#arpnetworks 2013-09-20,Fri

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***SpeedBus has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [00:04]
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mikeputnamgizmoguy: http://theforeman.org/ <== bookmarked
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RandalSchwartzwe had the foreman on floss weekly a few months ago
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbHMWT8lQYI
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anisfarhana!ping up_the_irons [07:13]
RandalSchwartzemail support@ :)
and I'm fairly sure he's sleeping right now. I know I would be.
anisfarhanahi RandalSchwartz
How are you today?
RandalSchwartzAlmost awake
in theory, up since 5
mike-burnsI feel that way too, but it's 4pm here. [07:14]
RandalSchwartzbut in practice, my body is lagging today [07:15]
anisfarhanaAsk me now. [07:15]
RandalSchwartzI need to go fetch some tea with coconut oil... then I'll be better. :)
there we go. tea with a tablespoon of coconut oil. that'll get me going.
medium chain fatty acids go right to the cells, no need for the liver to chop it up into a different length
anisfarhana "Ask me now"? Ask what.
anisfarhanaAsk my condition. [07:21]
RandalSchwartzWell.. you're free to answer without being asked. This *is* a chat room. :) [07:22]
anisfarhanaThat is not fun :(
I feel like just talking to myself.
RandalSchwartzI say a lot of stuff here (and everywhere) without being prompted. :) [07:22]
anisfarhanaYou are difference. [07:22]
RandalSchwartzYes - that I am [07:23]
anisfarhanaI think i should get away from my laptop.
and focus on something else.
RandalSchwartz: You love to watch movie?
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RandalSchwartzheavysixer needs a better net connection :) [08:59]
heavysixerRandalSchwartz: dood don't i know it…. sorry for the IRC spam
RandalSchwartz: i'll leave until I can get this resolved.
hazardoushi everypony [09:00]
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brycecaww heavysixer didn't have to leave :(
wb heavysixer_
m0undsi just suppress join/parts [09:03]
brycec/ignore -channels #arpnetworks heavysixer JOINS QUITS [09:03]
m0undsso i didn't see anything but the +o
RandalSchwartzMy irc client can't do that. :( [09:04]
m0undsRandalSchwartz: WHY NOT? [09:04]
RandalSchwartzunless I write some more emacs lisp code [09:04]
m0undsoh god no [09:04]
RandalSchwartzyes, I am typing this in an emacs buffer
inside a tmux session
brycechttp://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcIgnoring [09:04]
RandalSchwartzinside a Terminal.app
not using erc.. never got used to it
m0undssee, i just screen irssi
and...that's it
RandalSchwartzI use irc.el, which I contributed to, back in the day
tmux >> screen
hazardouswhat is 'back in the day' [09:05]
brycecoh geez, you mean there are more than one way to IRC from emacs? *sigh* [09:05]
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RandalSchwartzyeah, there's about four [09:05]
m0undsi just pretend emacs doesn't exist [09:05]
brycectada http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/irc.el
Except for all these shortcuts I learned that are apparently based in emacs
heavysixerbrycec: ha it just reconnects me when i drop off [09:06]
RandalSchwartzno - that's tale's client, not rocker's client
there were two things called irc.el
hazardousi gotta say [09:06]
brycecOh FFS! This is one more reason to not emacs. [09:06]
hazardousmy brain has problems parsing that kind of syntax [09:06]
_elfreal men connect to IRC with netcat [09:06]
hazardousreal men connect to irc/tls with netcat [09:07]
RandalSchwartzOh wait... it *is* tale's client, modified by rocker [09:07]
hazardousand do the primes in their head [09:07]
RandalSchwartzso it was a fork [09:07]
_elfhaha [09:07]
bryceclol hazardous [09:07]
RandalSchwartzso yes, that they are both named irc.el makes sense :) [09:07]
hazardouswhat language is that in anyways [09:08]
brycecI'm comfortable with my level of manliness, and that's backed by having written a few IRC bots that "netcat" to the server (sockets, IRC message parsing, etc. I know my IRC pretty well.)
hazardous: you're looking at lisp
RandalSchwartz.el files are in emacs lisp [09:08]
brycecspecifically that dialect ^ [09:08]
RandalSchwartzat one point I was very fluent in it [09:08]
m0undsdoes that make it emacth? [09:08]
hazardousas far as i can tell ; is a comment(?) [09:08]
RandalSchwartzyes ; is comment to end of line
except inside something else
like a quoted string or a symbol or somehting
actually - can't be inside symbol
hazardouswait, does lisp do math like (1 3 +) = 4? [09:09]
RandalSchwartz(+ 1 3) [09:09]
hazardoushow does that work [09:09]
RandalSchwartzoperator - operands [09:09]
brycecreverse polish, hazardous [09:09]
RandalSchwartzforward polish :)
and very descriptive
bryceclisp does forward polish, yes. ( hazardous was showing RPN)
I've never loked polish notation
hazardousmy brain really has issues parsing that [09:10]
brycecbut just because 1+1 was ingrained in school [09:10]
hazardousit just seems weird to me, idk why
same with the ( ) on both sides of every single thing
RandalSchwartzyes... excessive parentheses issue
especially at end of defun (function definition)
))))))) ; sometimes
however, still far less verbose than typing XML :)
in fact, there's a mapping from XML to lisp-expressions somewhere
brycecAt least XML is self-descriptive [09:12]
RandalSchwartzXML is no more descriptive than lisp :) [09:12]
brycecbrycec wonders why the hell he's defending XML [09:13]
RandalSchwartz(html (head (title "foo")) (body (a href="bar")))
that'd be the lispy equivalent of a web page
brycecRandalSchwartz: that can be broken over multiple lines, right? eg: (htmln (head n(title "foo")n)n) ? [09:14]
RandalSchwartzsure [09:14]
brycecbecause then it's exactly as readable as html :) [09:14]
RandalSchwartzwhitespace optional [09:14]
bryceccool [09:15]
hazardousi really hate xml too
i use json or yaml when possible, xml just pisses me off beyond belief and i don't know why
brycec<3 JSON [09:15]
mikeputnamxml has schema validation. and inertia. and "Enterprise" tooling. JSON is young, but it could compete with schema validation and increasing adoption. [09:19]
RandalSchwartzit's nice that when forced to use YAML, I can use JSON instead [09:20]
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RandalSchwartzsince JSON is a subset of YAML
I hate the whole indentation-is-significant part of YAML
hazardousjson kind of has basic schema validation in the form of bool/int/string i guess?
well it's implied at least
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mikeputnamtrue. but Big Co.'s <3 the ability to swap WSDL files and presto! integration done. [09:21]
RandalSchwartzit has a basic schema defined inherently by the syntax
what's fun is double-encoding XML, because you're passing an XML payload to SOAP :)
mikeputnammy prediction is that JSON will eventually eclipse XML as the preferred markup. due to it beauty and simplicity. someone will write the pieces that happend to be missing today.
at least in the scope i'm employed in, XML is the way
and even that isn't complete. the majority of integrations we deal with are still .csv or columnar or *gasp* EDI
RandalSchwartzYAML is more complete than JSON already though
YAML can do objects, and recursive data structures
JSON will likely never do that
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hazardousthat being said i hate soap and wsdl
much prefer rest stff
REST is the future. SOAP can DIAF
mikeputnamhazardous: plz2be replacing all my kit that speaks XML with equivalent REST conversant kit.
mikeputnam: i might just have a different oulook in things
im like.. a kid, i guess
i've never really knwon SOAP or WSDL much - almost every service api i've used has been restful
mikeputnamas a fellow human, i too prefer REST. but as an employee tasked with making random systems talk, the only sane option available to me is XML. [10:00]
hazardous:( [10:00]
mikeputnamand that's if i'm lucky! if i'm unlucky i get to muck around in arbitrarily formatted flat files.
but all of it is better than the alternatave: Excel
mikeputnam barfs a little
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hazardousmikeputnam: microsoft access db shared on a network drive being used as a rdbms
add finger quotes where apporopriate
toddfazardous: hosted on a linux system as a crm app [10:13]
hazardoussharepoint running on mono too??
wait i thought we were discussing terrible practices not the last level of hell
toddfthat was my 1st admin job back in the 90s [10:14]
brycecI've seen this (access on a shared drive). It was, um, fragile [10:14]
hazardousit kind of weirds me out when people bring up the 90s, the only thing i remember is like 2003 onward [10:14]
toddftoddf mumbles about oplock enabling to make it happy [10:14]
brycecbrycec mumbles about rolling-release distros and daily upgrades [10:16]
toddfat least you didn't have to build a dvd image everytime you changed a system so that ceo of persnickety client could re-install suse w/out knowing what they were doing [10:17]
brycec i have some ubuntu lts stuff running
brycecNo, it's USB drives here. [10:17]
hazardousand it has like 10-15 new 'package updates'
every singel day
it weirds me out
brycechazardous: they're just reminding you that they're still supporting it! [10:18]
toddf"change one sentence in the docs, package bump!" [10:18]
hazardousWelcome to Ubuntu 13.04 (GNU/Linux 3.8.0-19-generic x86_64)
84 packages can be updated.
44 updates are security updates.
toddfhow many of the 44 security updates are due to running-by-default daemons?
debian (basis of maemo) is what screwed up my n900
hazardousit's updating gnupg, apt, things like that [10:21]
toddfneed to recover some data off it after I figure out how to boot to a root shell and finish properly soldering its usb connector, then .. either sell it or see if openbsd can boot some century soon .. ;-) [10:21]
hazardouswhich is really strange because it's a fresh install
off a netboot iso
toddfthey can't be bothered to build consistency, it all gets washed out in the list of updated packages on the ftp site, don't you know? [10:22]
hazardousNeed to get 121 MB of archives.
After this operation, 417 MB of additional disk space will be used.
bryceccompression ftw
I love the "net install size" I get when upgrading Arch. Fun to see when packages have a bunch of new stuff, or bunches of useless files have been removed. Usually it's under +/-1MB though
up_the_ironsbrycec: you should have BryceBot join the channel ;) [10:27]
brycechappily :D [10:27]
***BryceBot has joined #arpnetworks [10:27]
brycechi BryceBot [10:28]
BryceBotHello to you too, brycec [10:28]
brycecIf anyone has a problem, let me know [10:28]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons is going through scrollback [10:28]
brycec@wiki ARP Networks [10:28]
BryceBotAddress Resolution Protocol :: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a telecommunications protocol used for resolution of network layer addresses into link layer addresses, a critical function in multiple-access networks. ARP was defined by RFC 826 in 1982. It is Internet Standard STD 37. It is also the name of the program for manipulating these addresses in most operating systems.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address%20Resolution%20Protocol [10:28]
bryceceh, close enough. Guess ARP doesn't have a page
(BryceBot's most useful features, I feel, are providing information about links posted, eg. Youtube info, wikipedia articles, etc)
(There is also @google of course.)
(And many, many more)
up_the_ironsgizmoguy: what kind of provisioning do you do with theforeman?
RandalSchwartz: "medium chain fatty acids go right to the cells, no need for the liver to chop it up into a different length" <-- you got this down to a science!
***first2know has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [10:31]
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: heavysixer got his cable cut yesterday actually, so he's backhoe fading... [10:32]
still studying 125 health blogs dailys
That's a lot
RandalSchwartzwell, most of them don't have things every day
and I skim headlines a lot
brycecmakes sense [10:37]
up_the_ironshello BryceBot ! [10:38]
BryceBotHello to you too, up_the_irons [10:38]
up_the_ironsomg he replies [10:39]
brycecto many things
BryceBot: o/
BryceBoto [10:40]
brycecJust be careful talking about node.js [10:41]
BryceBotBAREMETAL!!! [10:41]
brycecSoon, I hope, BryceBot will be running on ARP [10:42]
up_the_irons:) [10:43]
toddfrandalschwartz: knowing what you do for a living, I presume you've got it down to a website agregator that you look at one page to see updates on rather than actually visit 125 urls daily [10:43]
hazardousnode.js [10:43]
BryceBotBAREMETAL!!! [10:43]
hazardousnode.js [10:43]
BryceBotBAREMETAL!!! [10:43]
big data hadoop 10gb
brycecOh geez, nearly forgot one of its best features
I like it big
BryceBotOkay! twss! 'I like it big' [10:44]
brycecit'll learn
BryceBotThat was 28.43% what she said. 'it'll learn' [10:44]
hazardouswhat does twss mean [10:44]
brycec@google TWSS [10:44]
BryceBot32,600 total results returned for 'TWSS', here's 3
Urban Dictionary: twss (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=twss) Short for that's what she said. Only to be used in situations where saying that's what she said would be deemed inappropriate. Usually said under b...

bvandenbos/twss · GitHub (https://github.com/bvandenbos/twss) twss - Pre-trained That's-What-She-Said (TWSS) classifier in Ruby.
TWSSstories.com | That's What She Said Stories & Jokes (http://www.twssstories.com/) Aug 5, 2013 ... TWSS Stories is a website where fans of The Office and funny jokes can share and laugh at the that's what she said jokes that occur in ...
brycecAnyhow, 96% is the threshold [10:45]
toddf@google arpnetworks [10:45]
BryceBot1,630 total results returned for 'arpnetworks', here's 3 [10:45]
hazardousthis seems like it might get spammy [10:45]
BryceBotARP Networks Homepage (http://www.arpnetworks.com/) ARP Networks is a leading provider of high performance VPS, IP transit, and colocation solutions.
arpnetworks (arpnetworks) on Twitter (https://twitter.com/arpnetworks) The latest from arpnetworks (@arpnetworks). Provider of data center services in Los Angeles. @bsdvps focuses on our VPS product line. Los Angeles.
ARP Networks VPS Services (http://www.arpnetworks.com/vps) RAM, Storage, Bandwidth, Monthly. Small. 512 MB 256 MB, 5 GB, 200 GB 100 GB, $10, Order. Medium. 768 MB 512 MB, 10 GB, 300 GB 200 GB, $15, Order.
brycechazardous: only if abused
then again, given how quiet the channel is normally...
toddfhazardous: I think the 'newness' effect should wear off in a bit, seems a decent service imho [10:46]
brycecthanks toddf :) [10:47]
toddfbrycec: do you have a faq or howto or words of wisdom wrt brycebot? aka tricks we can learn, things that just wont work, etc [10:47]
brycecAgree, hoping the "let's everybody play with it" will wear off soon [10:47]
toddfbrycebot: where is your blog! [10:47]
hazardousblag [10:47]
brycectoddf: Last I counted, BryceBot responds to 250-300 different triggers
so... not documented, no
hazardousi just did an apt-get update on ubuntu
2 new packages
bryceclol, who has time for blogging?? [10:48]
hazardousit's been nine minutes [10:48]
brycechazardous: o/ [10:48]
hazardousNeed to get 56.6 MB of archives.
After this operation, 236 MB of additional disk space will be used.
compression owns
toddfbrycec: well, perhaps you could randomly spew a few things in here to get those of us who like the concept started. like, privmsg brycebot 'help' and we will get all there is to know or ? [10:48]
BryceBothazardous, if you need help, just ask in the channel. If someone knows the answer, they will reply. [10:49]
brycecNot even a help [10:49]
hazardous...lol [10:49]
brycecFYI BryceBot's commands are prefixed with @
so @google @weather @wiki @define
@py print "Hello"
BryceBotHello [10:49]
hazardous@py pwd [10:49]
BryceBotNameError: name 'pwd' is not defined [10:49]
brycec(The Python is run on Google AppEngine, so I'm not worried about BryceBot being compromised) [10:50]
hazardous@py import os;os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
@py import os;print os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
BryceBot/base/data/home/apps/tumbolia/1.350949564586199535/service [10:50]
hazardousoh you're using that thing [10:50]
brycecAlso, word of warning - sometimes, quite often, BryceBot will lag like a motherfucker. This is because it's on Chunkhost and the loadavg just skyrocketed. [10:50]
the worst host i have ever seen
brycechazardous: I'm using the same appspot that Phenny uses, yes [10:51]
hazardousi remember them spamming forums with $8 16gb vpses
and it turns out
$1500 setup fee
brycechazardous: yeah... Didn't used to be that bad [10:51]
hazardousthe entire thing is just horrendously terrible [10:51]
brycecLOL [10:51]
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brycec(But BryceBot is written in PHP, not Python like most IRC bots) [10:51]
hazardouswant a laugh bryce [10:52]
brycec@vin [10:52]
hazardousthey ran ads like http://hdfs.elo.pw/LcdE [10:52]
BryceBotThe 5 Ds of Dodgeball are in fact: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Diesel.
No RSS entries found.
hazardousas it turns out [10:52]
BryceBotIt is said you can't know someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. This means no one will ever know Chuck Norris because he'd kill you if you touch his shoes. [10:52]
hazardousadvertising like that on nerd sites
generally does not give you the expected return
but instead pisses people off immensely
brycechazardous: wow :/ [10:52]
hazardousthey hit r/programming and some others
with that ad
every single comment has been bashingi t
brycecmaybe if their service didn't suck balls... [10:53]
hazardousmaybe if their service didn't suck balls IN ADDITION to $1500 setup fees [10:53]
brycecIf only it were simpler to migrate from xen to kvm - I can rsync it over, but then I have to ensure nothing broke and then get a real kernel and bootloader installed... I don't have time for that sort of downtime
If it were awesome, then people would say "I know it's steep, but it's worth it." tec
hazardousyeah, but at this point
note that they want it all upfront
so if you ever leave, you get 0% of it back
once you find out your service sucks balls anyways. ...
they already have your money and don't care
aight back to $dayjob. Just because toddf asked so nicely, I'll work on a list of things BryceBot can do and say.
BryceBotTheo de Raadt says: I'd put a fan on my bomb.. And blinking lights... [10:57]
brycec@rms [10:57]
BryceBotRichard Stallman says: The term "free software" has an ambiguity problem: an unintended meaning, "Software you can get for zero price," fits the term just as well as the intended meaning, "software which gives the user certain freedoms." We address this problem by publishing a more precise definition of free software, but this is... <it just rambles on> [10:57]
brycec@marco [10:57]
BryceBotMarco Sez... here is your list of restrictions -> freedom!!!! [10:57]
hazardous@brycec [10:57]
BryceBotSep 20, 2013 10:44:46 <brycec> Anyhow, 96% is the threshold [10:57]
brycec@hazardous [10:57]
BryceBotSep 20, 2013 10:48:14 <hazardous> Need to get 56.6 MB of archives. [10:57]
hazardousis that thing logging
every single line of text
into mysql, then does a search
@log_search chunkhost
BryceBot2 results found. Here's one at random: Sep 20, 2013 10:50:23 <brycec > Also, word of warning - sometimes, quite often, BryceBot will lag like a motherfucker. This is because it's on Chunkhost and the loadavg just skyrocketed. [10:58]
(it is limited to the channel)
(also limited by when it's in the channel, so nothing logged before a few minutes ago)
hazardous(also giant mysql db)
brycecnot that the logs are public except in @log_search results, but if privacy is a concern I'll add support for [FBI]'s no-log prefix [10:59]
RandalSchwartz@help [10:59]
BryceBotRandalSchwartz, if you need help, just ask in the channel. If someone knows the answer, they will reply. [10:59]
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz grins [10:59]
brycec@tableflip [10:59]
BryceBotNo! Fuck you, brycec!! Don't you dare un-flip this table, mcchunkie. DON'T YOU DARE! [10:59]
RandalSchwartz@where_is_up_the_irons_I_need_my_VPS_activated!!! [10:59]
brycecthat one's specific to another channel...
BryceBotFlip your own goddamn table, brycec! [11:00]
brycecso hostile
right, like I said, $dayjob
BryceBotBye brycec! [11:00]
hazardousno-log justin bieber is cute [11:00]
brycecOh one more thing... BryceBot can announce new OpenBSD snaps if y'all want
@openbsd sparc64
BryceBotsparc64 -> snapshots: Fri Sep 20 2013 01:48:36 GMT-0700 (PDT), packages: Thu Sep 19 2013 17:24:28 GMT-0700 (PDT) [11:01]
brycecoh and there is @man [openbsd|freebsd|linux] [11:02]
hazardous@man linux w [11:02]
BryceBot1,730 total results returned for 'w', here's 1
w(1): who is logged on/what they are doing - Linux man page (http://linux.die.net/man/1/w) w displays information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes. The header shows, in this order, the current time, how long the ...
hazardousis bot open source?!??! [11:03]
brycec(it defaults to linux btw) [11:03]
hazardousi remember one time i had an opensolaris vm or something [11:03]
brycecBryceBot is not, but it's built from php-irc which is. [11:03]
hazardousthat was the day i learnt that killall is not the same in linux [11:03]
brycecorly, lol
One of these days, I'll clean up code enough that I'm happy to publish BryceBot. But that's not today.
toddf@log_search fbi [11:04]
BryceBot1 results found. Here's one at random: Sep 20, 2013 10:58:53 <brycec > not that the logs are public except in @log_search results, but if privacy is a concern I'll add support for [FBI]'s no-log prefix [11:04]
hazardous@log_search %s [11:04]
BryceBot133 results found. Here's one at random: Sep 20, 2013 10:36:22 <RandalSchwartz > well, most of them don't have things every day [11:04]
@log_search %don%
BryceBot3 results found. Here's one at random: Sep 20, 2013 10:36:22 <RandalSchwartz > well, most of them don't have things every day [11:04]
brycec@log_search don [11:04]
BryceBot3 results found. Here's one at random: Sep 20, 2013 10:53:27 <brycec > If only it were simpler to migrate from xen to kvm - I can rsync it over, but then I have to ensure nothing broke and then get a real kernel and bootloader installed... I don't have time for that sort of downtime [11:04]
hazardousi'm confused now [11:04]
brycecFYI log_search is already wrapped in % [11:04]
hazardous@log_search don%; -- [11:05]
BryceBotNo matches found for don%; --. [11:05]
hazardouslol [11:05]
Yes I sanitize and escape :P
hazardousif that actually owrked i would have been disappointed in you and simultaneously snorted [11:05]
toddf@log_search "; [11:05]
BryceBotNo matches found for ";. [11:05]
brycecBryceBot was originally built for #devious, a shell host full of very smart security-types. I would be insane to unleash that. [11:06]
toddfhad to check ;-) [11:06]
brycecs/unleash/oh look, I can regex/ [11:06]
BryceBot<brycec> BryceBot was originally built for #devious, a shell host full of very smart security-types. I would be insane to oh look, I can regex that. [11:06]
hazardouss/#// [11:06]
BryceBot<brycec> BryceBot was originally built for devious, a shell host full of very smart security-types. I would be insane to unleash that. [11:06]
hazardouss/// [11:06]
brycec(regex has issues with escapes and stuff, but its basic use works) [11:06]
what kind of syntax on escaping
er, not
hazardousis it in preg_match /u mode [11:07]
brycecIt doesn't escape is the issue [11:07]
hazardousor something
p{L} p{N} work?
brycecdunno, try it
Also supports using characters besides /, eg. s#something#otherthing#
and chaining
s/thing/stuff | s/sup/dude/
BryceBot<brycec> Also dudeports using characters besides /, eg. s#somestuff#otherstuff# [11:08]
brycecs/syntax/format/ [11:08]
BryceBot<hazardous> what kind of format on escaping [11:08]
brycecand 25(?) line search - it will go back in the history 25 lines or so until it finds a match [11:08]
toddfbrycec: two suggestions. 1) some @command for brycebot (nice that it responds to privmsg) that is an entry for a guide to brycebot 2) some mechanism to teach brycebot new stuff, optionally activated upon your (or a set of trusted peoples) ok .. [11:08]
brycectoddf: what do you mean by "teach new stuff"?
And like I said, I will document it
@log_search because toddf asked
toddf@wtc [11:09]
BryceBot1 results found. Here's one at random: Sep 20, 2013 10:56:29 <brycec > aight back to $dayjob. Just because toddf asked so nicely, I'll work on a list of things BryceBot can do and say. [11:09]
toddf@teach brycebot @wtc World Trade Center
for example
anisfarhanaCan i run the scanner in arpnetworks box?
BryceBot<anisfarhana> eehee
<anisfarhana> eehee
hazardouss!(.*)!e! [11:10]
BryceBot<anisfarhana> ee [11:10]
hazardouss!([.*]+)!e! [11:10]
BryceBotYou're a stinky cunt muncher, hazardous [11:10]
hazardous. [11:10]
brycecmaybe some day. I don't see a lot of appeal for it... Plus most of that stuff is stored in a flatfile (ini, woo) so that would have to become dynamic [11:10]
anisfarhanaanisfarhana ducks [11:10]
brycecLOLOLOL hazardous [11:10]
hazardouswat [11:11]
brycecThere's a, um, protection against abuse [11:11]
hazardouswtf kind of exception is that [11:11]
anisfarhanaI am happy. [11:11]
toddfbrycec: you already connect to a db. load the @cmds from a db! [11:11]
hazardouss@happy@pregnant@ [11:11]
BryceBot<anisfarhana> I am pregnant. [11:11]
hazardousso basically any separator works
do you just look for sANYTHING
brycectoddf: doesn't quite work like that [11:11]
anisfarhanaBryceBot: Congratulations. [11:11]
hazardoustoddf: WHY NOT KEY VALUE STORE
toddfs§n't§§ [11:11]
hazardousweb scaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [11:11]
brycecI mean, the basic @triggers could be pretty easily, but the rest doesn't work that way [11:12]
toddfso, permit basic triggers to be in a db, and permit users to define more [11:12]
brycecAlso, that would require another table and some tools for me to easily edit... which is work, and another db table (I'm not thrilled with it using a db) [11:12]
toddf@teach -> "To learn about brycebot, there is @teach1, @teach2, etc, just keep going until you are bored" [11:12]
hazardouscomedy option: sqlite3 [11:13]
brycecyeah, for the log search stuff, a real relational db was sorta required [11:13]
toddfbrycec: permit interaction with brycebot directly instead of manipulating under the hood
ever used bitlbee?
hazardousno for log search stuff you should use mongo db because it's web scale and you can do map/reduce because it's web scale
-- actual response from someone asking me why i used riak
brycecha [11:14]
toddfqlist, yes, no .. map that to brycebot commands .. obviously some mechanism of authenticating oneself to brycebot would need to be done .. heh. don't let me talk you int more work, I'm just sayin what could be ;-) [11:14]
hazardoustoddf: give bot a copy of your pubkey [11:14]
up_the_irons@weather 91342 [11:14]
hazardoussign admin commands with your prikey [11:14]
BryceBotSylmar, CA: Haze 68°F (20°C), Humidity: 56%, Wind: Calm -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=34.315369,-118.457207 or re-request this with: @weather -v 91342 [11:14]
hazardousterrible idea [11:14]
bryceclol hazardous [11:14]
up_the_ironsw00t [11:14]
hazardous@weather 94105 [11:14]
BryceBotSan Francisco, CA: Overcast ☁ 64°F (17°C), Humidity: 70%, Wind: From the SSW at 1.3 MPH Gusting to 4.3 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=37.793579,-122.399330 or re-request this with: @weather -v 94105 [11:14]
m0unds68F sounds nice
64F sounds nicer
is that a utf8 cloud
brycec@weather 83854 [11:14]
BryceBotPost Falls, ID: Clear 59°F (15°C), Humidity: 65%, Wind: From the NNW at 1.0 MPH Gusting to 5.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=47.688232,-116.867188 or re-request this with: @weather -v 83854 [11:14]
toddf@weather 73113 [11:14]
brycecyes hazardous [11:14]
BryceBotOklahoma City, OK: Overcast ☁ 67°F (19°C), Humidity: 73%, Wind: From the West at 3.8 MPH Gusting to 6.9 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=35.594528,-97.460495 or re-request this with: @weather -v 73113 [11:14]
up_the_irons@weather -v 91344 [11:14]
brycecwoo, I'm coldest [11:14]
BryceBotGranada Hills, CA: Haze 63°F (17°C), Humidity: 93%, Wind: Calm, Pressure: 29.88inHg (1012mb) and rising, Dewpoint: 61°F (16°C), Visibility: 4Mi (6km), UV index: 1, Sunrise 06:40, Sunset: 18:53, Lunar phase: Full moon
Friday: Partly Cloudy 86°F/54°F (30°C/12°C) | Saturday: Partly Cloudy 84°F/55°F (29°C/13°C) | Sunday: Clear 82°F/52°F (28°C/11°C) | Monday: Clear 91°F/57°F (33°C/14°C)
The average high for this date is 85°F (29°C), and the record of 100°F (37°C) was set in 2012. The average low is 59°F (14°C), and the record of 52°F (11°C) was set in 1999
up_the_ironsomg it shows a cloud even! [11:15]
hazardouswhere is sylmar [11:15]
up_the_ironsunicode cloud... [11:15]
m0unds!weather 87114
@weather 87114
BryceBotAlbuquerque, NM: Partly Cloudy ☁ 77°F (25°C), Humidity: 44%, Wind: From the SSW at 2.0 MPH Gusting to 5.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=35.190845,-106.741302 or re-request this with: @weather -v 87114 [11:15]
brycec❄ ☂ ☈ too [11:15]
up_the_ironshazardous: where the I-5 and 405 meet [11:15]
m0undsi don't see the aaaa stuff [11:16]
hazardousthis wouod probably be easier if i drove at all [11:16]
mikeputnam/ignore BryceBot [11:16]
m0undshaha [11:16]
hazardousi think the highest in socal i've been is like west covina or something [11:16]
mike-burnsYeah. [11:16]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons heads to the office [11:16]
brycec@xkcd sysadmin [11:16]
BryceBot4 results found. Here's the top result: Shopping Teams http://xkcd.com/309/ [11:16]
hazardouswhy not a comma separataed list [11:16]
brycecstill wish that search was better :/ [11:16]
hazardousof all 4 [11:16]
brycechazardous: potential of long titles? dunno, maybe 'll do that [11:17]
mike-burnsComma-separated list? I hope you mean WSDL! [11:17]
hazardousreturn all your results in xml [11:17]
brycecalso potential of 100 results (just means I need to have a sane limit) [11:17]
hazardousif anyone here nwats to actually read them
they can parse it out themselves
brycec@redditcakeday brycied00d [11:18]
BryceBotbrycied00d's Reddit cake day is January 29, 2010, making them 3 years, 33 weeks, 3 days, 14 hours, 14 minutes, 38 seconds old. Karma: 593/283. [11:18]
brycec@twitter Hello @bsdvps! [11:18]
BryceBotbrycec: Posted successfully :) https://twitter.com/BryceBot0101/status/381120064985919488 [11:18]
brycec(there is @twitter --help, but it's a small flood) [11:18]
hazardous@twitter RT @justinbieber you're so hot i want to bake cookies on you [11:18]
BryceBothazardous: Posted successfully :) https://twitter.com/BryceBot0101/status/381120138486898688 [11:18]
hazardoussomehow i think you'll want to add a whitelist to that [11:18]
brycec@zipcode 91344 [11:18]
BryceBot91344: Granada Hills, California, US [11:18]
hazardousmy friend had a @twitter command
it got him a secret service visit
brycechazardous: look at the post - every tweet is tagged to you
BryceBotTWITTER: hazardous/#arpnetworks says: RT @justinbieber you're so hot i want to bake cookies on you (Fri Sep 20 18:18:16 +0000 2013) [11:19]
hazardousstill [11:19]
brycec@twitter -i BryceBot0101 [11:19]
BryceBotBryceBot (One Wilshire) Member since: Mon Aug 22 16:35:56 +0000 2011
Followers: 11 | Following: 22 | Tweets: 4630 | Description: I'm an IRC bot acting as a conduit for an IRC channel on FreeNode. I post whatever They tell me to.
hazardouswait, what does it do for overlength ones
does it just cut off
brycecbeen running for awhile no issues
hazardous: whatever twitter API does
BryceBotopenbsd-tech: "games/trek: fix for tournament mode" from Christian Weisgerber <naddy () mips ! inka ! de> @ 2013-08-28 17:51:33 [11:21]
BryceBotbrycec: Pong! Round-trip time: 4.2699 seconds. [11:22]
brycec@kook [11:22]
BryceBotI ask you to be truthful, not closed-minded. You do not agree with any appearance of compassion. One must consider realism versus prejudice. [11:22]
brycechttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121599&Tpk=dh77kc [11:22]
BryceBotIntel BOXDH77KC LGA 1155 Intel H77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard -- $119.99 [11:22]
brycecbrycec is just demonstrating random features as he thinks of them
BryceBotYeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favourite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping. [11:23]
hazardousdoes anyone just want to stroke rms's beard
or is itj ust me
BryceBotRichard Stallman says: The explanation for "free software" is simple--a person who has grasped the idea of "free speech, not free beer" will not get it wrong again. [11:24]
brycec@uptime bot [11:24]
BryceBotBot uptime: 15 days, 11 hours, 40 minutes, and 51 seconds. [11:24]
brycec@uptime host [11:24]
BryceBothost uptime: 30 days, 12 hours, 39 minutes, and 15.229999999981 seconds. [11:24]
hazardouswhat is host [11:24]
brycecbrycec loves the precision
BryceBot's host
(the VPS with Chunkhost)
@strtotime +90 days
BryceBot12 weeks, 6 days, 1 hour, 0 seconds to go. [Interpreted date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 11:25:28 -0800] [11:26]
hazardouscan you do DateTime class [11:26]
brycec@rot13 stuff [11:26]
BryceBotfghss [11:26]
brycechazardous: eh?
(FYI strtotime() is just PHP's strtotime())
toddfbrycec: listing urls brycebot will parse and give a summary or only with specific sites? [11:27]
brycectoddf: see http://noembed.com/providers for 95% of that [11:28]
toddf@traceroute arpnetworks.com [11:28]
brycecno ^
@strrev evian
@reverse evian
BryceBotnaive [11:29]
BryceBotMitch Hedberg says: My roommate said to me, 'I'm gonna go shave and use the shower; does anyone need to use the bathroom?' It's like some weird ass quiz where he reveals the answer first. [11:29]
brycec@iata LAX [11:29]
BryceBotLAX: Los Angeles International Airport located in Los Angeles, California, United States [11:29]
mitch hedberg was awesome
brycechttps://plus.google.com/102781463361201302305/posts/j7tLqL7SukW [11:30]
BryceBotGoogle+: Telyne Clark: Bahahahaha!!! (41 +1's, 6 reshare) [11:30]
brycechttps://alpha.app.net/bcallah/post/11264351 [11:31]
BryceBotApp.net link: "Happy Friday everyone! :)" by bcallah [11:31]
.... (idle for 18mn)
***first2know has joined #arpnetworks [11:49]
You guys so happy.
m0undsoh? [11:54]
anisfarhanaSorry for interuppting.
Carry on.
..... (idle for 21mn)
RandalSchwartzhappy? [12:16]
brycecThanks to hazardous I'm just going to keep reading happy as
BryceBot<brycec> Thanks to hazardous I'm just going to keep reading pregnant as [12:18]
brycec(Dear clipboard, work as I want you to, not as you're programmed to) [12:19]
..... (idle for 20mn)
gizmoguyup_the_irons: we have a project where we have a linux box installed with every ISP in my country
for monitoring
so I use theforeman to provision/manage those
........ (idle for 38mn)
up_the_ironsgizmoguy: ah cool
hazardous: LOL
whoa, the newegg expansion that BryceBot does is quite handy
@twitter -i bsdvps
BryceBotBSD VPS (The Internet) Member since: Tue Mar 10 18:43:12 +0000 2009
Followers: 1090 | Following: 30 | Tweets: 400 | Description: Offering VPS services for FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD. @arpnetworks is our company-wide Twitter account.
up_the_irons@twitter -i arpnetworks [13:21]
BryceBotarpnetworks (Los Angeles) Member since: Sat Jan 03 08:18:47 +0000 2009
Followers: 377 | Following: 21 | Tweets: 427 | Description: Provider of data center services in Los Angeles. @bsdvps focuses on our VPS product line.
up_the_irons@twitter -i up_the_irons [13:21]
BryceBotGarry Dolley (Los Angeles) Member since: Tue Sep 11 09:43:29 +0000 2007
Followers: 429 | Following: 144 | Tweets: 2416 | Description: I'll sleep when I die
up_the_ironsvery handy
@iata stl
BryceBotSTL: Lambert-Saint Louis International Airport located in St. Louis, Missouri, United States [13:22]
up_the_irons@iata sea [13:22]
BryceBotSEA: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport located in SeaTac (near Seattle and Tacoma), Washington, United States [13:22]
up_the_irons@iata mia [13:22]
BryceBotMIA: Miami International Airport located in Miami, Florida, United States [13:22]
brycecup_the_irons: I find it so :)
I love never leaving IRC to see what a link is, thus why BryceBot decodes shortened URL's, amazon links, etc
up_the_ironsbrycec: yeah that's wicked neat [13:28]
m0undsi need a new project [13:28]
***anisfarhana has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:28]
toddfhttp://v.gd/ebayc1100 [13:29]
brycec(Once upon a time, tweets @ BryceBot would get spit back out into IRC, but it was just noise. [13:29]
m0undshaha [13:29]
brycectoddf: heh never heard of that shortener before [13:29]
m0undsonly twitter integration i've ever done w/a bot was a megahal bot that would tweet its last statement or a user-defined statement on command [13:30]
up_the_ironswhat do you guys think of these:
m0undsyay freenode lag [13:31]
up_the_irons(thanks toddf for the link ;) [13:31]
toddf@twitter -i unix2mars [13:31]
BryceBotTodd T. Fries (OKC,OK,US,Earth,SS,MlkyWyGlxy) Member since: Mon Nov 22 16:23:38 +0000 2010
Followers: 151 | Following: 230 | Tweets: 67 | Description: Wife: Kyra;
Son: Charlie;
Favorite OS: OpenBSD;
Favorite vacation destination: Mars
m0undsthat's what my host box is at another provider
well, similar anyway
5520's are pretty quick
http://v.gd/ebayc1100 (this time AFTER I've reloaded BryceBot)
huh wonder what's up... BryceBot ?
toddfup_the_irons: if it helps arpnetworks, awesome. dell is always good in my book, the only limitation is your internal storage space.
brycec: it probably doesn't recognize v.gd as an url shortener
brycectoddf: I just added it though [13:33]
m0undsone of those in a soundproof closet with 4x15krpm sas disks would make a neat home vm lab server [13:33]
up_the_ironsm0unds: toddf : ah cool [13:35]
brycec(mmkay, found the issue) [13:35]
toddfup_the_irons: put it this way, if I were not strapped for $$ atm I'd be buying as many as I could afford, any number of uses including basic virtualization and/or test deploying custom virtualization environments [13:36]
up_the_ironstoddf: yeah they sure are a good deal. can't do 8x raid-10 though, so they couldn't be VM hosts, but could definitely have many other uses [13:37]
toddfwhich reminds me, I promoted proxmox here a few weeks back, and since have been informed that they are doing the enterprise lockin pay perscription model where instead of simply paying for support if you want it you now actually have to pay if you want the stable service and extended features of packages that aren't available to customers who just want to try the barely out of beta free version. *sigh*. It makes me so irked that I ...
... want to find a way to create and promote a similar competing but entirely free for life product.
up_the_irons: can't do it natively. however, if you ever needed a push to try iscsi, glance at the builtin hba's that do iscsi natively and present it to the os as a scsi disk.
brycecIsn't there already oVirt competing with it?
toddf: I know about "stable update"s and support, but what's this about extended features? What aren't I getting by being a freeloader?
up_the_ironstoddf: oh man, too bad about proxmox [13:39]
toddfbrycec: is there a 'entrely open source' and 'entirely open' distribution that does kvm virtualization? I don't care if you pay for support but for free use and to foster community development ..proxmox gets my unlike vote [13:39]
brycecI can't say as I've done any research into that field
Just saw oVirt mentioned a few times while browsing Proxmox stuff
I'm still pretty happy with my proxmox cluster
up_the_ironstoddf: oh, so you're saying these boxes have a built-in hba that does iscsi? [13:40]
toddfbrycec: I'm probably saying it wrong, clustering iirc was a biggie [13:40]
brycecup_the_irons: there do exist HBA's that have native iSCSI [13:41]
toddfup_the_irons: I was told so, please verify before taking my word for it [13:41]
up_the_ironstoddf: brycec : roger that [13:41]
brycecOr do what I do - gPXE+iscsi
toddf: I'll have to look into that I guess... The "testing" updates haven't removed any features so far
And I suppose you could stick with the distro as-downloaded for "stable"
toddfthe one thing to understand about hba's vs software iscsi is .. you can do lots of nic failover on the software side depending on the cpu and nics performance may be slightly lower. however, with the hba's I am not aware enough to know if you can have multiple hba failover on iscsi. aka multipath as it were. [13:43]
brycec(Just to be clear: I'm free and doing clustering just peachy-fine) [13:43]
up_the_ironsbrycec: gPXE+iscsi? dang [13:49]
brycecIt's pretty easy...
But maybe I'm just so used to PXE-all-the-things that nothing wows me anymore
up_the_ironsyeah i've actually never used PXE to be honest [13:50]
mikeputnamgood fun for large school labs - weekly automated workstation re-image [13:55]
up_the_ironsnice [13:56]
mikeputnamof which pxe plays a part [13:56]
brycecWe use it for imaging servers before they ship [13:56]
mikeputnamalso wake-on-lan [13:56]
toddfup_the_irons: 1and1 hosting pxeboots all their servers, and uses web ui to change the config if it is to land on the local disk or one of a list of rescue images with nice fully featured initrd's
mikeputnam: that is useful if you have systems that poweroff of course ;-)
mikeputnamyeah - big student labs + power savings [13:57]
up_the_ironstoddf: ah cool [13:57]
toddfup_the_irons: not sure if your version of libvirt supports pxeboot, but hey, its a thought for the future [13:58]
up_the_ironstoddf: yeah [13:59]
toddfpxeboot options: 'OpenBSD' x '5.0 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3 | 5.4' x 'cdrom | pxeboot | hard drive' x 'serial console | vga console' [14:00]
up_the_ironssweet I got a 4 year review!
toddf: that's pretty cool
RandalSchwartzwow. I think I might have been here 5 years.
I'd have to look
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: you were one of the first, i can tell u that [14:14]
m0undscool [14:15]
brycecAnd you still haven't scared him off? Well done. [14:16]
avji can't believe i'm at a year already [14:17]
RandalSchwartznot only that, I dragged my client along as well :) [14:18]
up_the_ironsthe captain [14:21]
mike-burnsDoes it show the signup date on the arpnetworks Web dashboard somewhere? [14:23]
brycecMaybe under invoices? [14:23]
mike-burnsI see it was FreeBSD 7.2, which was May 2009.
Oh good call.
No invoices is too new.
bryceclol [14:24]
mike-burnsEvery time I look at the Web dashboard up_the_irons has added something new. I love that. [14:25]
up_the_irons:) [14:25]
brycecI can't decide between adding a second VPS or upgrading to a bigger plan :( [14:27]
RandalSchwartzoooh - I should probably log in some day :) [14:27]
brycecbigger plan = easy upgrade, redundant VPS = work to make things split nicely and redundant
hey up_the_irons I normally wouldn't bug you in IRC, but... I emailed Support on July 21 and even received the autoresponse, but never a reply from you...
(well I'll bug you in IRC, just not about emails)
up_the_ironsbrycec: oh wow, that definitely got lost then
i try to flush the queue every 24 hours
brycecheh I'd totally forgotten [14:33]
up_the_ironsand july 21 is way long ago... [14:33]
brycecwas a question about console baud
wasn't until I started writing you a new one that past emails popped up
I love getting an autoresponse to my question about an upgrade pointing me at a FAQ article that says to email support, exactly what I'm already doing :P [14:42]
RandalSchwartzFAQ-ception! [14:44]
my /mnt is from 2009
I presume that's when I started :)
nov 21, 2009 - yeah that seems about right
Heh... I have files in /tmp from 2010
bryceclol [14:54]
RandalSchwartznot very /tmp. :)
including my /tmp/screens :)
haven't used screens in years
switched to tmux a couple years ago, not ever going back
My /tmp is cleaned out every boot
On my desktops, /tmp is a ramfs anyways
mike-burns1 May 2009. Good idea on checking /mnt. [15:00]
RandalSchwartzfreebsd doesn't do that by default [15:02]
brycecbrycec would check /mnt, but he's reinstalled since then [15:02]
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up_the_ironsmike-burns: yeah, you and mhoran1 were like one of the very first. there's one person before you two, but he doesn't hang out here (not an irc person) [15:21]
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m0undsIRC people are a special breed [15:35]
anisfarhanaI don't sleep almost 3 days
RandalSchwartzwhere are at anisfarhana? [15:38]
anisfarhanaAsia [15:39]
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anisfarhanaWhy RandalSchwartz?
Wanna come here?
RandalSchwartzwhat part of asia [15:55]
brycec@wa How big is Asia? [15:57]
BryceBotAsia->total area;total->18.83 million mi^2, largest->6.593 million mi^2 (Russia), smallest->5.405 mi^2 (Cocos Keeling Islands);5.25×10^14 ft^2 (square feet);4.877×10^7 km^2 (square kilometers);4.877×10^13 m^2 (square meters);~~ 0.33 × land area on the earth ( 1.4894×10^8 km^2 );~~ 1.3 × surface area of the moon ( 4 pi moon radii^2 );~~ 1.4 × largest extent of the British Empire (~~ 36 Mm^2 );Radius r of a circle from A = pir^2:, ->2 [15:57]
brycecWow, Asia's big.
The area of Asia is 3x that of the Moon. wow.
And happens to be 1/3 the land area of the Earth
RandalSchwartzAnd today is Asia Argento's brithday!
.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia_Argento
BryceBotAsia Argento :: Aria Asia Maria Vittoria Rossa Argento (born 20 September 1975) is an Italian actress, singer, model, and director. Family and early life Her mother is actress Daria Nicolodi and her father is Dario Argento, an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter, well known for his work in the Italian giallo genre and for his influence on modern horror and slasher movies. Her maternal great-grandfather was composer... [16:00]
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anisfarhanaKuala Lumpur. [16:02]
brycec@wa What is the area of Kuala Lampur? [16:02]
BryceBotCouldn't grab results from json stringified precioussss. [16:02]
brycectry it again BryceBot
kyl: I do.
@wa What is the area of Kuala Lampur?
BryceBotCouldn't grab results from json stringified precioussss. [16:03]
brycecwell feck you too Wolfram Alpha [16:03]
anisfarhana@wa What is the area of Kuala Lumpur? [16:03]
BryceBotKuala Lumpur, Malaysia (state)->area;94.21 mi^2 (square miles) (0.074% of total for Malaysia);2.626×10^9 ft^2 (square feet);244 km^2 (square kilometers);2.44×10^8 m^2 (square meters);~~ ( 0.012 ~~ 1/85 ) × total area of Wales (~~ 8023 mi^2 );~~ ( 0.061 ~~ 1/16 ) × total area of Rhode Island (~~ 1545 mi^2 );~~ 2 × Walt Disney World area (~~ 122 km^2 );Radius r of a circle from A = pir^2:, ->28914 feet, ->5.476 miles, ->8.813 km ( [16:03]
brycecha [16:03]
anisfarhanaanisfarhana pokes brycec :P [16:03]
brycecCertainly narrowed it down
Twice the size of WDW. nice.
anisfarhanaWDW? [16:04]
brycecWalt Disney World [16:05]
anisfarhanalol [16:08]
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mnathaniRandalSchwartz: What does tmux provide to you that screen didn't? Another off topic question: are you an irssi fan or more of a weechat person? [18:07]
RandalSchwartzneither of the latter
tmux provides a nice shell interface, so I can script configurations
brycecOne of my favourite things about tmux is how well it handles multiple clients of different dimensions all connected to the same window. [18:11]
mkbtmux comes with OpenBSD [18:16]
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meingtslaWait. Does that mean OpenBSD is in tmux or tmux is in OpenBSD? [19:34]
m0undshaha [19:48]
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hazardoushi everypony
brycec: am i allowed to pm it commands
or is it channel only
.... (idle for 15mn)
mkbit works if you pm it [21:14]
hazardous@wa average length of american penis in parsecs [21:16]
BryceBotconvert average length of an American erect human penis (age > 17 years) to parsecs;4.991×10^-18 pc (parsecs);1.54 dm (decimeters);15.4 cm (centimeters);154 mm (millimeters);0.154 meters;~~ (0.2 to 0.5) × elliptical stride length ( 12 to 22 in );~~ 0.55 × stair tread depth (~~ 11 in );~~ 1.8 × typical credit card length ( 85.6 mm );Light travel time t in vacuum from t = x/c:, ->514 ps (picoseconds);Light travel time t in an optical fi [21:16]
mkbdoes it really know that
..... (idle for 22mn)
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toddf@wa average distance from earth to mars [21:44]
BryceBotMars->average distance from Earth;1.7 au (astronomical units);2.54×10^8 km (kilometers);2.54×10^11 meters;158 million miles;~~ 1.7 × mean Earth-Sun distance (~~ 1 au );Light travel time t in vacuum from t = x/c:, ->14 minutes;Light travel time t in an optical fiber t = 1.48x/c:, ->21 minutes;Solar radiation pressure from P = L_(.)/(c4pir^2):, ->1.6 µPa (micropascals);current distance from Earth->2.193 au, 18.24 light minutes, averag [21:44]
toddf@wa maximum distance from earth to mars [21:45]
BryceBotCouldn't grab results from json stringified precioussss. [21:45]
brycechazardous: yes you can PM it [21:49]
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wak has joined #arpnetworks [22:37]

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