besser s/velliecht/vielleicht/ ant: vielleicht, "ich vervollständige" ist besser grep: you mean liek creamf reeze? i like that word, for some reason, Schneebälle... (snowballs) Guten Morgen whiskey ftw yes. i think it's almost whisky o'clock hah whoops, I clicked your link and had it up on my screen and someone walked into my office and remarked "Wow looks like you're doing lots of work" ahahahah "I, uh, got hacked or something." Option 2: "Upper management asked me to do some research."