#arpnetworks 2013-12-05,Thu

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hive-mind has joined #arpnetworks [14:25]
Alistair_ has joined #arpnetworks [14:38]
Alistair_Hello! [14:38]
meingtslahi. [14:40]
Alistair_How long is the setup normally? [14:43]
meingtslait may take up to 24 hours i think [14:44]
Alistair_Would BGP take longer on top of that? [14:44]
meingtslaah, i was assuming you were talking about vpses and dedicated servers, my bad. not sure about that to be honest [14:45]
Alistair_Yeah, I just ordered a VPS and will be looking for a BGP session on top of it
Sorry, I should have said
up_the_irons: Are you here at the moment?
staticsafeAlistair_: best to e-mail support@ [14:49]
mercutioit's most evenings US time
alistair: bgp is less than a week normally i think
but more than a day
i have bgp btw
Alistair_Sweet, I'm only just getting to grips with BGP :) [14:56]
staticsafeBGP is so much fun [14:57]
mercutiowhat OS? [14:57]
Alistair_I ordered debian 6 to run with quagga
I have a raspberry pi running at home with quagga too and it's alright but there is no peers for me at home
i hate quagga, but it works
Alistair_What do you use? [14:58]
mercutioi use openbgpd, bird, and quagga [14:58]
Alistair_Ah [14:58]
mercutioi like openbgpd the best
i wish there was a version on linux
Alistair_quagga was just the easiest for me to setup as a first time BGP user [14:59]
staticsafeopenbgpd was great
was playing it with it at home
mercutiowell the main annoyance with quagga is the route maps
for filtering prefixes
static: i had huge issues with zebra
so i changed to quagga
and i stilli had issues
one day i decided to try openbgpd
Alistair_I managed to peer 2 machines but neither of which had the routing tables [14:59]
mercutioand i'm like paranoid
cos quagga was a pita
Alistair_and that's the bit that I want to see and have a bit of fun with [15:00]
mercutiothen it's like uhh
that was "too easy"
staticsafemercutio: I did RouterOS <-> openbgpd [15:00]
mercutiostatic: oh god, i've tried using routeros
i still get confused
staticsafeits not that hard [15:00]
mercutiois there some clean way on routeros to find out what routes you're advertising? [15:00]
staticsafei agree its not intuitive
mercutioi haven't touched routeros too much
but whenever i do i'm like erk
Alistair_Can you BGP over WAN? So say I peer with someone that has the global routing table and announce the block, would this work or do I need to peer with my band width provider too? [15:01]
mercutiostatic: arp only has partial bgp tables btw
alistair even
what do you want route tables for?
you can bgp over anything
you can use bgp multihop if you're not adjacent
Alistair_One of my partners has allowed me to use his spare /24 [15:02]
mercutioor you can use a tunnel to be adjacent [15:02]
staticsafemercutio: /routing bgp network print [15:02]
mercutioalistair: cool. [15:02]
Alistair_but im sure without the routing table peers I cant use the ips [15:02]
mercutiothat doesn't show detail
i want to see what routes with what prepends are being advertised to what peers
alistair: you don't need to see other routes to advertise a /24
Alistair_Oh? [15:03]
staticsafemercutio: yea i don't think the functionality is that great
but i haven't played with it in depth
Alistair_Mind giving me a few pointers as to how I go about this then? [15:04]
mercutiowhen you advertise a subnet, you just asking other poeple to send traffic for that subnet to you
when you see routes, from one or more hosts, it means you can see what path it takes
and if more than one peer choose the best path
Alistair_I see [15:04]
mercutioalistair: well, i'm pretty sure arp use prefix lists themselves
so you can't really do anything wrong
and you don't even have another route table to inject
are you going to advertise the /24 just on arp?
Alistair_BGP has got to be the most confusing thing i've ever used [15:05]
mercutioor are you looking to do something omre complex like anycast
alistair: that's what i heard in 2000
then i started to learn more about it
and i'm like why did i think it was complicated? :)
Alistair_Just looking to use it on ARP [15:05]
yeh that setup is pretty simple
Alistair_Uni/multicast i think is what im after [15:06]
mercutioi can help you if you get stuck
do you have an ASN?
Alistair_Yeah [15:06]
mercutioor can you use ASN of whoever owns the subnet [15:06]
Alistair_The owner of the subnet ASN [15:06]
plettAs an edge network on the internet who just announces a single prefix to one or two upstreams, BGP is quite straightforward [15:06]
mercutioplett: yeh
basically you just do:
router bgp <asn>
network <subnet>
neighber 174.136...(ip address of gateway) remote-as 25795
staticsafeyea [15:07]
plettIt's when you want to provide BGP to other people, or have multiple locations to announce from, that it gets complicated [15:07]
mercutioyou're from the uk? [15:08]
Alistair_I am yes [15:08]
mercutioso you prob are like thinking neighbour should work :/
but it doesn't :/
staticsafeheh [15:08]
Alistair_I'll PM you the subnet and ASN [15:08]
plettplett is also from the UK :) [15:08]
mercutioyou probably also want a route map :/
for good measure
access-list local_nets permit Wsubnet>
Alistair_Alistair_ is in the north of the UK [15:09]
mercutioaccess-list local_nets deny any [15:09]
plettplett is in the much better south [15:09]
mercutioyeh that subnet isn't already advertised to the internet [15:10]
Alistair_Yup [15:10]
mercutionot even as part of a larger subnet [15:10]
Alistair_There is a another subnet I can use if i need to use one under a larger subnet [15:10]
mercutioshould be fine
some people strip /24s
like arp :/
but there's usually default routes
Alistair_I think that is what my partner has done [15:11]
mercutiothat'll get through anyway [15:11]
Alistair_How possible is it to use said subnet on a home router?
With quagga on said router of course
mercutiowell your isp prob won't let you do bgp to them
unless you're using a geek isp :/
plettmercutio: ARP don't filter all /24s, my home address space is reachable [15:12]
Alistair_No they don't [15:12]
mercutioplett: reachable by default route?
i think they allow /24s on any2ix
Alistair_Could I say perhaps BGP over WAN to a peer and announce it? [15:13]
mercutioyou can tunnel the /24 [15:13]
plettmercutio: Looks like it's going over NTT from ARP [15:13]
mercutiobut if you're in the UK the path will be much worse
your isp might advertise the /24 on your behalf
if you ask them nicely
and route it to your home
depending on how geeky they are agin :/
i have a /29 for home
Alistair_I tried that, they're answer was "What is BGP?" >.> [15:14]
mercutioplett: i think ntt is default route, tell me the subnet and i can ccheck if it's in arp's bgp table :/ [15:14]
plettAlistair_: If you happen to need a better ISP, I work for aa.net.uk [15:14]
mercutioalistair: heh [15:14]
plettmercutio: [15:14]
mercutioplett: do you do bgp to customers?
err home users
yeah it's not
Alistair_Virgin media is just so bad but its the only service that can get me more than 2mbps [15:15]
plettmercutio: We prefer not to do it over residential grade DSL connections, but if that's the only way then yes [15:15]
mercutioplett: heh
alistair: you could tunnel all of your traffic
plettmercutio: That prefix is being announced over my FTTC VDSL from home [15:15]
mercutiomaybe plett's isp can sell you a l2tp/ipsec tunnel or soemthing :/
you';re 3.2557?
Alistair_So that'd be BGP over GRE? [15:16]
mercutiol2tp isn't gre
virgin media is cable right
Alistair_Well same idea as it
Yeah they are FTTC
plettmercutio: We are more than happy to announce other people's IP space on their behalf and route it to their DSL line(s). We've got a handful of particularly geeky customers who do that [15:17]
mercutiothe main issue is you need to do mss clamping [15:17]
plettVirgin is DOCSIS cable, yes [15:17]
mercutioif you can't do a bigger l2 mtu
plett: but you can't resell virgin cable can you? :)
plett: that, to me, sounds like asking for problems :)
plettmercutio: No, we can't. They don't offer wholesale connections to anyone [15:18]
mercutiobut i'm fine doing it for myself.
plett: yeah i thought that was the case
and BT suck
i have a friend who used to live in cambridge
and bitched about how bad internet in the UK was
plettBT Retail suck. The wholesale service can be made to work well [15:18]
mercutioapparently cambridge is especially bad [15:18]
Alistair_So if I did BGP over l2tp/ipsec where would the traffic go? Over the tunnel or over my virgin line? [15:18]
mercutiolike 1 megabit dsl or something
or virgin who he refused to deal with
alistair: to the tunnel endpoint
Alistair_Thought so [15:19]
mercutioyou can do it on a vps in the UK
or someone who'll terminate l2tp
ti's basifcally a vpn
Alistair_BGP sounds like so much fun haha [15:19]
mercutiobut afaik BT ppp termiantes in something akin to l2tp anyway
so infrastructure support in the UK shoudl be good anyway :/
plett: does BT wholesale support 1500 mtu yet?
plettmercutio: Yes. That's what we buy from BT. There are other options where they terminate it and route IP to the ISP, but that sucks
Yes. 1500 mtu is no problem, even over PPPoE
Alistair_BT says that my postcode gets "Up to 5.5Mbps", didn't even get 3Mbps so hence why went with virgin [15:21]
plettBT does RFC4638
(and yes, I do know that RFC number from memory)
pppoe ftl
mercutioplett: so would you sell l2tp tunnel ? :)"
pppoe is fine
plettmercutio: We do, yes :) [15:22]
m0undsnah [15:22]
mercutioplett: do you do ipsec on it? [15:22]
plettNo, just plain L2TP at the moment [15:22]
mercutiooh yip
probably fine :/
so alistair confused yet?
Alistair_Very [15:23]
plettBGP over an L2TP to a residential grade connection elsewhere on the internet wouldn't be something I'd prefer to do, but it would work [15:23]
mercutioif you wanted to get creative
you could do l2tp to arp, and l2tp to plett's isp
and advertise the subnet on both
but prepend the routes to arp :/
plettAlistair_: What is the problem you're actually trying to solve? [15:24]
mercutiohe just wants a /24 at home i think
and to play with bgp
Alistair_Yeah, more to play with BGP than anything [15:24]
mercutiomercutio lets alistair answer [15:24]
Alistair_I have the ASN and IP space already from elsewhere but I don't want to pay too much just to play [15:24]
mercutioalistair: it's an uncommon request tbh [15:25]
Alistair_Yeah, hence why im after advice [15:25]
mercutioarp is kind of cool in that they do it easily [15:25]
plettAlistair_: Out of interest, how did you get address space and an ASN without also already knowing how to do this sort of thing? [15:25]
Alistair_plett: Partner I work with let me borrow his [15:25]
plettRIPE PI space? [15:26]
Alistair_AH now there is a problem
plettNot a technical problem, possibly a logistical one
I don't know what ARIN's policies are about using their address space outside of the ARIN region
Alistair_It's a no-no [15:27]
plettI thought that might be the case. That is also RIPE's policy [15:27]
Alistair_it's written but its not enforced very often [15:27]
mercutioi'm advertising APNIC IP space to arp [15:28]
Alistair_Can you open a BGP session with a second router with the same ASN? [15:28]
mercutioyes [15:28]
plettmercutio: Do APNIC have a similar policy? [15:28]
mercutioplett: huh?
i've never heard of such a policy
staticsafestaticsafe wonders how much IP space + ASN costs in ARIN region [15:29]
mercutioit works [15:29]
plettOkay [15:29]
mercutiobut i have a backup tunnel
i'm advertising /24 that's inside a bigger /21
and there's a backup route to get back
Alistair_So I could in theory have my partner setup l2tp on his router and peer with me at home and both use the same ASN? [15:29]
mercutiobut it seems to just work [15:29]
plettmercutio: I only ask because I had an email from an Australian who is moving to the UK and wants to bring his APNIC /24 space and use it on his UK broadband [15:29]
mercutioalistair: you can use the same ASN in multiple unconnected locations
plett: well tehre may be non ideal routing
but i think that's mostly a think of the 90s
it used to be routers that could only take 100k or less routes were common
Alistair_mercutio: I would only be peered with the one router though [15:30]
mercutioand having non PI space was a problem
nad lots of peopld idn't have proper PI space
but instead an allocation from a larger subnet
plettYeah. De-aggregation sucks a bit [15:31]
mercutioAlistair_: if at all possible i'd try and get "close" distance for the tunnel [15:31]
plettLong live IPv6 :) [15:31]
mercutioyou don't want to go to UK sites via the US [15:31]
m0undsthat'd be a long half a second or more [15:32]
mercutiowhich is why i was suggesting that plett's isp may be able to do something [15:32]
Alistair_Yeah of course without doubt [15:32]
plettAbout 150ms round trip time between ARP and London [15:32]
m0undsthat little? [15:33]
Alistair_There is a public exchange in scotland (IXScotland) so ideally something that is in the same datacentre [15:33]
mercutiothat's high
the ideal path is more like 130
m0undsconsidering the distance, not really [15:33]
mercutiobut often things aren't ideal :/ [15:33]
plettmercutio: That's from ARP to here via NTT [15:34]
mercutioplett: ntt both directions? [15:34]
plettFrom ARP to www.bbc.co.uk , it's about 136ms [15:34]
Alistair_I have 7ms to IXScotland [15:34]
plettmercutio: Yep. NTT both ways [15:34]
mercutiohah it's 156 via atrato
to maidstone
plettAlistair_: IXScotland is still very very new and small [15:34]
Alistair_Yeah but it's there so its a step in the right direction [15:35]
mercutio146 to bbc.co.uk
via ntt/telia
plettAlistair_: Absolutely [15:35]
Alistair_The datacenter that it's in has 16 carriers so it should grow soon [15:35]
mercutioalistair: well if you can terminate there that's good
can you get a vps there?
plettWe are LINX members, and peer on the London LAN. If we had any existing infrastructure in Manchester or Edinburgh, we'd be peering there too [15:36]
Alistair_mercutio: It wouldn't make a difference really because virgin media is not peered there yet
unless I got a dedi and got my transit from VM
mercutioi thought you had 7 msec to there
virgin aren't pro peering i think
Alistair_Virgin is on site but the 7msec is not leaving their network
thats to their routers onsite
mercutiohow much is it to a host on that network? [15:38]
Alistair_Not too sure, the host is carrier neutral so it would most likely be transit from VM
They don't seem to list prices on their website
I've been in their newbridge facility but never in their south gyle one which is where IXScotland is
mercutiowell good luck :) [15:42]
Alistair_I am considering touring their south gyle one for nothing more than a look and ball parks [15:43]
plettAlistair_: Is that Pulsant (ex Scolocate/Lumison) ? [15:43]
Alistair_It is indeed [15:44]
plettWe are Pulsant (ex BlueSquare) customers in Maidenhead [15:44]
Alistair_What is your experience like with them?
The idea of not paying remote hands on colo is really appealing to me seeing we pay up to £70 per hour
mercutioremote hands usually suck
i'd recommend doing it yourself :/
plettWe're fairly happy with them [15:46]
Alistair_At least in Pulsant at Edinburgh its only a 15 minute drive away [15:46]
plettYeah. We're about 15 mins drive from them in Maidenhead [15:47]
mercutiohmm alistair: does your partner have ip address space at that dc? [15:47]
plettBut we only ever have to visit in the event of a hardware failure. IPMI and out-of-band access takes care of everything else [15:47]
Alistair_He doesn't sadly [15:48]
mercutiooh [15:48]
Alistair_I think he is looking into it with the exchange being on site though [15:48]
mercutioi wouldn't woorry about excahnges being on site too much
i'd consider a good dc a higher priority
Alistair_Yeah [15:49]
mercutioi used to think differently
but now days lots of people run ring networks to various locations
and there's lots of shared networks you can get on
Alistair_Well if their Newbridge facility was anything to go by when I took a tour of it then their South gyle one is supposed to be even better [15:50]
mercutiosounds expensive :) [15:50]
plettI've got to run. Bedtime for me :) [15:50]
Alistair_They wanted £50 + network and power for a 1U box [15:50]
mercutiois it 1 am for you plett? [15:50]
plettmercutio: 23:50 at the moment [15:50]
mercutio50 pounds?
sounds reasonable
Alistair_Yeah [15:50]
mercutionot great though
plett: bertter run before you turn into a pumpkin then
plettIndeed. I need to get up for work in the morning :) [15:52]
Alistair_I've been doing freelance for someone over in the states lately so nighshift for me tonight [15:52]
mercutioheh [15:54]
Alistair_I actually can't wait to get my hands on some real BGP stuff xD [15:57]
you never know up_the_irons might poke his head in and decide to do it quickly :)
it takes ages
because upstreams have to be sent the ip's too
and can take a few hours or something to unfilter them
i forgot about thjat :/
Alistair_Ah [15:59]
mercutioi want to do more anycast heh
anycast is cool
it means you can have dns server on one ip adress in mltuple locations
and the closest dns server responds
My partner has a range on anycast with host virtual
mercutioahh ok [16:00]
Alistair_HTTP nodes for DDoS protection proxies [16:00]
mercutioi just contacted host virtual about setting up bgp :/
it looks ilke it's free on hostvirtual
fwiw i reckon arp is better than hostvirtual
Alistair_We actually got some pretty neat ip's in our /22 [16:01]
mercutiobut i have lower ping to host virtual [16:01]
Alistair_Setup rsync for all the servers, trust me [16:01]
mercutiowell hostvirtual in san jose [16:01]
Alistair_partner never did it and now its 9 manual changes >.> [16:01]
there's a $200 setup fee
Alistair_Netrouting is pretty good too [16:02]
mercutiook they only do it on 1gb of ram or more hosts
$200 setup fee
$300/month for anycast ip's
blah blah
there's $0 monthly fee
but $200 setup fee is heaps
when i want to just play with it
staticsafeheh [16:03]
mercutiodo doo doo [16:04]
Alistair_Yup [16:04]
mercutiomaybe i shoudl cancel my vm with them
i'm going to complain that it says free on their web site :/
staticsafefree* [16:04]
Alistair_I found arp networks looking for cheap servers with BGP to play with [16:04]
mercutioyeh so did i i think
no actually i found it cos i wanted openbsd
and ipv6 was nice
i think bgp came later
actually i might have asked about bgp before it was offered
i've asked other providers about bgp :/
Alistair_Most of them won't do it [16:08]
mercutiosteadfast will [16:08]
Alistair_it's so annoying because I already have servers that I could use without paying extra but they won't do bgp
I'm mainly with OVH at the minute
mercutioi think ovh will do bgp [16:09]
Alistair_I've asked over the phone and they said nope
maybe I should try emailing them
mercutiohttp://forum.ovh.co.uk/showthread.php?2589-AS-BGP-peering-and-transit [16:09]
Alistair_That's from 2009, they said it's changed now [16:10]
mercutioi think they used to do bgp?
i dunno
some poeople don't want to deal with the complications on lower paying customers :/
i swearched for bgp and vps
and found arp first
Alistair_It's taken me days to find arp [16:11]
mercutioand gridlane that i've never heard of in sweden [16:11]
Alistair_arp is still cheaper [16:12]
i'm just looking for more locaitons :/
Alistair_What is it that you need the locations for? [16:14]
dns :/
Alistair_Ah [16:14]
mercutioi don't need ;/ [16:15]
Alistair_I would recommend host virtual then [16:15]
mercutioscrew $200 setup fee
host virtual had some network issues before
Alistair_Ahh, one of them "I want this but I don't need it" things? [16:15]
mercutiomore than ocne
they're not wonderful
and i wouldnt' want to feel ilke i have to stick with them
it's kind of like overclocking
you might gain 5% improvement
Alistair_yup [16:16]
mercutioat the risk of instability
but once you know you can do it
it tempts at you
Alistair_I got more than 5% out of mine though :3 [16:16]
mercutiowell los angeles is 130 to 160 msec from london
so it could make that much difference in ping having a EU location
so that's more than 5% :/
Alistair_Wait, really? o.o
I'd expect more than that
mercutioi'm in new zealand
los angeles is 140 msec from here
give or take 10 msec
Alistair_That's not too bad
What IP are you trying that with?
I'll try it from here
mercutio202.49.65.254 is an example anycasted
heh i should fix up the reverse dns
it's liekly to hit arop
Alistair_Goes to LA from here too
and yeah arp
mercutiovia arp? :)
compare that to say
Alistair_~165ms to the .254
.24 went over my second connection oh dear
mercutiosecond connection? [16:20]
Alistair_3g modem [16:21]
why's that?
Alistair_round robin with dual wan [16:21]
mercutioeww :)
try again then :)
Alistair_Once you demand the data it speeds up and goes down to about 61ms to london so the 3g aint bad
Runs at about 18mbit where I am atm
mercutioahh ok
i imagine it's about 300 msec to
via non 3g
***Alistair__ has joined #arpnetworks [16:23]
Alistair__Woops, IRC was running on the 3g when I dissconnected it
around 330ms to the .24 ip
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Alistair__ is now known as Alistair_
mercutio330 wow that's high [16:27]
Alistair_http://i.imgur.com/2exH9ay.png [16:28]
mercutiofucking cogent
it'd be lower if it tunneled via arp :)
is better?
i dunno how cogent manage to have 187 msec to california
Alistair_windows is so slow at traceroutes [16:30]
mercutioyeh it is [16:30]
Alistair_but mtr seems to preak when cogent is in the loop
mercutiooh not much better
and still cogent
i dunno why it's cogent
it's prepended
Alistair_I see
Cogent do suck a lot
mercutioit probably means virgin send to cogent when they can [16:32]
Alistair_oh yeah
virgin are a huge fan of cogent
mercutioarp don't advertise over cogent
so it's good
I remember when cogent broke the peering to virgin and none of our traffic went to the USA
So many mad customers
mercutioheh [16:34]
Alistair_What on earth has virgin done o.o
I have 25ms to OVH in france
That used to me like 47ms
mercutiothey improved things it sounds like
ovh have been improving their routing apparently
i heard
but mostly in the US
cos of their new canada data centre
Alistair_Yeah, it seems to be on OVH's side
It's 19ms to the exchange hub for virgin which is like 10 minute walk from my premises o.o
it probably takes a much longer path
i found someone else doing bgp in detroit
i dunno where detroit is haha
oh michigan
Alistair_Ah [16:44]
mercutiothis anynode place has tooo much cogent
All users wishing to run a Tor service (node or private site) are required to lease a /29 from us, and have the IPs assigned to them via SWIP.
they're allowing TOR?
m0undsAlistair_: winmtr [16:52]
Alistair_oh yeah I have winmtr too
Forgot about that
mercutio: Tor isn't illegal
mercutioyeah it encourages abuse though [16:58]
Alistair_It's very very resource heavy though
Personally I'd say SWIP would be okay to run it on
mercutioi dunno i think ddos attacks etc [16:59]
m0undstor's gross
turned into a ridiculous cesspool
Alistair_I ran a tor node for a week once [17:00]
m0undsmoreso than it was even 10 years ago [17:00]
Alistair_It used 400GB in bandwidth in 3 days [17:00]
mercutioheh [17:02]
............ (idle for 59mn)
***Nat_RH has joined #arpnetworks [18:01]
.................. (idle for 1h26mn)
up_the_ironsAlistair_: sorry for the delay, i'm really behind today. oh and, BGP sessions take longer than the initial VPS setup [19:27]
...... (idle for 25mn)
Alistair_up_the_irons: It's alright :) [19:52]
mnathaniWhats the best way to learn about BGP without having access to any prefixes or AS Numbers? [19:57]
mercutiomnathani: you can get a view often without
ask someone nicely
mnathania BGP session from ARP wouldn't really do me any good for instance .. [20:05]
mercutiocos partial route table?
bgp doesn't really do any good unless you need to use it
mnathanicos lack of AS, and prefixes to announce
ideally I would like to have access to an AS, a /24 prefix and relationships with ISP at multiple locations to setup an anycast DNS network
mercutiosounds good
you can get your own AS and a /22
in NZ reasonably easily
but it costs money :/
the multiple locations thing is actually really complicated
mnathaniWorking for the likes of Hurricane Electric, or other large ISP would help the learning process [20:09]
mercutiothe problem is you want the same transit providers in diff locations
for some ones like cogent
or you'll find people prefererring to take cogent routes
and going to the wrong location
cogent is a good example cos they're cheap
so people often seem to prefer them
mnathanihow does Google do it with their Name Servers?
I guess they are their own transit ;-)
mercutiothey use the same transit providers in dfif locations
but their name servers aren't actually anycast
they're mostly doing geoi ip stuff
pointing at a close ip
do host -t ns google.com
mnathaniI thought they did anycast their name servers [20:15]
m0undsyou could do bgp sims or whatever [20:15]
mercutions1 through ns4
it's going somewhere way further away than their web site for me
well i suppose it's mostly that not everyone has experience with it
mnathanihttp://dns.winvive.com/dns-tools/nsinvestigate.php?Domain=google.com [20:16]
mercutiosome people anycast just not google
cachefly anycast their naem serfvers i'm pretty sure
mnathanieach name server ns1, ns2, ns3 and ns4 come from a different /24 [20:16]
but that's not anycast
mnathaniit is if they announce it at different locations [20:17]
mercutiothey're all like 170 msec away from me
well google don't report location well
they don't seem to know how to do reverse dns
umm they're all on 216.2339 adresses
i think they're all in mountain view or something
i dunno
35.9 msec from arp
m0undsit's probably just a view from wherever that site is [20:18]
mercutioi dunno it looks similar to what i get
it's the asme even
ok now do a lookup on www.google.com
it'll give like 8 ip addrsess
in the same location
m0undsyep [20:19]
mercutio74.125.237.208 [20:19]
mnathanithe web servers are not anycast [20:19]
mercutioso i get addresses like that [20:19]
mnathaniI mean the name servers are anycast [20:19]
mercutiowhich is 34.8 msec away [20:19]
mnathaniand return different response based on geo ip [20:19]
mercutiothey're not anycast
i'll try from uk
if they're anyhcast they're not spreasd out well
m0undsyeah, constellation all within one continent
mnathanilet me send you trace to each one, you can compare your trace [20:19]
mercutiooh maybe they are anycast
they're 10 msec from maidstone
ok well they're anycast, but they're in fewer locations than, www.google.com, www.gmail.com
and www.youtube.com
actually is a good example of anycast
mnathanifor sure [20:21]
mercutioand www.cachefly.com [20:21]
mnathanihere are my traces: http://pastie.org/8532405 [20:21]
mercutiohey you get a reverse dns :/
on hop 5
your isp is as bad as google though :/
mnathaninotice something interesting at hop 2 [20:22]
mercutionope? [20:22]
mnathaniits DOD address space
m0undshaha [20:23]
is that why no reverse dns
i think ^24 is a spam block
mnathaniresidential cable [20:23]
mercutioyeh so spam [20:24]
m0undshaha, depends on provider [20:24]
that's what i get
i wonder what google ttls are like
mnathaniwhats special about the ttls? [20:27]
wao wao wao
mercutiothat's curious
so yoour isp connects to google los angeles
m0undsyep [20:29]
mercutioor close to it
whererever 600w seventh is
m0undsla [20:29]
mercutioand yet you have a low ping
but arp has a much higher ping
i mean low piung idff between your ping to los angeles and google
what's your ping to arp liek
m0undsang on
hang on
$ ping forklift.m0unds.net
PING forklift.m0unds.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from forklift.m0unds.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=52 time=34.3 ms
64 bytes from forklift.m0unds.net ( icmp_req=2 ttl=52 time=34.9 ms
+/- .8ms
so that's strange
that's about what arp gets to google :/
m0undshttp://pastebin.com/GUcMPDAR [20:31]
mercutioit'sreal similar route [20:31]
m0undsyea, most west-coast bound stuff from albuquerque via comcast will hit 600wseventh [20:32]
mercutionot that 40 msec or 1 msec pings to google's name servers from arp makes any noticable diff [20:32]
east coast stuff tends to hit dfw or denver
mercutiodo you guys get ~36 msec pings too? [20:32]
m0undsdenver's much closer network-wise, like 18ms from denver
err, 18ms from abq
mercutiothe pot smoking place? [20:32]
m0undshaha, sure
i know it as the city 400mi north of me
mercutioi dunno much about denver
other tahn it seemed like they were trying to compete with the neverlands
m0undswas just there last mo [20:33]
mercutioby legaliising marijuana [20:33]
m0undsdoubt that thought had much to do with it [20:33]
mercutioi dunno what i saw looked might dodgy [20:34]
m0unds37ms from goog ns1 [20:34]
mercutionot that that is at all on topic
yeah weird isn't it
i imagine it's the reverse route
m0undsyea [20:34]
mercutioit's 26.7 to
or it could just be google being funky
m0undsABQ is 90ms from [20:35]
mercutioarp is 26 msec [20:35]
m0unds8.8.4.4 is 67ms [20:35]
mercutiook i'm giong to say it's google being funky
so anyway
even somewhere the size of google
with as many taleneted people
still manages to screw up anycast
oh i spelt it right the first time
and as you get into more locations, getting "ideal" routing gets more andm ore complicated
like having good US, EU, AP routing
m0undsyep, hard to be a master of everything [20:37]
mercutiois simpler than having best routing to diff parts of the US
cos they have diff tarnsit providers that are common
mind you
comcast are huge now it seems :/
m0undsthey sure are
and they're their own transit provider in a lot of cases
mercutiothey are
i think this whole tier1/2 thing is bs
not that what i think changes aynthing
my main complaint is can't get low latency to europe
and that's the same for all providers
and there's distance problems in there
but there's a possible shorter path from US to EU
but really if there was a more direct path to EU than going via the US it'd benefit me
and routing in the US is screwy to lots of places
like from here to Kansas routing sucks
Kansas seems to be one of the variable places for routing
along with Seattle
i assume it's lack of proper interconnections
for kansas
and i wonder if seattle doesn't have a direct enough cable route
it says 1827k
so it should be 25 msec ping or something
from los angeles to seattle
but it's more than that :/
should be even less form san jose
1353 so like 20 msec?
m0undsLA to seattle?
it was like 40ms for me from ABQ->SEA via nlayer or whatever they are now
and that was through LA
mercutioi dunno where abq is [20:48]
m0undsSW US
800mi from LA

right at the intersection of i-40 and i-25 in new mexico
time to brave the snow. bbl.
mercutioyeah not that close to los angeles [21:03]
....... (idle for 34mn)
m0undsit's a tiny bit chilly
gizmoguyi'm hot :(
plz be sending me some snow m0unds
m0undshahaha, sure thing
want some cold air to go with it? it's -8C outside
gizmoguya little cold air, but not that much
I really need to solve the issue where I have lots of AC at work
and none at home
m0undsgotta figure out a way to capture some and ferry it home
we budgeted re-HVACing our equipment room now that we have equipment deployed in a way that makes sense - before, the room was totally full (30 racks) and in no real order, so it was fully ambient air cooled. now that we're down to 5 racks at the headend, our room sits at like 49-50F, haha
mercutio-8c wow [21:54]
gizmoguyit's ok guys, I just moved from my couch and opened some windows [21:54]
mercutioit's like 20c+ here [21:54]
gizmoguytemperature == better now [21:54]
m0undshahaha [21:54]
gizmoguyand... on the other plus side, just poured the first beer of the weekend [21:54]
i want beer.
gizmoguybelgium triple, to make up for the long week [21:54]
mercutiogizmo what beder [21:54]
m0undsmy weekend doesn't start til sunday [21:54]
mercutiobeer [21:54]
m0undsnice [21:54]
mercutiosounds expensive [21:54]
m0undsstill gotta get yourself set up on untappd gizmoguy [21:55]
gizmoguyhah yes
I just thought that
mercutio: tuatara
mercutiosay what?
isn't that a lizard
are you drinking a lizard
gizmoguybelgium tripel
I take it you aren't into the NZ craft beers
mercutionot particularly no [21:56]
gizmoguy(which are damn tasty) [21:56]
mercutioi prefer spirits [21:56]
gizmoguyI need to restock the top shelf [21:56]
mercutiocraft beers are usually damn expensive
and they don't sell beer at the supermarkets here
gizmoguywait [21:56]
mercutiowhich is where i used to buy beer [21:56]
gizmoguyyou're in auckland? [21:57]
mercutiowest auckland
m0undsjust sold in liquor stores or something? [21:57]
mercutioyeh [21:57]
m0undsbooooooooooo [21:57]
mercutiothere's a liquor store nearish [21:57]
gizmoguywhat kind of a backwards city are you in [21:57]
mercutiolike 7 minutes drive away
but parking there sucks
m0undshaha [21:57]
gizmoguyeven hamilton can do alcohol [21:57]
mercutiowest auckland [21:57]
gizmoguy:) [21:57]
mercutioi know it's weird isn't it [21:57]
***Alistair_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:57]
mercutioi wish they'd have better parking [21:58]
gizmoguyhahahaha parking in auckland? [21:58]
mercutioheh [21:58]
m0undsi was up in CO in Nov. forgot what it's like to be somewhere you can't get good beer at grocery stores [21:58]
mercutioyeah in titirangi in particular
there's like this car park that hardly ever has a spare park
and when it does there seems to still be +3 cars
and it's small
and that's where the liquor store is
gizmoguyand it's $100 per half hour? [21:59]
mercutioparking is free
if you can get it :)
god i went to newmarket the other day
parking was insane there too
i think it's cos of xmas
gizmoguymade the mistake of parking in a wilson st carpark for lunch in auckland once
Auckland CBD
mercutioi made the mistake of parking at tournament
i dunno if that's better or worse :/
they want to charge $65 for gbeing 7 minutes over
gizmoguyI thought it was gonna be a good rate
but I misread the "per half hour" as "per hour"
mercutioskytower is insanely expensive for parking
and on top of that most of the parking is restricted
was it prepay?
gizmoguybro, just sign print "NETWORK ENGINEER" on the side of van
and park wherever
mercutioat least sky tower isn't prepay
i'm not driving a van
i'm not a dodgy old man
m0undsyou should invest [22:01]
mercutioor a courier [22:01]
m0undswe have ample parking at our liquor stores [22:01]
gizmoguymy mate made the mistake of parking his work car in a handicapped parking spot
they got soo many complaint calls
i hate parking
gizmoguy(he had permission from the building owner to park there if he was there less than 5 mins and there was another spare space) [22:02]
mercutiothere's nothing worse than looping around a car park three times
to try and find a park
gizmoguybut he has been warned by management to not accept that offer ever again [22:02]
mercutiothen some random person steals thep ark from you [22:02]
gizmoguymercutio: I was picking up a router on symonds street one time [22:02]
mercutiothen some idiots walk ijn the middle of the road [22:02]
gizmoguyparked in bus lane
and 3 of us hauled it in as fast as we could
and sped off
a few bus drivers looked pretty pissy, but no complaints
mercutiocool. [22:02]
gizmoguy(was in work car at the time as well :P) [22:03]
mercutioi get free parking at sky tower when i have to go up there
but still have to loop around
and like to go up there through the service area or whatever
sometimes you have to park on a diff level
it's kind of lame
actually on the note of liquor sstores and data centres
orcon's data centre is at at liquor store
at a
gizmoguyhah really?
I've never been
in northcote
i hate northcote
gizmoguymakes sense
they brewed their own beer once
mercutiothey still do
i tried some
gizmoguyepic orcon? [22:04]
mercutiosomething like that
it was boring tasting to me
but tbh, i'm more into things like steinlager pure
gizmoguysigh :( [22:05]
mercutiowhich is prob bad to your tastes :) [22:05]
gizmoguyyes [22:05]
mercutioi like kingfisher too
and heineken
gizmoguyhaha [22:05]
mercutioi hate db draught
and lion red
and shit like that :/
gizmoguyI get kingfisher at least when I'm at indian restaurants [22:05]
m0undshaha [22:06]
mercutiohave you tried kingfisher storng?
gizmoguyyeah mate [22:06]
mercutiothat's kind of similar to the orcon beer [22:06]
gizmoguywe're quite good friends with our local indian [22:06]
mercutioi prefer normal king fisher [22:06]
gizmoguyI remember one time we turned up for dinner [22:06]
mercutiobut kingfisher strong gets me surprisngly intoxicated :) [22:06]
gizmoguyand ordered 4 kingfisher strongs and a bottle of wine [22:06]
mercutiothe large? [22:06]
gizmoguyyeah mate
no other size to get
gizmoguylol [22:07]
mercutioi love indian food [22:07]
gizmoguyif you're ever in hamiltron [22:07]
mercutiobut like even one kingfisher strong with a meal i can feel [22:07]
gizmoguycome to indian with us [22:07]
mercutioheh ok
i usually try and get around hamilton tbh :/
gizmoguywhenever I go there for lunch these days, I don't even really order [22:07]
mercutioheh [22:07]
gizmoguyI just suggest a meat or vege
and they make something
sounds good
gizmoguyyeah they're good folks [22:08]
mercutioi like pepper cihcken
but i dunno if that's actually auth indian
not everywhere does it
gizmoguyi've not seen it on any menus down here [22:08]
mercutiohave you had karahi chicken?
that's another thing not everyone seems to do
gizmoguywikipedia seems to suggest it's the same as kadai chicken
which i've had lots
mercutioahh ok
my fav is still saag chicken
gizmoguyohh yes <3 a good saag [22:09]
mercutioi esp. get it if trying out new places
cos it's usually good :)
have you had chicken tikka masala?
i find most places are terrible at that
but some are good
same with mango chicken
aloo ghobi is quite variable too
now i want indian
gizmoguyi don't really like mango chicken [22:11]
mercutioi used to eat indian like 4 days a week [22:11]
m0undsi like chana masala [22:11]
gizmoguyaloo gobi is awesome
or palak paneer
mercutiomango chicken shouldn't be sweet
some places make it really sweet
and it's gross :/
i used to be vegetarian for a while
and i had lots of saag aloo, palak paneer, and allo gohiba
and matter paneer
or soemthign :/
there was this cheap indian place by my house
gizmoguymutter paneer
mutter is peas I think
aloo is potato I think
mercutioi eat really spicy indian :/ [22:12]
gizmoguyme too [22:12]
mercutioi usually just ask for indian hot [22:12]
gizmoguyhah, our local made up a scale above indian hot for us [22:13]
mercutiothen they ask if it was too hot, or hot enough afterwards
and i get it hotter next time
gizmoguymild, medium, hot, indian hot, extra hot, extra extra hot [22:13]
mercutioyeh aparently at one place i was 2 above indian hot [22:13]
gizmoguyyup :) [22:13]
mercutiobut like [22:13]
gizmoguywe have a really good mexican place down here too [22:13]
mercutiothat was handy to know if someone random served me [22:13]
gizmoguywhich you can be very precise what spice level you want [22:13]
most indians here don't eat that hot food'
the weird thing is
when i was in chch indian places weren't very good
i come to akld
and they're all way better on average than chch
but i can't find ANY good thai restaurants
whereas chch had good thai
gizmoguyyeah they're hard to come by [22:14]
mercutiobut shit indian
thing is i went to thai places in the city
and so they're all gone
i have had bad indian food in akld too
have youe ver been to that indian restaurant in central akld?
i was surprised that a) it was open late, b) how good it was
it's naer the sky tower somewhere
wonder what it was called
gizmoguydon't think so
my fav place in auckland would be monsoon poon
mercutiohaven't been there [22:17]
gizmoguygo! [22:17]
mercutiowhat suburb? [22:17]
round the corner from the PWC building
near the wharf
it looks like
m0unds...monsoon poon? [22:17]
gizmoguym0unds: http://www.monsoonpoon.co.nz/
restaurant chain in NZ
mercutioi hate the wharf
it's like the shitty side of town :/
gizmoguygreat food [22:18]
m0unds..ahahahah [22:18]
mercutiois there parking? [22:18]
m0undsthe name is just funny
gizmoguytheir dessert cocktails are delicious [22:18]
mercutioit says 8 min transit - work
i wonder where it thinks i work :/
it thinks i work in 16 wellesley street west
it seems
gizmoguym0unds: their's always a "love you long time" sticker either on the way in or out of monsoon poon [22:19]
m0undsthat's fantastic
i like this place a lot: http://thaivegannm.com/frame/homeosuna.html
mercutiowhy does it think i work there
gizmoguym0unds: looks yummy! [22:20]
mercutiogoogle is funny [22:20]
gizmoguyI love the new google now feature [22:20]
mercutioapparently there's a place called "Vodafone's ihug" now [22:20]
gizmoguy"Your friend just made it home [4 mins ago]" [22:20]
mercutiooh that always tells me how long it is to palces [22:20]
gizmoguysoo creepy :/ [22:21]
mercutiothat i've looked up
oh what
i wonder what mine says now
30 minutes to 11-27 customs street west
which is the address of that monsoon place
i wonder how far it says hamilton is away
1 hour 48 minutes
gizmoguyyeah so whenever you search a location in google maps on your pc
your phone will start to give you directions/time estimates
so much driving :/
apparently cao get five buses to hamilton
taking 4 hours
m0undshaha [22:23]
mercutio177 -> 060x 070x 080 090
oh it's four diff ones
and then it's a train
that doesn't cut/paste
hmm raviz has $20 for 20 itmes
i assume that means buffet :/
oh and not at the city one
oh hangon
it does think i work at sky tower
i dunno how it got that idea
how does it decide where you work
like it doesnt' decide i work at the supermarket
open google now
scroll to bottom
click magic wand
click Places
there should be a "Work" place
mercutiomagic wand?
oh you mean settings
gizmoguyit's a magic wand on my phone [22:27]
mercutioit's got my home address wrong too
i have like an =
with an extra bar
yeah but where is my work meant to be set to :/
i work from home
i was more just curious how it decides
gizmoguyhttp://imgur.com/kN3jmu6 [22:28]
m0undsyuo haz notificashuns [22:29]
mercutioImgur is over capacity!
Sorry! We're busy running around with our hair on fire because Imgur is over capacity! This can happen when the site is under a very heavy load, or while we're doing maintenance.
Please try again in a few minutes.
m0undsyou broke imgur [22:29]
it loadead fast
oh reload worked
oh you do have a wand
i don't
i have four buttons at the bot though
nice google being consistent :/
you have an android 4 phone right
google ux ftw
mercutioliek stock 4 [22:30]
gizmoguy4.3 yeah
no rom
mercutioi have 4.1
but the newer ones have diff buttons
like i have real buttons
gizmoguyah yup
get a nexus5
mercutiowell not really real just touch
i thought about it
buyt like $700
and too big
i actually ilke my phone
it has better battery life htan nexus 4 it seems
is cheaper
gizmoguywhich phone? [22:32]
mercutiohtc desire s [22:32]
gizmoguyah yup [22:32]
mercutiosingle core
1.2 ghz i think
768mb ram
480x800 resolution
so it's not amazing
gizmoguysingle core. how does it even make phone calls and play youtube at the same time? [22:32]
mercutioi don't want to watch youtube on my computer
let alone my phone
gizmoguyhow do you watch cats playing with sticks!? [22:33]
mercutioi don't like cats
i don't really see the point of cats
m0undshttp://sdrv.ms/1bkJNY8 [22:33]
mercutiothey just get in the way needlessly
sleep eat
m0undsjust like people [22:34]
mercutioand break things
claw furniture etc
and then make annoying noises when they want to be let through doors
i don't think cats like me very much anyway
m0undshaha [22:37]
mercutiosomeone said it's cos i make sudden movements
but the trick with cats seems to be to half pay attention to them
i have three cats and they're all different
mercutiolike they'll try and come up to you when you're not paying attention / doing something else
and get in the way
m0undstwo of them are real chill and don't really care what you do, and the other is high strung and kinda sensitive to noise/motion [22:39]
mercutiomost i see seem to be highly strung
or stay on the sidelines
m0undsnone are really lap cats or anything, they jsut sorta do their own thing for the most part
mine anyway
mercutiothey stilpl seem skittish around me :/ [22:40]
m0undsone is sitting on the back of the couch behind me, one is asleep on the other side of the couch and the other is laying on his back in the middle of the floor [22:40]
mercutioi think it's partially whether they get used to you or not [22:41]
m0undsyeah [22:41]
mercutiobut it does kind of weird you out
if you like walk into a room
and suddenly the cat dats around
or if you look at it and it runs away
dogs aren't ilke that
m0undshaha [22:42]
mercutiodogs just bark
wel lif they're healthy
CaZeDogs don't bark everytime you walk into a room. [22:53]
avjIf you listen to nothing else in calendar year 2013, check this shit out [22:55]
gizmoguym0unds: https://untappd.com/user/gizmoguy [23:06]
avj116 Feb 17 2013 04 Dropped.m4a
-rw-r--r-- 1 avj www 9380217 Feb 17 2013 05 Unless.m4a
-rw-r--r-- 1 avj www 12268387 Feb 17 2013 06 Stuck Together Pieces.m4a
-rw-r--r-- 1 avj www 6902336 Feb 17 2013 07 Judge, Jury And Executioner.m4a
-rw-r--r-- 1 avj www 10468675 Feb 17 2013 08 Reverse Running.m4a
***avj has quit IRC (Excess Flood) [23:10]
gizmoguyavj, lol [23:11]
***laotzi has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
laotzi has joined #arpnetworks
........ (idle for 36mn)
Alistair_ has joined #arpnetworks [23:54]

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