#arpnetworks 2014-01-06,Mon

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laotzi/ws 2
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m0undsbrycec: using nginx + thttpd or something to get cgi support? [06:27]
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brycecm0unds: just standard nginx fastcgi stuff
:P fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/smokeping/fastcgi.sock
(And an appropriate spawn-fcgi process)
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brycecbrycec toys with the idea of announcing in the channel whenever there is ipv6 packet loss [09:48]
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m0undsah, i always just used thttpd as a proxy for cgi [10:20]
brycecBut CGI for something big like smokeping would be *sloooow& [10:20]
m0undsmy smokeping install locally is tiny, just 4 sites
i use exactstate and other things for monitoring
nothing i run is critical enough to warrant sub-one-minute uptime monitoring
brycecWell the monitoring is separate from the cgi side. I figure those pageloads must be excrutiating for you [10:23]
i guess i could time it but i'd guess it's less than 200ms
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brycec has joined #arpnetworks [14:32]
soo... 100% ipv6 loss right now up_the_irons
just, you know, fyi
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brycecAnd apparently, it's external too [14:36]
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brycecMy probes can't hit the arpnetworks website over ipv6 [14:37]
staticsafeyep [14:37]
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bryceclooks like v6 is coming back [14:41]
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jm|laptophello :) [14:43]
staticsafeyea ipv6 is dead [14:43]
jm|laptopoh ok
OrgName: CoreSite
these seem to be the culprits
2001:504:13::6c in my case
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brycecApparently I spoke way too soon [14:45]
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forgottenipv6 is dead for me as well [14:46]
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jm|laptopnot dead, just much packet loss
for me
forgotteni cannot get a single icmp response from my house to my server. [14:47]
brycec"practically dead"
I'm surprised to see ARP's v4 website having trouble too. https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?target=ARP.ARPWebsite
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forgottencame back in now. [14:48]
brycecbrycec doesn't hold his breath [14:49]
forgottenhah, i said something.
so it died again :P
brycecyou're a monster, forgotten ! [14:49]
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bryceclooks like ipv6 is up... at least long enough for BryceBot to reconnect [14:50]
forgottenforgotten waits for BryceBot to timeout. [14:51]
brycecI'm going to make a hypothesis, based on the fact that both v4 and v6are affected, internally and externally, and suggest this isn't up_the_irons' doing. Perhaps some kind of attack.
forgotten: that's pretty much all a bot is - waiting for it to crash, disconnect, complete a command...
for that matter
(Fortunately, BryceBot never crashes on its own, only whn I try and load bad PHP)
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forgottenheh [14:54]
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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Mon Jan 06 14:56:21 2014
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brycecARP is multi-homed for both v4 and v6 transit [14:56]
jm|laptopI have some ipv6-only boxes connecting to my VPS :/ [14:56]
brycecwb [FBI] [14:56]
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forgottenjm|laptop: that sucks [14:56]
brycecFeel free to email support, jm|laptop :) (no idea if it would do any good.. but up_the_irons is the only official ARP Networks person in here, and he's silent currently) [14:56]
jm|laptopI see.
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brycec(It could be that he's too busy dealing with the problem, of course) [14:57]
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jm|laptoplet's hope that's it :) [14:57]
forgottenforgotten is not going to say anything. [14:59]
brycecI emailed this a.m. long before any of this [14:59]
jm|laptopmy nagios suggests it started a few days ago [15:00]
brycecThere has been on-and-off v6 issues for awhile now
I started monitring with Smokeping last night
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forgottenyeah it's def. been on/off for a few days now [15:03]
jm|laptopbrycec: linkies? [15:07]
brycechttps://smokeping.cobryce.com/?target=ARP.ThisGW [15:07]
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jm|laptopbrycec: loss on the link-local ?! [15:10]
m0undsif you get your /48, it's routed via link local [15:10]
jm|laptopyes [15:11]
brycecAnd fe80::1 is the other (ARP) end of that. [15:11]
jm|laptopsee, I'm watching packet loss coming IN on global [15:11]
m0undsstill not really seeing any packet loss via v6 [15:11]
jm|laptopbut I guess that could be the egress point [15:11]
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brycec(I'll point out that another link-local address on that same vlan works just fine) [15:14]
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grepidemic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:14]
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mnathaniAnyone know of a current way to cancel their Amazon S3 account?
(in favour of ARP's backup service of course)
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CaZeMy freenode connection on ipv4 has been great. :D [21:07]
mnathaniended up cancelling my entire AWS acount. Couldn't find the s3 only cancellation [21:10]
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ben2damn freenode is having issues again
oh apparently ddos attacks
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mercutiothen someone stole my nick in the netsplit :/ [22:04]
up_the_ironsgotta register it [22:18]
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up_the_ironsmnathani: i stole you from S3? YES
bryceclol... I still use S3, it has its purpose
It's the difference between nearline and offsite storage
mercutioyeh it was registered, i just had to google to use release to get them to give it back :) [22:25]
brycecup_the_irons: since your reply, no packet loss
mercutio: And this time /msg nickserv set protect
mercutioi did set enforce
is that the same
brycecIt will prevent others from using the nick at all [22:25]
up_the_ironshad a feeling i nip'd hat one
brycecoh yeah, probably [22:26]
mercutioyeah i found some faq
i was very confused how someone colud steal my nick at first
i thought it'd time out after a bit
brycecmercutio: for that matter, sometimes nickserv just gets fuxxed and holds your nick (because it thinks it's used on some freenode server somewhere) [22:26]
mercutiobut i'm always connected.. [22:26]
brycecSo probably that ^^ [22:26]
mercutiobryce: yeh, i had to type release twice for some reaosn
but some guy in the UK was using my nick
i didn't even think to msg him to ask if i can have it back heh
freenode -- | NickServ (NickServ@services.): The ENFORCE flag has been set for account up_the_irons.
mercutioup_the_irons: no one has tried stealing your nick yet? [22:27]
up_the_ironsnot that i know of [22:27]
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mercutioheh [22:28]
up_the_ironI'll take your money now [22:28]
mercutiook that's just strange, i have some kind of random colour thing, and bryce even has the same colour as up_the_iron [22:28]
up_the_ironjust, um, send it to me... [22:28]
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brycecmercutio: if it's the same script I have, the colour is based on a hash of the first 8(?) letters of the nick [22:28]
mercutiobrycec: oh, maybe that rihgt :)
i have weechat
so i hear the US is really cold right now
up_the_ironssomewhat cold [22:30]
brycecParts of it, yes
Winter is known for being cold in general
mercutiosomething about extreme weather and planes not able to be operated because the petrol was too cold or something [22:30]
@weather Chicago, IL
BryceBotThere is 1 weather alert in effect for your area! There is a Wind Chill Warning.
Chicago, IL: Partly Cloudy ☁ -7°F (-22°C), Humidity: 74%, Wind: From the West at 3.0 MPH Gusting to 5.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=41.879444,-87.643333 or re-request this with: @weather -v Chicago, IL
brycecThat is pretty cold [22:31]
mercutioyeah i only care because i'm waiting on amazon shipment from NJ [22:31]
brycecbut then there's ARP
@weather Los Angeles, CA
BryceBotLos Angeles, CA: Clear 61°F (16°C), Humidity: 17%, Wind: From the NNW at 3.0 MPH Gusting to 3.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=33.995155,-118.347275 or re-request this with: @weather -v Los Angeles, CA [22:31]
mercutioand NJ is meant to be getting cold weather
why it comes from NJ I have no idea, it's ilke the far away side :/
Anchorage is surprisingly warm
mercutiothey haev a CA warehouse too [22:31]
brycec@weather Anchorage, AK [22:31]
BryceBotAnchorage, AK: Clear 22°F (-6°C), Humidity: 89%, Wind: From the NE at 9 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=61.21694565,-149.85499573 or re-request this with: @weather -v Anchorage, AK [22:31]
brycecmercutio: they have warehouses in about 40/50 US states [22:31]
mercutio@weather edison, NJ [22:32]
BryceBotThere is 1 weather alert in effect for your area! There is a Wind Chill Advisory.
Edison, NJ: Clear 9°F (-12°C), Humidity: 46%, Wind: From the West at 10.0 MPH Gusting to 28.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=40.540222,-74.379715 or re-request this with: @weather -v edison, NJ
mercutiosee that's pretty bad to my mind :/
actually with that level of gust, even if it was 25c warmer it'd be damn cold
brycecwindchill -20C [22:33]
mercutioi dunno how you can call anchorage warm
los angeles is ok it seems
brycecmercutio: it's relatively warm, for where it is [22:34]
mercutioi wonder if it has international weather
@weather auckland, new zealand
BryceBotAuckland, New Zealand: Overcast ☁ 71°F (21°C), Humidity: 92%, Wind: From the NNW at 5.4 MPH Gusting to 11.4 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=-36.973896,174.878021 or re-request this with: @weather -v auckland, new zealand [22:34]
brycecIt's far further North than Edison, NJ, and -6C vs -12C
mercutio: As you can see, *some* parts of the US are rather cold http://www.wunderground.com/maps/us/Temperature.html
up_the_ironsIf anyone is still seeing packet loss with IPv6, please email support@ so I can address it [22:36]
brycecaye aye up_the_irons
And you're welcome to watch my smokeping
(I'll happily setup automated email alerts too ;P)
up_the_ironsbrycec: lol, that is exactly what i was looking at just now ;)
i like how this has turned green on the end: https://smokeping.cobryce.com/smokeping.cgi?displaymode=n;start=2014-01-05%2016:36;end=now;target=ARP.ThisGW.ThisGW6
brycecI like it too (though the colours *are* pretty) [22:38]
mercutioahh interesting
hmm i am not monitoring ipv6
ouch that packet loss looks insane
brycecIt was atrocious :( [22:46]
wha'tw ith that
CaZe'If you're under 40, you've not seen this stuff before.' [22:47]
mercutiooh is this a home cnonection with uploading? [22:47]
brycecTWC? No that's a business connection.
A shitty one... but it's "business class"
mercutiobuffer bloat? :) [22:48]
brycecAlso over an HE.net tunnel [22:48]
mercutioahh [22:48]
brycecIf I completely saturate downstream, latency will jump to 3000ms
(vs my home Comcast connection, or ARP which shows only a minor increase in latency)
mercutio: Though, I'll point out that nobody's using the connection in that timeframe
(It's an office... everyone left by 1700)
mercutioi can't push my dsl connection up naerly that much on downstream for latency
actually nowhere near that bad with upstream even
gets packet loss first
having latency that high is usually called buffer bloat
like you don't really want any more than 200 msec ping rises if you can help it
on dialup i couldn't keep it that low though
brycecmercutio: Mmmm packetloss you say? This is between the firewall and the cable modem https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3167967/screenshot_2014-01-06_22-50-21.png [22:51]
CaZe@weather babbit, mn [22:51]
BryceBotError, No cities match your search query [22:51]
CaZe@weather babbitt, mn [22:51]
BryceBotThere is 1 weather alert in effect for your area! There is a Wind Chill Warning.
Babbitt, MN: Clear -26°F (-32°C), Humidity: 69%, Wind: From the West at 8 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=47.82454681,-91.83073425 or re-request this with: @weather -v babbitt, mn
brycec(Spelling is important :p) [22:52]
mercutiowow [22:52]
brycecWow... -32C?? [22:52]
mercutioi think i'm winning for humidity though [22:52]
CaZeIt was -40C on Sunday. [22:52]
mercutio@weather london, uk [22:52]
BryceBotLondon, United Kingdom: Scattered Clouds 52°F (11°C), Humidity: 76%, Wind: From the SSW at 20 MPH Gusting to 32 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=51.47750092,-0.46138901 or re-request this with: @weather -v london, uk [22:52]
brycec@weather 99019
BryceBotLiberty Lake, WA: Clear 27°F (-2°C), Humidity: 76%, Wind: From the NNW at 4.9 MPH Gusting to 6.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=47.666508,-117.100792 or re-request this with: @weather -v 99019 [22:53]
brycecwell it was 80% a few minutes ago.. [22:53]
mercutioit's 92% humidity here [22:53]
CaZeI went for a run on Sunday, when it was -22C. [22:53]
mercutio@weather auckland, new zealand [22:53]
BryceBotAuckland, New Zealand: Overcast ☁ 71°F (21°C), Humidity: 94%, Wind: From the NNW at 3.8 MPH Gusting to 9.2 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=-36.973896,174.878021 or re-request this with: @weather -v auckland, new zealand [22:53]
brycec*20 minutes ago 22:31:09 < BryceBot> Liberty Lake, WA: Clear 26°F (-3°C), Humidity: 80%, [22:53]
mercutiooh it's gone up. [22:53]
CaZeI had icicles on my eyelashes. [22:53]
mercutiocan humidity go over 100%? [22:54]
brycec@google can humidity go over 100%? [22:54]
BryceBot1,810,000 total results returned for 'can humidity go over 100%?', here's 3
Relative humidity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_humidity) When relative humidity approaches 100 percent, condensation can occur on ... air (perhaps even flying through clouds a few thousand feet above the ground), ...

Ask Tom why: Is it possible for relative humidity to exceed 100 ... (http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-07-20/news/ct-wea-0720-asktom-20110720_1_relative-humidity-condensation-nuclei-supersaturated-air) Jul 20, 2011 ... Dear Tom,I have heard that relative humidity can exceed 100 percent. Is that possible?—Rhonda HoudekDear Rhonda,Surprisingly, yes, the ...
Dew point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dew_point) Relative humidity of 100% indicates the dew point is equal to the current ... point can go along with a high temperature only at extremely low relative humidity (see ... Devices called dew point meters are used to measure dew point over a wide ...
mercutioi think it means it's raining
it's not actually raining here yet
brycebot is pretty clever really
brycecWhy thank you. Though BryceBot is really only as clever as the other services/APIs it uses. [22:59]

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