#arpnetworks 2013-12-07,Sat

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***ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [01:44]
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nesta has joined #arpnetworks [02:34]
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phluxk, so read http://bash.org/?127039 and then http://bash.org/?743595 [05:35]
BryceBotBash.org: "Quote #127039"
Bash.org: "Quote #743595"
.... (idle for 18mn)
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m0undsheh [06:06]
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mercutio has quit IRC (*.net *.split) [07:42]
robonerd has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:47]
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ziyourenxiang has quit IRC (Quit: ziyourenxiang)
mercutio has joined #arpnetworks
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robonerd has joined #arpnetworks [11:12]
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qbit has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [14:00]
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dne has joined #arpnetworks [16:03]
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rhitmon has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [17:07]
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m0undsAlistair_ I ran a tor node for a week once [17:00]
haha, that's weird - not sure how that was in my clipboard
m0unds goes back to work
......... (idle for 43mn)
robonerdqbit hey
it must suck badly to have your family name now
reminds me of the movie office space
***Alistair has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [21:32]
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mnathaniWhat do people in here recommend when it comes to consumer grade NAS devices? [22:44]
mercutiocustom? :/ [22:44]
mnathaniwhitebox linux distro? [22:45]
...... (idle for 25mn)
mercutioyeah something like that
bsd, linux, etc
i suppose it depends what you want to do
when i looked around before any of the affordable ones can't do gigabit speeds
adn many hard-disks
the expensive ones can more hard-disks, but they're expensive, so you may as well well go custom
and performance is still sub par
but depends what you want it for too
they'll all do 100 megabit easy afaik
and i think in general there's a choice between mips and atom cpus
the crummy atom too
i found atom too slow for smb :/
even with a i7 i find smb can't keep up
100% cpu
on writes
samba isn't very efficient
and doesn't do multicore
so basically i'd recommend going itx, with a case that can take many hdd
BryceBotFractal Design Node 304 FD-CA-NODE-304-BL Black Aluminum / Steel Mini-ITX Tower Computer Case -- $89.99 [23:17]
mercutiosomething like that
takes 6 3.5" hard-disks if oyu don't need al ong video card
it's a big itx case
BryceBotASRock Z87E-ITX LGA 1150 Intel Z87 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Mini ITX Intel I217V Lan 802.11ac WiFi Intel Motherboard -- $139.99 [23:20]
mercutioand something like that, though it was cheaper than that beofr ei think [23:20]
mnathaniI was looking at:
mercutiohttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116895 [23:22]
BryceBotNETGEAR ReadyNAS 102 (RN10200-100NAS) Diskless System Network Storage -- $199.99
Intel Core i5-4430 Haswell 3.0GHz LGA 1150 84W Quad-Core Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics BX80646I54430 -- $189.99
mercutiothen cpu something liek that
a few options around though
that one has $15 off voucher
well one thing abouit normal pc is you can use it as router etc too
it's 2 bay :/
raid 1
you thinking?
it does completely depend on what you want out of it :)
if you go down to pentium cpu
the difference in price is less
f you go to cheaper motherboard you can only have 4 hard-disks rather than 6
BryceBotIntel Pentium G3220 Haswell 3.0GHz LGA 1150 54W Dual-Core Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics BX80646G3220 -- $69.99 [23:24]
mnathaniEasy access from multiple OS, primarily Mac. Yea probably Raid 1 [23:24]
mercutioi think mac can do nfs?
i haven't playyed with appleshare in years
i think os x can do smb too
mnathaniAFP - Apple File Protocol [23:25]
mercutio/ cifs [23:25]
mnathaniand SMB for sure [23:25]
mercutiohttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157451 [23:25]
BryceBotASRock H81M-ITX LGA 1150 Intel H81 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Mini ITX Intel Motherboard -- $64.99 [23:25]
mercutiothat mbd a bit cheaper
but yeah that nas thing for 2 drives is going to be cheaper it looks like
cos probably $30 for ram or something at least too
so looking at more like $280
that case was $60 before
mnathaniwant to make it work right out of the box, rather then messing with config - and permissions etc [23:26]
mercutiooh true
gl :)
mnathaniNetwork appliance rathar than Admin headache
mercutioi have headaches whichever way i go
i still don't understand why windows can't store passwords in memory
i've fixed it before
but the "remember password" thing doesn't work until you do some weird thing
i have a hackintosh but i don't think i've done file sharing with it yet
i got it going fine then got distracted :)
mnathaniVM or physica
it's an old sandy brige computer
with a beta uefi bios
mnathaniDo you dual boot with it? [23:29]
mercutioyeah it's got windows 8 on it too
it's in the other room though
i haven't touched it in a week or more
it's my oldest computer i use
and yet it boots the fastest
it's insane how fast windows 8 can boot on uefi
os x isn't quite as fast
it's actually booting off a usb stick atm for os x though
mnathaniThat would slow it down [23:30]
mercutioit's just the boot loader
i don't think it makes that much diff
it's a usb3 stick
that does like 170mb/sec read or something
and like 55mb/sec write
mnathanihave you gone down the SSD route for any of your machines? [23:31]
they're all ssd
once you go ssd you can't go back :)
and you want to sell everyone on ssd
atm i have two primary computers
one of them primarily runs windows dual boot to linux
one runs just linux
mnathaniubuntu? [23:32]
but with notion window mange.
which i've used for like 12 years or so.
i hate that new ubuntu ui stuff
but you can ignore it
and i have infiniband between the two computers
and the linux-one is file server
get about 1400 megabytes/sec with nfs
and much less than that with cifs
for a while i was screwing around with virtualisation
and i had windows and linux on the same computer with vga passthrough
but it doesn't work as cleanly.
for NAS
there's also things like freenas
i haven't touched it, cos i've never found setting up fiel serving that hard
mnathaniisn't infiniband usually used for SANs in the enterprise [23:35]
mercutioyeah but it's cheap
cheaper than network switch that can do bonding
mnathaniFiber Channel over Ethernet or Iscsi another option? [23:36]
mercutioand bonding doesn't work properly for going over a gigabit
i just use infiniband over ip
which means basically i have a mtu of 64k
and just do tcp
with nfs cifs etc
but i mostly went infiniband cos i was curious what it was ilke
when taking away bottlenecks.
it maeks me much more comfotable only having 120gb ssd in my windows computer for sure
but i didn't realise just how hungry cifs was
with samba
like i tried using a atom file server in the past
and it was slow
err fwiw my idea of slow is if you copy a file over network it doesn't go 100mb/sec
and i'd found that core2duo was slower with linux than with opensolaris
and i thought it was just that linux was doing weird stuff with disk i/o
cos it was even slower if doing two operations at a time
but really cifs is pretty inefficient when core2duo 3ghz (e8400) with intel ethernet is not full speed
but i'm on i7-4770 now and i can't max out ssd write speed
err with cifs
with nfs i can
mnathanicpu bottlneck?
protocol rather
mercutiosmb process 100% cpu
so yeh cpu bottleneck
you can't overclock haswell i7s too btw
err the non k
they stopped it :/
i read up a bit about it
apparently samba don't want to multithread for security reasons
and simplicity/debugging
i imagine hardly anyone does samba on 10 gigabit ethernet though let alone infiniband

that nnas has i3-2100
they can't max out 10 gige with raid0 it seems
hmm i wonder if there is any tuning i can do
hmm i wonder if macos would work ok with /home mounted over ufs
err nfs
but they use something like /Users don't they
mnathaniThey some talk over at apple https://discussions.apple.com/message/20834876#20834876 [23:54]
mercutiothat's os x as a server
i should benchmark nfs against afp i suppose
mnathaniyou would need 2 hackintosh or atleast one osx server to test [23:55]
surprisingly i found that ssd moves between two computers fine with hackintosh
i had a few isuses with the install :/
for some reason it kept complaining about partitioning with windows 8 being uefi
in the end i got it going by creating the partition in linux
and then reoboting, and finding i also had to make the fiel system in linux
but linux doesn't enable journaling, but os x can auto enable journaling
fun times
but the gist is that the same install worked on both computers :)
oh adn that computer won't go to bios unless you unplug ssd too :/
stupid fast boot
also surprisingly os x works with ps/2 keyboard
which i tried to see if it woudl get into bios
kind of surprising considering i don't think any mac has ever sold with ps/2 keyboard support
they jumped from adb to usb

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