#arpnetworks 2013-12-30,Mon

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up_the_ironsA GTT support engineer asked me what "Pingdom" was... holy. shit. [02:37]
milki:o [02:40]
josephb:-[02:49] <josephb> "engineer" [02:49]
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mercutioup_the_irons: i expect lots of "network engineers" don't know what pingdom is
the whole idea of remote monitoring is kind of new really
milkihaving a pager isnt new, but sending reports to the pager automatically might be? [03:23]
mercutiopingedom seems to integrate onto pages somehow
for some reason i'm getting daily monitoring availability reports from monitor.us now
i must have signed up sometime
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m0undsremote monitoring has been around for a long time
outsourced remote monitoring is new
but really surprising that that person didn't know pingdom, since they're one of the most popular
as an aside, if you want some free monitoring - uptimerobot.com (monitors from dallas,tx dublin ireland and singapore) [06:30]
milkioo, engrish [06:32]
m0undsyeah, haha [06:34]
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m0undsdespite the bad english on the front page, it's been pretty decent, no FPs, etc [06:35]
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ese has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:28]
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robonerdhow can i see how much disk my fbsd 9.2 is using? [18:43]
staticsafedf -h [18:47]
robonerdty! [18:47]
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hazardoushi staticsafe! [20:18]
robonerdhazardous so tell us more about your internet beginnings 2, or 3 years ago [20:22]
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mnathaniDid anyone else know that Vim is Charityware?
I always thought it was released under the GPL
robonerdmaybe it's both?
www.coindev.org <- we just finished migrating our site to arp!
fbsd is so easy to configure
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mercutiomnathani: they used to suggest people donate to uganda iirc
but yeah i knew
remember it cmae from amiga circles
and amiga was big with piracy and freeware
and not so big with shareware or gpl
there was a kind of ethos with amiga users of giving
like i'd imagine piracy was actually more common on amigas than it is on pc's now
but it's hard to know. it's a lot easier to priate stuff these days with bittorrent etc. but amiga users often used to copy floppies for each other etc
ahh it seems vim changed licenses [23:26]
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mercutiohmm richard stallman got involved in discussion of vim license on debian mailing list in 2002 [23:29]
looks like it changed years ago from public domain to charityware [23:35]
robonerdit can change from public domain? [23:39]
it doesnt' change the license of old version
but you can always go more restrictive on licenses on new versions
that's what happened with gcc
and why freebsd and openbsd aren't using current gcc versions
and why openbsd chooses to use older version of gcc, and freebsd clang/llvm
basically you can take any BSD or public domain software and stick a GPL license on it
and release it
which is why people say that GPL license corrupts
cos if you haev even one bit of GPL code it becomes GPL

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