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raptelan has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) | [06:01] | ||
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brycec | brycec is a smartass
| [10:55] | |
BryceBot | TWITTER: No support tickets since midnight. Everyone must have got a #ps4 (Fri Nov 15 18:52:47 +0000 2013, retweeted 2 times) | [10:56] | |
brycec | brycec opened a ticket | [10:56] | |
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up_the_irons | u did? hah, swear i didn't see anything
brycec didn't get a PS4 oh LOL, i see it now ;) | [11:21] | |
brycec | :D good response time
I expect this to be resolved ASAP | [11:23] | |
up_the_irons | trouble is, i didn't get a PS4 either
so the problem is unsolvable | [11:23] | |
brycec | heh | [11:23] | |
up_the_irons | I waited in line at Fry's and Best Buy, not really seriously thinking I'd get one, but wth, just for fun. And indeed, they were both sold out before I got near the front of the line ;) | [11:24] | |
brycec | I miss Fry's...
I didn't really try either | [11:24] | |
pjs | up_the_irons I think know the answer but I'll ask anyways. Do you offer any sort of LB services? ie, to 2 web server front ends? | [11:25] | |
brycec | My lady wants one, but it's a chunk of change so we're going to hold off until prices drop, or she can't resist any longer (whichever comes first)
The last answer I saw to that question was "get n+1 VMs" | [11:25] | |
up_the_irons | pjs: nope
pjs: u gotta build your own yeah | [11:26] | |
brycec | brycec updates his "last answer" to be unchanged | [11:26] | |
pjs | up_the_irons figured.. just checking :) | [11:27] | |
jpalmer | brycec: DNS RR, and haproxy, yo.
I *really* wish web browsers would start supporting SRV records. it'd make LB for web servers a much easier (and cheaper) option for the masses. | [11:32] | |
brycec | hm? it wasn't me looking to LB | [11:33] | |
jpalmer | err @pjs ^^ | [11:33] | |
pjs | jpalmer, yea I assumed that was for me :) | [11:33] | |
jpalmer | _http._tcp.domain.com IN SRV <-- should be a standard in zonefiles, and browsers should support it nativelike. | [11:34] | |
brycec | Interesting, I wasn't aware of SRV records for HTTP | [11:35] | |
jpalmer | no major browser supports them yet.
at least, not when I last looked ~1yr ago | [11:35] | |
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brycec | This post from 2009 says it's been outstanding (and patched, but not merged) since 1999 http://blog.milkfarmsoft.com/2009/09/dns-srv-records-support-in-http-browsers/
Firefox ^ Wonder what the holdup is | [11:36] | |
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ChanServ sets mode: +o mike-burns | [11:38] | |
up_the_irons | yeah i was looking at that almost three years ago. SRV support would be awesome. Just like how all DNS resolver libraries support multiple resolvers, web browsers need to do the same. Only real way to do HA is when both server *and* client are HA aware. Anything less is just a hack. | [11:38] | |
jpalmer | honestly, I think it's just that people don't really "get" SRV records, and as such.. are scared of them.
The first browser that supports SRV records though, will win my undying trust. I'll switch that same day. | [11:38] | |
toddf | sometimes it isn't the browser but the underlying web framework, webkit having srv record support for example, would be a win for many reasons ;-) | [11:40] | |
jpalmer | I guess another part of it is.. people who don't understand SRV records will be insanely confused about how to serve a website on www.example.com and test.example.com (though, it's easy enough in reality to setup)
but man, how awesome would it be to have the ability to spin up a VM anywhere in the world.. and have it start taking part of your web traffic, with just a DNS change | [11:40] | |
pjs | jpalmer yea, seriously | [11:44] | |
brycec | You can still do that with just adding that VM's address to the LB :p
I think the bigger fear is that reliance on SRV (and in effect deprecation of A records) will break many dumb devices So you'd have to keep A records and LB's around for old hardware that's not likely to see an upgrade | [11:46] | |
jpalmer | A and SRV records can coexist.
and, adding the webservers to a roundrobin in DNS, provides no redundancy. if the server is down or overloaded, the request would fail, and continue to fail until the DNS TTL expired. not so, with SRV records. | [11:48] | |
brycec | And why couldn't I just add more A records to my www record? Sure I don't get priorities and port numbers, but it still round-robins
SRV have no TTL? | [11:48] | |
jpalmer | the weights and priorities account for that. | [11:49] | |
up_the_irons | if the A record to which your domain resolves is an IP that is down, your site is then down for that client | [11:49] | |
jpalmer | if the highest priority servers are down, it automatically moves to the next priority level. | [11:49] | |
brycec | (same as MX work) | [11:49] | |
up_the_irons | yeah like MX | [11:50] | |
jpalmer | they have a TTL, but the SRV rsource in and of itself, provides the rdundancy. whereas with an A record, (or CNAME) you'd have to wait for a TTL | [11:50] | |
brycec | up_the_irons: But with multiple A records returned, it's up to the client to choose which to use
Solution: 300s TTL :P | [11:50] | |
up_the_irons | web servers do not re-try the "next" A record in RR DNS | [11:50] | |
brycec | servers? | [11:50] | |
up_the_irons | s/web servers/browsers/ | [11:51] | |
BryceBot | <up_the_irons> browsers do not re-try the "next" A record in RR DNS | [11:51] | |
brycec | Well shame on them. | [11:51] | |
up_the_irons | if the client chooses an A record that is down, the request simply fails. at least that is my understanding
i'm not aware of a browser that retries all the A records until it finds one that is up. although, i haven't looked into it in a while, maybe i'm wrong... | [11:51] | |
toddf | no, at least for webkit, it will try until it finds an address that works otherwise fail | [11:52] | |
jpalmer | if you request a DNS record, the DNS server will respond with them in an order. most resolver libraries will only try the first one returned. not "falling back" to others. it'd wait for the TTL to exire, then a new response from the DNS server would (hopefully!) respond with them in a different order. which may or may not happen. | [11:52] | |
toddf | but the discussion should be expanded in scope
getaddrinfo returns a list of addresses (both A and AAAA) | [11:52] | |
jpalmer | the "A record fallback" thing isn't really a browser issue, it's a resolver library issue. | [11:53] | |
up_the_irons | jpalmer: that is my understanding too; but toddf's comment about webkit retrying, that is news to me | [11:53] | |
toddf | it is the os lib preference as to how they are sorted (by default on some os'en it is AAAA first, by default on OpenBSD recently it is A first, though I override it by 'family inet6 inet4' in resolv.conf) | [11:53] | |
up_the_irons | (good news, that is :) | [11:53] | |
toddf | and then the list of addresses should be tried in sequence they came out of getaddrinfo() | [11:53] | |
jpalmer | webkit likely recognizess the failure of the resolver, and takes measures to act on it's own. hell, they may even use their own resolver libs instead of depending on the OS libs. | [11:54] | |
toddf | it takes forever to timeout and retry on another address | [11:54] | |
up_the_irons | i c | [11:54] | |
toddf | whether google does this now or in the future or never, it would probably be smart for someone to write a web browser toolkit to connect to all addresses returned to by getaddrinfo() and whichever connect's fastest wins the wager of which server the browser will talk to for a given dns entry | [11:55] | |
jpalmer | either way.. no matter how you look at it, DNS RR using A or cname records is purely a hack that may or may not help in a given situation. SRV records, would always work appropriately assuming the resolvers aren't buggy. | [11:55] | |
toddf | at least in openbsd chrome will use libc resolvers, I had to comment my 'family inet6 inet4' trick when it was showing a given page badly on v6 but ok on v4 and of course it hit v6 by default | [11:55] | |
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mercutio | i dno' tthink it'll make any difference myself
usualyl when you have multiple A records the browser will try them if it gets connection refused but most of the time when a site is down it doesn't give connection it just hangs and in that situation i doubt browsers will change servers. also the biggest complication with "load balancing" is the backedn server architecture needs to support being hosted at multiple locations which is pretty simple for static files, but much more complicated for databases etc. that said i don't think it'd hurt and it would be nice if things like unable to reach host came back to operating systems in a timely fashion rather than just hoping it'll work out sooner or later | [13:07] | |
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up_the_irons | anyone have experience with coinbase.com? just signed up and debating whether i want to use their merchant tools to accept bitcoins, or if there is a better integrator... | [13:31] | |
brycec | up_the_irons: I've paid through them... A handful of times in fact, for HumbleBundle.com
The experience as a customer was easy and painless. | [13:40] | |
up_the_irons | brycec: roger | [13:40] | |
mercutio | cosnidering paypal? | [13:41] | |
brycec | brycec enjoys buying games with magic imaginary Internet money | [13:41] | |
up_the_irons | mercutio: no, bitcoin :) | [13:47] | |
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[Joepie] is now known as joepie91
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phlux | can I buy bitcoins with paypal?
I bet they'd decline the transaction | [15:15] | |
mike-burns | phlux: http://bit.ly/1cxz9jj | [15:20] | |
BryceBot | http://bit.ly/1cxz9jj -> https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Buying_Bitcoins_(the_newbie_version)#PayPal | [15:20] | |
phlux | PayPal doesn't like bitcoin, as the bitcoin network is in direct competition to itץ
wtf is that last char? I thought there was something on my screen | [15:21] | |
m0unds | it's a slingshot
my terminal turned it into a "?" when you sent it to the channel, haha | [15:24] | |
mike-burns | Tsade, says Wiki. | [15:24] | |
phlux | m0unds: you need to enable utf-8 in your terminal/irc client! | [15:25] | |
brycec | ^ beat me to it | [15:25] | |
phlux | how else would you see this:
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tsade eh | [15:25] | |
m0unds | no care ever | [15:25] | |
brycec | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsade | [15:25] | |
BryceBot | Error in Wikipedia's response: | [15:25] | |
brycec | Damnit BryceBot | [15:26] | |
phlux | m0unds: lots of care obviously | [15:26] | |
m0unds | nope
you care more about it than i do | [15:26] | |
phlux | ah, semitic alphabet
m0unds: apparently not since i d/c | [15:26] | |
m0unds | no care ever | [15:26] | |
phlux | plenty of care | [15:27] | |
m0unds | nope nope nope | [15:27] | |
phlux |
_ _ ___ _ __ | || / -_) '_ [15:27] <phlux> _, ___| .__/ |__/ |_| | [15:27] | |
m0unds | i'm learning about heroin from a computer based learning system at work
i have now learned that people inject heroin | [15:27] | |
phlux | wat | [15:28] | |
m0unds | ikr | [15:28] | |
phlux | you must live under a rock brah | [15:28] | |
mike-burns | Did the computer teach you the trick about injecting it between your toes? | [15:28] | |
phlux | ^ | [15:28] | |
m0unds | i have now learned that prescription medications can be addictive | [15:28] | |
phlux | mike hides his track marks that way
he's also been known to inject it in the butt but it doesn't get you as high Its oldest sound value is probably /t͡sˤ/ wtf is that supposed to mean how does one pronounce that | [15:28] | |
m0unds | ssssss | [15:29] | |
phlux | is it like the last line in "ba dum tss"
???? | [15:29] | |
m0unds | that's what i'd guess, but without the t
ba dum t ssssss | [15:29] | |
phlux | why without the t? | [15:30] | |
m0unds | well, i'd guess because i don't see a t in the pronunciation
that it probably doesn't have a hard consonant in front of it but i'm no linguist | [15:30] | |
phlux | a, a 't' is definitely there | [15:31] | |
mike-burns | I think m0unds is missing some UTF-8 again. | [15:31] | |
m0unds | ^^^^^^
that's the ticket | [15:31] | |
phlux | o | [15:31] | |
m0unds | yeah | [15:31] | |
phlux | yeah he needs to fix that imo | [15:32] | |
m0unds | i figured it was there but it wasn't for me because no care ever
hahaha nah i'm a-ok without it | [15:32] | |
mike-burns | I had to figure out UTF-8 when I moved to Sweden. Now that it works, life is better.
It's ä-okej here. | [15:32] | |
m0unds | don't wait until departmental morale is affected to inform supervisors or managerial staff of drug addiction | [15:32] | |
phlux | m0unds: you should go try heroin i hear it's fun
but i've heard you need to take like twice as much as experienced users tell you to take. they only want you to take half of the real dose so they can get the rest for themselves | [15:34] | |
m0unds | yeah, i've got a syringe ready to inject into my hog | [15:34] | |
phlux | are you gonna go butt, toes, eyes, or just plain ol' arm injection? | [15:34] | |
m0unds | hog = euphemism for genitals | [15:35] | |
phlux | oh
going right for the dick of the first try? bold. | [15:36] | |
m0unds | anything worth doing is worth doing right | [15:36] | |
phlux | i can't argue with you there | [15:36] | |
mike-burns | Like UTF-8. | [15:36] | |
phlux | ^ | [15:36] | |
m0unds | thing there is that i don't care | [15:37] | |
phlux | lol yes he does
don't listen to him | [15:37] | |
mike-burns | And SRV records. You should do that right, too. | [15:37] | |
m0unds | i care so little that i'm listening to a computer voice telling me about drug testing instead of enabling utf-8 | [15:37] | |
phlux | i just got this in pm: m0unds │ yo man how do i enable utf8 cause my irc is incomplete just dont tell anyone ok???
man you need to move over to weechat too | [15:37] | |
m0unds | can you guess why i won't? | [15:39] | |
mike-burns | Complacency? | [15:40] | |
phlux | because you're too busy doing heroin? | [15:40] | |
m0unds | nah, don't give a damn, don't care | [15:40] | |
phlux | because, in your mind, it's still 1983?
i know it's one of the two i just don't know which atm | [15:40] | |
m0unds | it sure is, the year before i was born
i do, however, care that the volume level for each slide in these cbl things is different | [15:40] | |
phlux | wtf are you doing this training for?? | [15:41] | |
m0unds | because none of this computer-based stuff existed when i was hired, so they have no record of having done any of it 6 years ago
so now i have to do it before the end of the calendar year | [15:41] | |
phlux | that's better than my situation
we do it annually in the military you should quit your job though for real | [15:42] | |
m0unds | i just did, now what? | [15:43] | |
mike-burns | Now enable UTF-8. | [15:43] | |
phlux | do heroin, party like it's 1983, change your irc client, and fix utf-8
you have a busy night ahead of you | [15:43] | |
m0unds | okay, so do heroin, do heroin, change my irc client and enable utf-8 | [15:44] | |
phlux | exactly | [15:44] | |
mike-burns | I feel like '83 was more of a coke year than H. | [15:44] | |
m0unds | probably
but that means i'd have to get cocaine and heroin i figured i could just do it twice | [15:44] | |
mike-burns | It can sometimes be easier to get both. | [15:45] | |
phlux | idk
i *did* advise that he take twice as much | [15:45] | |
m0unds | yep | [15:45] | |
phlux | my wife is watching some movie where tim allen is an amish dood
and it looks really lame but if i tell her she might cry cause of the pregnancy hormones, so i'll just dwi | [15:45] | |
m0unds | :q
haha, wrong term woo | [15:48] | |
phlux | you can set up vim-like keybindings in weechat if you want
then :q would work | [15:53] | |
m0unds | i'd rather not because that means i'd be quitting regularly when i fail to grab the right terminal window
unless :q was bound to do something else | [15:54] | |
phlux | good point | [15:54] | |
m0unds | and now that i'm done with the training nonsense, i fixed utf-8
because it was enabled, just not set as this user's locale | [15:57] | |
phlux | i thought you didn't care tho | [15:57] | |
m0unds | not hwile i was trying to finish that nonsense
needed to finish it first | [15:57] | |
phlux | you should unset it so you can keep up the rebel persona | [15:57] | |
m0unds | man | [15:58] | |
phlux | ☃ | [15:58] | |
m0unds | ha | [15:59] | |
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up_the_irons | ☃ | [17:24] | |
m0unds | snowmens | [17:33] | |
up_the_irons | there needs to be a heisenberg one | [17:36] | |
BryceBot | YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT! | [17:36] | |
m0unds | m0unds lives in heisenberg country | [17:36] | |
BryceBot | YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT! | [17:36] | |
m0unds | friend of mine rode down from WA to visit. we went by walt's house so he could take a picture to send to his wife, and there were two dudes in bunny suits standing out front. it was bizarre.
across the street * | [17:37] | |
up_the_irons | lol | [17:47] | |
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jpalmer | speaking of bizarre.. anyone here doing movember for mens health? | [20:07] | |
m0unds | not i - i keep my beard year-round | [20:08] | |
jpalmer | a bunch of us are doing it at work. we're gonna dress up on the last day of november for a photo op, people are doing shit like dressing like Magnum PI, reno 911, etc. I'm dressing like one of the guys from "Super Troopers" (and growing my 'stache big and wide to match) | [20:08] | |
m0unds | funny
short shorts? | [20:08] | |
jpalmer | then, we're all going to lunch somewhere :p
the reno 911 guy is going to have some super short shorts, yes like "not appropriate for the office" kinda shorts. | [20:08] | |
m0unds | that's hilarious | [20:09] | |
jpalmer | when we get photos, I'll post them :)
it's funny cuz.. I don't normally grow one, so I have no clue how to shape it.. so it works out that I'm doing a big and wide one.. | [20:10] | |
mnathani | Anyone know how to get youtube videos playing full screen on one monitor, while continuing to browse in another chrome window on a different monitor (running ubuntu desktop)
Presently it resizes out of full screen mode anytime I click in the next window. | [20:17] | |
jpalmer | maybe opening youtube in a seperate chrome instance? | [20:19] | |
mnathani | no luck, tried 2 separate chrome windows, as well as playing the video in firefox and trying to browse using chrome | [20:22] | |
I am going to try the elementary distribution instead | [20:28] | ||
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brachiation has joined #arpnetworks | [21:32] |
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