#arpnetworks 2013-10-09,Wed

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boytoy_ has joined #arpnetworks [04:35]
Do you offer cloud hosting?
hazardousif you define cloud [04:41]
josephb_arpnetworks are the cloud [04:42]
mike-burnsIt's likely that Arpnetworks is not cloud hosting. It's unlike Amazon EC2 or EY's thing. [04:44]
hazardousit depends on what you define as cloud
if you want to pull the useless definition out of your butt, then arp is cloud like linode or digitalocean are cloud
but not ec2 or anything
as far as i can tlel there isn't really an official definition, just "whatever i guess"
so it's pretty much down to what you want: automatic healing? multiple datacentre physical redundancy? api?
hourly/utility billing
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toddfsome use 'the cloud' to simply mean 'virtual servers' .. its an overly vague term used differently by so many
@google the cloud
BryceBot517,000,000 total results returned for 'the cloud', here's 3
Cloud computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing) Cloud computing, or the cloud, is a colloquial expression used to describe a variety of different types of computing concepts that involve a large number of ...
How Cloud Computing Works (http://www.howstuffworks.com/cloud-computing/cloud-computing.htm) Cloud computing lets you use files and applications over the Internet. Learn about the benefits and drawbacks to cloud computing.
What cloud computing really means | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld (http://www.infoworld.com/d/cloud-computing/what-cloud-computing-really-means-031) The next big trend sounds nebulous, but it's not so fuzzy when you view the value proposition from the perspective of IT professionals.
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m0undsin teh klaud [07:34]
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brycecto the cloud [09:24]
BryceBotTO THE CLOUD!!! [09:24]
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drats, do I have to have a trailing g or does brycebot not regex its own words?
hmm, perhaps I forgot how that works
brycectoddf: doesn't regex itself.
(and /g is implied, courtesy of PHP's PCRE implementation)
toddfbut why didn't my regex work above? [10:01]
brycecbecause the only instance of CLOUD was in something BryceBot said, and BryceBot "doesn't regex itself." [10:02]
toddfI did a regex on y own words
s/ y /my/
see? nothing
brycecoh that, probably due to the g. Or BryceBot is overloaded.
Patience - BryceBot is still on Chunkhost, and its VM loadavg was last seen in the 20s
toddfs/overloaded/ignoring me/ [10:03]
brycecOver 50 now...
good god what a shitty VPS provider
toddfs/overloaded/amazingly agile to keep enough cpu cycles to stay online/ [10:04]
brycecAnd now uptime isn't even responding/running [10:04]
BryceBot<toddf> I did a regex onmyown words [10:04]
bryceclol [10:04]
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BryceBot<brycec> oh that, probably due to the g. Or BryceBot is ignoring me.
<brycec> oh that, probably due to the g. Or BryceBot is amazingly agile to keep enough cpu cycles to stay online.
brycectoddf: hint: BryceBot runs through an IRC bouncer, so you should never see it go offline :P [10:05]
toddf@weather chunkhost [10:05]
BryceBotError, No cities match your search query [10:05]
toddf@google chunkhost quality [10:05]
BryceBot0 total results returned for '', here's 0 [10:05]
toddfheh [10:05]
brycec^ more overloading, without a nice error [10:05]
toddfno worries
just playin .. toys malfunctioning .. moving on .. ;-)
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carl-im has joined #arpnetworks [11:47]
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hazardousyo. up_the_irons [20:16]
RandalSchwartzanything we can help with?
or are you just impatient for a service request? :)
RandalSchwartz wonders where hazardous went [20:26]
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reardencodeI'm impatient for a service request... but I'm sure up_the_irons will get to it soon :-P [20:52]
RandalSchwartzyeah - pinging him here rarely speeds that up
but if it's something we can help with, we're willing.
generally, working with arp means you are willing to wait 24-72 hours for requests, but the trade for that is you're paying far cheaper overhead.
reardencodeRandalSchwartz: yep, I feel no need to pay for a 24hr NOC when I have a serial console :) [20:56]
RandalSchwartzI've been a happy customer for close to 5 years [20:58]
reardencodemade me curious -- only 2011-04 here [21:02]
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hazardousRandalSchwartz: lol
i'm playing internet video games

wahts up
was just wondering if up_the_irons might possibly help look at what i might need in terms of hardware
i know its fully unmanaged and all that, but just firguirng out what kind of hw to do
moving some stuff off AWS potentially
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toddfhazardous: depends on what you're needing really, he does do arp metal, and was talking about a 72gb mem system for $200/mo the other day [22:48]
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up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: i think 72 hrs is a bit much ;) My protocol these days is to clear all tickets daily, so 24 hours is the max turnaround. i may slip on Fri / Sat nights, but usually even then, i don't like the queue building, so I try to keep on it
hazardous: you want a few dedi's to create your own private cloud service, compatible with AWS APIs, to get the best of both worlds, eh? ;)
that is becoming more and more common
hazardous: if you emailed me, i don't see it
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