#arpnetworks 2013-09-06,Fri

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brycecup_the_irons: this test was on shared storage (NFS) [00:03]
up_the_ironsroger [00:03]
brycecI'll see how Proxmox handles non-shared tomorrow [00:04]
up_the_ironsthat'd be cool to see :) [00:04]
brycecthe cluster/corosync fs is immensely nifty though. Write a file to /etc/pve/nodes/$othernode/ and THERE IT IS ON THE OTHER NODE. It's like magic, or NFS+automount that I don't have to setup.
For instance, all hosts share the same authorized_keys file (via symlink)
up_the_ironsnice [00:06]
brycecalso fun is the ability to login to the webui of any node and control the whole cluster seamlessly. It's really sharp. [00:06]
up_the_ironsnice, once again :) [00:07]
brycecaw crap, something's wrong and 3/5 of my cluster is offline
and if it weren't for up_the_irons' question, I wouldn't have found out until tomorrow. This is all your fault!
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brycecbrycec wonders just what the hell happened that killed 3 nodes - no ping, nothin [00:10]
up_the_ironshaha [00:10]
brycecoh well, at least it's not production (yet)
(and I'm 95% certain it's related to the thunderstorm tonight, a la power glitches)
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toddfbrycec: /etc/pve is a fusefs so magic is in the fuse app ;-) [05:56]
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brycectoddf: yep I know, but that magic is corosync [10:22]
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brycecup_the_irons: Since you were curious - I did a live migration of a VZ container (about 1.5GB), took about a minute all-told, 13 seconds of down time. [15:34]
up_the_ironsbrycec: ah nice; was it a qcow image, raw, ... or? [15:35]
brycecup_the_irons: VZ container == files
i.e. a chroot
up_the_ironsah ok, so i suppose it did an rsync or something [15:35]
brycecit rsyncs the container to the new machine to get the bulk of the data over, suspends, does another quick rsync, and starts up on the remote.
(I'll try a KVM soon... just don't have one)
up_the_ironsah nice
i think the kvm migration is a snapshot of backing store, block by block copy, suspend, another block by block but only of changed blocks, then startup on remote
pjsup_the_irons at what point do I get some points in arp networks? I'm about to bring over another client :) [15:56]
hazardousup_the_irons can you accept mail in cash payment inconspicuously in a birthday card [15:58]
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up_the_ironshazardous: wut?:)
pjs: much appreciated! Tell them to mention you; i give referral credits
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totally r andom unrelated thing
bank of america no longer wants me as a customer
they've frozen my cards more than 15 times in the last year
because i tend to buy from "ultra high risk fraud merchants" like "internet.bs" and "gandi.net" and "hetzner"

meingtslajerks [17:24]
hazardousto be fair my use profile is probably bizarre as hell
but i've had to go to a branch repeatedly to explain that bs
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hazardouskind of want to just use a credit union or something [17:26]
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staticsafehazardous: i've had my credit card frozen for a purchase from Gandi, I just use Paypal with them now [17:27]
up_the_ironshazardous: i closed my bofa account a couple years back; went with credit union, never looked back [17:27]
hazardousyeah staticsafe, i don't know what it is about gandi
they cleared my stuff with ovh just fine
but gandi was near immediate freeze
staticsafehazardous: payment processor? [17:28]
hazardousshrug [17:28]
sdkmvxI always get rejected when trying to pay Gandi; I call the bank and they "do something" and I can try again and it goes through. [17:30]
hazardousyeah, i really don't get that
the first time i used internetbs
bofa actually cancelled my card and sent me an ew one with a new number
because "it was probably stolen"
i was so confused by that
sdkmvxafter you told them it was you? [17:31]
hazardousthey never asked if it was me
for ibs
sdkmvxthey don't call and ask if it was you? that's what my bank does. [17:32]
hazardousthey did for gandi [17:32]
staticsafehazardous: yea i didn't even realize it happened, next day I went to buy food and card was declined :| [17:32]
hazardousfor internetbs they just cancelled the card and told me they sent a new one
because my card was stolen (and it was not stolen)
does internetbs really top the high risk charts that much lmao
staticsafeheh [17:34]
hazardousdo credit unions generally try slightly less to screw you at every possible second [17:34]
staticsafethe other day i bought a domain directly from SWITCH with my CC in CHF, just fine, verified by visa payment processor [17:34]
hazardousand/or not have completely insane foreign transaction fees [17:35]
sdkmvxI wouldn't know. I'm at a small bank and they don't try to screw me. foreign transaction fee is 1% of price [17:44]
staticsafe17.00 CHF @ 1.1500
hm no foreign transaction fee
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m0undshazardous: lots of them still have foreign transaction fees. you'd have to research a particular cu to see whether they do or not
both CUs i've used applied those fees, my wife's does
my current bank charges like 1% or something
incoi signed up for a vps yesterday but still havent gotten th login info [18:13]
RandalSchwartzit can take a day or two [18:14]
incoup_the_irons are you around ill pay extra to get it setup now [18:15]
up_the_ironsinco: really? under what name; thought i did all orders yesterday... [18:16]
incocan i pm [18:17]
up_the_ironsyes [18:17]
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