#arpnetworks 2013-10-07,Mon

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sng has joined #arpnetworks [13:40]
sngHey. [13:43]
I've managed to break console access to my VPS cause I'm just that goo...stupid. [13:48]
toddfhow do you break console access?
put in a new key in the control panel and unbreak or ??
sngtoddf: I have no idea. Did a reboot and it went unresponsive.
From the console.
toddfdid you poweroff? [13:48]
sngTried that a couple of times. [13:48]
toddfif you power off
conserver doesn't automagically reconect
there are some conserver.cf bits that will set the retry timeout
sngOh. [13:49]
toddfbut saving that
you have to do control-e c o
which translates to 'open a new connection, it might just work this time' to the conserver process that opens the tcp connection to your serial console port
sngYeah. I do that and it hangs aver [connecting...up]
Have a ticket open with support was just curious if anybody had any ideas here.
toddfif you see 'connecting..up' then your kvm process is running and a tcp connection to the virtual serial port is connected to your terminal successfully
if you press enter what happens?
sngNada. [13:50]
toddfso the vm itself is not responding and not printing back your enter key
did you try watching the vnc console while youre vm is booting?
sngThat seems to be correct, yeah. [13:51]
toddfis it possible you commented the tty entry in your config (not knowing what os you run leaves me to state generally the concepts) [13:51]
sngI'm SSHed into the console port. Would I expect to see anything different on VNC? [13:51]
toddfdoes your vps respond ?
'expect to see anything different' heh
if you were intfront of a physical pc
sngNot from the SSH connection to the console. [13:52]
toddfwould you expect to see something different on the vga monitor vs the serial port ? [13:52]
I think I just got it.
Thank you.
toddf;-) [13:52]
sngI assumed they were two different ways to the same thing. [13:52]
via ssh you can 'secure' your vnc connection, but if you are using conserver, that's an analogy to a serial port on a physical pc whereas vnc is an analogy to the vga display/mouse/keyboard
I even have a conserver running locally that has a keypair that gives it access to ssh to the conserver at arpnetworks so I can log the serial console output locally. next up: use expect or something to negotiate the password remotely so I don't have to manually connect and issue a password when for whatever reason the connection is severed (usually local power outage or network hiccup)
sngThank you so much, man.
I super appreciate it.
toddf;-) [13:57]
sngWasn't quite getting it from the directions but it makes sense the way you described it. [13:58]
toddfI've made no secret about the fact that the net has been teaching me and kind people have given me help from cluebits to cluebats since '93 .. so go forth and propser, then give a little back too ;-) [13:58]
sngOh for sure.
For sure.
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milkitoddf is ooold [14:13]
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toddfyeah, back then it was 2400bps dialup at the university to a hppa hpux system using afs and screen and elm and talk .. got around the 10mb quota by putting files in /tmp and scripting to touch them every day I logged in .. most fond memory of that era was using linux to connect over said 2400bps via telnet to the hp-ux system , compile and run slirp, and nfs mount the mail spool so a friend could retrieve his email even though ...
... he'd been suspended and was moving on .. ;-)
usenet posts were the chat forums of the day...
milki hasnt used usenet
toddfbest way I could explain usenet would be to say it is as if you have an imap server with millions of public read/append only folders with older messages aging out of the system .. except the protocol isn't imap its nntp but the analogy is still there .. you can choose to subscribe to folders and such .. these days usenet has more than just text messages and scrupulous people use it to trade binaries of multimedia and other warez ...
... stuff in addition to a few decent chat forums but mostly spam as of late
staticsafeyeh people have moved on to to e-mail mailing lists [14:24]
toddfsome people try to move to online phpbbs and similar forums; it hurts that it is not something I can store locally, have to trust the remote site and db is accessable 24/7 or you loose access (and yes archive.org is a good alternative approach, hope it has indexed $forumsite)
i could scrape it, but thats rather crude
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hazardousmy first connection was broadband :( [15:00]
twobithackerback in my day, 2400 baud, etc, zzz [15:01]
staticsafe56k dialup [15:10]
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CaZe28.8 [15:41]
RandalSchwartz110 baud for me [15:44]
CaZeWell, I had a 28.8 modem, but my school that I was dialing up to was still stuck at 14.4. [15:44]
RandalSchwartzASR-33 teletype
uppercase online
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hazardouswhen i first got internet, dialing wasn't a thing anymore
i remember using IPv6 as a tween, too
nestahazardous: you're so new
hazardouslolllllll [16:24]
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markpany staff around? I think i'm in the wrong timezone :/ [16:39]
brycecThere's not really a right timezone to meet staff in [16:40]
markpAU is definitely not good for US staff though heh
especially when i want to do stuff on my VPN during my business hours :)
brycecI dunno, typically when up_the_irons appears, it's around 12-4am GMT-7
but he doesn't keep a regular schedule
The usual spiel is ask in here, unless it's related to your billing or account (since nobody in here (except up_the_irons ) is a part of ARP, except as customers)
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RandalSchwartzmarkp - can we help? [16:54]
markpnarh, im just waiting for my vps to get re-imaged.. not super important i just wanted to do it while im working today :) [16:57]
RandalSchwartzyeah... that's a up_the_irons thing
unless that's automated now
every time I look, more things are automated :)
brycecYou could always do the reinstall yourself
IIRC the ISO for the image you requested is left attached, so you can just reboot to the virtual CD drive
CaZeThere isn't really much you can't do yourself.
Other than hardware modifications.
up_the_ironsmarkp: i can do that re-image pretty quickly, standby... [17:01]
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markpsweet thanks :)
something went wrong with a 9.1 -> 9.2 upgrade using freebsd-update and i couldn't be bothered troubleshooting it, so freebsd 10.0 alpha 4 it is
staticsafeo_o [17:06]
markpits pretty stable... have been running it at home for a few days... but time will tell. [17:07]
up_the_ironsmarkp: you going to just install from scratch? then i can give you a blank disk [17:09]
markp: ticket replied
markpawesome, much appreciated [17:12]
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up_the_ironsnp [17:15]
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reardencodewoo, freebsd-9.2 ... changes nothing for me, but it's shiny! [23:14]
10 ALPHA is shinier
toddfyou can even play with bhyve ;-) [23:19]
jbergstroemis bhyve ready for running linux vm's? (im pretty illiterate when it comes to bhyve)
(im looking to move away from smartos to a more familiar os)
milkiwebpage says no
http://bhyve.org/ see faqs

what does legacy free mean?
jbergstroemit doesn't mention linux, which why i'd thought a question might be in place [23:25]
milkijbergstroem: it explicitly states it only supports fbsd
i think thats good enough?
jbergstroemmilki: thats what i thought [23:38]
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