#arpnetworks 2013-11-05,Tue

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up_the_ironsguess people liked that one better [01:15]
mercutioi'm not actually following that one [01:26]
.... (idle for 18mn)
***LT has joined #arpnetworks [01:44]
CaZeMore twerking. [01:52]
mercutioi still don't really get twitter
well i mean i know how it works, but it seems like just another thing to try and keep up with
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avjthe nlnog ring looks like a really nifty concept [06:37]
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toddfmercutio: I have bitlbee logging tweets and sometimes I'll search for a given topic, but there's no way I'd read things as they come in, too much info, to much attention and time wasted .. ;-) [07:43]
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up_the_ironsavj: the ring is awesome
very nice for diagnostics
unlike route servers, you have real tools, like mtr
.... (idle for 16mn)
mercutioi like things like mtr :)
i've noticed that cisco etc route servers are always slwo
and don't haev nice tools :)
mercutio wonders whta this ring thing is
brycecbrycec wonders too
Oh right because ARP's a participant.
mercutioi was also wondering what the bgp collective was
i went to the page i didn't quite understand if they were going to bridge different areas or what
ok this ring thing does look cool.
brycecSo essentially this is a machine (VM) on your network that you allow other networks' admins access to (and in return, you get access to theirs) in order to troubleshoot the Internet? Is that essentially right? [12:42]
mercutiothat's what the web page suggests
i wonder there are special mesh traceroute tools
there are ring scripts
to do multihost

looks good
i think it ssh's to every host in turn
which could be slow :)
brycecin turn? ick I would hope it would be parallel [12:47]
mercutiomaybe it is,
but it doesn't look like so
maybe up_the_irons can confirm when he's aorund :)
yeh it ssh's to each one
and there are over 200
oh i think the idea is you go to a susbset of htem
brycecActually it looks like xargs does the parallelization (but that's just a quick skim [12:49]
mercutiooh i think you're right
i hadn't worked my way down that far
brycec-P10 -- run up to 10 procs at a time [12:50]
mercutioi was still trying to figure out how it gets the hostnames out of dig [12:50]
brycecFun with reformatting ;) (ignore comments, strip double quotes, and convert spaces into newlines) SERVERS=$(dig -t txt +short ring.nlnog.net | grep -v '^;' | tr -d '"' | tr ' ' 'n')
Man that's some clever parallellization voodoo
so 237 hosts
brycecbash isn't known for being good at parallellization... but here it is molded to do it :) [12:52]
mercutio10 at a time
with 2 second connect timeout
so it probably still takes 20 seconds to run or something
but not so bad
brycecBetter than 4 minutes [12:53]
mercutioparallelisation is annoying :)
i'd rather see main hubs that send the commands off to servers
adn give the responses back
and maintain persistent connectinos open to them
but i imagine it'd take more effort to implement than the amount of time you'd save
err take more time to implement
brycecMore moving parts to break too
And eats up bandwidth (not much, but it adds up)
mercutioin some ways, it also means can throttle requests or such easier [12:55]
brycecTrue [12:55]
mercutioif someone has a script error or something that ddos's servers accidentally or something
i doubt bw would increase noticably
because you also remote ssh connection initialisation overhead etc
so oyu may send 250 bytes instead of 2k for persistent versus creating new connectoin
plus less cpu
brycecDepends how much the ring is used [12:56]
mercutioprobably smokeping takes up more than manual testing [12:56]
brycecYou can do them one at a time if you want https://github.com/NLNOG/nlnog-ring/blob/master/scripts/ring-all-serial [12:57]
mercutioif you're smokeping'ing lots of hosts you can reduce bw slightly be reducing the ping size [12:57]
brycecheh smokeping is exactly the kind of background noise I'm talking about [12:57]
mercutioping loss doesn't seem to make a huge difference between tiny and vewry tiny
for results
packetsize = 32
so i use that with fping
..... (idle for 20mn)
up_the_ironsbrycec: mercutio : you guys are thinking too hard. admin's get SSH access to my ring box and I get SSH access to theirs. So everyone has access to everyone else's system. you can login to whichever one you want at a given time. If I see routing problems in Asia, I might pick a ring node that is located in that region, and then troubleshoot [13:18]
brycecup_the_irons: That's exactly what I took away. [13:19]
rather than ping from every host
brycec12:42:06 < brycec> So essentially this is a machine (VM) on your network that you allow other networks' admins access to (and in return, you get access to theirs) in order to troubleshoot the Internet? Is that essentially right? [13:19]
mercutioi was just thinking of things like dns and being able to check what caching is like etc [13:19]
up_the_ironsbrycec: yup that's right :) [13:19]
mercutiofor some reason, the example of asia seems pretty fitting
i dunno why asia has weird routing
brycecbrycec blames the ocean, and China. [13:21]
mercutioi think it's about routing policys most.
but i'm in new zealand, which sometimes gets classed as asia pacific so some silly cdn's send traffic to asia
rahter than the US
which can end up going via the US to asia.
actually japan seems pretty solid.
it's singapore that's bad that i notice
and from what i understnad india and pakistan and so forth are worse.
..................... (idle for 1h42mn)
up_the_ironswow, sold another dedi (and possibly even 1 more, will know later)
they might be selling faster than VPSes this last week ;)
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mercutioup_the_irons: another one since my one? [15:23]
up_the_ironsmercutio: yep [15:23]
mercutiothe dedicated servers have only been going about 6 months right? [15:23]
up_the_ironsmercutio: two actually, if the 2nd guy passes the OpenVPN/IPMI litmus test [15:23]
mercutiohaha that's a test? :)
shit i didn't know i was being tested.
bryceclol [15:24]
up_the_ironsmercutio: a year; officially launched dedi's on 10/23/12, although several were sold before then [15:24]
mercutiooh wow
time flies
up_the_ironsmercutio: yup you passed [15:24]
mercutioare there many colo servers?
i prefer colo to dedicated when it's local
but i imagine that doesnt' hold true for everyone
up_the_ironsmercutio: there's many colo'd, yes, 2 cabs; and i've been sold out of colo forever b/c those cabs are still full [15:28]
and it's expensive to do another cabinet
if it's not full
brycecup_the_irons: Any progress on the polo? [15:30]
up_the_ironswell it's more that my cage got full, so i couldn't add another cab [15:30]
mercutiooh [15:30]
up_the_ironsand expanding is expensive [15:30]
bryceclol [15:30]
mercutioso does that mean you're running out of space in general? [15:30]
up_the_ironsbrycec: waiting for my tshirt to come and see if i like 'em [15:31]
mercutioare you at the primary or secondary dc? [15:31]
up_the_ironspretty damn near at this point [15:31]
mercutiodamn [15:31]
up_the_ironsi might grab a cab in another cage that i already have an x-conn to
that a buddy of mine runs
mercutiohave you checked out the 10k sata disks btw?
i wonder how they'd go for vm's
dunno if they support tler or not
BryceBotWestern Digital WD VelociRaptor WD1000DHTZ 1TB 10000 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive Bare Drive -- $229.99 [15:32]
mercutiothey're meant to do 200mb/sec sequential
pretty low power usage i think too, as 2.5" in an expansion tray
which apparently isn't needed if in proper ventilated servers
sounds like it should have tler, and similar errror rate per bits as re4
......... (idle for 40mn)
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m0undshey gizmoguy - ever had the opportunity to try stuff from New Belgium brewery in Ft Collins, CO? [18:19]
gizmoguycan't say I have [18:20]
m0undsthey have some great stuff. #3 craft brewery in the U
toured the brewery today, lots of fun + beer tasting
sounds like a good day
I'm sitting here watching contractors fix my AC that died in my machine room over night..
m0undsyeah, just wish i had more time in colorado so i could hit odell and oskar blues [18:22]
gizmoguymuch rather be drinking! [18:23]
m0undsoh damn, haha [18:23]
gizmoguyluckily I have 4 days off at the end of this week to fly and go drinking :D [18:23]
m0undslose anything in the eq room? [18:23]
gizmoguynah, not a complete failure [18:24]
m0undsright on. ive got another 7 days off. finally getting to burn some pto and spend some time with my wife. she's been so busy with grad school and work that i rarely see her [18:24]
gizmoguyjust a failure in the cooling department
it still circulates air
m0undsthat's good. cooling failures suck. [18:24]
gizmoguyjust room temp air instead of chilled air
it dies once a year...
oh, that's great
gizmoguythe company that has the contract seem incapable of fixing it [18:25]
m0undsbetter get yourself certified to work on hvac gear so you can fix it right :P [18:25]
gizmoguyI've got their old slow guy at the moment
i'm sorta hoping they escalate to someone who moves a bit faster
cause I want to go home at the end of the day :P
haha true
so far this guy turned up
I explained problem
and then he pulled out his ladder
and then I heard lots of clunking and smashing
and some swearing
and I kinda walked away after that
ah crap
what is this guy doing?!
m0undshah [18:30]
he turned the AC unit off
and then walked away apparently
without telling me
m0unds"fixed!" [18:31]
so I'm attempting to cool with my backup cooling system
which involves opening some doors :P
m0undsup til recently, my backup cooling was opening up the ceiling to let the hot air escape [18:33]
hazardousoh holy crap
i'm in like a hundred channels on freenode
i don't remember joining half of them
m0undsi'm in exactly one channel on freenode: this one [18:36]
brycecGood, the most important one!
I'm in about 20 or so, most of them fairly quiet.
m0undsim just not a big fan of freenode [18:38]
brycecoh counting just FN? I think just 4 of those are FN channels [18:38]
staticsafe1 windows used (0 vertically / 0 horizontally split). 56 (of which 0 merged) buffers open: 1 core, 12 irc servers, 2 perl, 41 irc channels [18:38]
m0undsused to hang out in #pfsense and #m0n0wall years ago
56 channels? geez
i dont think i could find that many channels that id care enough about to even idle in
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nesta has joined #arpnetworks [20:37]
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up_the_ironsm0unds: you picked the right channel :) [22:48]

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